The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 225 0188----

Chapter 225 0188——
"Xiaolong, call everyone over for a meeting." Brother Ming walked up to me and patted my shoulder and said.

"Yeah." I nodded slightly.

A few minutes later, the five of us sat in the conference room again.Brother Ming handed out the A4 papers with the basic information of the deceased to our hands. He lit a cigarette, smoked half of it, and said to us: "The name of the deceased is Xu Gang. The metropolis will pick up people and solicit customers at the west station of Liuhe City. Just now I asked about the situation of the deceased. I already have a general direction of investigation."

Hearing what brother Ming said, we who were silent at first immediately cheered up.

"What investigation direction?" I was the first to ask.

Brother Ming exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "I learned from Zhang Meifeng that Xu Gang doesn't bring too much money every time he goes out, so I changed my mind and reconsidered the suspect's real motive for committing the crime."

"Isn't the motive of committing the crime robbery? Isn't it?" I asked nervously.

"There must be, but in this case, besides a small amount of belongings, there is also a motorcycle at the scene of the crime." Brother Ming explained to me.

"Motorcycle?" Ye Qian seemed to understand something when she heard this term.

"Yes, what I want to talk about is this motorcycle." Brother Ming replied as he stubbed out his cigarette.

None of us knew what Brother Ming wanted to express. He looked around and said, "According to my understanding, the motorcycle that the deceased drove only costs two to five yuan. Yes, I would not choose motorcycle drivers to attack, because they have much less money than taxi drivers. If I were a suspect, I would definitely target the taxi driver first when money was desperately needed. So I I think the suspect is mainly going for the motorcycle. As a means of transportation, the motorcycle is very convenient and flexible, and it is easier to camouflage than a car."

"The suspect went towards the motorcycle?" I still couldn't think of the mystery inside and asked.

Brother Ming went on to say: "According to the current investigation, the suspect is very likely to have come to our Yunxi City by motorcycle from Liuhe City in the east. If calculated according to the number of kilometers, the motorcycle fee is at least 50 yuan." The price of the train from Liuhe City to our place is 24 yuan, and the train is available 15 hours a day, while the car only costs [-] yuan, why doesn’t he choose these two means of transportation?”

"Brother Ming, are you saying that something is wrong with the suspect?" I instantly understood what Brother Ming meant.

"Yes, you are right, that's what I thought. According to the investigation, the suspect should have taken the victim's motorcycle at night. The car stops at night. If you take the train, you need to show your ID card. The suspect may Knowing that he had committed a crime, he dared not take such a vehicle.

"Judging from the fact that the suspect targeted a motorcycle, he may need a car to escape. So I boldly guess that it is possible that the suspect in our case has a big case in another place. We now know The appearance of the deceased, and his motorcycle is also very distinctive, that is, the whole car is covered with stickers of his children, so it should be easy to distinguish. Jiao Lei——" Brother Ming shouted to Fat Lei when he said this .

"Brother Ming, tell me." Fat Lei picked up a pen and prepared to record.

"Contact your colleagues in the traffic police team, call the monitoring of the provincial road from Liuhe City to our place, and see if you can find the motorcycle of the deceased. It is best to have a clear image of the suspect." After finishing speaking , Brother Ming looked at his watch, and then said, "You go now."

Fat Lei closed his notebook, nodded, and left the office.

"Ye Qian." Brother Ming turned his head and said again.

"Director Leng, tell me." Ye Qian cheered up and replied.

"You should contact the Criminal Police Team now to sort out? 9lib. What major cases have happened in our province recently, we must focus on the suspect who is left-handed. Give me the answer as soon as possible." Brother Ming said hastily.

"Understood!" Ye Qian took the order and immediately got up and walked out of the office.

[-]. Offer a reward for arrest

Since the monitoring of the traffic police detachment is now connected to the Internet, all the videos can be retrieved as long as they sit in their command center.It took only one day for Fat Lei to classify the videos, and then he started his long video survey work.

Ye Qian also collected all the murder cases that occurred in the whole province one day later.Among the more than a dozen murder cases, none of the cases mentioned that the suspect was left-handed. It is estimated that the public security bureaus in many places have ignored this point.

At present, the rest of the work can only be done by Pang Lei. If we can get a clear image of the suspect and compare it with all the suspects one by one, there may be a breakthrough in the case.

The hard work paid off, and after two days of intense work, Fat Lei found images of the deceased and the suspect on the surveillance of a gas station.

The gas station is located in the east of our Yunxi City. The time shown on the surveillance video is 0:58 in the morning. It took almost an hour from there to the scene of the crime, which coincided with the time.Then the man behind the deceased may be the suspect.

Pat, clack, clack.A fuzzy surveillance screenshot gradually became clearer in Fat Lei's software, and finally the photo was processed by him to the point where it could be recognized.

"Okay. Xiaolong, go and get the photos of the suspects that Ye Qian sorted out, and I'll compare them." Fat Lei stared at his bloodshot eyes and said to me.

I walked up to him, lighted a cigarette for him very distressedly, and left the office quickly.

As soon as the smoke was half-burned, more than a dozen photos of the murder suspect were placed on Fat Lei's desk.He put the cigarettes in his hand on the ashtray, picked up the photos, and screened them one by one on his computer screen.

Just when I was about to turn around and make a cup of water with tea leaves, Fat Lei shouted excitedly:

"it's him!"

"Who?" I put down my teacup in a panic, and rushed in front of Fat Lei.

"He Changchun! It's definitely him, he hasn't even changed his clothes this shit, look!" Fat Lei pointed to the photo excitedly and said to me.

I glanced at the photo, and then at the surveillance camera. Sure enough, from the clothes and appearance, it was a person.

"Hurry up and tell Brother Ming about this." I urged from the side.

Just as we were about to go out, Brother Ming, Lao Xian, and Ye Qian nervously opened the door and walked in.

"Did you hear that?" I asked excitedly.

"As for your pig-killing roar, it's hard not to hear it." Ye Qian curled her lips and said to me.

Hearing her ridicule at me, I did not refute for the first time, but smiled at her.I had this reaction mainly because the moment I sent Zhang Meifeng away two days ago touched me.

Ye Qian froze for a moment, obviously she didn't guess my attitude.

"He Changchun, male, 19 years old, from Liuhe City, Wannan Province. He raped and killed one person on September 9." Brother Ming entered He Changchun's information 14lib? into the computer and read it carefully.

When I heard this, I also turned around and poked my head over, squinted my eyes while standing behind Brother Ming, and then said: "This case happened in the early morning of September 9th, and he committed rape and murder on September 16th, and It's still in Shouxi Village, Liuhe City, no matter the time or the place where the crime was committed, it's all right."

"Who did he rape?" Fat Lei yawned and raised his head wearily.

"Wait, let me take a look at the brief case." After finishing speaking, I squinted my eyes and read it on the computer, "At about 9:14 pm on September 3, the suspect He Changchun raped his sister-in-law Li Juan at home. The suspect is currently at large and his whereabouts are unknown."

"Bastard!" Ye Qian said through gritted teeth.

"Here's the phone number of the person in charge of the case. I'll make a call and ask about the specific situation." As he spoke, Brother Ming picked up the phone and dialed a series of numbers on the screen.

"Hello, who is it?" the person on the phone asked.

"Hello, I'm the director of the Technical Office of the Yunxi City Public Security Bureau, and my name is Leng Qiming." Brother Ming introduced himself.

"Hello, what's the matter?" The other party said a little tiredly.

"There was a murder case in our place some time ago. According to our investigation, the suspect is probably called He Changchun." Brother Ming said calmly.

"Who?" The other party suddenly called out.

"He Changchun!" Brother Ming repeated the name again.

"You said He Changchun, the suspect in our '9.14' murder?" The other party asked incredulously.

"If the direction of our investigation is correct, it should be him." Brother Ming replied.

"Damn it, this bastard killed another man!" The other party said viciously.

"The purpose of my calling you is to confirm one thing, is He Changchun left-handed?" Brother Ming hurriedly asked.

"Left-handed? I really don't know about this, but I should be able to find out if I ask his brother. Just wait for a while, and I will call you when I finish asking." The other party said politely.

"Okay." After speaking, Brother Ming hung up the phone, lit a cigarette, stood by the window, looked into the distance, and waited for the answer.

When Brother Ming pressed the cigarette butt on the windowsill, the phone in his hand rang.

"Hey, how do you know that He Changchun is left-handed?" the other party asked curiously.

"Yes." Brother Ming replied calmly.

"Do you have any clues?" The other party asked eagerly.

"No." Brother Ming replied with some disappointment.

"Hey! This kid has no money on him, so he can't run far. He killed his sister-in-law this time, so he must not dare to go to relatives. I heard that there is a classmate who has a good relationship with him in Dongshan City, west of your city. We doubt why Changchun went to join him. We have sent some people there, but there is no substantive investigation result yet." The other party said helplessly.

"From the current point of view, it is basically certain that he did your case and the case on our side. I will leave tomorrow to visit your bureau and tell you about the situation we have, and see if we can find out What a good way to do it." Brother Ming expressed his thoughts.

Hearing what Brother Ming said, the other party said straightforwardly: "No, I'll come to your unit tomorrow. I happen to be leaving for Dongshan City tomorrow, and I just pass by your Yunxi City."

"Okay, then call tomorrow."

"contacting via phone."

"He Changchun hid in Dongshan City?" I was standing next to Brother Ming when he called, so I heard it clearly.

Brother Ming nodded, then walked to the computer and opened the electronic map.Then he picked up a pen from the table, pointed to the map with the tip of the pen and said to us: "Jiao Lei discovered from the monitoring that the road section of the deceased was this provincial road. If you go northwest from the provincial road, you can directly go to the national road, which happens to pass through the road." Passing through Dongshan City. According to the police from Liuhe City Public Security Bureau, this He Changchun does not have much money, and according to his driving route, it is basically certain that he went to Dongshan City."

"But Dongshan City is so big, how should we do it?" Ye Qian asked while frowning.

"I'll think of a way after I meet with the police from Liuhe City Public Security Bureau tomorrow." Brother Ming said to us.

At eight o'clock the next morning, a police car with a "Bay A" license plate was parked in the yard of our technical room.Brother Ming and their principals discussed the facts of the two cases intensely in the conference room. Due to the limited space of the venue, the four of us sat in our offices and waited for the results.

"Xiaolong, what do you think of this case?" Ye Qian said to me, lying on the table wearily, with her chin resting on the back of her hand.

"It's difficult! Even if we know the suspect, it's not easy to catch. Judging from the fact that so many police forces have been mobilized in Liuhe City and there is still no clue, this He Changchun's anti-investigation ability is not ordinary." I sat on the chair said with a sigh.

"Then what should we do now?" Ye Qian also had no idea.

"Lockdown all the bus stations and train stations in Dongshan City, and then send additional police forces to search every house to catch the turtles. At present, this is the best way." I expressed my thoughts.

"It seems like this is the only way to go." Ye Qian said with great approval.

Two hours later, Brother Ming sent off the policemen in Liuhe City and called us together.

"Brother Ming, is there any good way?" I asked hastily.

"I just discussed the situation of the case carefully with the people from the Liuhe City Public Security Bureau. In their case, the suspect's semen was extracted, and in our case there is video evidence. Although these evidences can be used to decide the two cases, But it is not very helpful to find the murderer, just now they have made a detailed record of the situation we have, and I also printed the photo of the motorcycle stolen by the suspect, and they mean to close the city and arrest them." Brother Ming lit a cigarette and said.

"City closure and arrest? Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought. At present, this is the only way that is the most practical." I said while pinching my chin.

"I just made a phone call to the main leaders of our city bureau, and their ideas are even more extreme!" Brother Ming said, taking a puff of his cigarette.

"Ah? What do you think?" I asked curiously.

"Print out the suspect's photo, post it in Dongshan City, and issue a reward notice, offering a reward of 10 yuan for the capture of He Changchun." Brother Ming replied.

"It looks like I'm going to die this time!" I said through gritted teeth.

"This is an extreme approach. If He Changchun just hides in a certain place and doesn't come out, or slashes himself in the face to make a disguise, this method may not be effective." Brother Ming said worriedly.

"Let's wait and see," I said.

When the clock struck six o'clock in the afternoon, my mobile phone rang. I took it out and saw that it was Brother Liu again.

"Hey, brother Liu, how are you!" I said politely.

"Brother, are you free tonight? I happen to be in your Yunxi City." Brother Liu asked tentatively.

After Brother Liu called me last time, I asked Ye Qian about this person. Judging from her evaluation of Brother Liu and my own experience, this person should be pretty good.I heard Brother Liu's tone on the phone was so sincere that I couldn't refuse, so I replied, "Okay, you decide the location."

"Okay! Do you want Sichuan food?" Brother Liu asked excitedly.

"That's my favorite!" I replied cheerfully.

"Okay, then it's at the most famous Chuanbei Sichuan restaurant in your city. Come here now, and I'll go right away." Brother Liu said straightforwardly.

"Okay!" I said and hung up the phone.

"Tonight? Brother Liu treats you." I said to Ye Qian who was packing her things and getting ready to leave work.

"You two can't really get together, can you?" Ye Qian joked.

"Go away!" I replied angrily.

"I promised to go shopping with my mother at night, you go." Ye Qian took out a motorcycle helmet from her metal cabinet and said to me.

"Okay, I won't delay your filial piety." After I finished speaking, I left the office.

(End of this chapter)

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