The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 81 0075----Selecting the Investigator

Chapter 81 0075 – Selecting the Investigator
Gil Chan-chung is a member of the progressive faction. He once held an important position in the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. He is known as the young Roh Moo-hyun by the current senior prosecutor.

At that time, because of Roh Moo-hyun's suicide, he was extremely sad, so he was transferred from the position of front-line prosecutor to the personnel department.

"Thank you so much, then... I will take my leave first."

Park Sang-won didn't bother with Ji Chan-chung's overly enthusiastic attitude. Now when Park was elected president, he originally wanted to hide it again, and when the incident came out, he completely stood in line.

But now everyone knows that his name is always with the Progressive Party, maybe even he doesn't feel it, some people look at him with vicious eyes.

There is also resentment.

Because Roh Moo-hyun wants to reform prosecutors and weaken the rights of prosecutors.

Because the position of prosecutor is too powerful, the president will always face prison after he leaves office.

This move undoubtedly affected the interests of the entire prosecutorial system, so linking with the Progressive Party in the prosecutor's office means being isolated.

It was really helpless for Pu Shangyuan to do that. If he didn't show that hole card, he might not even have the right to enter the prosecutor's office.

Now is not the time to think about such things.

Because there are more important things to do.

He said politely, and after receiving the documents that Ji Canzhong handed over, he went to the lounge of the personnel department and checked them carefully.

None of these candidates currently follow the prosecutor's team, and all of them are in the logistics department.There are more than 50 candidates, including men and women.

Park Sang-won knew that if nothing else happened, the future team members would be produced among these 50 people.

He first picked two investigators.

The investigator is the right-hand man of the prosecutor. During the case handling, the investigator is responsible for practical actions, such as: asking the persons involved in the case about the case; investigating and collecting evidence; conducting investigations and visits, assisting in the arrest of suspects, etc.

An excellent investigator will greatly improve the work efficiency of the entire team, and its role is very important.

And one of the two investigators, Park Sang-won, has already appointed Dian Wei by default.

Dian Wei has been following him, and it is natural for him to automatically become the investigator of the team. However, he had already obtained the qualification certificate of prosecutor last year and worked in the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor's Office.

Because of Dian Wei's big heart, in other words, he always makes some small mistakes that shouldn't be made, and it is precisely because of this that many prosecutors are unwilling to let him serve as the investigator of their team.

Calling him here can be regarded as punishing rape and eliminating evil.

Although Dian Wei usually has many problems, he is young and impulsive, likes big scenes, and always makes some low-level mistakes.

But he was his friend and the two had been quite good friends since childhood.

Living in South Korea these years, he had no friends, but now he can find someone who can talk to him, and he cherishes it very much.

And he is a strong man with a height of two meters, with unique and exclusive skills.


Keeping yourself safe can be said to be very easy and simple.

Therefore, Pu Shangyuan decisively kept Dian Wei and made him an investigator in the team.

Now that the decision has been made, don't let that guy wait stupidly, Park Shangyuan called Dianwei and called him over.

"Haha, boss... you called me." After arriving in the lounge, Dian Wei was a little nervous, scratching the back of his head and giggling.

"Come here, give me a reference and see who to choose as my subordinates." Park Shangyuan flipped through the information on the table and said without raising his head.

"Oh..." After Dian Wei sat down, he absently looked at the information of the investigator candidate: "Boss, that...choose the investigator first?"

"Well, the main ones come first, you help me choose. By the way, the person you choose is your future partner, so please be careful." Park Shangyuan rubbed his dazed eyes and said.

"Huh? My partner?... Boss, so you didn't abandon me and let me be your investigator?" Dian Wei exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Abandon you?" Park Shangyuan was taken aback, and looked at Dianwei suspiciously: "If I were to abandon you, you would probably secretly call me again and cry secretly."

"By the way, you, a man who is two meters tall, are actually absent-minded because of such a trivial matter? Could it be that you haven't eaten in the past few days?"

After getting along with Lin Yuner for a long time, Park Shangyuan unexpectedly followed suit.

"Huh? My partner?... Boss, so you didn't abandon me and let me be your investigator?" Dian Wei exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Haha, Boss, I knew you couldn't bear to part with me." Dian Wei swung his fist a few times, extremely excited.

"By the way, were you nervous just now?" Park Shangyuan asked.

"No, how can there be!" Dian Wei replied.

"Let's have a look then. The PR department is quite special, so help me find an investigator." Park Shangyuan held the file and said doubtfully.

"Alright!" Dian Wei was speechless.

After tidying up their joking mood, the two devoted themselves to the work of selecting investigators.

The materials are divided into half and selected separately, and Park Sang-won makes the final decision.

After some time, Dian Wei took the lead in choosing one person: "Boss, what do you think of this person?"

After reading this person's information, Pu Shangyuan shook his head dissatisfied.

too young!

The person selected by Dian Wei was transferred from the police system. Although he has a good resume and high ability evaluation, he is only 30 years old.

Park Sang-won himself is only 25 years old, and Dian Wei is also 25 years old and has just graduated. If such a young investigator is selected, the whole team will give people a very unstable impression.

The second investigator he was looking forward to had better have rich work experience to make up for his and Dian Wei's shortcomings in this regard.

After listening to Pu Shangyuan's thoughts, Dian Wei immediately picked out another older one.

42 years old, just right age and rich experience, but Park Sang-won shook his head after reading the materials.

The reason why this prosecutor was abandoned by the previous prosecutor and took a post in the logistics department was because he was reckless in handling cases and received many complaints.

If such a person were to be partnered with the rampant Dian Wei, how many troubles would be caused, and he didn't have that much energy to clean up the mess for his investigators.

Seeing that Pu Shangyuan vetoed his proposal again, Dian Wei was extremely depressed, and thought: This is too picky and difficult to serve.If you want to be experienced, mature and steady, why not, let me give you the oldest one.

After looking at the photos on the information, he picked out the one with the oldest face: "Boss, what do you think of this?"

Park Shangyuan didn't have much hope at first, but after looking at it, he found that this person is really good, and he fits his selection criteria.

Su Shuzhen, male, 45 years old, once worked in Suwon, Busan, and Seoul Special Administrative Department as an investigator, and has 20 years of experience as an investigator.

how to say……

he is weird
(End of this chapter)

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