
Chapter 323 Hoarding Food

Chapter 323 Hoarding Food
Seeing Tong Yu coming out of the palace, she thought the matter was done, turned around and was about to get in the car, but was told that the emperor let a stranger into the palace to talk about Gu skills.

Hearing this, Su Yu felt a headache.I don't know Gu art at all, and I have to talk nonsense when I meet the emperor.It's not a good feeling to talk nonsense with your eyes open.

The harem of the Liang Dynasty was strictly managed, and the prince had to leave the palace at the age of 12.Apart from the emperor, the only man who can enter the harem is the imperial physician.Even if the imperial physician enters the palace, he must be accompanied by eunuchs and maids all the way.When the imperial physician entered the palace, what disease he treated, what prescriptions he prescribed, and when he left, all must be recorded.

It is worth mentioning that the eunuchs and maids in charge of monitoring the imperial physicians cannot be the people in the "sick" concubine's house.Prevent masters and slaves from colluding and causing unsightly things.

When Su Yu entered the palace this time, he was accompanied by four eunuchs and four palace maids, so everyone was watching.It is impossible to take a wrong step. There have been eunuchs to guide the direction long ago.Su Yu concluded in his mind: If he is not a puppet emperor, the possibility of being green is almost zero.

Fortunately, Zhao Chong didn't know much about Gu art, and Gu art is very mysterious, with countless branches.It did leave Su Yu with a lot of room to speak.Talk about what you have seen and heard in the two lives.After half an hour of "deep communication", the emperor felt that he had acquired a lot of new knowledge.

During the conversation, Su Yu thought about the emperor's mind and said: "I only know a little superficially, but I think these Gu techniques are mostly techniques that harm the country and the people, and boldly persuade the emperor to vigorously abolish them."

"The words of the stranger are exactly what I want."

Su Yu believed that the reason why the emperor wanted to talk about Gu art with him was not because he wanted to learn, but because he wanted to see how much Su Yu knew about Gu art and what his attitude towards Gu art was.What Su Yu said before, the emperor should just chat to relieve boredom.In the end, the emperor was very satisfied when he heard from Su Yu that the Gu technique would be abolished.

As for the matter of investigating Prince Yu's mansion, the emperor said you should not go there, Cao Sheng has turned the place upside down, and there is no way to have any clues.

The emperor laughed and said: Cao Sheng ransacked his home, he was notoriously serious, and he was nicknamed "Yi Sweeping" in the market.Before Zhang Mi appeared, the emperor always believed that Cao Sheng was the most capable person in the world.But the last time Zhang Mi led a team to clean up the Holy Fire Cult's lair, they even brought back the urinal.The queen told the emperor about it, and the emperor was amused.Even if it is mentioned now, the emperor shook his head and smiled wryly.

The emperor also said that if he still wanted to investigate the voodoo related to Zhao Yulong, someone else would go to the Jinyiwei government office tomorrow, and I would send someone to send all the relevant objects collected by Cao Sheng there.Including that skeleton.The emperor also said that such an ominous thing cannot be placed in the imperial city.At that time, Su Yu really wanted to ask, why did your mother and son hide the head of the second son of the Tang family under the bed of Concubine Tang?

Of course Ni Longlin didn't say what he said, Su Yu just stated that he would go all out to complete the mission.

The emperor expressed affirmation of Su Yu's attitude, and also said that Jin Yiwei's supervisory censor was required to work closely with Jin Yiwei to vigorously rectify the gu bandits.They cannot be allowed to flood Luoyang City.Tomorrow, a document will be issued to notify all ministries to cooperate with Jin Yiwei on the issue of "rectifying Gu bandits".

Talking here, the night was getting dark, and the emperor and queen could not be disturbed to rest, so they got up and said goodbye.

I didn't feel how beautiful the palace was when I entered the palace this time, but felt that the palace at night was gloomy.Perhaps it is because the land is too large and there are too few people.Or it may be because too many tragic stories have happened on the red wall and golden tiles, and those stories mostly contain death factors.



It was another sunny day, but Su Yu couldn't be happy. He came back from the Jinyiwei government office, and scolded Tang Xiaopang in the Dongdacang hut.But before leaving, he still put five hundred coins in her pocket, and the little maid smiled through tears.

In the Jinyiwei government office, I saw the skeleton and found nothing wrong.He wanted to invite Mr. Ma, but he heard that Mr. Ma was going out and it would take seven or eight days before he could come back.Now Jinyiwei has become a large yamen, and in addition to the commander Wan Changzhang, a supervisor has also been arranged.To put it bluntly, it is to arrange a military supervisor for this team.

This person is none other than Zhang Mi.Eunuch Zhang.

Now that "Wen Tianying" is dead, the Sacred Fire Cult disbanded on the spot.Zhang Mi felt a lot easier.A smile also began to appear on his face.No longer suffering and hating all day long like before.It seems that Zhang Mi is really relieved.It is said that Wen Yidao also intends to join Jinyiwei, but that fellow has a bad reputation.If you want to enter the Jinyiwei team, you need a lot of work.At least the name should be changed.In addition, the consent of the queen must be obtained. ——Not everyone has the opportunity to change their ways.

It is worth mentioning that the current Jinyiwei Xuanjia Battalion looks more like a group of soldiers, and only the third small battalion looks more like a spy agency.The reason why the three small battalions were not expanded may also be the empress' arrangement.It's just that Wan Changzhang doesn't tell the outside world.

Jin Yiwei added another task of "destroying Gu bandits".The specific worries are handled by Wan Changqiang, and Su Yu doesn't follow blindly.Vice President Wan's injury is still not healed, he led people around like a headless chicken, but he didn't find any clues.Su Yu just waited for Ma Lao to come back, and then went to give some suggestions to Wan Changqiang.

Some people say that Wan Changqiang is not a person who will be a high official.The deputy chief of Xuanjia's third division (Jinwuwei), a military general from the third rank, led his soldiers around before he recovered from his serious injury.Moreover, he did not promote the head of the Xuanjia Battalion Banner, and he is still vacant.

Thinking about it carefully, he can't be blamed for this. He was a border centurion a few months ago, and it was impossible to complete the role change in such a short period of time.In addition, he may think that working with injuries can move the emperor.Or maybe he was born to be a restless person.People's hearts are separated by belly, Su Yu doesn't comment too much on him.

The "Ink bandit" has basically been driven out of Luoyang City by Wan Changqiang, and now there are only Shishamen, Sifanghui, and Honghei Temple remaining on the surface of the killer sect.They are all in the hands of Wan Changqiang, the number of people is strictly controlled, and inspections are carried out from time to time.Worried that Wan Changzhang would relax his vigilance, Su Yu suggested that Shence Camp should continue to watch Ye Wuliang's movements.It is said that Su Yu mobilized Mei Hongshan and others to act in private, and it is said that Wan Changli was dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything for the time being.

No matter how big an official is, he can't afford to offend the censor. In addition, Wan Changzhang found that the inspector Zhang and the censor Su supervised the same nostrils. Wan Changzhang still doesn't understand why the relationship between these two people is so good.Wan Changzhang is not good at communicating with colleagues and Shangfeng, and it is said that he rarely writes memorials to the queen.In the daily work report, most of the Queen's questions were answered by him, and there was no initiative at all.

Since there was no progress in work, Su Yu began to study how to make money.

I don't know what happened this year. The flood first followed by the drought. The weather is really distressing.Expecting the price of rice to rise, they teamed up with Ouyang Jing to store rice in Li's warehouse.It is only said that Ouyang Jing hoarded it himself.And I am busy, just to earn some hard money.

Businessmen often have small obsessions, such as making money with someone.Su Yu found out that Ouyang Jing was lucky with money and had a high chance of making money by cooperating with him, so he was willing to run errands hard.In fact, Su Yu knew in his heart that doing this was superstition.But if he didn't say that, how could he deceive Tang Ling'er?Princess Yu Cong pointed out "hand in the money", and all the fuss would be for nothing.

Tang Ling'er is just not very interested in "hard money", which shows that the princess is not an iron hen.

As for Ouyang Jing, he always "seeks money for him".Like this time too.He stayed in the East Palace all day, or took the fake prince around to comfort the suburban people, and had no time to run business.Just put the money in Su Yu's hands and let Su Yu get it by himself.He doesn't care about purchasing, transporting, storing, and selling, and only waits for future dividends.He absolutely trusted Su Yu.

Su Yu asked Li Xun to hold up the rice on a tray. Although it wasted some space, it could prevent Luoyang from flooding again.At the same time, raise a few more cats to treat mice.

Su Yu gave the Kong family an idea a while ago, which was to open up the joints for the Kong family to join the Grain and Rice Chamber of Commerce.Now Kong Xiang, the eldest son of the Kong family, has officially entered the Grain and Rice Chamber of Commerce, and the Kong family's dock has also begun to transport and trade grain and rice.This is a long-term transaction. As long as you don't risk your life, you can guarantee the Kong family's continuous flow of money.

Seeking stability is what Mrs. Han wants to see.Therefore joy.

Tang Ling'er had already discovered that Su Yu was having dealings with the Li family's warehouse. Seeing Su Yu hoarding rice reminded her.If it wasn't for the fact that the Tang family's motorcade hadn't pulled paper during the previous business war, Tang Ling'er had already planned to hoard rice.This time, I might as well stock up more, it is said that I will stock up half of Dongda Cang.In order to prevent rats, she also raised [-] cats.

In the morning, the cats in Dongdacang and the cats in Li's Warehouse fought fiercely.This group fight was caused by the division of territory between the two groups of cats, and Tang Xiaopang threw food randomly, causing the two groups of cats to bump into each other.Su Yu only had six cats under his command, and he had never fought the other twenty cats, causing heavy casualties.That's why Su Yu gave Tang Xiaofei a scolding.

Hoarding rice was originally a top priority for the big families, but this time Tang Linger took too much action, causing the price of rice in the entire market to rise.

A few months ago, the Tang family broke up with the Grain and Rice Chamber of Commerce led by the Han family when they couldn't get rid of the pot. At that time, the Tang family withdrew from the chamber of commerce.Now the Chamber of Commerce sent someone to ask Tang Linger, what does hoarding rice mean?Tang Ling'er only said that it was normal to hoard rice, so there was no need to make a fuss.But the people from the Chamber of Commerce said that if they are willing to play a game, the two parties can cooperate with each other.Simply push the price to the top and make a fortune.Tang Ling'er did not refuse outright, she only said that she would give an answer after discussing it.

(End of this chapter)

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