
Chapter 234

Chapter 234
After meeting Cao Yuchai, the idea of ​​"grave robbery" came to Su Yu's mind.

But then I felt that this idea was too crazy, so I gave up.

Stand on the street for a while, let yourself calm down.

I feel that I am closer to the imperial power.Should Tang Zhen be told about such a confidential matter?

If you tell him, will Tang Zhen be cruel and kill Cao Yuchai?

If I don't tell, will he kill me?
Tang Zhen shouldn't know the big secret inside the royal family, right?

What if he knew?

Su Yu suddenly felt a headache.

"If Tang Zhen knew, and Cao Yuchai knew that Tang Zhen knew, then she would dare to tell me these things..." A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind: "It would be more reasonable to say it this way."

Su Yu felt that Tang Zhen might know. In other words, if he didn't tell Tang Zhen, he might die.

"Tang Zhen is a big man with a high vision and good at fishing for big fish with a long line. Even if he knows that Cao Yuchai is a hidden stake in the royal family, he may not necessarily kill Cao Yuchai. But if he knows that I am hiding from him, it will be tantamount to betrayal .At that time, my little life will be gone. I can't afford to lose this bet."

Thinking of this, Su Yu strode towards the Duke's Mansion.

Last time Tang Zhen said that if there is something urgent, you can knock on the door directly.

This time, Su Yu came to the Duke's Mansion, striding forward, and greeted Tian Jing. As soon as Tian Jing took out a bamboo number plate, Su Yu waved his hand and said, "It's urgent, let's do it quickly."

Then Su Yu knocked on the door in front of a group of people queuing up, and heard that Su Yu was looking for him, and Tang Zhenyun entered.

Su Yu came to the room and spoke out everything, and even told Tang Zhen directly about his head investigation.

Tang Zhen stared blankly at his wrist, and smiled wryly after a while: "You even checked me?"

Su Yu laughed and said, "If you don't put some big baits out, you won't be able to catch big fish."

Tang Zhen shook his head helplessly, and pointed out: "You actually guessed that the queen mother is not dead, you really dare to think. You are so bold, I even suspect that you will go to Hongling to find out."

Su Yu put down all the affairs in his hands, sat in front of Su Yu, looked straight at him and said, "You really impress me. In just half a year, you have touched almost all the secrets you can get into. I can tell you, Actually, I know what you said."

Su Yu felt that he was right.

Tang Zhen said again: "Since you have come this far, I might as well tell you. There are several people in our Tang Mansion. They are hidden stakes placed by the royal family in Qinghuafang. They collectively have a code name called 'Cao Wudi' You may not think that Tian Jing is also one of the 'Cao Wudi'."


"Tian Jing once went to Queen Mother Chen to sue me, which almost killed me."

"The eighteenth brother still keeps her?"

"Almost killed you too."

"Me? What does she want my life for?"

"Your sword!" Tang Zhen frowned: "When you first came to the Tang residence, where was the sword on your back?"

Su Yu scratched his head: "Let me give it to Li Zuoshi."

Tang Zhen pulled his face down: "Where is Zuo Li?"

Su Yu's heart sank: "Mmm..."

"Don't lie to me. You are Li Zuoshi!"

Su Yu's heart trembled, and he cursed secretly: "Damn it! You know this?"

Tang Zhen smiled: "Not long after you came to Qinghuafang, you wore a white robe and jumped around in the middle of the night. This incident caused Lin Jian to sleep for several months. There was a white shadow Appearing, Lin Jian thought that a master assassin was coming to Qinghuafang. But he arranged everywhere, but still let you hide.

But if you move around a lot, Lin Jian can still narrow down your range of activities.I found that you seem to be moving around the princess mansion and Dongdacang.But even so, it is still impossible to be sure that Shiro Shadow is you.In the end, if Hu Rong hadn't told him, he might not be able to sleep until now. "

Tang Zhen patted Su Yu's shoulder: "Don't be afraid, who can have no secrets. Not to mention you, even Shi Jinchong has it. In order to marry Tang Jiao, he played tricks on me a lot. It's a pity that his That bit of gaudy guts, in my opinion, is written all over his face."

Su Yu smiled ashamedly.

Tang Zhen sat up straight: "The Red and Black God Sect has always wanted the Queen Mother Chen's life. With the madness of the God Sect, if all the masters attack the palace collectively, it will be really dangerous for the Queen Mother Chen. But before, the Queen Mother Chen thought that the Red and Black God Sect The God Sect is over. But I didn’t expect that Yan Beiming was still alive, and you swaggered into Luoyang City with the Luoying Sword on your back. At that time, the Empress Dowager thought that the reappearance of the Red and Black God Sect was arranged by me. In fact, this is really a coincidence.”

Su Yu suddenly remembered that when he saw Shi Jinchong the first day, Shi Jinchong was holding a small note in his hand, which said "Su Yu, riding a white horse, seven feet nine inches tall, 19 years old, carrying a three-foot sword."

Is this really a coincidence?
But at that time, Su Yu really didn't know that the "Luoying Sword" was so powerful that entering the city with a sword would cause so many consequences.

After thinking about it, I was afraid, and almost got Tan Qin'er killed...

It turned out that his identity had been exposed long ago.When was it discovered by Hu Rong?

Every time I acted, I was extra careful with Hu Rong, where did the old Diao Temple hide?
Could it be that Hu Rong moved the misplaced copper coin next to Xiao Huan's pillow?

I always thought it was Lin Xiao...

When the candlesticks were engraved...

No, Hu Rong wasn't in the princess mansion at that time!
After these things happened, Hu Rong was invited back by Tang Linger...

Seeing that Su Yu was slipping away, Tang Zhen knocked on the table: "Cao Yuchai is a hidden stake. In fact, I just found out about it not too long ago. The emperor himself told me this. I think Cao Yuchai also knows. If it wasn't like this, she wouldn't dare to test you. .In the end, the two of you tested each other, but you got to the bottom of it.”

Tang Zhen smiled, and paced the room with his hands behind his back: "I'd better create a false impression for Cao Yuchai, you didn't tell me these words. From now on, you must continue to move closer to the royal family. In addition, if you find out anything in the future, don't be so anxious to tell me. I trust you very much. "

Su Yu stood up and said, "Understood."

When I left the Duke's Mansion, I felt relaxed, but after thinking about it carefully, I felt more and more uncomfortable.Although I am constantly solving problems, why do I feel that there are more and more question marks in my mind?I seem to be shrouded in a dark net, and I am only uncovering a corner of the mystery bit by bit.

The third uncle was very secretive, he said he had some secrets to tell me, what are those secrets?

Tang Zhen asked me to create the illusion that I didn't tell him the matter, and then let me continue to approach the royal family.On the surface, it is easier to gain the trust of the royal family, and even go a step further.But if I really did this, in the eyes of the emperor, empress and Cao Yuchai, wouldn't I become a traitor of the Tang family?

Who is going to assassinate Tang Ning? Will the royal family know who it is?Could it be that the royal family did it?Why are they doing this?

Did I get the direction wrong and complicate things?

But where did I go wrong?

"Could it be that these are all hidden in the third uncle's secret?" Su Yu felt a little whimsical, and suddenly flicked his sleeves: "No matter, find a place to relax and relax. I haven't seen Tan Qin'er's little girl for a few days My son, today I have to pull her ears and make her beg for mercy!"

"Damn girl, you almost killed me!" Cursing as she walked, she was still thinking, "No wonder Lin Sun always has such a strange expression when he sees me... Last time Mrs. Qian was assassinated, I went to the eldest son's mansion Sizu, he doesn’t speak when I’m not there, but when I’m there he yells, saying that swordsmen are too far away, what’s the use of high martial arts. Could it be that this is for me? He wants his Is it okay for my son to live in the small building of the princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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