
Chapter 273 Control

Chapter 273 Control
Tong Xi said that the easternmost part of the second floor is a small warehouse, where some old documents that are not related to secrets are kept.Wang Xun, who is careful and budget-minded, said that these documents should not be thrown away directly, but should be bundled into rolls and used to start the stove.That day when the princess went out, Shi Yao, the maid on duty on the second floor, said that she had eaten too much and asked Tong Xi to go upstairs to help her with work.

While Tong Xi was working hard, she heard the princess and the Duke downstairs coming upstairs.At this time, the chubby servant girl Shi Yao followed up, but was knocked down by Wang Xun.Then Wang Xun went there for some reason, and Shi Yao never made it to the second floor.

Tang Ling'er thought that there was no one on the second floor, so she started talking to Tang Zhen.The matter of the head was mentioned in one mouth, and the little guy shrank back in fear.She didn't dare to make a sound, and heard Tang Zhen say to Tang Linger: "Until the real culprit is found out, you can't hand over the head to the second uncle, otherwise the second uncle will suspect that I did it. Why did Zhao Chong hand over the head at this time?" For me, I think he's warning me not to get too deeply involved in partisanship."

When Tang Zhen opened his mouth, it was highly confidential, and the little maid was not allowed to hear such words.But if he was heard, in order to prevent the maid from leaking the secret, Tang Zhen would probably kill the maid.Although Tong Xi is young, his elder brother Tong Yu's teachings are still in his ears.

At that time, Tong Xi was terrified, she came to the window gently, and she planned to climb out of the window.To the east of the princess mansion is the East Wing, where the maids go to work during the day, and there is no Wanglou here.Presumably no one could see it.The little guy looked around, and when the patrolling Tsing Yi passed by, she got out of the window.

As a result, she was short, with both hands on the window, but her feet could not step on the cornice anyway.She actually hung on the second floor like this.At that time, the little girl was so desperate that she couldn't get up or down, and she didn't dare to shout out.At this moment, Lao Huang strolled over.

"Shi Yao knows you are upstairs?" Su Yu asked after thinking about it.

"Grandpa Huang asked me to go find Shi Yao, and said that I had come down early, and I had to go up to help after eating something."

Su Yu smiled: "If Shi Yao has been in the toilet all the time, you can really deceive her by saying that. But what was her expression at that time, can you describe it to me?"

Tong Xi imitated Shi Yao vividly, and deliberately straightened her back and pouted her belly, acting like "I'm finally relieved".It is said that Shi Yao also warned Tong Xi at that time not to "talk about asking her to help bind the paper".

Su Yu thought about it, and felt that there should be no problem with Lao Huang's handling.So he didn't ask any more questions, and gave Tong Xi a plate of crabapple fruit on the table, and the little guy left contentedly.

After Tong Xi left, Su Yu secretly analyzed that sentence.It seemed that Tang Ling'er knew about Tang Kun's head.According to Tang Zhen, Tang Kun didn't kill him.The reason why the emperor handed over the head at this time was to control Tang Zhen from interfering in the party struggle.At first hearing, these words seemed reasonable, but Su Yu still felt something was wrong.

"Could Tang Zhen be lying..." Su Yu shook his head, feeling hard to say.

Give up this idea and think about something else.

"It is now certain that Zhang Mi was not sent by the queen, but the emperor. If it was the queen, she should use it to coerce Tang Zhen into supporting her instead of remaining neutral. In addition, the person who assassinated Tang Ning is more likely to be Tang Zhen. If Tang Ning If he is dead, Tang Zhen will no longer be threatened by others."

Su Yu thought about this matter again, and felt that his judgment should be logical.But that doesn't mean you've seen the truth.After all, there are many things in reality that are illogical.But through logical judgment, it will lead to a wrong result.It's like arguing with women who only care about feelings.They may not speak logic at all, and they may choke on the wrong logic and quarrel with you red-faced.

Except for such a woman, if you encounter something illogical again, it may be the so-called "God's will".


It feels like the internal power of the fifth layer of Thunderbolt Palm is about to move, and it seems that the moment of impact is approaching.The higher the level, the greater the chance of failure.Therefore, we must be more cautious, Su Yu decided to wait two days before attacking.

Before going to bed, stop thinking too much about the "head", and focus on the matter of "fighting for the position of elder".First "please" Tang Jiong, and try to control Tang Jiong's children.At the same time, Tang Ling'er had to win Tang Zhen's support and prevent the fifth son, Tang Jian, from coming back.Whether or not Tang Jian can be held down to prevent him from coming back may be the key to the problem.

But if Tang Jian came back, there might not be no room for maneuver.After all, Tang Jian can only give Tang Jiong a promise, and Tang Linger can directly give benefits now.


In the early morning of the next day, Su Yu was still eating on the second floor, when the concierge maid came in and said Tang Dan was looking for her.

Tang Dan didn't dare to enter the gate, but paced outside the moon gate, looking anxious.Over the years, he has been beaten by Tang Linger countless times, and a shadow has already been cast in his heart.If Su Yu hadn't said that he would take him to find something to do, maybe he would never come to the princess mansion again.

Although Tang Linger seemed to be smiling a bit recently, this girl had a cold face and a black mouth, and Su Yu knew it well.It's worth mentioning that Tang Ling'er didn't target Su Yu alone, she treated others the same way.In Qinghuafang, apart from Tangning and Tang Zhen, Tang Linger didn't seem to be too polite to anyone.Even when facing elders like Tang Jiong, Tang Li, and Tang Xun, and hard-line sons like Tang Kuan, she really didn't hesitate to throw her face down when she said she would.

Before today, Tang Dan was beaten again, feeling depressed in his heart.Relying on the second son's temper, he might as well sever all ties with the beating cousin.Anyway, Tang Linger's popularity in Qinghuafang has not been very good.A lot of people who swore to ignore Tang Linger were caught.

But swear to swear, whether they really don't come looking for it, that's another matter.If they don't come by themselves, they can ask their family members to come.After all, Tang Ling'er has the financial power, and sooner or later they will have time to spend it.

Not long after, Su Yu came out, dragged Tang Dan to the second floor without saying a word.At first, Tang Dan hesitated a little, walked a few steps, threw down his sleeves, and strode in.Seeing the muscles on his face twitch, he looked desperate.

Su Yu glanced at Tang Dan, and felt that it was not good for him to go upstairs like this, so he stood still and said, "Your cousin has promised to buy you a horse, just like Tang Qi's horse, 50 yuan."

While speaking, Su Yu took out the horse card and shook it.

Tang Dan was pleasantly surprised.

Su Yu smiled and said, "Look, in my cousin's heart, she regards you as a younger brother. Ask yourself, how do you treat your cousin?"

Tang Dan scratched his head in shame.

"But you know her. She employs people, so it's inevitable that some bad words will come to the fore. When she talks about you later, you are not allowed to talk back." Su Yu patted Tang Dan on the shoulder: "Man, a few words Can't you hold back the words?"

Tang Dan calmed down his emotions and said, "I didn't expect my cousin to be so kind to me. I misunderstood her before. I, Tang Dan, am not a fool. I know that good medicine is hard to taste. As long as my cousin treats me sincerely, I will also treat her well in the future." work."

Su Yu nodded and said: "For her, but also for yourself. You have something to do, and if you do well, show it to your family. Parents will be happy for you. Your cousin arranges things for you, even if you If you don’t know how to do it, don’t refuse. My brother-in-law will naturally help you deal with it. Although the time for my brother-in-law’s visit is not too long, within the Tang residence, Tang Li, Tang Kuan, Tang Yan, Tang Jin, and Tang Qi are all They are our own people. Besides them, Dongdacang, Li's warehouse, and even the Duke's Mansion, we have people we can turn to. After leaving Qinghuafang, my brother-in-law has friends in the government, business and bandits. Let me help you , you don’t have to worry about the future.”

"En!" Tang Dan clenched his fists and nodded as if swearing.

(End of this chapter)

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