
Chapter 299

Chapter 299

The next day, Su Yu got up early and sent the memorial written overnight to the imperial censor's room.

Watching a group of censors of the fifth rank and above galloping towards the Jinluan Palace, seeing their heads held high and their blood boiling, they seemed to be a group of fighters rushing to the battlefield.

Su Yu's rank is not enough, so he can only stay in the imperial censor's room and wait for the queen to summon him.

Meeting Wen Tianying last night, Su Yu deeply felt the strength of the military advisors around King Mu back then.This skinny old man is bold and careful, and he really is not someone to be bullied.Fortunately, I was not reckless.If you tell Cao Yuzan the news directly and destroy Wen Tianying's plan, then you will become his enemy.All he wanted was to avenge the tens of thousands of soldiers under him, even at this age, his flame of hatred had never been extinguished.In his eyes, anyone who stands in the way of his revenge deserves to die.

I don't know what's going on in the hall today, but it's very late, and no one came out during lunch.

Su Yu walked out of the censor's room and asked Xiao Huan and Tongyu to eat at a nearby restaurant, while Su Yu himself ate a few bites in the censor's room dining hall.The food in Yushifang is quite good.It is said that it was arranged by Cao Yuzan to allow some veteran chefs in the Imperial Dining Room to use their waste heat here.

Finally, it was time for the queen to go down to court, and it was already two quarters.

The queen must eat first, and no one will be seen during this time.But today Cao Yuzan might be a little impatient, and made an exception to let Su Yu enter the hall, and even closed the gate of the back hall, keeping other people who were going to be summoned outside.Only Li Wantang and Cao Xiaobao remained in the hall.

"Su Yushi's memorial said that something big will happen?"

"Prince Yu colluded with the ink bandits and wanted to transport two thousand barrels of fire and thunder into the city."

"Two thousand barrels?" Cao Yuhan couldn't eat anymore: "Does Su Yushi have evidence?"

"Fire and thunder are the evidence."

Cao Yuzan thought for a moment: "What does Yushi Su mean, let them bring in Huo Lei?"


In front of the queen was a curtain made of pearls. In fact, the curtain was larger than reality, and through the curtain, one could still see Cao Yuhan frowning.

It was wrong to look at the queen for a long time, Su Yu lowered his head as much as possible.

"This matter is too big, I need to discuss it with the emperor." Cao Yuzan turned her head slightly: "Li Wantang, report to the emperor quickly."

"Here." Li Wantang walked away briskly.

Afterwards, Cao Yuzan continued to eat, and Su Yu could smell the food while sitting in His Royal Highness.Cao Yuzan ate very quickly, and soon after, Cao Xiaobao called the maid to come in and take it away.

The moment Cao Xiaobao left the apse, there were only the queen and Su Yu in the entire hall.Su Yu felt strange for no reason.I was even worried that Cao Yuhan would say something terrifying suddenly.

The voice of Cao Xiaobao calling for the maid came from the gate of the back hall, and almost at the same time Cao Yuhan said quickly: "Do you think you are sure?"

Su Yudao: "It's impossible for them to directly transport Huolei into the imperial city. As long as they don't enter the imperial city, the situation can be controlled."

"I'm worried that there are people from Zhao Zhun in the Jinwu Guard. If he suddenly attacks, the situation will be difficult to control."

"Zhao Yafu, Ji Lingyun, and Wan Changzhang are trustworthy. In addition, fire mines are afraid of fire. If Zhao Yulong is mad, we can ignite the fire mines in advance on the way, so that we can't blow up the imperial city."

Afterwards, the hall was completely silent, and the voices of the maidservants walking could be heard clearly.Cao Xiaobao muttered something next to the queen.

Not long after Li Wantang returned, he only said one sentence: "Your Majesty said to let the queen decide."

Cao Yuzan nodded: "Su Yushi, how do you think it should be arranged?"

"For the sake of economic prosperity, the inspection of water transportation and Shangyangmen and Jianchunmen should be relaxed. Especially in the morning, when the traffic and boats entering the city are seriously congested, the city gate guard inspection can be changed to the square office guard inspection. This will provide convenience for Prince Yu to transport .Presumably he will not miss this opportunity. At this time, send more experts to watch the three places, and you can train fine dogs to identify fire and thunder."

"Can a fine dog recognize fire and thunder?"

"As early as in the previous dynasty (Tang Dynasty), bad people trained small dogs to handle cases, and made great achievements repeatedly. In our dynasty, the Jinwu Guard also raised and trained them. Small dogs have a keen sense of smell, as long as they smell the smell of fire and thunder, they will It can remember it. Even if it's in a box, it can smell it."

Cao Yuzan smiled and said, "If that's the case, it will take away the worries in my heart. Xiaobao, you can go to Ji Lingyun for a fine dog, and I'll give it a try."


Cao Yuzan didn't immediately decide to let go of the city gate and the water transport. It is estimated that she would feel relieved to make such an arrangement after seeing that the dog can really recognize fire and thunder.In addition, she also needs to select some big insiders to handle this matter.This is a critical link. Once the wrong person is selected, everything will be ruined.

Su Yu predicted that Zhang Mi would definitely want to participate.But whether he can be trusted by Cao Yuzan is unknown.

At this time, the role of Cao Sheng is even more important. Over the years, Director Cao has cultivated a large number of cronies around him. If he doesn't need it now, let alone when.

I hope that Cao Yuzan will relax the restrictions on entering the city as soon as possible, otherwise the paper in the Tang's warehouse will be sold out.However, during this period of time, the Tang family's papers did not come in at all.Tang Ling'er spent money on water transportation and city gate guards, which was somewhat effective.Even the carriages in the military station were mobilized by Tang Linger, and some papers were brought in one after another.

It is estimated that the Tang family can last at least another seven or eight days.As long as Cao Yuzan made up his mind within these seven or eight days, the Tang family would escape disaster.But this time, Su Yu planned to kill the price fiercely and give Meng Sixun a heavy blow.

After meeting Cao Yuzan, Su Yu planned to meet Tang Zhen.It is said that the Ministry of War reached a consensus last night, and the content of their meeting has also been exposed.Now Nan Jiaren and Youlu people are fighting in the Liaoxi Corridor, and Nan Jiaren's territory has been severely compressed, so he is sticking to Pingzhou at this time.If there is a loss in Pingzhou, Nan Jia will be in danger.

Nan Jia's envoy flew to ask for help, but there were serious differences within the Liang Dynasty.

Tang Zhen and Meng Danqing advocated joining hands with Youlu people to completely eliminate the Nanjia people in a double attack, and then completely recapture the Sixteen States of Yanyun; It is believed that first help the Nan Jia people to repel the Youlu people, and then use troops alone to destroy the Nan Jia people.

The consistent style of military conferences in the Liang Dynasty is all the main combat faction.The same goes for people like Ximen Zhensen who are usually listless.This is in stark contrast to the Southern Jin Dynasty, which had millions of soldiers and rich people everywhere.However, this style of the Liang Dynasty was often criticized by some literati in the south of the Yangtze River.The main idea of ​​the sentence is: they are too aggressive and do not know how to adapt, they deserve to be poor.

In fact, there are two schools of thought in the Southern Jin literary world. Some people say that they are both Chinese, and the Northern Dynasty has made great achievements in resisting Hu and showing the prestige of the Chinese people.But these people are often called "traitors" and "Jin traitors", and the two factions quarreled fiercely.Smelly literati are born with this kind of virtue, and any topic can cause them to open their mouths and curse.If you don't scold the seven orifices for bleeding, the liver and the gallbladder are torn apart, you will feel unsatisfied.

The Liang Dynasty often did not quarrel over "war" and "peace", but disagreed on how to "war".Two directions, three opinions, each holding a word, endless debate.

The government affairs were basically handed over to the empress and Zhao Zhun by the Emperor Tianci, but when it came to military affairs, the Emperor Tianci still had to come forward in person.It is said that the emperor became thinner and weaker again, with weak legs and feet, and was carried out by two eunuchs.

However, the emperor's mind was not confused. In the end, the emperor made the decision to help the Nan Jia people repel the Youlu people, but asked the Nan Jia country to return the three prefectures of Shuo, Huan, and Ying.Then get through the Yanmen Pass to the front line of Yunzhou, so that Gongsunxiong is no longer alone in Yunzhou.The return of Yingzhou can remove the constraints behind Mozhou.

If all goes well, five of the sixteen prefectures will be in the hands of Liang Chao.And the male Jia Guo stayed temporarily, which can play a buffer role.Otherwise, Liang Chao would have to directly face the up-and-coming Youluren, which would be very unfavorable for the recovering Liang Chao.

After stating the conditions, the envoy Nan Jia agreed and signed the letter of credence.

Emperor Tianci issued an edict to set up the "Yiluan Army", and the Xuanjia Army sent four divisions to Dadu (Youzhou) in the first batch to ensure that the Nanjia Kingdom would not be breached.Tang's Shence Army, Meng's Flying Tiger Army, and Ximen's Huben Army each selected three divisions to arrive in Dadu within [-] days.The day when the army is assembled is the time to counterattack.

The five sense system of the Volunteer Army came into being: Grand General Gongsun Xiong, Commander Zhao Ting, Governor Food Officer Ximen Hao, Chief General Meng Lun, and Chief Deputy Tang Li.The three pioneers are God of War figures from the three major families, Qi Dongyang, Gan Yao, and Xiao Yu.There are a total of thirteen divisions, all the top famous generals of the Liang Dynasty participated, and the lineup is strong, but Zhang Yunlong's challenge to the battle was rejected.Cao Sheng and Zhao Yafu remained silent, and the emperor did not ask them to go by name.

Da Sima Tang Zhen and the old emperor Zhao Man (cousin of the first emperor, former chief deputy of Xuanjia and general of Jinwuwei Zhonglang, second elder of the royal family) rushed to Mozhou to coordinate the military supervision operations.The emperor appointed Tang Zhen as the governor of the wartime fortune and counselor, holding the emperor's sword, and announced that the Taoist government of the whole country would cooperate in the battle.If the Taoist government is slack, Da Sima can kill first and then play.If the opinions of the five generals of the Ruyi Army are seriously different and there is no need to report back to the capital, the Grand Sima will make a quick decision.

(End of this chapter)

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