The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 157 The World Reunited [Gravekeeper]

Chapter 157 The World Reunited [Gravekeeper]

When I got home, my grandma had already come back and was sitting on the sofa watching TV. Seeing him coming in, I greeted him casually, "You are tired from playing all day, go to bed early."

"you should also rest earlier."

Park Shangyuan responded, poured himself a glass of water and went back to the room after drinking it. He felt a little tired when he lay on the bed.

After lying quietly for a while, recalling what happened today, he got up from the bed and turned off the lights to prepare to fall asleep.

I kind of miss that soft little body, it would be nice if I could hug it and fall asleep every day...

But as soon as he closed his eyes, another little face appeared in his mind. Those big black and white eyes were always shining and staring at him, as if he would never get tired of it.

There was a throbbing in his heart, and he couldn't help reaching out to touch his lips, and a smile couldn't help but rise from the corner of his mouth.

That girl is really likable, especially her big eyes, which are like black gems, attracting attention.

Those eyes seem to be full of agility and vitality, I really want to hold her in my arms, hold her tightly, so that she can never leave me again.

But why did Lin Yuner give her the key, is she planning to keep her?
He murmured to himself, this girl's thoughts are really strange, and he is not short of money, why should he support himself?
Doesn't she want to work hard on herself?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, so he couldn't help laughing.

He is extremely repulsive to others, but he seems to be unable to repel Lin Yuner

Sighing, Pu Shangyuan turned over and covered his head with the quilt, he decided to continue imagining Lin Yuner's appearance.

He stroked his lips gently with his hand, feeling the warmth from his lips, he couldn't help throbbing in his heart, this feeling was so wonderful, he couldn't help but think about it again.

Night, without dreams.

Sleeping until dawn, when Park Shangyuan opened his eyes, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning. He took out his mobile phone and looked through it. Lin Yuner sent him a good morning at eight o'clock as usual, and after replying the same sentence, he put down his mobile phone and got up wash up.

Today's weather is still very cold, he wears thicker clothes, and his physique is very strong, he is not afraid of the cold at all, and he does not need to be afraid of the cold.

After changing his clothes and taking a bag, he was ready to go out.

His main task today is to meet with Dian Wei and ask about the details of this case

The appointment time was at 10:30 noon, and Park Sang-won arrived at [-]:[-]. This place is not far from Park Sang-won's house, it's about half an hour away by bus, but the location is a bit out of the way.

He doesn't come here very often. As a half-otaku, he often goes out only when he has something to do, and he goes back after finishing his work, and rarely hangs out.

After casually wandering around to understand the environment, Park Shangyuan took a look around, and then went to the Starbucks downstairs to order a cup of lemon tea to pass the time - he also wanted to taste the lemon tea that Lin Yuner likes to drink.

Sweet and sour, far worse than Yangzhi Ganlu, Park Shangyuan sat for more than ten minutes and took out his mobile phone to contact Dianwei, telling him that he had arrived and was downstairs.

Dian Wei also sent the general information to himself, as well as the special file for the police, which was also seconded by Dian Wei, who was in charge of the investigation.

When Dian Wei came, the employer hadn't arrived yet, so Pu Shangyuan had no choice but to read the file to pass the time.

These cases are quite interesting so far.

Just three days ago, a few daring college students went to the wilderness in the middle of the night to play the supernatural game of "copying tombstones", and something happened.

They reported the case late, and when the team received the police, one person had already died. This person was the master, so the police had to report to the criminal police team, and the criminal police team began to take over.

This case is called "the case of the living dead".

"Living dead", as the name suggests, are dead people who are still alive.

The more Park Shangyuan watched, the more fascinated he became. This case can no longer be described as bizarre.

When it was getting dark, Pu Shangyuan finished watching the case.A college student stumbled in from the coffee shop. Because he was immersed in the case, he didn't see it. On the contrary, Dian Wei greeted him after seeing it.

When he entered the coffee shop, he was in a trance, his face was pale, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, as if he hadn't slept in a long time, he was exhausted and lingered in the coffee shop.

Pu Shangyuan and Dianwei noticed him.Years of experience in handling cases made Pu Shangyuan and Dianwei immediately aware that there was something wrong with this college student.

The college student pursed his lips, hesitated for a while, and nodded.Seeing that he didn't continue immediately, Dian Wei could only squeeze toothpaste and ask, "His parents are the employers."

The college student said, "I killed someone."

Both Pu Shangyuan and Dianwei were taken aback, "You wouldn't tell the police, that's what you said."

What is certain is that if he said this sentence to the group of incompetent police, it is basically settled, and they will find out who the murderer is based on what he said. It's not surprising, because these people are really incompetent.

College students are called Xiaodan.

Sitting in the coffee shop, Xiao Shan still faltered and hawed. If Pu Shangyuan didn't ask, he wouldn't speak. If Pu Shangyuan asked, he would only answer the last sentence and then continue to remain silent.Dian Wei couldn't stand his violent temper, so he suppressed his anger: "Student, what are you thinking, do you want to turn yourself in?"

Xiao Dan claimed to have killed someone, and the Prime Minister of the Army also accurately described his behavior at the police station, and he indeed surrendered himself.

Xiao Dan's gaze was erratic, and he kept aiming at the empty back of Park Shangyuan, and I had a feeling of uneasiness.

Pu Shangyuan saw that Xiao Dan was distracted, and tapped on the table twice with his hand.He finally came back to his senses and added: "I'm not sure if what I killed was a human being."

Pu Shangyuan was a little surprised, Dian Wei didn't understand, and asked: "It's not a person, what is that?
One word came out of Xiao Dan's mouth: "Ghost."


The dossier is written like this, hereinafter referred to as me.

The team dispatched the police, and the scene of the crime was a mountain on the outskirts of the city.There are private graves all over the mountain.

We originally planned to bring Xiao Dan to identify the scene, but when we mentioned this request, Xiao Dan was terrified and refused to agree to life and death, so we had to keep him in the team.

It's strange to say, looking at his trembling appearance, it looks like a helpless person after killing someone, but to be honest, we are not a person who can read expressions enough, we can only be regarded as An old detective with social experience.

He looked like he was afraid.

The case is a bit bizarre. According to Xiao Shan's confession, two months ago, he used stones to chisel an old man who claimed to be the keeper of the grave in front of a grave. The old man was the owner of the grave, named Xu Zhenguo. Died years ago.

Therefore, Xiao Dan didn't know if he killed someone or not.

It was getting dark at night, and a group of us fumbled on the mountain with flashlights, and it took nearly an hour to finally find Xu Zhenguo's tomb.There are photos on the tombstone of this tomb, which is the joint grave of Xu Zhenguo and his wife.

Weeds were overgrown beside the grave, and the front of the grave seemed normal, with no blood visible to the naked eye.My team members and colleagues in the trace inspection team immediately used Ninghai Delin reagent to develop blood, trying to find hidden blood.

I squatted in front of the sealing stone of the tomb, watching carefully with a flashlight.

Not long after, the team members yelled: "There is nothing. The little guy is drunk."

Xiao Dan said that on the night of the crime, he and his classmates went up to the mountain to play a supernatural game of "copying tombstones". Everyone drank a lot of alcohol.The team members suspect that what Xiao Shan experienced was just a hallucination after drinking.

I thought about it, pointed to the sealing stone of the tomb and said, "This stone slab is new."

The team members came up and observed it, then nodded: "Really, it's weird."

The tomb was built three years ago, and the sun and rain can be seen with the naked eye, but the stone slab used to seal the tomb is obviously relatively new, as if it was recently replaced.

According to the Korean ethical concept, once the tomb is sealed, it is generally not opened, unless it is a joint grave of some families, and a new person dies, the grave will be opened and a new urn will be put in.

This is indeed a combined grave, but judging from the inscription on the tombstone, both Xu Zhenguo and his wife passed away three years ago, so how could a new decibel be used?This is absolutely impossible, that is to say, this point should be newly created, or this tombstone has been replaced.

In order not to make mistakes, we did not withdraw the team immediately, and centered on Xu Zhenguo's tomb, we surveyed other tombs within a hundred meters.This investigation, really found the problem.

In front of another tomb, the team members found a large amount of washed blood with a hematogen, which is enough to prove that this is a murder case.

In the middle of the night, more comrades from the team went up the mountain to join the investigation and evidence collection at the scene.The complete body was not found, but a small toe was found in a patch of grass.

Preliminary judgment shows that the body was dismembered, and the toes may have been left on the scene by mistake.

We brought the toe back to the team and asked the forensic doctor to work overtime overnight.Autopsy work is not easy, and it is even more difficult to examine a corpse with only body parts, and a toe cannot even be called a body part.

Specific problems cannot be overcome.

The first is how to determine the identity of the body.If the DNA database cannot match the identity of the deceased, it is very difficult to determine the identity of the dead body only by visiting and asking.

The second is how to determine the time of death.Generally speaking, for corpses that died within a short period of time, the approximate time of death can be judged based on the body temperature, degree of rigor, and morphology of the plaques, but judging by the characteristics of this amputated toe, the deceased had been dead for a long time.There is another method, which is to calculate a more accurate time of death based on the contents of the stomach and intestines, but where does the stomach come from if a toe is amputated.

The second is how to determine the cause of death.Without a complete body, it is impossible to judge.

After the forensic doctor extracted the DNA of the toe, it was immediately handed over to the team members for matching. After that, the forensic doctor suddenly had no way to start.

Coincidentally, Ono, a forensic doctor sent by the Seoul Municipal Bureau to our city for an exchange, was about to end the exchange and return to Jingmen at dawn.So, I immediately called her.

In the early morning, Ono rubbed his sleepy eyes and entered the team.

Ono is a very good and dedicated forensic doctor. When she entered the forensic room, she devoted herself to the autopsy work.She bluntly said that there is no way for anyone to determine the cause of death when there is only one amputated toe.

I was a little anxious: "Where is the time of death?"

Ono gave me a confident smile: "There is a way."

Ono intends to judge the time of death of the corpse based on the degradation of the DNA material.This method can be applied to cases where there are only body parts in dismemberment cases. However, it has strict requirements on operating techniques and observation methods, and has not yet been widely used.

With Ono's help, it took only one day - the time of death of the corpse was determined: three months ago.

This time coincides with Xiao Dan's confession.

What is even more astonishing is that after the team members matched the DNA database, they actually determined that the deceased was Xu Zhenguo, who had been buried three years ago.Xu Zhenguo had undergone major surgery before his death, and had left DNA data in the city hospital.

The team members contacted Xu Zhenguo's children for the first time, and repeatedly confirmed that Xu Zhenguo and his wife died of illness within a few months three years ago, and their children personally buried Xu Zhenguo and his wife.

People are already dead, how can they die again?
Xu Zhenguo's children have emigrated overseas and cannot return to China to cooperate with our investigation.My team members and I looked at Xiao Dan who was still in a daze in the interrogation room, and immediately applied to our superiors. After obtaining the consent of Xu Zhenguo's children, we decided to open the grave for investigation.

The grave was opened, and the tomb was very deep. What was placed inside was not an urn, but a coffin.After the death of Xu Zhenguo and his wife, their children did not cremate them, but put them into coffins in violation of regulations.However, only the bones of Xu Zhenguo's wife lay in the coffin, and Xu Zhenguo had long since disappeared.

The whole team was shocked.

When the forensic doctor Ono got on the high-speed rail, he reminded us: "Although the body in the coffin is gone, Xu Zhenguo's DNA can definitely be found in the coffin, and compared with the toes, we can determine whether it is the same person."

However, one wave after another of astonishment, Ono's proposal did not solve the problem for us, but brought deeper doubts. The results of DNA comparison showed that the DNA in the toes and the DNA in the coffin belonged to the same person. Moreover, according to the degradation of the DNA material in the coffin, Xu Zhenguo in the coffin did indeed die three years ago.

The team member said suddenly: "Xiao Dan killed it. What a ghost.


There is no follow-up at this point in Zhengzong. To be honest, he still has no clue, but if the private detective has only this ability, it is certainly not enough to earn so much money.

Park Shangyuan looked at Xiaodan, using as gentle a tone as possible, with a smile on the corner of his mouth all the time, "Just tell me what you did that day, so that I can continue to bring you the result of the matter."

He seemed very reluctant to recall these things, but under his strong request and for his own innocence, he still spoke out intermittently.


When people pass the tomb, they must maintain a sense of awe, at least, don't laugh and play.

We paid for it.

I am Xiaodan.

This "tombstone copying" game originated from a Hong Kong horror movie we watched.The plot of the movie is very simple. A few young people went up the mountain overnight with pens and paper, copied the names on the tombstones, and checked them at dawn. Whoever copied more and more correctly proved the courage of the person.However, they did not wait for dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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