
Chapter 284

Chapter 284
During this trip, she had to deal with the Zhengzhou military. Tang Linger specially prepared 3000 million yuan for Su Yu, and also went to inquire about the staffing of the Zhengzhou military.From the general Zhonglang of the division department to the captain of the brigade department, they all inquired clearly, and their connections were smoothed out.

For Princess Chang'an, who has always been careful and careful, and could even be described as "stingy", Su Yu was really surprised that he was able to spend so much money this time.It is said that there are no small things in the army, and gifts are also big gifts.If Tang Linger didn't prepare money, she still planned to ask Kong Shuo or Ouyang Jing to borrow money.But even if it is a loan, it is not possible to take so much money out.This really takes the poor family's road to wealth to the extreme.

On the way, he lent the soft armor to Mei Hongshan, but Mei Hongshan couldn't resist Su Yu's sincerity after several pushbacks, so he put it on.Mei Luohan seldom has the attitude of a daughter, but today it is undoubtedly revealed.It seems that she is still a little worse than Senior Sister Yan.Su Yu felt that even if Senior Sister Yan was on fire, she would not show her daughter-in-law attitude.

In the evening of the same day, the team entered Zhengzhou City and went straight to the Zhengzhou government office.

Wan Changqiang asked for a full meal and acted overnight.However, he found that the order he gave was not easy to use.Su Yu said that everything will be discussed when he comes back.Mei Hongshan and the others only remembered this order.And they only carried out half of Wan Changzhang's order, that is, to have a full meal.

When he came to Zhengzhou this time, Wan Changzhang brought ten people from the Xuanjia Battalion, including Zhao Dunfu, the deputy commander of the dog leg.Seeing that Mei Hongshan did not carry out the order, Zhao Dunfu was so angry that he screamed.He also drew out his knife to make gestures.I don't know what Wan Changzhang thought about it later, he didn't let Zhao Dunfu yell for too long.

Su Yu didn't stop, he went directly to Xuanjia No.15 Division, and found Zhan Yuzhen, the general in charge of the division.Hand in two hundred-man orders and ask for the transfer of [-] armored infantry and [-] heavy armored cavalry.

Zhan Yuzhen, from the Zhan family in Daoguangfang, cousin of Ma Zhan Yulin from Dachang Princess County.He belongs to those who have high positions but low ranks.Up to now, he is still a fourth-rank school lieutenant, not the usual third-rank general.The reason for this is because of the enmity between Princess Dachang and Concubine Feng, which caused the two princes to obstruct him, which made him unable to raise his level.

"It's a mere meeting ceremony, and please accept it with a smile from General Zhan."

"Hey, this is a public matter. How can such a generous gift be accepted?"

"It's all from relatives. I'm really sorry that I caused trouble when we first met."

The two chatted for a while, Su Yu said that time was tight and he had to leave soon.At this time, Zhan Yuzhen said: "Jin Feng, wait a minute. Come on, change the two teams just now. Change to my general who is directly under the guard."

Although they are all 200 people, there is one difference. The centurions directly under the guard of the division staff are more horizontal than the centurions of ordinary troops.When we meet each other, they seem to be half a head taller.In fact, the division guards are not the most powerful, there are Zhonglang General Guards and Supervising Army Guards on top.

Lao Huang said that he and Lao Lu were the right-hand men of General Su Changsheng back then.If someone dared to be disrespectful to the general, they would scold him at the top of their lungs, which was impolite.Lao Huang also said that his bad habit of swearing may have been left over from that time.We were civilized people before, with a gentle boy.

It is worth mentioning that although the No.15 Division has a complete five-general system, it is actually controlled by Zhang Yunlong.During the war, the Fifteenth Division was almost wiped out, and four of the current division's five generals were drawn from the First Division.

In the Liang Dynasty, the Lang generals and military supervisors were the third rank, the food supervisors, generals, and deputy generals were the third ranks, and occasionally there were third ranks, and those who were lower than the third ranks were mostly temporary promotions on the battlefield, and they had not had time to report to the court in the future.Major events in the army are basically decided by these five people in meetings.

There is a custom in the army that the third-rank officers are called Zhonglang generals, and those who start from the third rank are called deputy Zhonglang generals.Although such a title has never appeared in official documents, it has long been used by everyone.Su Yu discovered that anyone who can become a deputy general should act vigorously and resolutely.The soldier's eyes were bright and murderous.This group of people has just experienced the baptism of war, and they still retain the style of the war.

With an order, within a quarter of an hour, two hundred infantrymen were ready to go.It feels like they are gathering faster than the Jinwu Guard.

Su Yu led his troops out of the camp and went straight to Zhengzhou Mansion, where he met Wan Changqiang again.

On the way, Su Yu gave generous gifts to the two centurions.Hong Lin, the captain of the cavalry, was too kind to accept the courtesy, and he was worried that something might happen, so he didn't dare to accept it.Su Yu forced it to him, and said: "It's not for anything else, just to strangle the Mo party. Besides, the money is not for you alone. Brothers come to help me with things, and everyone has a share. You can't do it for me." Brothers refuse, right?"

Hong Lin said: "The ugly words come to the fore, we only kill the Mo party, and there is nothing else we can do. At that time, don't say that we take money and do nothing."

Su Yu smiled: "Don't worry, I will never embarrass everyone."

The Daliang dynasty emphasized martial arts over culture, especially in this important military town, and implemented a military management policy.Mr. Fu Yin really has no sense of presence here.Hearing that Ma of Dacheng County was ordered by the queen to suppress the ink bandits, he hurried over and brought thirty armed yamen servants behind him.Said to help Su Junma.

This was a surprise, Su Yu was very polite to the Fu Yin surnamed Zhang.I also asked that the person surnamed Zhang was Zhang Yunlong's relative?
Zhang Fuyin said with emotion, it would be fine if it was true, but unfortunately it is not.

"Su Junma, when do you think we will do it?" Zhang Fuyin seemed impatient: "The sooner we deal with these gangsters, the better. Otherwise, they will run away without a trace."

"Don't worry, I'll come over as soon as I have a hidden stake. I'll talk about it after I understand the situation."

Not long after, there was noise outside, and Su Yu went out to see that it was Yan Xiaoyi, a secret member of the Red and Black God Sect, who had come to the station, but was stopped by Wan Changqiang.Wan Changzhang said that this person forcibly broke into an important place for military aircraft, and he should be executed on the spot.As soon as he heard this, Zhao Dunfu led the people up, and Yan Xiaoyi was chased and ran around.When Mei Hongshan and others stopped him, Zhao Dunfu raised his knife and was eager to try, cursing non-stop.

"My own!" Su Yu opened the door curtain and shouted, "Don't accidentally injure me!"

Su Yu shouted, but Zhao Dunfu still refused to stop.Su Yu's face turned cold, and he came to Zhao Dunfu, slapped him across the face with a thunderbolt, and knocked Zhao Dunfu to the ground.

"Dog slave, are you deaf?"

You, Zhao Dunfu, were beaten so badly that your mouth and eyes were crooked, and it took you a while to recover.

"Su Yushi!" Wan Changqiang strode over and pointed out: "Here, I am the main general, you are just coordinating! Why don't you take me seriously? If you continue to behave like this, blame me for being the queen!" I have a book for you in front of me! This is in the army, not a tavern in Luoyang City. Your status as the county horse master is useless here, don’t play with your prestige! Don’t say that you are a county horse, the grain supervisor of the sixth division, So what about the eldest princess consort of the first grade? If you don’t obey the order, you will still have your head chopped off?”

The eldest princess Wan Changzhang was talking about was not Zhao Yu, but decades ago.

Wan Changzhang came to Su Yu, raised his hand and said, "I order you to hand over your military badge. Now that I've dismissed you, don't intervene in this operation again."

Su Yu said seriously: "Commander Wan, you seem to have made a mistake. The military card in my hand was given to me by the queen. You are not qualified to take it back on behalf of the queen."

Wan Changzhang said: "I think you made a mistake. The queen appointed me as the general, and I am the only one who has the command. This is like fighting on the battlefield, and everything is under the command of General Zhonglang. The army cannot easily veto General Zhonglang's orders."

Su Yu said: "That's right, the command is in your hands. But whether you can mobilize this group of people is up to you. You don't have enough prestige, no wonder me."

Wan Changzhang drew out his knife: "I can kill anyone who doesn't obey the command, this is military law!"

Su Yu and Wan Changzhang quarreled, and the two centurions, the teacher and counselor, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Hong Lin, the centurion of the cavalry, whispered to Guo Shuang, the centurion of the armored infantry, "I said, there must be something else to do with such a generous gift."

Guo Shuang whispered: "If it's about our [-]th division, we shouldn't interfere if the two fifth-rank masters are arguing to the sky. But now we are seconded as teachers and counselors, and we are guests. It is always right to coordinate conflicts among colleagues of."

Hong Lin sighed and said, "It's a soft hand to accept people's money."

After muttering something, Hong Lin urged the horse to go forward, pointing his sword at Wan Changqiang: "Who are you? Why are you making such noise and obstructing military affairs!"

Wan Changzhang scolded angrily: "Blind your dog eyes, can't you see that I am a fifth-rank official? A mere centurion, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"I'm sorry, sir." Guo Shuang came over and said with an apologetic smile: "We are seconded by the teacher and ginseng. We only recognize military cards, not people. Now that the military cards are in the hands of Su Junma, we can only listen to him. Yes. If there is any conflict between the two masters, you can go to the military officer and explain it clearly. As long as the officer gives an order, we will definitely carry it out."

Su Yu approached Wan Changzhang, and whispered in his ear: "Commander Wan should not be too stubborn. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to tie you up. If you think I dare not, you can try."

He patted Wan Changyan on the shoulder like an old friend: "My backstage is Tang Zhen, what about yours? If Da Sima competes with you, how long do you think you can be a fifth-rank official?"

(End of this chapter)

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