The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 122 0100----Causal Events

122 Chapter 0100 – Causal Events
Park Shangyuan hung up the phone and returned to the office. He didn't know how long it was on the phone, but several people were already asleep. This is because today's search was too busy, so several people shouted loudly without any scruples. sleep.

Qiu Xiuzhen was the only woman, and because she had to investigate many things tomorrow, Park Shangyuan specially approved her to go home and sleep, so that she could do better investigations with enough energy.

It was just covered with a thin blanket, and then I started to fall asleep. I fell asleep very deeply and fell asleep very quickly. It was also a day of running.

He had a dream, not a very good dream.


early morning.

A voice brought Park Sang-won back from his dream to reality.

His head was heavy, and he tried to open his eyes and felt that the blanket on his body was very thick. He didn't know who covered him after he fell asleep. He turned his head vigorously, and there was no one else in the room except Dian Wei.

Dian Wei sat on the chair, saw Pu Shangyuan get up and hurried forward to greet him.

"Su Shuzhen has already gone to work, and he told me not to wake you up, just watching here to let the boss sleep for a while."

He nodded, and after returning to his office, he found the sofa and lay down. He looked at his watch at that time, and at 12:00 he slept for nine hours.

He slept so deeply that he didn't even wake himself up when the staff moved around. It seemed that he was really tired yesterday.

He didn't know who covered himself with the heavy blankets, but when he came back, the only few blankets had already been covered by other people.

Thanks to the warmth in the office, otherwise, I would have caught a cold by now.

Park Sang-won touched his nose and stood up, then came to the bed and stretched.

Is this the life of a prosecutor?

Really tired!

He stretched his waist and let out a long breath.

Wisps of sunlight fell on him in the morning, and the high sun had already climbed up the tall buildings.

"Did you sleep well, boss?"

Dian Wei didn't know when he came behind him and also stopped by the window.

Park Shangyuan tidied his hair indiscriminately, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and looked like he couldn't wake up. He didn't think about it when he heard this.

"Sleeping on the sofa is not as good as the bed at home, do you think you sleep well?"

"Hey hey, I'm the same boss."

Just as the two were bickering, the door was pushed open.

Qiu Xiuzhen came over.

After rubbing his sleepy eyes, Pu Shangyuan said weakly: "How is it? Have you found the clue about the smoke?"

"I found out that Huaxia Tobacco is not in circulation in our country, so only a small number of stores will stock such cigarettes, so we didn't have much trouble finding it."

Hearing the news, Dian Wei was very excited.

If it is a mass circulation product on the market, it is relatively difficult to find out, but if it can only be obtained through special channels, it will be very targeted.

"Don't be too happy, listen to me first." Qiu Xiuzhen said very politely and left the rest.

"According to the survey, Zhonghua Tobacco is not sold in any convenience store. At present, there are only two sales channels. One is only available in specific tobacco and alcohol supermarkets. Overseas markets, this source of passenger flow is relatively stable. The information we found is There is no such person at all, and their information is also open and transparent. People who buy this kind of cigarettes can be business elites who have certain assets to smoke foreign cigarettes, so it is not like what you said.”

"As for the other channel, it is the place where the Chinese live, but most of the places where the Chinese live are urban villages, regardless of the area.

The small supermarkets opened in them are even more disorganized, so it is very difficult for us to find out, but we have already obtained the monitoring of supermarkets in various places, and we may be able to find out who bought cigarettes. "

"But a large amount of police force needs to be deployed. We have already deployed it. Now we just need to wait. It should be..."

"I *, it means I didn't say it." Dian Wei was like a deflated ball, slumped on the chair, and his whole life was hopeless. He thought that he would be motivated to investigate today, but in the end he was still like a headless chicken. Rampage.

The current conclusion can only be that the suspect may be a doctor, and the reverse smoking is still Zhonghua brand cigarettes, and he has an affair with Li Chengyan.

So far there are only so many conclusions.

Park Sang-won sat on the chair and looked up at the clock. The time is now nine o'clock in the morning, and there is still one hour before the report to Minister An Zuo. If you can't find the information, it seems that you can only make mistakes Just wrong.

After all, wise and safe?

The door was opened again. After Su Shuzhen came over with an inspection report, he handed it to Park Shangyuan with burning eyes.

"Cigarettes don't have fingerprints, and the paper is too small to extract DNA from the National Institute of Science. The clues checked yesterday are completely useless."

Park Shangyuan took over the test report, this kind of thing is very normal, but so far only know the directional clues, and now it seems that it is not enough, it can only be used as a few dispensable clues to the witnesses.

It is impossible to go to the person I met on the street, and then arrest him directly, it is absolutely impossible.

Dian Wei was amused: "Looking at your drive to enter the door, I thought you had found some clues, and you co-authored to tell us yesterday's clues, but it was useless to find them. Is it possible that you still have to say such things?"

Su Shuzhen ignored him and continued.

"There is another piece of news, which is very strange, but I don't know if it has anything to do with our case."

Su Shuzhen made a 180-degree turn.

"What news?" Park Sang-won seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

"The criminal police team received a report from the masses during the visit. At about three o'clock in the morning on the day of the incident, a man snatched a padded jacket from a scavenger less than one kilometer to the south of the villa area. According to the scavengers The reporter reported that at that time, the person was soaked all over, his hair was frozen, and he was shivering with cold."

Park Sang-won asked, "Did the criminal police investigate this clue deeply?"

"I checked, and because of the dark sky, the scavengers didn't notice what the other party looked like." Su Shuzhen said respectfully.

"This happened during the time of the incident..." Park Sang-won muttered to himself.

"How could there be such a coincidence?" Su Shuzhen shook his head while talking. He was shocked when he heard this clue. As an investigator for many years, such an extraordinary clue is definitely the key to solving the case. .

"Prosecutor Park..." Su Shuzhen called out tentatively.

Pu Shangyuan put away his right hand pinching his chin, raised his head and said to several people: "I don't believe this is a coincidence, so this line must be investigated."

"Okay!" Several people said in unison.

 After finishing this case, I will write pure love.

(End of this chapter)

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