The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 92 0086----Shoe prints?

Chapter 92 0086 – Shoe Prints
The deceased was in this bedroom.Park Shangyuan squatted down and tapped hard on the wooden floor with his fingers a few times, but there was no obvious sound from the ground.

"Laminate flooring." Park Shangyuan quickly judged the floor structure, yes, this is also the standard configuration of the rich.

Park Sang-won is the first step to deal with when he enters the room.

When the police officer who stayed behind saw Park Sang-won, he didn't even hand over the prosecutor's certificate, but the police officer still bowed to him when he saw him, standing straight.

Pu Shangyuan nodded slightly in return.

Generally, the laminate flooring is wet-applied during the decoration process. Its process is to first apply a layer of cement floor indoors, then lay the groove, and finally lay the wooden floor on it to complete the work.

The finished wooden floors are all close to the ground, there is no gap in the middle, so there is not much sound when knocked.

But if it is a solid wood floor, it is the opposite, because the solid wood floor will first lay a layer of "keel" during the laying process, and then put the wooden floor on the "keel", that is to say, there is a space between the solid wood floor and the ground. , in the process of tapping, there will be a booming echo.

Judging the material of the ground plays a vital role in extracting on-site footprints.Take laminate flooring as an example, because most of this kind of flooring uses industrial glue to squeeze the wood chips together.

Therefore, this kind of floor has strong hardness and smoothness, and shoes can leave clear shoe prints on it.

As for the shoe prints on this object, Park Sang-won only needs to use a footprint light to clearly observe them.

The difficulty of solid wood flooring is higher, because its surface has uneven texture, and sometimes only part of the sole pattern can be left when the shoes step on it. For such a floor, Pu Shangyuan had to find a lot of shoe prints indoors. Only by cutting and splicing photos of shoe prints can a complete shoe sole pattern be assembled.

Dian Wei was dazzled by the sight, and said with emotion: "This group of women really enjoy themselves. They are so old, yet they marry such a young wife."

"What's the matter, are you envious?" Park Shangyuan laughed when he heard this.

"How is that possible?" Dian Wei shook his head solemnly, stroking his hairless head.

Pu Shangyuan shook his head and continued to observe.

Fortunately, the ground on the scene is the kind of object that can be observed directly, which made Park Shangyuan breathe a sigh of relief.

But when he turned on the footprint light and began to search the ground, the scene in front of him seemed to tell him: "Xiaomian, are you too happy?"

Park Sang-won was surprised because there was a sound in the room that I didn't expect.

He squatted on the ground and moved carefully to the side of the shoe prints.The entire shoe print is composed of several sunken dot-like traces arranged vertically. Frowning carefully, observe these seemingly extremely irregular white dot-like depressions in front of you.

Dian Wei saw his furrowed brows, and walked up to me: "What's wrong, boss?"

"Dianwei, bring the file. This kind of bloodstain should be left by the suspect." Pu Shangyuan pointed to the ground.

"What kind of blood mark is this?" Dian Wei also stared at the ground curiously.

"If I'm not mistaken, these should be spikes."

"Spikes? Spikes for running? Could it be that the suspect is an athlete?" Dian Wei was a little delighted.

Park Shangyuan shook his head: "Not all athletes wear spikes. There are many types of spikes in our market, and I only know of four."


"Yes! The first type is the well-known track and field spikes, which are mainly worn by people who participate in running, high jump and long jump;
The second type is football spikes, which is easy to understand;

The third type is called golf spikes, because in the process of playing golf, swinging the club requires force, so players who often play golf also like to wear spikes;

The fourth type is also a relatively common type of spikes, called fishing spikes. If some fishing enthusiasts catch big fish in the river, they need the grip of the soles of their feet to provide support. This kind of spikes is also widely available in the market. "

Dian Wei nodded while listening: "So there are so many types, I thought I could use them to judge some characteristics of suspects."

Park Shangyuan sighed helplessly: "Instead of narrowing down the range of suspects, it will increase the difficulty of analysis."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"From the shoe prints at the scene, it is not difficult to see that the soles of the spiked shoes worn by the suspect have very hard spikes, otherwise they would not have scratched the hard laminate flooring indoors.

Now we can only analyze these rows of irregular dot marks, and we can't analyze the height of the suspect from the shoe prints at all, so it has no value at all. "

Dian Wei looked at Pu Shangyuan's disappointed expression, and patted Pu Shangyuan's shoulder: "Boss, let's not get entangled. Let's deal with other traces first. If the suspect did not wear gloves to commit the crime, wouldn't it be easier to find fingerprints."

Park Shangyuan took the dossier that Dianwei handed to him, which was written in ambiguous terms, just indicating that the suspect's footprints were found.

But he didn't say what kind of footprints they were actually. It seemed that there were some things that he had to discover by himself.

Park Sang-won had no choice but to stand up and walk towards the kitchen which was shaken a lot.

[-]. The pots, pans, and seasonings in the kitchen were overturned. Obviously, the suspect is not very familiar with the kitchen furnishings, otherwise there would not be such a big commotion.

"Why did the murderer make such a mess in the kitchen?" Dian Wei asked my question.

"Could it be that the deceased hid his belongings in the kitchen?" Park Shangyuan mentioned a possibility.

Dian Wei was also thinking: "Well, maybe there is this possibility." "Let me deal with the traces and evidence in the kitchen first."

What are the people who detect traces of these things doing?Although trace detection is already in a relatively developed stage abroad, it is still hazy in China.

Some people are half-baked.

Pu Shangyuan felt a little bit confused, and handed the dossier to Dian Wei, rather than looking at these half-baked clues, he might as well find out by himself.

After finishing speaking, Park Shangyuan walked to a pile of seasoning bottles and began to deal with it intensely.

When the last spice bottle was placed on the cabinet, he shook his head in disappointment.

"What's wrong? Nothing?" Dian Wei asked while standing aside.

"Basically they are all old fingerprints, and no fresh ones have been found, and the size of the fingerprints can be judged as female, which may be left by a maid or girlfriend. In other words, the suspect was wearing gloves when committing the crime."

"Grandma's, it's all influenced by some gangster movies. Nowadays, older kids know to wear gloves when they commit crimes." Dian Wei was a little annoyed.

"Dian Wei, don't worry, we haven't entered the key parts of the body yet, it's too early to draw conclusions," now it was Pu Shangyuan's turn to comfort Dian Wei.

Dian Wei said "hmm", readjusted the lens of the camera, and followed me to the door of the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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