
Chapter 203 Chapter 203 8

Chapter 203 Chapter 800 Chapter [-] million

Sheng Wang's mansion has carved railings, jade-built terraces and terraces, which is a royal mansion.Princess Wensheng often said that he was poor, but when Su Yu came here, he knew that the poverty of the palace and the poverty of ordinary people are two different concepts.The so-called poor is nothing more than not being extravagant enough compared with people of the same class.

The food in the palace is rich, and the cost of a reception is worth the salary of ordinary people for several years.And the performance of these so-called upper-class people at the reception is also difficult to describe in terms of elegance.After drinking for three rounds, it was even more unbearable to see.

No wonder Tang Linger was so worried.At a reception in Sheng Wang's Mansion, Su Yu saw Zhao Linglong's madness, which was simply jaw-dropping.Everyone present was shocked by the words and deeds of this woman.The scale is so large that even the lowest-level hall girls in Wanhua Building are no more than that.

Covering her face with wine, she can do anything, threatening to act like a goddess, throwing her underwear and pants all over the sky, and even trying to put it on Su Yu's head.But she underestimated Su Yu's concentration, and even more underestimated Su Yu's ability.Jun Ma Ye swiped his fingers in the air like a dagger, and only heard the trousers make a "Zi La" sound.

Su Yu joked: "The princess is so old, why is she still wearing open clothes?"

After saying a word as a joke, Su Yu said that he was too weak to drink, so he went to the garden pavilion to rest for a while.As soon as she lay down, Zhao Linglong rushed over, like a swimming snake, passionate and impatient.

Seeing this, Wang Xun was impatient, pretended not to see it, and yelled while hiding behind a tree.

This sound made Zhao Linglong tremble in fright, she cursed angrily, and the boss left unhappy.

The actions of Princess Xunyang made Su Yu very uncomfortable.It's just that because of Wang Xun's presence, it's hard to make a move.Otherwise, it is impossible to say that something will happen.

Not long after, Li Xiang left the banquet and came to look for Su Yu with joy on his face, only saying that Tang Sheng had succeeded, so he rolled with that Zhao Qun.

Su Yu smiled on the surface, but cursed loudly in his heart, it's true that people are divided into groups and like each other.

"Have you sent the money to Zhao Zhun and the person in charge?" Su Yu asked.

Li Xiangdao: "It's all done just now, and the housekeeper of Sheng Wang's mansion personally sent it over. The lady in the eldest lady's house also stuffed money just now, so she left early. The eunuchs of the two princesses also gave money, so they can For the convenience of the two princesses."

Su Yu nodded, very satisfied.He became more and more at ease with Li Xiang's affairs.

After finishing the work, Su Yu planned to run away. At this moment, Tang Sheng and Zhao Qun were still having a good time.I also heard from Zhao Qun that the third young master is so skillful that he can catch any tricks.Tang Sheng also praised the princess's slender and slender limbs, which is exactly what I want, it's really too late to see each other, and so on.

Su Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and cursed softly, "A couple of dogs", and then passed by quickly.

Wang Xun followed behind with a blushing face.



"Master Jun, I have a letter from your family. I just showed it to the princess, and the princess said it was a letter from the elders of the Su family, so she didn't open it."

"Oh, let it go."

When Su Yu returned home, he actually received a letter from his third uncle.

It was incredible that he could still write letters.

As soon as the letter was opened, it seemed that he could see the stinky face of the third uncle, and the foul breath of the third uncle was filled between the lines.

The letter wrote: "When the girl surnamed Yan came to my house, you seemed to be a different person. In fact, I had already seen that the girl was not simple. At that time, I was only a famous teacher to give advice, and your boy became enlightened. You even lost your head. Once I was concerned about family affairs and asked me how much my family owed me.

At that time, I sighed again and again in my heart, it is really a famous teacher who produces a good apprentice.You kid will have a day to be a human too.You seem to have completely forgotten what you did to your family when you committed suicide before.Instead, say I'm a prodigal, why don't you ask that Ouyang Jing, and then ask that Xu Luochen, what good things have you done in those years?
You bought a brothel and then sent all the women from the brothel home. Is this something human can do?

So far, I am puzzled.

You always say that I have a bad temper, now let me ask you, if we were to switch positions, you being the head of the house, and I being the nephew, how would you behave if you did this?

Is it right for the uncle to kneel down and beg you?
Then there was Lin Chongyang, when you helped him like that, I thought you wanted to go to some errand in the army.As a result, you tossed and tossed, and the money was spent, but you suddenly said that a good man should not be a soldier?

Are you trying to piss me off?

Forget it and stop talking, the more you talk, the more angry you get.

You asked me how much money my family owed, and I had a fight with you. You actually mentioned the number of 1200 million, which made me very sad at that time.

There are only two boys in the family, you are the eldest, and Su Ji is the second.I think that Su Ji is as stupid as your second uncle, I don't even bother to talk to him.I put the future of the Su family on you, but after I cultivated it, you can't even count on your sleeves.Later, I gestured for multiples, and you actually said 12 billion. At that time, I wanted to give you a punch.

In your eyes, third uncle, am I that valuable?You crushed my bones and sold them for two, do you think it is worth the price?Who can lend me that old money?
There are tens of millions of people who open their mouths and shut their mouths. Is your kid the reincarnation of the God of Wealth?
Just when I was about to get angry, you dared to tell me not to stare at you.Since then, I feel that you have really changed, not like my eldest nephew.For a period of time after that, our father and I didn't talk much.But I have been watching secretly.You have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you.

Especially this time Xiaotao went to Luoyang to see you, and I found out that she had changed after she came back.Under your instigation, she even learned to hide her mind from me.But her tricks are still nothing compared to yours.I still want to hide money, but unfortunately the method is really not very good, and I have already discovered it.But, as uncles, we won't be so promiscuous as to rummage through boxes in our niece's house.I just asked Xiaotao, how much is in the box?She said it was your dowry to her.

In this way, I didn't even reach out to ask her for it.

But, you think I'm a fool, don't you?Think I'll believe it?

Although I saw through Xiaotao's lies, I won't compete with my niece, so I'll find you.

You are really generous, a box full of gold coins.At first, I thought that you kid didn't make Her Majesty the princess happy anymore, it was Tang Linger who gave you the money.I found out later that it was your own money.

It's only been a few days, how did you do it?Don't just mix into the upper class, find something good, right?To give the first face to face?Let me tell you, you can have sex with anyone, but don't do it in the palace.But I also heard that Empress Dowager Chen belched, and once she died, I was completely relieved.But I also want to remind you, don't touch a woman surnamed Zhao in the future.Don't ask me why.That's what I said.Anyway, it's for your own good.

But then again, you have so much money, why don't you want to get some for your uncle?Are you worried that I will throw those money in the stove and burn it?

Hey, sad.

Forget it, don't talk about those things.

After these years of observation, I found that you have really grown up, and there are some things I should tell you.

But before I tell you, I think you should get me some money to spend.I declare in advance that I won't do it if I don't have enough money.As for how much money is suitable, it is up to you. "

Su Yu scratched his head.

Although he was a human being in two lifetimes, most of Su Yu's mind is the memory of later generations.And many things in this life are often like dreams.For example, Su Yu was impressed with the fact that he bought a brothel and dismissed it, but it felt unbelievable.So it's just a memory left in a dream.Now it seems that it is true.

It can also be seen from the letter that he once spent a lot of money for Lin Chongyang.What was all that money for?

You have to think about it carefully. If all that money is invested in the army, there shouldn't be any return, right?

When I see Lin Chongyang another day, I must mention it to him, lest that kid pretend to be confused with me.

As for the number of fights in the sleeves, the reason why there is such a large deviation, Su Yu feels that the number of fights in the Liang Dynasty may be different from the number of fights in later generations.But after fighting with the third uncle once, he never fought with others again, and he didn't realize this mistake at all.Thinking of this, I was speechless for a while.

As for the third uncle, there are tens of millions of people who open their mouths and shut their mouths, which is true for Su Yu.In the previous life, any transaction would start at [-] million yuan.

"Old guy, he still refuses to say how much money he owes. But there shouldn't be a lot of ins and outs, right? He wrote so much nonsense, and finally made it mysterious. I think he just made out of nothing and wanted to cheat Spend some money.... In his mind, am I that unbearable? He said that I got money from someone face to face. Heh. He is still worried about Queen Mother Chen. The Queen Mother is older than my mother. Fortunately, he can say it."

Smiling wryly, he sighed: "I thought Xiaotao was the one who resembled me the most among my brothers and sisters. Now it seems that it's not interesting. She can't even hide money. Heh."

Afterwards, Su Yu asked Lao Huang to make a gesture in his sleeves.Su Yu made a gesture of 12, then pointed out the multiple, and asked Lao Huang how much it was.Lao Huang said 800 million.

(End of this chapter)

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