The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 87 0081----The beginning is a big case

Chapter 87 0081 – The beginning is a big case

Park Shangyuan quickly browsed the file and found that the matter was not difficult. The first suspect and the second suspect held their own opinions, so the incident came to a stalemate.

A sentence is highlighted in red letters.

On the most eye-catching part of the white wall, there are bloody characters written all over it, "bitch", "bitch", "slut", each eye-catching Chinese character.

Park Shangyuan closed the file and shook his head: "It's too general, I want more detailed content."

"I have ordered your clerk to push the case file, so you don't have to worry about that," An Zuo said.

"Why should such a huge social case be handed over to me?" Pu Shangyuan was puzzled. Such a case should be handed over to a more experienced prosecutor.

It's not that he can't complete it, but that he has no experience in handling such cases. It's okay to ask him to investigate the case, but what about the follow-up processing?

The doorway here is profound, and Pu Shangyuan feels that with his current ability, he can't complete such cases at all, so he needs someone to give him the bottom line.

"Although it's enough to check, I will give you the answer to the follow-up questions. The difficulty of this matter is that both sides insist on their own opinions. The incident happened in the afternoon and evening when the richest man in Daegu died of poison in his own villa in Gangnam District, Seoul."

Pu Shangyuan nodded, and An Zuo added later.

"At present, his girlfriend, who is 50 years younger, and his nanny have been detained by us, but with the current evidence, we can't take follow-up detention measures, so you have to go to the villa to find evidence."

"Our detention time is 24 hours, and the incident happened at 5 pm, which means we only have 8 hours to investigate the case and sort out clues."

"As well as search and evidence collection, you have to be prepared for this case. The media has leaked the news. This is your chance to become famous, either famous or notorious."

Park Shangyuan had no choice but to give himself 8 hours to search and collect evidence, not to mention, testing DNA or laboratory evidence, this kind of thing needs a statute of limitations.

Eight hours is simply impossible.

But you have to gamble.

The death of the richest man in Daegu is a chance to become famous in the first battle.

Seeing that Pu Shangyuan nodded and took over the case, An Zuo patted Pu Shangyuan on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be burdened, come and ask me if you don't understand anything, and I will handle the last checkpoint for you."

The reason why An Zuo handed over this case to Park Shangyuan, who was on the first day of work, was that such a case was transferred from the Second Department.

In other words, it was a case that even the Second Department of the Ministry of Public Security was unwilling to take over. The search and evidence collection time was too short, and it was impossible to complete it without some special methods.

In other words, if you want to bite a person and turn that person into a murderer, even if he is not a murderer, this method can work, but what if it is discovered.

If the subsequent chain of evidence overturns the prosecutor's testimony, then he will go from the original statement to the notorious.

But it is also a necessary means.

The second is to test Park Sang-won's ability to handle criminal cases.

This case is a big case with unlimited influence. According to the clues provided by the police, there are only two suspects. If Park Sang-won makes any mistakes in handling the case, he can help Park Sang-won correct the mistakes at any time.

The case itself is also being followed up step by step.

A more important reason is that if Park Sang-won screwed up the case, he would have a reason to make Park Sang-won obey him.

Everything is under his control.

That's why he handed over the case to Pu Shangyuan.

After bidding farewell to An Jo, Park Sang-won's expressionless face became serious.

After returning to his office, Dian Wei, who was eager to work, rushed up immediately: "How about it, boss? What is the case, murder or arson?"

"Murder case, arson case, this is the case of the death of the richest man in Daegu!"

Park Shangyuan was not in the mood to take care of Dian Wei who committed the second crime at this time, so he directly called everyone to a meeting to discuss the case.

When handling the case, it was mainly Pu Shangyuan, Su Shuzhen, and Dian Wei, the three of whom were the main force handling the case.The clerk, Qiu Xiuzhen, was in charge of secretarial work such as recording the case.

Qiu Xiuzhen took a small trolley that looked like a supermarket trolley to push the case files, and after waiting for a while, she could be regarded as coming, and she could imagine touching the still warm A4 paper.

This was just typed out.

The most important thing now is to investigate the relationship network of the richest man in Daegu, because he doesn't think the information given by the police is very useful.

His network is definitely not simple, not only the nanny and girlfriend, since he wants to do this, of course he must do his best, and finding the murderer is also fundamental.

He doesn't listen to other people's words.

An Zuo asked him to investigate the two of them, but he still didn't. Anyone would look at the obvious evidence.

But if the evidence cannot prove that the two are murderers, then some follow-up investigations will be futile, so Park Sang-won wants to investigate his entire relationship network.

The truth of the case can only be known by oneself.

Pu Shangyuan handed the dossier to Dianwei and asked him to read it to others. He had more important things to do, which was to smoke a cigarette comfortably first, and smoke a cigarette whenever he was dealing with a difficult case. , not to mention how delicious it is.

Li Sang: Born in 1941 in a wealthy family in Daegu, it was originally a small flour factory.In the context of the Second World War, due to the shortage of domestic food, it was forced to close down.There were four children in the family, and he was the youngest of the boys, so he deservedly received the most favor from his mother.

When he was 20 years old, Li Sang got married and had his first sexual experience. Since then, Li Sang has developed a strong interest in sex.

After getting married, even if the family is in decline, but as a boy, the family still has to spend a sum of money, and I have to admit that I am still very good at doing business.In the 70s, he became a well-known rich man in the village. With more money, he would naturally cheat.

Pay more and find more beautiful women.Driven by such pure and simple motivation, he actively expanded his business coverage and became the leading wealthy businessman in Daegu.

From a small capitalist to a big capitalist, from supporting a few women to supporting dozens of women.

And Li Shuang never concealed this aspect.For the girl he likes, the meeting gift is basically hundreds of thousands of won, and he will directly ask: "Do you want to sleep with me? It starts from 100 million a night."

According to his own claim: There are many rich people in South Korea, but none like me are willing to spend money on women.

With such a dissolute private life like Li Shuang, a group of "pimps" naturally gathered around him.They helped Li Sang find a girl who fit his taste, and said to the other party, "There is a rich man who wants to sleep with you. If you want to make quick money, please contact me."

It was precisely because of this that his first wife could not bear it anymore. The two soon fell into a state of separation after they got married. Except for taking her out by himself, he is almost not allowed to go out without permission.

Although she was frank about her liking for Li Shang's financial resources, she couldn't bear this kind of life that was almost isolated from the world, so she filed for divorce from Li Shang in the seventh year of marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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