
Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Facing Tang Linger's "cunning" gaze, Su Yu said that he had returned the money.Tang Ling'er was dubious, but she didn't take Su Yu seriously.Finally, he said to Su Yu, seeing that you and fourth brother have been working hard recently, and now that they have brought such great benefits to the family, then I will give you some hard work.

Ask Su Yu how much he wants to be satisfied.

Su Yu thought about it, and it would be useless to ask for too much, so he said: "Buying the land is only the first step in the plan. The next step is to start a war with the Paper Manufacturers Association. After the business war is over, we have to consider how to kick Zhao Zhun away."

Tang Ling'er sat on the couch, and said in a business-like tone: "The Tang family still has a lot of foreign debts. My brother is determined to pay back the money, and now we are going to war with the chamber of commerce. It is time to reduce funds. As a member of the Tang family, you are also the treasurer of the Dong family. As a co-organizer, you should be of one mind with me. Does it matter if it benefits you or not, and how much it benefits you?
Now you live in the princess mansion, you don't have to worry about food and clothing.There are also auction house bonuses and your monthly salary, and I also know that you run a paper-making workshop in Li's warehouse. Are these not enough for you?I also heard that you often send money home.I never interfered. "

Tang Linger turned around and took out an oversized notebook and put it on the case: "I will report this matter to the elders of the family. Let them know the contribution you and the fourth brother have made to the family. For this reason, I will also give four Brother monthly salary increased to 30. Presumably the elders will not raise objections.

As for your benefits, I think you should not ask for it.But I will also tell the elders about your merits, and I will fight for 20 monthly salary for you.In the Tang Mansion, there are not many people who can earn 20 a month.And this monthly salary is different from your auction house bonus. The bonus sometimes goes up and down, and maybe it will disappear at any time, but this monthly salary is allocated from the family's finances. "

What Tang Ling'er pulled out just now was the family's monthly payment account book, which was as big as a quarto paper and two inches thick.She pulled out the ledger, as if she wanted Su Yu to take a look.But Su Yu shook his head, and Tang Linger put the ledger back.

Tang Linger smiled: "I heard from the fourth brother that the original plan of the two of you was to each get one-sixteenth of the dividend. But now that the business war is about to start, the profit will be kept very low. Every sixteen One-fifth of the dividend may not be able to reach 20. Even if the chamber of commerce is destroyed, the technology made of bamboo will leak one day. I remember you once said that even if the secrets are not leaked, others will be able to make good paper sooner or later through experiments Come."

Su Yu nodded.

Tang Linger took a slow breath: "Brother once asked you to support the Red and Black God Sect, but he didn't say that you should spend a lot of energy and money on the sect's affairs. I hope you will get out of the God Sect's affairs as soon as possible. Those Mohists will be killed sooner or later." I hope the imperial court will not implicate you."

Tang Ling'er exhorted a few words with considerable concern, which really made Su Yu feel useful.And Su Yu's monthly salary has changed from 20 at the beginning to [-] today, which is not a small leap.This has far exceeded the salary of a group of retired veteran cadres such as Tang Zhong.

It is said that Tang Zhong's [-] yuan per month is enough to support his family.The houses in Qinghuafang are all allocated by the public, and the price of meals in the canteen is basically the cost price.And the servants and maids used at home are basically pariahs with prostitution contracts and no wages.Those who can pay hundreds of monthly salaries to little maids like the princess mansion are considered kind of the patriarch.

At this time, Wang Xun came up quietly, stood at the door, and reminded Tang Linger that it was time for dinner.

Tang Linger invited Su Yu to have lunch.

After dinner, Tang Linger asked, "Do you have anything else to do this afternoon?"

"Nothing too important."

"Then let's put the little things aside, follow me to Daoguangfang, and meet the eldest princess."


In order to open the East Palace, Tang Ling'er really wanted to go to the Eldest Princess Zhao Yu, and it was well known that the Eldest Princess was at odds with Concubine Feng.

Su Yu felt strange. It stands to reason that Princess Dachang and Concubine Feng belonged to the faction of Queen Mother Chen, so there shouldn't be any sharp conflicts. Only after listening to Tang Linger did she find out that it was related to Prince Mu Zhao Yu that Zhao Yan became the eldest princess.And Prince Mu, Zhao Wei, is the father of Zhao Ting, the current grain officer of Xuanjia Governor.

Both Prince Mu and the first emperor were born of the Han family of Empress Shennong (posthumous title, Tang Linger's grandmother). Zhao Wei and Prince Zhao Tong once supported the enthronement of Emperor Tianci, and later assisted Queen Mother Chen in poisoning Zhao Tong.Zhao Yu proposed to let Zhao Yu be the eldest princess, but the Empress Dowager Chen could not refute his face.And the grievances between Zhao Yu and Concubine Feng have existed since before Concubine Feng entered the palace.

They were still young at that time. Zhao Yu married the Zhan family at the age of 16, and the Zhan family built a mansion for the princess.Zhao Yu thought the house was too small, so she asked Zhan Yulin to expand the house.Zhan Yulin said that there is no homestead.Zhao Yan pointed to the small house on the side and said, it's just a small wooden house, just buy it.Zhan Yulin said that it was the ancestral property of the Feng family and they would not sell it.

The princess said, what's the use of leaving this small wooden house in the compound of his mansion?Zhan Yulin had no choice but to go to Feng's house.The Feng family said that it was the former residence of Feng Taiying, the founding father of the country, and there were ancestral tablets in it.Even if the princess wanted to buy it, she would not sell it.

This incident annoyed Zhao Yan, so she went to the door in person.The princess was young and vigorous, and said some unpleasant things.The adults of the Feng family didn't dare to talk back.But when Zhao Yan left, the 15-year-old girl from the Feng family came out to block her way and had a big fight with Zhao Yan.Also spat at each other.Since then, the two have been at odds.

Hearing this, Su Yu laughed out loud: "It's a trivial matter, so you won't hold grudges for a long time, right? If it is handled properly, it will become a source of conversation and laughter between the two, and it will enhance friendship instead."

Tang Ling'er said: "But they didn't handle it properly. Zhao Yu even went to the palace to sue the Feng family for this matter. It almost messed up the matter of the girl from the Feng family entering the palace. It was the Empress Dowager Han who spoke, and the two of them did not agree. Continue to quarrel. However, the seeds of grievances have been planted, and after the death of Queen Mother Han, they fought for a few more rounds, and the hatred was completely inseparable.

Now the Feng family girl has become a concubine, and there are two prince sons in the family.The power is growing.On the other hand, Zhan's family is getting worse day by day.Now, with the two princes messing around, the Zhan family can't even be a deputy general.How do you feel about the Eldest Princess? "

Su Yu nodded: "If Zhao Zhun ascends the throne, Concubine Feng will become Empress Dowager Feng. The eldest princess is in danger."

Not long after, the four horses belonging to Princess Chang'an stopped in front of Princess Dachang's mansion.

When she heard that Princess Chang'an and the county horse came to visit, the eldest princess was rarely so happy, and even went out to greet her in person.The son-in-law Zhan Yulin also greeted him with a smile, accompanied by a concubine.This concubine's room was chosen by Zhao Yu for Zhan Yulin. Although she was not beautiful, she was generous and very respectable.It's just that her status is humble, and she has no place to speak here.

Su Yu watched from the sidelines, Tang Ling'er didn't look directly at the concubine's room from the beginning to the end, let alone said a word.The head of the family, Zhao Yan, never introduced this person, and Zhao Yan also thought that her status was lowly, and she was not enough to introduce her to the princess of Dacheng.The concubine's room was neglected, but she kept smiling and stood aside.It's a good pair of humiliation.

Su Yu stole a look at Zhan Yulin, and found a trace of pity and helplessness in the old man's eyes.



On the day the East Palace opened, there were huge crowds of people in front of Xuanren Gate.And Xuanrenmen is facing Ziyang Avenue between Qinghuafang and Lidefang.Su Yu led four house slaves to watch the excitement.Tong Xi was short and thin, and was staggered around by waves of people.Old Huang carried her on his shoulders, and the little maid hugged Grandpa Huang's head, happily seeing it clearly.

The moment Empress Cao carried three-year-old Zhao Liangjun into the East Palace, the princelings finally had their meeting place.The step of Cao Sheng's promotion to the prince and grand master really surprised everyone.Mr. Director Jun would either not make a move, or make a move, which would catch the Prince's party by surprise.

And the one who asked for a title for Cao Sheng turned out to be the aging Marquis of Ningguo Tang Ning.This matter is decided by the emperor himself, and the princely party has no chance to oppose it.But after Cao Sheng was conferred, news spread immediately from the palace that the emperor's condition had changed rapidly, and he often suffered from diabetes insipidus.The Ministry of Rites has begun to prepare objects for sacrifice, and the Ministry of Industry is speeding up the construction of the emperor's mausoleum.

Cao Yuzan left the East Palace on the day Zhao Liangjun stayed in the palace, and returned to the harem to accompany the emperor.And the three-year-old child fell into the hands of Eunuch Lu of the Yeting Bureau and Cao Sheng, the prince and grand teacher. These two were divided into the masters inside and outside the East Palace.

Almost at the same time, the wedding of Prince Geng Zhao Zhun and the first daughter of the Ximen family had just been held. On the day Princess Geng entered the palace, the Ximen family had already become a party of princes.The Meng family supported the queen.The forces of the two sides are at war on the court, but An Guogong Tang Zhen is still unclear about his attitude.

After watching the excitement, the crowd dispersed.

Su Yu wandered back to the princess mansion, but saw Ouyang Jing waiting there.Looks a little anxious.

Su Yu invited Ouyang Jing into the room to talk.

Ouyang Jing said: "Jinfeng, what is the attitude of the Tang family now? It is said that Tang Ling'er went to see the eldest princess, and then the eldest princess went to meet the emperor and asked to build a palace for the prince. If this is the case, what is the attitude of the Tang family? Understand? But why did I hear that Tang Zhen didn't admit it? Why did Tang Linger go to see it because she missed her aunt? Are you fooling me?"

Su Yu smiled, "Don't talk about that. Even after Tang Ning invited Cao Sheng to be a knight, Tang Zhen firmly denied that Tang's involvement in the party struggle, and only said that it was a personal relationship between Tang Ning and Cao Sheng."

"Cheating on children?" Ouyang Jing said with a bitter face, "I guess Zhao Zhun won't talk to Tang Zhen anymore."

Su Yu nodded.

Ouyang Jing scratched his head: "But I need the help of hard people now."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to enter the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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