
Chapter 342

Chapter 342
Hearing that he was going to meet the Marquis at the princess mansion, Kong Hanshi was so excited that he walked on tiptoe, but couldn't touch the ground with his heels.

Kong Ting was not in a good mood, but secretly prayed to her adoptive father not to change his mind, she really didn't want to marry that monkey.

Without goingssip, the wife of the Kong family, the eldest daughter, the eldest son, and the second son came to the princess' mansion for a banquet dressed in costumes.

The wife of the Sixteenth Prince of the Tang family and Princess Chang'an sat upright, Tang Wan was dressed decently today, and sat beside his mother, sitting upright.In front of his mother, this monkey still has two rules to speak of.Otherwise, mother would really beat someone.But some of his small movements are still unbroken.Suddenly he ate a grape, squinted at his mother, then at his sister-in-law.I was delighted that I hadn't been noticed.

After the Kong family came in, they first saluted the princess and the marquis, solemnly and respectfully.

Mrs. Che was arrogant and refused to give up her seat, so she ordered Kong Ting to look up.Take a closer look, the girl is really good-looking.This figure, this face, this demeanor, all suit my heart.I am very happy to see it.Can not help but praise a few words.Praise is all praise, but a high-ranking mother-in-law will inevitably be picky.Say things like I'm high and you're low.It's like buying and selling goods. Only sincere buyers will find faults, and unintentional buyers will only say good things.

Just when Mrs. Che was picking something wrong, Tang Wan jumped so high, rushed over, hugged Kong Ting's thigh and shouted: "My wife, my wife, I won't change anyone."

While Che was putting on airs, this unlucky son staged such a farce, only to see that Che's face was uglier than the bark of a tree.He ordered the servant to pull Tang Wan away.But Tang Wan hugged Kong Ting tightly and did not let go, kicking his legs on the ground.The slave didn't dare to use force on the young master, the sixteenth lady couldn't bear it, so she rushed over angrily and kicked Tang Wan's ass.But Tang Wan grabbed the girl tightly and refused to let go.Although this idiot is thin, he is born with supernatural power, and has long been known as "Little Yuanba".Che stretched out his hand to break his fingers, as if breaking iron, but he didn't move.

The majestic Marquise, she was putting on airs just now, but now she has no airs, and she can even be described as embarrassed.Su Yu sighed, this Che family is also pitiful, all his hard work is for his son.But her son didn't live up to it, which made her heartbroken.Seeing Madam's face, she almost cried out of anger.

Che's, the daughter of Che Minghuang, former Xuanjia Chief Staff Officer, is a daughter of a tiger in the general family, a lady of every family.

Seeing her humiliated face, Su Yu couldn't bear it, grabbed Tang Wan's neck, broke his hand away, and angrily said: "Kneel down for your mother!"

Tang Wan turned his head and stared.Seeing Su Yu's strength, he became angry and reached out to grab Su Yu's hair crown.With the power of "Meteor Finger" on Su Yu's hand, he grabbed Tang Wan's hand instead, and the two fought with each other, only to hear the "cracking" sound from the wrist joints of the two.

Tang Wan has supernatural power and has never met an opponent. Today he encountered a tough stubble, and his fighting spirit was high.Like a furious monkey, it squeaked and tore with Su Yu.

Su Yu squinted at Tang Linger, and Tang Linger gave Su Yu a "teach him" look.Su Yu secretly sent "Baguazhang" to push Tang Wan horizontally, and Tang Wan was beaten back a few steps and fell to the ground.As soon as he fell down, he jumped so high and rushed over.The palm just now did not cause any harm to him.And Su Yu's outer robe has been torn by him, and there are still scratches on his shoulders.

Su Yu secretly said in his heart: This guy not only has supernatural power, but also is born to accumulate the palm power of others, this is a genius!
Seeing that Su Yu didn't use all his strength, but Tang Wan was still not inferior, Che Shi shouted: "Sister-in-law, don't be merciful and teach him a lesson for me!"

Su Yu's wide robe and sleeves were caught by Tang Wan.Knowing that he is strong, he can't be soft this time, otherwise it will be a disaster if he hugs and throws her down.Su Yu fired shooting star fingers and poked Tang Wan violently. After a few hits, Tang Wan's body went limp, and he fell to the ground and rolled.He thought he was trying to subdue him this time, but he didn't know that this fellow rolled on the ground a few times, and then rushed out of the door, ran to the small pavilion of the princess mansion, and came with a stone bench in his arms.The stone bench weighed two hundred catties, he carried it like flying, and shouted: "I'll smash you to death!"

Everyone in the room was startled, the swordsmen swarmed and jumped, but there was no time to stop them.Tang Wan raised the stone bench high and smashed it.

"Thunder Hand!"



late at night.

Tang Linger sat on the couch and laughed secretly.

Su Yu sat on the table, Wang Xun applied ice to his wrist, the pain still kept coming.

That palm sent Tang Wan flying with stones, but Su Yu also paid a heavy price for it, his wrist was swollen like a goose egg.

This marriage was completely disturbed by Tang Wan's poor performance. At that time, Mrs. Che was ashamed to stay in the princess mansion, didn't even eat food, and left early.The Kong family also expressed regret.The princess didn't let them come in vain, and gave them a banquet before sending them out.It was time for the night ban, and they were sent home with the princess waist badge.

"Presumably Mrs. Che will never come to me to seek marriage for her son again." Tang Linger looked at Su Yu's hand, "Uncle Rong said that your bones are not broken, it's lucky."

"Well, I'm lucky."

How lucky that Hao Xuan didn't get stoned to death.Hearing Su Yu's resentment, Tang Ling'er turned his head and remained silent.

After a while, Tang Linger finally said: "If that bastard troubles you in the future, you don't have to spoil him as an uncle. As long as you don't beat him to death, I can excuse you."

Suddenly feeling that this sentence was wrong, Tang Ling'er blushed slightly: "It's getting late, Jin Feng should rest early."



Tang Ling'er sent a lot of potions, which were said to reduce swelling.But three days later, Su Yu's hand was still swollen.It used to be a goose egg, but now it is a duck egg, so Su Yu couldn't even hold a pen.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Meng invited Su Yu to the Prime Minister's Mansion to discuss important economic matters, and Su Yu went to sit there all afternoon, having a lively discussion with all the officials.Su Yu's opinions are refreshing.Su Yu also proposed to set up a "financing market" in Luoyang. The government sent officials to review large factories and stores, divide them into multiple shares, evaluate and list them, and let people buy them.Call it the stock market.

Meng Xiang said that this proposal is too bold, and if it gets out of control, the consequences will be disastrous.Now that the Liang Dynasty is at war, let's not do it for the time being.In the future, when the situation is stable, we will start another experiment.

Although this meeting failed to achieve any substantial results, Su Yu's various remarks spread.Some people say it's good, some people say it's bad, and it's both good and bad.Su Yu didn't take this seriously, but just rested at home to recuperate.I received a letter from Senior Sister Yan saying that the sea of ​​qi is empty, which may be caused by you not practicing hard.This "thunderbolt palm" has to be practiced harder in the later stage.Bao Jianfeng comes out of sharpening, so we should find more strong people to fight against and polish the Qimai and acupoints.With the help of external impact, the potential of Qihai is stimulated.

Not to mention, ever since he was hit by a stone, Su Yu really felt a new breath coming out of the sea of ​​qi.This is really a blessing in disguise, a surprise.

Practice at home.

Xu Luochen paid a sudden visit, and said with a smile on his face, "Jin Feng, then "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is really a hit, it seems that I'm going to be popular again."

"Good thing, good thing. When the book becomes more influential, it will be published separately in the future." Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "How did you talk with Ximen's family? When will the wedding be held?"

Xu Luochen said: "Miss Nine said that the scabs are going away. I hope the wedding will be held after a good day."

Su Yu nodded and said nothing.

Xu Luochen scratched his head: "The wife of the grandson of the Tang family is about to give birth, what gift does Jinfeng plan to send?"

Su Yu counted the time and said: "What's the hurry, the birth will only happen next month, and the wedding will take another hundred days. That will be the next year."

"But I think the child is one month old."

"Huh?" Su Yuning frowned: "I heard from Tang Qi that they got together during the Chinese New Year last year. It's not the time yet."

Xu Luochen took out a small medicine bottle, and said firmly, "Jinfeng, I, a five-generation famous doctor from the Xu family in Huazhou, has always been very accurate in seeing people's stomachs, and it's not like you don't know that."

"You mean... the child is not Tang Qi's?"

"Or Tang Qi lied to you." Xu Luochen poured a few pills from a small medicine bottle on the table. The medicine was only the size of a grain of rice. Less than ten down.

Su Yu shook his head: "If Tang Qi doesn't talk about this kind of thing, don't talk too much."

"Of course I know, I'm just telling you." Xu Luochen glued the small pills together with his saliva, forming a ball like mud.Su Yu thought he was going to apply it externally, so he handed it over, but Xu Luochen said: "Eat it, it will be effective if you keep it."

"Damn!" Su Yu stared, "You throw it aside for me."

Xu Luochen bared his teeth and smiled: "External application is also fine."

Not long after Xu Luochen left, someone from the Kong family came to look for him.A tall man with a well-proportioned figure and sharp eyes.

Su Yu knew this person, he was one of Kong Ting's four thugs.His name is Kong Jiao.The family of the Kong family gave birth to a son (the head of the family is the master, the son born in marriage between the servant and the maid, given the surname Kong).

"Master Su, I ask you one thing."

"please say."

"Kill Duan Youde!"

"Why kill him?"

(End of this chapter)

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