The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 113 Reunited World 【Adult】

Chapter 113 Reunited World 【Adult】

In the end, Lin Yuner approached the president with her two roommates who were pregnant.

After the president received the call from his roommate, he was already prepared and offered a sum of money for the two of them to abort the child.

Lin Yun'er was so angry that she wanted to tell the school about it, but when she saw the appearance of her two roommates, her heart softened again.

The roommate of the guitar club quit the guitar club, and together with Lin Yuner accompanied the pregnant two roommates to the hospital to have an abortion.

After the examination, only one person met the conditions for abortion, and the other person was not suitable for abortion because she was more than two months old.

The girl who said that she twisted her foot that day was the one who was more than two months old.

Upon hearing the news, her face turned pale and she left the consulting room in a daze.

When Lin Yun'er found out that she was missing, she hurriedly followed her out.

Pulling her down, Lin Yun'er finally brought her back to the hospital.

When I came back that night, the four people in the dormitory discussed it, and went to school the next day to tell the teacher about the president.

Lin Yuner didn't want this matter to become a big deal, and the two parties ended up changing the school with the president, and the roommate who couldn't have an abortion was compensated, and she kept her student status and went home to wait for the end of the childbirth.

And the originally dreamlike life has also become flat, and those episodes that were originally dreamlike will not flock to me like attracting bees and butterflies.

It was only the first year of university, Lin Yuner found that she no longer believed in love.

Love makes people blind, love makes people sin, do people really need such a thing as love?

For the next three years, Lin Yun'er looked at the sweet couples on campus, and couldn't find the answer in her heart.

Without the blessing of capital, she has made several bad movies one after another. She is not as high-minded as before, and she finds that as long as she makes a good TV series, it is also a kind of success.

So also lightly relieved.

Since then, many men have "loved" her, including seniors, juniors, outsiders, and capitalists.

But she didn't have the same yearning for love as in the past. After experiencing so much, Lin Yun'er found that she had become disgusted with men.

From the physical disgust, she would feel bored when she smelled them, and she thought that maybe a person would be fine.

Her reputation in the circle is very good, her popularity is also very good, and her fans are extremely loyal, which is also due to her enthusiasm for work.

It is something she avoids, so only work can enrich herself and make her paralyzed.

As long as there are people around, whether teammates or strangers.Regardless of whether she is a big coffee or has no status, she is always so delicate and sensitive, taking care of the emotions of those around her gently and considerately.

Make others feel safe, warm and valued.This is how she behaves to the extreme.But Lin Yuner protected herself and took care of others.

For men, they maintain a sense of proportion and boundaries, making it impossible for them to develop love.

Then she started to get obsessed with things like this, and grateful for things like this that numbed herself.

She remembered that the senior actor who had only worked with him once had a birthday, and would call him to sing birthday songs.

When a former singer who was no longer brilliant ran to the waiting room for his daughter and wanted an autograph for the boy group, the young staff members treated each other indifferently, and only Yoona who was passing by stepped forward to help him get the autograph .

There is a director who filmed an MV who grew up from a small person. He was treated coldly by many stars when he was unknown, so he sneered at the so-called star chasing, but after working with Yoona, he said that he was cured. Yoona is a South Korean entertainment Circle the most beautiful exception.

She always pays attention to others and gives her help when needed, whether the other party is a big name in the industry or a humble staff member.

Work, home, two o'clock and one line have become Lin Yuner's daily life.

The work is getting better and better, she is becoming more and more famous, and she is becoming less and less homeless.

She felt that her life would go on so calmly, and maybe one day she would be honored by the Blue House for her accumulated donations or good tax payments.

Maybe because of a big movie hit, he will start to compete for the Blue Dragon Award, but this is only in the future.

The time came to 2015, and a major event happened during this period, which made her start to examine herself again.

My elder sister achieved a class leap through men, and realized the goal that she had set since she was a child.

No matter the process or not, the result is the most important.

If she hadn't encountered those things before, she might have only complained, why wasn't that person me?
But after encountering so many things, she began to be sure to stay away from men, otherwise she would become unlucky.

Because it was that man who turned nine people into eight people, and it was also from this incident that the seal that was slowly loosened became stronger.

Lin Yuner doesn't like men!

Father Lin began to worry about his daughter, seeing her look like a workaholic made him very distressed.

She didn't know what her daughter had gone through. From birth to now, she had always been the perfect girl in someone else's family, and she had never been in a relationship since birth.

Because there is no man, Father Lin ordered her to talk to a boyfriend after a while to change herself.

Or let Lin Yuner go on a blind date.

Lin Yuner hesitated for a long time.

Finding a boyfriend is absolutely impossible.She didn't think that among the people she knew, anyone could be suitable for her.

Artists are profit-seeking, and dating itself should not be based on the premise of marriage, which will make both parties anxious.

But looking at Father Lin's old appearance, she felt that she should also consider what her father wanted.

So I agreed to a blind date.

Are blind dates really reliable?Can a marriage be happy without love?Will she, who has never fallen in love with others, ever fall in love with others one day?

Lin Yuner finally agreed to Lin's father, but if Lin's father had to do a full investigation, she only had one blind date.

If she doesn't succeed this time, then she has to work harder, and her father can't stop her.

For this point, my father accepted it as soon as he saw it, and had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Seeing that his daughter was so demanding, Father Lin put all his energy into screening his future son-in-law.

This search took another half a month, and Lin Yuner stayed at home because there was no filming during this period.

It was precisely because of this that Father Lin worked harder to find a boyfriend for Lin Yuner.

What kind of person would the prospective son-in-law that Father Lin carefully selected be like?

Lin Yuner actually had some expectations in her heart, so she dressed up a little.

The location of the blind date is a coffee shop.

It was snowing heavily that day, which meant that tonight's trip didn't seem to be so smooth.

Before Lin Yun'er entered the store, she found her blind date, wearing a suit and sitting upright.

(End of this chapter)

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