The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 14 0014----Case Ended

Chapter 14 0014 - Case Closed
"It's time to perform again, right?" Park Sang-won smoked a cigarette, looking at her expressionlessly.

This is just a budding flower in school, if it becomes such a person in society, it is indeed a bit scary.

"Honestly, have you considered becoming an actor? Are you really..."

Before Pu Shangyuan finished speaking, he heard a bang.

"Enough!" Father opened the door suddenly, and he looked at Pu Shangyuan with a stern expression: "I did everything, and this matter has nothing to do with him."

Park Sang-won put the cigarette butt on the table in the interrogation room and extinguished it, looking strangely at his father who rushed in suddenly.

"I witnessed my daughter arguing with the deceased and threatened to expose her."

The father's wrinkled face trembled uncontrollably, and he said, "I can't, I can't ruin my daughter's future, he is my only daughter."

Park Shangyuan turned his head, and when he wanted to get a cigarette, he found that the cigarette had been exhausted. He was a little irritable and glared.

His father bowed his head while he was staring at him, with a sad expression on his face that couldn't be revealed, his eyes were uncommunicative, and he stared numbly in front of him.

"So I followed him into the park and killed him."

Park Shangyuan straightened his waist, looking at the sudden change, he was at a loss for a while.


"Then you come in, your daughter goes out."

"Excuse me, do you have any cigarettes?" Park Sang-won said with a smile to the police who heard the news. It would be very uncomfortable if there were no cigarettes when handling the case.

The policeman handed over the cigarette, and Park Shangyuan picked up a cigarette and smoked it, slowly exhaled a smoke ring, and laughed at his father who was expressionless at the moment.

"You obviously didn't kill someone, why do you still admit that you killed someone? Father and daughter love each other deeply."

The father was still expressionless: "I have nothing to say, I have already confessed and killed him."

Pu Shangyuan raised his legs and smoked a cigarette slowly, picked up other people's mobile phones to check.

"Well, how about this, I just want to show you a few photos, let you confirm."

"Of course." Father nodded.

Park Shangyuan picked up his phone and found a photo, and put it directly in front of his father.

"You see what this is?"

"What is this?" His father looked at him strangely, his face full of doubts.

"It's just a very simple personality test question, to judge whether you have..." Park Shangyuan was at a loss for words for a while: "...the personality of a murderer."

The father shook his head: "This is a clown, the eyebrows on his face are pulled down, and he looks sad."

"That's right, it's the same expression as yours now, with a shrugging face." Park Shangyuan nodded, and switched to the next photo.

"See what this one is?"

My father lost patience when he saw the photos. Yes, he is a murderer. Why use these photos to test himself bit by bit is really ridiculous.

"I don't understand what you want to express at all. Isn't this just a picture of a smiling puppy?"

"Ah, that's right." Park Sang-won picked up his phone again and found another photo, this time he didn't put it directly in front of his father.

The previous two times were just ordinary pictures, but this time it was Wang Zhazhe.

Park Sang-won looked at his father with arrogance in his eyes: "This is the last one. If you don't answer correctly, the consequences will be very serious."

Father slapped the table with both hands angrily: "Why do you still have to admit that I killed someone? What the hell are you doing?"

Even though Park Sang-won was scolded, he didn't speak, and put the photo directly in front of his father.

This time when the father saw the photo, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and even had a physical reaction, turning his head away in disgust.

"What the hell are you trying to do? Show me a picture of a dead body."

Park Sang-won put away his phone with a playful expression.

"Actually, I made up the personality test of the murderer. I just want to see your real reaction to this photo."

"It stands to reason that when you saw the photo of the victim, your expression should be disgusted and disgusted. But when I saw you saw the photo, you were surprised and frightened, and I felt like you were about to vomit."

Father's eyebrows were pulled down, and his cheeks were pulled down together. This is a sign of extreme sadness. His nerves are currently in a state of tension, and he may collapse at any time.

Facing his own interrogation, he couldn't stand it at all.

The father didn't give up, and wanted to refute: "No, that's not the case. I was surprised because I was very scared when I saw the photos."

Park Sang-won shook his head, stood up and put the phone in his pocket, looking playfully at the father who committed the crime for his daughter.

"It is absolutely impossible for a murderer to show a surprised expression after killing someone. Your expression will not lie. I know you want to protect your daughter. Maybe you even think it is the right choice to take the blame for your daughter.

"But in fact, you can't protect him. The subsequent chain of evidence will prove that you can't be the murderer who killed the deceased."

Park Sang-won understands his father's feelings. Although he is not a father, he has a younger sister who is usually very noisy.

Although he would also grab things from himself, eat and beat him, but when his relatives were threatened, he was definitely the first person to rush forward.

He didn't want to lead his father in front of him astray.

"You pamper her again and again. If she enters the society and makes mistakes, you will also be responsible. If she is killed because of this or that, how will you feel?"

When the father heard this, he lost his life like a deflated balloon, and he was paralyzed on the chair. Thinking about the little things he had with his daughter, he finally let go.

He became haggard all of a sudden. As a man, he tried hard to hold back his tears, but as a father, he finally shed tears of repentance.

"She's a nice girl, she doesn't actually want to kill people, she just wants to stop...

"The father choked up and looked at the airtight and ventilated glass window, as if he could see his daughter through it.

He cried with a sore nose, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Dad, don't worry! I will take care of myself." She comforted her father.Father sobbed a few more times.

I remember telling her stories when I was a child. Those fairy tales were all old-fashioned stories about princesses and dwarves, but my daughter would still surround me and listen to my father telling stories every day so that I could fall asleep.

Such days have passed day by day, but now it has become what it is now, which is really emotional.

The present self is no longer the previous self.This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand. He had failed as a father.

"It would be nice if he didn't tell me, and it would be nice if I didn't know."




Park Shangyuan sighed for a long time, he was suppressed for a long time today, and at this moment he was finally released, and it was an incomparably carefree release.

This is an avoidable criminal case.

Is the teacher pitiful?

The answer is yes. Wearing cheap clothes and being born in poverty can only be achieved through continuous efforts. It can be regarded as a model of the poor's counterattack.

Obviously, this is already very good, but the pressure of family, life, and society unceremoniously weighed on him, making him unable to breathe. He could only make money through this method.

But he shouldn't touch the law and help students pass the judicial examination, and these people who should not have passed the judicial examination enter the society. This is a kind of harm to society, but she has earned huge benefits.

So she is not pitiful.

And the mother of the deceased.

By pulling out seedlings to encourage her son to become a dragon, she wanted her daughter to be like herself. To a large extent, her death came from setting too high expectations for her children, as if she had achieved class breakthrough and entered the upper class without hard work.

This kind of obsessive-compulsive thinking that "backfires" is not advisable. More than 90% of the children in this world are very ordinary, and geniuses and academic masters in the strict sense rarely exist.

But an ordinary child does not mean that they have no characteristics. In many cases, the parents' wish is to eliminate characteristics and pursue commonality.

In Tai Juqing's view, the child is not good enough because she did not control it well, and the failure of the judicial examination made her very anxious.

It is precisely because of this.

Once things are beyond one's control, or the child conceals something, it is easy to get angry, and the child is not allowed to go against his will or challenge his authority.

In the end, because of the emotions she had suppressed for a long time, she broke out at that moment. She did not allow her efforts to be trampled, so she chose to expose.

Ding Baodi's parents are too pampering and pampering their children. It is instinctive to love their children, but being too pampered may hinder their growth and development.

Although parental love is unrequited, it does not mean that parents do not need to control the measure and scale of love for their children.

Just like Ding Baodi, his father knew about it.That's because I dote too much on my child, so I treat this matter as a trivial matter, but unfortunately it leads to disaster.

The murderer... didn't have to wash.

Everyone in the case is not perfect, they have their own little thoughts, and this is the reason why today's tragedy happened.

The time is no more than 12 o'clock, which is enough to close the case.

The case is over.

(End of this chapter)

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