The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 94 0088----Forensic Liu

Chapter 94 0088 - Forensic Doctor Liu

From this point, it can basically be determined as latex gloves.If it was just my bold guess before, then the blood on the scene made me more sure of my guess. "

"How do you say that?" Dian Wei scratched his head, very puzzled.

Park Shangyuan pointed to the blank space on the wall: "Let's take a look at the blood writing at the scene. A lot of blood was used, which shows that the gloves worn by the suspect have poor absorbency, otherwise it is impossible to have cylindrical blood stains under the writing. The first three One kind of glove with better absorbency can be directly ruled out, so only the latter two are left."

"As I said just now, generally leather gloves are thicker than normal fingers, if the gloves worn by the suspect are of this type.

During the writing process, due to the extrusion of the fingers, the glove will be more or less deformed. The strength determines the thickness and thickness of the contact area of ​​the glove, so it is impossible for him to write such uniform strokes on the wall.

Therefore, there is only the last latex glove which is close to the fingers and does not deform. "Park Sang-won stated his analysis results in one breath.

"Well, the judgment is flawless, and I agree with the boss." Dian Wei nodded.

"In addition, judging from the handwriting, the suspect should be a thoughtful and calm person." Park Shangyuan added.

"Oh? Where does this start?"

"I have read some books on the psychology of handwriting before. The handwriting at the scene of the crime is actually an objective record of the criminal's psychological traces. For example, the handwriting is scribbled, which can reflect the criminal's usual temper;

There are many handwriting alterations, suggesting that criminals do not act decisively and have many worries;
There are many pauses in the handwriting, and the articles are intermittent, reflecting that criminals usually do not have perseverance, procrastinate, and even lose things. "

After finishing speaking, Park Shangyuan tapped the wall with his fingertips: "Let's take a look at the bloody characters on the wall at the scene. The handwriting is done in one go, the brushwork is calm, and it is still written in block letters. Obviously, the suspect should be on the wall after the murder." From the handwriting, it is not difficult to see that he was very calm and calm in the process of writing.

Just imagine, such a bloody scene can still be so calm, which shows that he is a cold-faced killer. "

"It seems that our next survey work must be carried out carefully!" After Park Shangyuan finished speaking, he began to observe the location of the deceased.

For a person who paid great attention to his clothes and saved his face when he was alive, it would be the greatest insult for him to die naked.

Although the indoor area of ​​the crime scene is small, there are many traces and evidences involved. It took Pu Shangyuan three hours to complete the investigation.

In the whole scene, Park Sang-won only extracted one spiked shoe print, which has no effect on the investigation of the case. The shoe print has no research value and cannot be used as evidence.

There is also a conjecture that is not evidence, but purely my own, so damn it.

If his false image is true and he writes the blood wall of the people Li Shang killed to divert attention, then the two women who had sex with Li Shang will be suspected again.

That's right, girlfriends and maids are all suspected.

After leaving the scene of the crime, Park Shangyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't wait to take out a cigarette and was about to light it, when Su Shuzhen's phone call came.

"Because of the influence of the inheritance, the family members and girlfriend who did not agree to the autopsy originally wanted to prove their innocence, while the other wanted to find out more clues, so they agreed to the autopsy."

Park Shangyuan lit a cigarette and nodded when he heard this. The first case handled by the prosecutor, the tracking of the whole process of clues, as well as the autopsy and the case press conference were all involved in the whole process.

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon."


When Pu Shangyuan came to the National Science Institute, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the time was less than half an hour. Follow-up autopsies must be conducted to determine who is the most suspect.

The National Academy of Sciences in Seoul has a well-equipped forensic anatomy room, because the city bureau recognized this case and attached great importance to it.

Therefore, the equipment in the dissecting room is more than one grade higher than that of other cities.

Park Sang-won and Liu Fayi had a brief meeting, and the two nodded their heads as a preliminary acquaintance.

Forensic doctors are also graded, like this one is obviously a relatively high-level forensic doctor.

Half an hour later, the corpse was taken out of the blue body bag, and the blood clots, sticky like glue, were firmly attached to the dissecting bed as the corpse moved.

Fayi Liu took out a small electric saw from a toolbox printed with "Craniotomy Electric Saw", and she quickly plugged the power cord into the three-phase socket on the dissection bed. The moment the current was connected, accompanied by With a buzzing sound, the cutting gear began to spin rapidly.

She pressed her finger on the red button on the handle, and the chainsaw went from "furious" to "quiet".

After debugging, she put the chainsaw aside and took out a "Lancet" with her left hand from a pack of dissection tools arranged in an orderly manner, doing meticulous disinfection work.

It seems that Physician Liu is going to start the autopsy from the head of the deceased, which is normal. Usually, it is judged that the toxin comes from the brain or lungs.

Park Shangyuan stood aside and didn't make a sound. He had seen a lot of stuttering scenes, but sometimes he couldn't help vomiting, just like now.

Crash, Forensic Doctor Liu pinched the blade with his right hand, stabilized the dead man's head with his left hand, and quickly drew a circle along the position of the temple.

Bang!The used lancet was inserted into the groove of the dissecting bed by forensic doctor Liu, and there was a crisp metal impact sound.

She held the dead man's head with both hands, fiddled with the incision up and down with her fingers, looking for a suitable incision for exerting force.

Stinging, with the sound of the scalp being lifted, a white skull full of capillaries appeared in front of us.There is a very eye-catching triangular concave-shaped bone fracture on the skull.

Hum, hum, the sound of the craniotomy chainsaw sounded again in the dissection room.

The Training Institute remembers the first time when Dr. Liu had a craniotomy, and she almost vomited out all the food that day.

Fortunately, these years have become a little numb, but just like this, Pu Shangyuan still dare not face up to the scene in front of him.

Dian Wei, who was standing beside Pu Shangyuan, walked out of the dissection room without making a sound.

A few minutes later, a coconut shell-like skull was gently placed on the dissecting table.Park Sang-won lowered his head to study carefully and then said:
"This is the first fatal injury. The suspect should have grabbed the head of the deceased and slammed into the sharp corner of the bedside table to kill him, and then started the next step of multiple wounds."

"Shouldn't a fatal injury be poisoned?"

Pu Shangyuan didn't quite understand: "You mean, the suspect hitting the deceased's head against the wall cabinet is also an act of venting anger?"

"Yes, basically sure. And have you found a problem?"

"What?" Park Shangyuan didn't quite understand.

"From the brain of the deceased, it can be roughly judged that the amphetamine was overdose, but it also needs to pass the follow-up brain biopsy. It is not a sudden overdose, but just an overdose."

"You mean this method is very professional?" Park Shangyuan understood.

(End of this chapter)

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