The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 189 0152----I want to seal the sky

189 Chapter 0152 – I want to seal the sky
In the case of no special/public security/planning experience, there are cases where I was promoted to the head of the District Prosecutor's Office only by working in the criminal department. There are female District Prosecutors. Chuncheon District Prosecutor's Office Chief Prosecutor Lee Young-joo.

However, they can only be seen as promotions at the nursing level for female prosecutors, even though they have only moved to the criminal sector and have not held the same top positions as other male prosecutors.

In fact, he was not the leading figure in the standard bearer, but was promoted on the second or third time.

In terms of practical experience, she has served as the head of women's policy in the Ministry of Justice, or as a front-line officer investigating crimes against women/children.

Therefore, judging from the personal data of prosecutors, those from the special department, public security department, and gold bar department proudly write "Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office Special Director", while those from the criminal department write "Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office Ministry of Public Prosecutors".

The head of the criminal department of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office alone is a very famous prosecutor, but because it is the criminal department, it is a bit embarrassing, and it is generally "the chief prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office".

Ordinary prosecutors and deputy prosecutors are made up of some public security/special officers and most of the crust.

However, the ratio of police officers to special officers will increase significantly if they are promoted to deputy chief prosecutors.

When I became the Attorney-General level, all the staff were police/special officers, and there was not a single dog.

If we say "dead", the chief prosecutor's first job protection is the criminal police/Qiang Li/Minister Song Wu of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. , The Minister of Anti-Corruption?

In the special team that is in charge of large-scale injustice incidents in the news, only the prosecutor has 2 prosecutors, so the prosecutor only catches one case and wrestles, but the prosecutors who account for 80% of the above are in charge of nearly 150~300 cases per month case.

On the other hand, the workload in the cognitive department is a bit elusive.In the scene of the seizure and search of special departments in the news, it is often seen that all the documents have been shaken out, but the workload found after research should not be small.

The prosecutors' investigators don't care how much they study, but in the end it's the prosecutors.

Even so, there are some years where there are only 0 indictments from the Central Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.In other words, there was no such a big event that year, so we played directly.

In 2016, Kim Hong-young (2), the first-time prosecutor of the Criminal Division 33 of the Southern District Prosecutor’s Office in Seoul, committed suicide due to overwork and the violent words of Chief Prosecutor Kim Dae-hyun. The left and right personnel have enriched the personnel of the criminal department.In the prosecutor's view, the criminal department has a lot of business, and the cognitive department has relatively more business.

Not the director.

Most local inspectors check these documents on a daily basis.

Instead of looking at the prosecutors alone, they look at them in the prosecutor's room together with public servants in the prosecutorial office, and it is not a document that needs to be read carefully, but the workload is the same.

While the number of prosecutors is increasing, the number of criminal cases in the Republic of Korea is increasing even faster.

In this case, the situation of the young educated youth is that there are many cases of all 4~5 prosecutors, and it is clear what will happen if one of them takes a vacation.

It is very common for female prosecutors to commute to postpartum care homes from the second day after giving birth.Although prosecutors often apply for parental leave after maternity leave, if they are responsible for the follow-up business of the incident, of course they have to commute to and from get off work.

Although it will get better and better there, but if you add the unique dinner party culture of the prosecutors' organization, ordinary prosecutors can see where those who grab sponsors and political contacts do such things, Exhausting.

It is not surprising that a first-time prosecutor commits suicide because he cannot withstand the workload and the violent words of his boss.

Therefore, when talking about the current situation of the prosecution in the Republic of Korea, the biggest problem is that the self-proclaimed elite factions in the prosecution, such as Gongan Tong and Special Tong, have turned into political prosecutors, making the entire prosecution loyal to power and becoming a dog of informationism and power. , when a lame duck occurs at the end of a regime, rebellions to immediately replace power become a daily political bloc.

The severe internal imbalance in which political prosecutors monopolize personnel power also affects the actions of the procuratorate.

In a modern society where escalation and scale of victimization are increasing, it is the prosecution that should detect and punish all criminal groups.

However, the political prosecutors who monopolize the leadership of the Korean prosecutorial agency concentrate their power on a small number of power-based criminal investigation departments for their own reporting. Waiting for the power levels in this society to collude and wield power, so that the image of the entire procuratorate will become bad.Courtesy of ex-officials, inspections, prosecutors' unhealthy practices, etc. Most of these stories are not public security/special experts, but prosecutors from the ordinary criminal department and public justice department.

When Hong Man-pyo, Woo Byung-woo and others said, “How much is the special event fee” instead of accumulating tens of billions of won in assets, the prosecutors were the most exhausted.

The salary of the prosecutor is very poor, compared to the workload, everyone who knows it is Park Feng knows it.Although it is a lot of salary, but considering the workload of the case, it is not the case, and in order to run the prosecutor's office, a lot of salary is also required.

So far, it is a fact that the prosecutorial organization is corrupt and has not been bothered to improve the undemocratic practices. Therefore, it is natural that the public has a bad image of prosecutors.But before getting hostile to prosecutors[45], hopefully they know that these prosecutors make up between 8% and 90% of the prosecutors.

Of course, from the standpoint of land rights, the unhealthy tendencies and long-standing abuses condemned by the people are not created by the public security/special information of the political procuratorate. Public opinion within the agency is also quite high, and it is believed that procuratorial reform must be promoted.

Not only did many people lose this kind of thinking when they went up a little bit, but also from the nature of the organization of the procuratorate, there were many cases where the public opinion was not reflected below.


Passed the 1981rd Judicial Examination in 23. After being hired as a prosecutor in the Nambu Branch of the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office in 1983, he continued to devote himself to the prosecution.In the late 80s when he was a prosecutor, he was sent to the heavy water department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office to participate in the investigation of the injustice incident of Jeon Kyung-hwan (1 year old), the head of the Sinchon Movement Headquarters.The Busan District Prosecutor's Office received the "Annual Special Investigation Award" from the Central Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office for directing the investigation of the Hengyun trade union's unhealthy practices in the first long-term examination.

Compared with special and public security, he pays more attention to planning and international communication. In 1989, he worked at the Office of International Legal Affairs and Legal Affairs of the Korean Ministry of Justice, and served as the first Legal Cooperation Officer of the U.S. Embassy in the Public Prosecutor's Office.After that, he served as the chief of the Planning Section of the Legal Training Institute, the chief of the International Law Section of the Ministry of Justice, and a legal review officer.Although he has little experience in the special and public security fields, he has been holding important positions in the central government since he was in his 40s, so he is evaluated as a "late bloomer".

However, in 2002, Kim Dae-yeop, who was in charge of the screen incident, was detained and investigated on suspicion of false accusations and defamation against some opposition, which became a stumbling block in the participation in the government for a while. In 2003, he was assigned as the Daejeon High Prosecutor's Prosecutor during the personnel adjustment, but he moved to the local government while participating in the government.

After that, as soon as the Li government came to power, it began to pursue the victory again.The Chief Prosecutor of the Ministry of Justice, the Chief Prosecutor of Seoul, and the Chief of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office have held the highest positions. His older brother, Lee Sang, was born in TK and received close blessings among his peers in the 14th class of the Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy.

In 2011, when he was the head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office, Han Sang-ryul, the head of the National Tax Service, was prosecuted without detention during the bribery case of Han Sang-ryul, the head of the National Tax Service.In addition, suspicions of bribery against Lee Sang-ji, suspicions of targeted tax investigations against Taekwang's unemployment, and suspicions of Lee Myung-bak's actual owner of Dogok-dong land were excluded from the investigation.Kim Kyung-joon’s older sister, Erika Kim, was also ordered to suspend the prosecution for allegedly embezzling 319 billion won in BBK investment consulting funds.

Whether it was because of this reason or not, in August 5, after five months as the head of the Central District Prosecutor’s Office, he ascended to the long-awaited position of chief prosecutor.

At the time of the personnel hearing, although there were many doubts about exempting the military, transferring in disguise, and plagiarizing papers, former President Lee Myung-bak pushed it to the end and finally sat on the position of chief executive.

Of course, after becoming the Attorney General, he still played the role of "protecting MB".When investigating the case of SLS Heavy Industry Chairman Lee Gook-young, who was suspected of implicating Lee Sang, only a written investigation was conducted on Lee Sang, and he also led the investigation into the suspicion of Lee Myung-bak's private house in Naegok-dong.

After that, he resigned from the position of prosecutor general for the first time in one year and three months before his two-year term expired.

Because, since he took office as the chief, the overly arbitrary operating organization has led to the expansion of conflicts between the Supreme Prosecutor's Office and the front-line local prosecutor's office.

In particular, the fact that he was involved in the investigation in order to take care of Choi Tae-won, the chairman of the SK Group, who has a personal relationship, is in crisis.Later, in order to change the situation, they tried to promote the reform of the prosecution, including the abolition of the Central Fisheries Department, but the opposition of Choi Jae-kyung, the Central Fisheries Minister of the Supreme Prosecutors Office, made the situation uncontrollable.

During this process, Choi Jae-kyung, the Central Investigation Director of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, who is a 4-year-old junior at the training institute (the 17th term of the training institute), sent a small text message, instructing the unreasonable disturbance of the inspection to be the final decision.As a result, various prosecutors’ offices across the country demanded the resignation of the chief prosecutor, and finally launched a collective defense against Choi Jae-kyung, then head of the central investigation department of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, and resigned in disgrace on November 2012, 11.This is called "rare gladiolus".

Therefore, after resigning from the position of prosecutor general, he participated in seminars hosted by conservative civic groups, etc., and delivered a speech denouncing the North Korean forces.have. #
After returning to his alma mater, Korea University, he taught legal ethics for the first year at the Graduate School of Law.Before Corona, he would often fire coffee at the cadets.

Chief Yoon Seok-cha clashed with the Moon government due to an investigation in his home country, and after the unprecedented situation in which Minister of Justice Chu was suspended, Moon Mu-il, the former chief prosecutor of Yoon, led the resolution of the protest by the former chief prosecutor, and Moon personally contacted and requested After the Kim administration, only Chae Dong-wook and Han Sang-dae did not participate among the 11 prosecutors general.

In fact, it can be said that when the Conservative Party came to power, the power of the Ministry of Public Affairs will be stronger, and it was unprecedentedly strong during the Lee period.

But if it is in the hands of the enlightened faction, the Special Search Department will be even stronger. The fact is that unprecedented conflicts will break out between the two parties for the only seats.


Walking out of An Zha's office, Park Sang-won heaved a sigh of relief. He learned a lot about the secret history of this country from An Zha's mouth. Of course, outsiders will not know this kind of thing. Only insiders will know this kind of thing. If everyone in the world If people know it, then this country will be completely reduced to a laughing stock.

It's ridiculous to say that I am just a new prosecutor who has just entered the workplace, and now I know this.

He didn't expect that the person he had been waiting for and the person he wanted to turn to was An Zha who was "close in front of him". Now he could only let go of his hatred. People on the same front, because the two have a common enemy.

Perhaps this is some kind of arrangement.Perhaps the two were destined to be together from the first day they met.

He also remembers that on the day of his test, he tried to play the clown as much as possible to let himself find out that it was a drill, but it turned out that he thought it was a drill from the beginning to the end, so if he said thank him, he should also thank him .

After all, he was also thinking about himself, not for himself. If he wanted to hate him, he would hate him. After all, he was the one who pushed himself into the abyss.

Having chosen a team, obtained asylum, and completed the one-step plan in his heart, Park Shangyuan felt extremely relaxed.

Starting today, he will officially enter the main battlefield, and he will use what he has learned in the beautiful country to spread his hands and feet in Daegu. This is necessary and necessary.

Show your talents, functions, and skills to outsiders. It is really because of this that you will become stronger than ever and let others recognize yourself.

This period of time has been extremely depressing. Daegu is my display stage. It can be expected that the big ball is not destined to be ordinary. The trip to my death is to show my muscles.

wait for me.

(End of this chapter)

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