
Chapter 314 The Unsolved Mystery

Chapter 314 The Unsolved Mystery
An old man is like a treasure in a family. The 80-year-old Tang Ning sits in the town and arranges everything in an orderly manner.

Although Tangning's move was a bit of a big deal, those who have experienced wind and rain deeply understand the truth of being careful when sailing for thousands of years.So the Tang family swordsmen, under the leadership of the three elders, went to Chengfufang, Lidefang, and Daoguangfang respectively, and worked hard for a long time to save fire and people.

But during the whole process, they didn't even catch a "bandit".Just seeing Zhao Yafu under martial law at the gate of the imperial city, he executed the "rebel" on the spot.Some of these soldiers didn't know what happened until the battle was over.They just followed the general and hacked and killed. They couldn't figure out why the leopard rider suddenly attacked Xiong Qu.I was still a Jinwu Guard just a moment ago, so why did I become a "rebel" at this moment.

How Zhao Yafu dispatches and arrests people is not detailed.General Zhang Yunlong had already finished deploying troops, and entered the back hall to face the saint.Emperor Zhao Chong loudly praised Zhang Yunlong's speed of wind and thunder, and I was very relieved.Tang Ning met with Tang Ning not long after, the emperor gave Tang Ning a seat, and the two chatted happily, as if the explosion of fire and thunder just now was just a fireworks show.

Su Yu stayed in the Tang residence to work everywhere.When a group of women heard that Tang Ling'er had become a member of the temporary elders' council, they rushed to the entrance of the main hall of the ancestral hall, buzzing and saying strange things.Taking safety as an excuse, Su Yu sent all the women into the ancestral hall to sit quietly, so that their ears were clean.

After various news came back, the four-member group of the Temporary Presbyterian Church concluded the incident: this was Prince Yu's rebellion, and at the same time, a super-large-scale assassination caused by personal grievances occurred.The rebels in Prince Dangyu's lineage have been controlled by Zhao Yafu, and after Zhang Yunlong entered the city, the imperial power has been consolidated again; as for the assassin, he has been killed by the fierce generals of the Meng family, and the remaining bandits have fled and no longer pose a threat.

And now it can be confirmed that the assassin's attack on the Meng family was a false move, and the bombing of Ximen's family was the real purpose.There are different opinions on the identity of the assassin. Some say it is Wen Tianying from the holy fire sect, some say it is Zhang Youtian, a military advisor under King Mu's tent, and some say it is Huo Hongxun, an old general of the Tang family.

Su Yu felt that they were all right.

In the evening, Tang Jiong and his group who went to Chengfufang to help came back. They pretended to be serious and helpful in the mood of watching the fun, and tossed around for most of the day. When they came back, they brought back a lot of gifts. —— Seeing that the elders of the Tang family personally lead a team to help, the Meng family will inevitably stay for a banquet.Before leaving, I also sent some "small gifts" to express my gratitude.

Tang Jiong said: There was a lot of thunder and rain in Meng's house, many people were injured, but not many people died.The fire and mine exploded on Kuan Dao, causing little damage to the Meng family's property.With the strong financial resources of the Meng family, it can be repaired in a few days.Meng Danqing is a man of great courtesy, he personally received us and gave us gifts.

The gift list has been handed over to Tang Linger. Tang Linger put away the gift list and put the gift in storage.

Not long after, a group of people who went to Lidefang to help came back, Tang Li said: "Ximen's family is in a terrible situation, the whole prince's mansion has been overthrown."Preliminary statistics show that at least one-third of the three hundred masters and slaves in the mansion died. The eldest son Ximen Xiongfeng was crushed in the main hall, and his body was found after the fire was put out.If it weren't for the jade seal on his body, it would be difficult to identify him.

Tang Li is 73 years old, with gray hair, sitting in the main hall of the ancestral hall.

Tang Kuan, Tang Xian, Tang Yan, Tang Linger, Su Yu and other juniors listened to the old man tell stories.

The white-haired old man's words were very meaningful today, and he talked endlessly.

Tang Li said that when he was young, he was doing Tang Yun's job now.At that time, I often traveled around, and naturally I also went to Lidefang to deal with the Ximen family.People from the Ximen family said that Ximen Zaichi, the old Duke of Chu, had a very low opinion of his eldest son Ximen Xiongfeng, especially in the anti-Hu war more than 30 years ago, Ximen Xiongfeng's performance disappointed the old Duke.

It is said that he sees a tree and destroys the whole forest, is tyrannical and paranoid, has a small tool, always loses the overall situation because of small things, and is very argumentative but biased.Talent does not oppress people, virtue does not match, talent and virtue double feeding is not enough to bear the title of Duke of the country.Therefore, the abolished Changli elected Ximen Zhensen to inherit the Duke of Chu.Although Ximen Zhensen is also a treacherous person, he is much stronger than Ximen Xiongfeng. After all, Ximen Zhensen has the overall situation in mind.

As for the assassin, it was indeed Huo Hongxun. He used to be the No. 15 general of the Tang clan's magic strategy army. .He went to the Hebei battlefield and won seven battles and seven victories, but was trapped in Xiangzhou due to insufficient supplies.Later, he led more than 1000 people to Kaesong and surrendered.

This move offended the whole world, and people in the world could not tolerate a traitor alive.But the old Duke Tang Qiong said, my general was wronged, and the world will not allow me to protect him, so he asked the eldest son Tang Qian to attack Mozhou.It is worth mentioning that when Huo Hongxun saw Tang Gan attacking the city, it was he who killed the defender of the west city, Alandada, and smashed open the city gate.But that was not said at the time.It is only said that Tang Gan captured Huo Hongxun alive and beheaded him in the street.

Later, Huo Hongxun, in the name of his own soldier Zhang Youtian, was arranged by Tang Qiong to guard the border town in Hexi, where he served as a slave soldier.The purpose of keeping him is that after some years, no one will remember Huo Hongxun when he came out again to assist the eldest son Tang Gan.But the eldest son died young, and Huo Hongxun lost the chance to come out of the mountain.At that time, Tang Qiong planned to let him assist Tang Zhen, but the King Mu was born, and Huo Hongxun rose up with the King Mu in the name of Zhang Youtian.At that time, he was 52 years old.

"What's the relationship between Meng Sixun and Huo Hongxun?" Among his nephews and nephews, Tang Kuan knew more about the past than others, and asked with open mouth.

Tang Li chuckled and said, "Meng Sixun is the illegitimate son of Seventh Aunt of the Meng family, his surname is Huo!"

There was a bang in the hall, everyone was chattering, even Tang Linger wanted to say something, but she held back.

Tang Kuan asked again: "Then what happened to Huo Zizhen?"

Tang Lidao: "Huo Zizhen is Zhang Han's adoptive son. When King Mu retired, Zhang Han defected to the Meng family, so the Meng family took him in. And Huo Zizhen is also Huo Hongxun's son. Speaking of which, I still know Huo Zizhen's mother. Qing Guan, and later Wanhualou skinny horse piano dance instructor Yu Linglong."

Tang Kuan laughed and said: "In this way, Meng Sixun and Huo Zizhen are still the seeds left by our generals of the Tang family."

The hall roared with laughter.

The old people in the Presbyterian Church know the secrets, but they usually don't talk about it.Now that Huo Hongxun is dead, he no longer has any scruples, so he simply tells everyone a story.The people present were all important figures among the Tang family's nephews.Leaving the main hall, you know what to say and what not to say.

Su Yu thought that the next time Tang Kuan saw Meng Sixun, he would probably curse at him.The fourth brother's temper and character are actually not so very good.


Not long after, Tang Ning and Tang Xun came back one after another.

The four old men got together and discussed something in a low voice, and then they were stopped by a group of juniors, wanting to hear about the affairs of the imperial palace and Prince Geng's mansion.

Tang Ning said, it's not easy to talk about the emperor and queen's affairs to the outside world, just listen to Tang Xun tell you about the situation in the Geng Palace.

A group of people headed by Tang Kuan ran to stop Tang Xun again, during which Tang Linger was naturally present.Su Yu looked at Tang Ling'er, and suddenly wanted to laugh. This scene seemed to be a little sister running around with her big brothers, pestering the elders to listen to stories.Tang Xun couldn't resist a group of people, so he sat down and talked.

When Tang Xun arrived at Prince Geng's mansion, the fire had already been extinguished.Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Prince Geng's mansion, they ran to Prince Yu's mansion for another round.Helping to find corpses in the ruins has been busy until now.Judging from the situation at the scene, Prince Yu's mansion was definitely committed by an acquaintance.Some people even judged that it might have been arranged by Prince Yu himself.

The cause of Prince Yu's death was poisoning.Before he died, he was in a trance and carried a skeleton to the next door to find his mother, Concubine Feng.At that time, all the people around him were poisoned, how he carried the skeleton to the garden of Prince Geng's mansion was really strange.Cao Sheng judged that Zhao Yulong might have poisoned the whole family to death, and then he finally took the poison.

But why are some people shot to death by arrows, hacked to death by knives, or smashed to death by blunt objects.This makes people feel puzzled. Could it be that there were still a group of people in Prince Yu's mansion at that time, and they saw poisoned people running out, so they killed them?But who are these people?Why are they doing this?Could it be arranged by Zhao Yulong?Or someone else?
It is worth mentioning that, among the ruins, someone found a flower.Made of metal, according to Lin Xun's judgment, that flower is very similar to the hidden weapon fired by the unscrupulous nine-turn lotus flower, but Lin Xun only heard other people's descriptions and never saw it with his own eyes, so he dare not be accurate.In addition, Hua Qianshu is dead, who else would use such a hidden weapon?

Tang Xun smiled bitterly and said, "No matter how many doubts you have, it has nothing to do with our Tang family. Let Zhao Zhun and Cao Sheng worry about these matters."

"Where is that flower?" Tang Yan asked curiously.

Tang Xun said: "Director Cao's army is going to raid the house, and if you find something, of course you have to give it to him."

Tang Dian asked curiously: "Seventh Uncle just said that Zhao Yulong went to see the concubine with a skeleton in his arms. What does that mean?"

Tang Xun spread his hands: "Even Dowager Feng doesn't know, let alone others."

Tang Xun frowned and thought for a while: "Perhaps Concubine Feng knew, but she just didn't want to say it. It must have been a bad thing, and the concubine had just had a big fight with Zhao Zhun at that time, and she was in a bad mood. A large group of royal women ran to comfort her, The room is noisy, how can she open her mouth to speak. Oh, by the way, Linger, I think you should also represent the Tang family and go to condolences to Concubine Dowager. After all, she is still your aunt. Jinfeng, you accompany Linger Let's go together."

(End of this chapter)

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