The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 3 0003----I still eat the national meal

Chapter 3 0003 - I'd better eat a national meal
Later, the police learned of the incident from the awakened little girl.

But it is useless to have the victim's statement at the same time. The perpetrator's statement must be available to appeal to the court.

The assailant's lawyer also knew this, so he refused to speak. This also led to a stalemate in the case for a while. There was no conclusive evidence, only the girl's dictation.

"I can't control my master, so don't think about it." Park Shangyuan then said: "But I'm very surprised that I don't even have any experience in buying and selling drugs. Can I really be sentenced to punishment?"

"I have absolutely no reason to do it, to be honest."

Jin Suhui shook his head: "You still don't understand the profession of a prosecutor, why there are so many unjust, false and wrongly decided cases every year, and a department has to deal with hundreds of cases, how can they have so much time to judge whether this matter is right or not? wrong."

All prosecutors judge cases based on their own subjective conjectures. What they think is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong.Rather than based on the reason, you should understand in the future, if you have the future. "

As if talking to himself: "That person should not call you master, but the relationship between the two of you should be more like father and son."

"A person who doesn't hesitate to lower his face and send someone to the public department of the branch office, don't tell me, you two hit it off right away."

"You misunderstood." Park Shangyuan replied.

"But no matter how our relationship is, he will never shake his righteous heart. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. This is the truth he has always insisted on."

"Maybe it's because he spent half his life being an ordinary prosecutor in the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office, and I, who was in the same class as him..."

When Jin Suhui said this, he shook his head: "I was led astray by you."

"You think so."

"On one side is a child who has nothing to do with you. What happened to her is none of your business? It's not your daughter. Even if she is seriously injured and abused by more than a dozen people, it has nothing to do with you. ?

What kind of superman are you?It seems that everything in the world is under your control, please take care of yourself first, make yourself stronger, so that you can prevent your daughter from being like this. "

Or maybe you are just an ordinary internet user, here to air your anger.That's right, ordinary people can only swear at others online. "

Seeing that Park Sang-won is still hesitating.

Jin Suhui was fully fired.

"There are many people who deserve to die, and there are also many who should not die. No one can easily judge the fate of life and death. Whether it is good or bad, there is bound to be someone related to your fate.

You see, because that little girl brought you and me together by fate, as long as you say that sentence to the master, it will be considered a success or not. We are very pleased that you have taken this step.

Even if it fails, but you have taken this step, it proves that we have the possibility to cooperate again, right? "

Through observation, he found that the man spoke with a sense of aloofness, coupled with the illusory but real superior temperament of the man.

He was sure that this man was a high-ranking figure, and it was impossible for an ordinary prosecutor to have such an aura, as if he was in a cloud, making it hard to see clearly.

It's the same tone as a successful person slashing a dragon.

"It seems to be the same thing. What does other people's fate have to do with me, just live your own well." Pu Shangyuan smiled without knowing why.

"People's joys and sorrows are normal. If you can't decide the fate of others, you should live carefully and don't bear the debt of pain for free."

Jin Suhui seemed to see that the flame of hope was burning towards him. He took out his thermos cup from the back pocket of the seat and drank it one after another.

"This kind of thing is found to be guaranteed for 5 years, not to mention the procuratorial office of the judiciary. It is not easy to sentence you to 10 years."

"You said that when the time comes, your peers who are weaker than you will all become high-ranking officials in the prosecutor's office, but you will lose your official title because of certain incidents. Is the loss outweighed by the gain?"

The policeman seemed to see that he was going to succeed, so he walked over and said with a meaningful smile: "Actually, that girl is quite miserable, but she must be very happy, right? After all, his father is a member of Congress, so the compensation must be paid. Quite a few."

"It can be regarded as good luck after eight lifetimes, and such a good thing can be encountered by him."


"Fuck you." Park Shangyuan punched the policeman in the face, frowning and glaring.

Panting heavily, he looked at Jin Suhui, who was surprised and opened his mouth wide because of the sudden incident.

To make this step.It takes more than courage.It's the courage to put it to death.

"I'm sorry, although I really want to do this in my heart, but if I don't agree to you, I may only regret it for a while, but I know that if I agree, I will definitely regret it for the rest of my life."

Jin Suhui frowned, and said in a majestic and indifferent tone: "It seems that this is your choice."

Park Shangyuan nodded, eyes closed tightly, with a proud look: "Of course, all the decisions I make are deliberate and will never be impulsive, so you can rest assured."

The policeman who was punched had a hideous face. He took out his mobile phone camera to take a picture of his own face. Half of his face was already flushed.

It looks very dazzling under the sunlight.

Not shy, but beaten.

"You need to know what you are doing now? Do you really want to go in and stay there for a few years? Is it for nothing to study hard in the cold window?

Who will take care of your grandma?

Who will take care of your sister.

It's exciting. "

"You can rest assured." Park Shangyuan closed his eyes and thought.

Literati have pride, and so will prosecutors.

She can't do such a thing like using other girls to take the position so utterly.

As the last line of defense for social fairness and justice, prosecutors are extremely important.

Killing by criminals is equivalent to polluting the water stream, while crime by prosecutors is equivalent to directly polluting the water source.

Park Sang-won absolutely cannot do this.


There was another snort, but this time it was not a fight, but a laugh.

Jin Suhui looked at the policeman and gave a snort, not as serious as before: "You really can do it, he is your future minister."

The policeman covered his face: "Okay, how dare you hit me in the face, wait for me to put shoes on for you."

Pu Shangyuan was confused: "What does this mean?"


My future minister?

Seeing that the policeman was about to talk dirty, Jin Suhui shook his head: "It was you, the minister, who heard about the distribution results the first day, and he is very satisfied with you, the person who has won the first place in the training institute for three consecutive years.

But you have to know that the public department is a department that only those who have worked as prosecutors for seven or eight years can be transferred to. You are just a trainee prosecutor, so of course I will give you a small test. "

Park Shangyuan hurriedly bent down, bowed ninety degrees to Jin Suhui, and bowed to the police again, and this bow lasted nearly 10 seconds.

He didn't straighten up until he heard Jin Suhui say it's all right.

During these years in Country K, Park Sang-won has also learned the basic etiquette here.

There are roughly three types of bows to pay tribute to others: superiors, elders salute their subordinates, and juniors, with their upper body leaning slightly; peers salute each other, and bow at thirty degrees; subordinates salute their superiors, at sixty or ninety degrees, depending on the level of the other party Bow.

And Park Sang-won used the highest bowing etiquette - bowing at ninety degrees, which shows that he attaches great importance to these two, which is really strange.

If this bowed policeman is a minister, then this can only be a more powerful existence.

Perhaps the chief prosecutor of the Seoul Southern Prosecutors Office is his immediate boss.

Damn it, I obviously thought of a lot of plans, but I didn't expect that these two guys came to test me. This beat up my future boss, so my job as a prosecutor must not be easy.

"How dare you dare, this is thanks to the previous judicial examination, the entry threshold was too low, although the pass rate was only 5.00%, but the gold content was too low.

As a result, everyone can take the exam, and these judicial exam reforms can only take the judicial exam with a master of law school. The entry threshold has become higher, so the place for internship should be different, and it should be that I can be transferred to the public Some reasons. "

"This is An Jo, Director of the Public Second Department of the Southern Prosecutor's Office in Seoul, and I am..."

Speaking of this, Jin Suhui stopped and turned to look at Park Shangyuan.

Swept by Jin Suhui's sharp eyes, Park Shangyuan had to lower his proud head to show respect.

"This is for you." An Zuo picked up a file from the police car, as if it was specially prepared for himself.

An Zuo rubbed his swollen face and said coldly, "I have to add one more item for you."

Park Shangyuan took the file and quickly lowered his head to apologize, but the bright title of the file still made him unbelievable.

"The Tragic Death of the Daughter of the Minister of Justice at the Eastern Prosecutors' Office in Seoul"

"The daughter of the Minister of Justice died in this case. You have to solve these cases for me without using the police force and only relying on your personal relationship and investigative ability."

(End of this chapter)

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