The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 59 0053----1 Boyfriend Certificate

Chapter 59 0053 - A Boyfriend Certificate

Thinking of Lin Yuner and everything that happened that day, Park Shangyuan slowly relaxed. He has been living in a tense state for more than a month, not because he is the kind of sensitive person, but because Because the prosecutor's work will make him feel pressure

What the United States has seen and heard in the past three years has not only created Park Sang-won today, but also created his unknown ambition in his heart.Everything he saw and heard stimulated him all the time, and he finally understood what grandma meant by going out to see the world.

This ambition was deeply buried in his heart, as if he had only added one of the three wishes he wrote down in his notebook when he returned to China to study in a training institute.

Marry Lin Yuner as his wife.

Difficult to balance.

Thinking of this, Pu Shangyuan chuckled mockingly, because what appeared in his mind was a face that was not at all ridiculous. In order to prevent Dian Wei from laughing at him as a "simple boy", this matter probably needs to be kept secret.

After getting off the bus, he came to the location where Lin Yuner was shooting the pictorial, but he was a little surprised by this situation.

The four-story building in front of him looked a bit dilapidated, and there was a group of men in their [-]s and [-]s standing at the main entrance. It could be seen that they had gathered here for a while.

If Park Sang-won becomes a prosecutor, he will not hesitate to arrest these men who obviously have families, or who will be single until they are 40 or [-] years old, and put them in prison.

But now I can't think of this kind of thinking and can only stay in my mind. They should gather once because of this scandal. It sounds very funny to ask the Lord for an explanation.

But for crazy fans, belonging is perfectly normal.

Passing through the crowd, the men around looked at the man with scrutiny in their eyes, and some even asked the people around them if they had seen him before, while some people started comparing photos with their mobile phones.

If these middle-aged men knew that he had dinner with Lin Yuner yesterday, watched a movie or even at home, Bao Buqi would not frantically surround him like seeing an enemy.

The location of the date was chosen to be at the commercial shooting site, which made him feel a little at ease.

The people inside shouldn't have fanatical fans, right?
Park Shangyuan called Lin Yuner, but she didn't answer it, it was a man.

After a few words with the agent, he hung up the phone.

The security guard standing at the door saw a fully armed man and thought it was some idol.

Even though Lin Yuner's manager came over directly without checking their identities, they could only let them in.

The agent's attitude towards himself can be said to be as bad as it needs to be, but it is also normal.

after all……


It's rare to have a free time, Lin Yuner has just shot a set of pictorials, and there is another set of pictorials, a rare normal rest.

"Where's the broker?"

Lin Yuner intends to look for it.

After walking not far away, she could already see that straight suit, which stood out from the crowd in the office building.

"Waiting for a long time?" She walked over, thinking about such an opening line along the way.

"No." Park Shangyuan smiled, and it could be seen that there was a little tension in that smile.

Lin Yuner trotted over naturally, and took his arm: "Take you shopping!"

"it is good."

"Oh, that's right." Lin Yuner conjured another rose from her hand and handed it to Park Shangyuan.

For some reason, Pu Shangyuan took the rose very naturally, as if it was a very common thing.

"Thank you," said Park Sang-won.

"Thank you, how can a boyfriend say thank you to a girlfriend?" Lin Yuner pursed her lips, looking very indifferent.

Park Shangyuan shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm not very good at talking."

Lin Yuner's eyes are beautiful, many people say that the lying silkworms in front of her eyes are a touch of the sun, making those eyes full of moving aura.But Pu Shangyuan prefers her eyes, which are as clear and refreshing as lake water.

She is a girl whose eyes can speak, what she wants to express can be read from those eyes.

Lin Yuner held Park Shangyuan's arm, although it was awkward for him, but looking at the natural appearance of the two, they looked like an old couple.

The two of them were strolling around, while the manager stood aside in a daze.

He thought the two were just good friends, and they were really a couple together.

When Lin Yuner said this, he obviously didn't believe it, because he also watched Lin Yuner grow up, and she was always very obedient and polite to outsiders.

It seems that she is very gentle to everyone, but she was active in the early stage so that more people can know about Girls' Generation, so she has to be like this.

But she is actually a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside in her private life, as if no one can get into her heart.

He is a person with a strong sense of boundaries and knows how to protect himself, which is why he feels that the usually so obedient and sensible crybaby has suddenly become what he is now.

Then don't think about it, it must be this man's fault, damn Park Sang-won.

As an agent, he had to prevent such a thing from happening, so he called the president non-stop.


"This is the shooting location."

"Oh, right."

Park Shangyuan was very helpless, just like Lin Yuner.My memory is not very good, it's all oh yes, I forgot one thing in a minute, and then I remembered it quickly.

What are the symptoms.

Lin Yun'er glanced across his empty chest, and then took out a badge with a very childish cartoon pattern on it.

written above.

The heroine's boyfriend card.

Looking at this very cute ID photo, Park Shangyuan suddenly asked in surprise, "For me?"

"By the way." Lin Yuner took out the badge from her pocket and put it on Lin Yuner's neck without authorization, "I thought it was a very relaxed occasion, and I don't know what happened to these staff, everyone is like an enemy The access control is relatively strict, so I will hang it up for you."

"This way..." Park Shangyuan felt a little absurd. No matter what he said, he was also a prosecutor who went out with this self-made boyfriend card to hang out, and he couldn't be laughed at to death.

"It's not necessary."

Obviously seeing Park Shangyuan's doubts, Lin Yuner said in a big way: "No problem, I'm the heroine. With this boyfriend card, I guarantee that you can wander around ostentatiously."

"Okay." Park Shangyuan compromised, and then said: "Are we going there?"

Go into the office building.

Park Sang-won walked cautiously, some of the busy staff were talking about this scene, and some even started to make fun of it, and he kept an absolute smile for these teasing.

But when they look at the boyfriend certificate on their necks, their faces will turn red with shame.

And Lin Yuner can still take a few rounds from time to time.

"Yuner's boyfriend."

"That's right, Uncle Zhao isn't handsome!"

"Haha, very handsome."

(End of this chapter)

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