
Chapter 350 Chapter 350 Done

Chapter 350 Chapter [-] Done
Leaving Tong Yu at the entrance of Huangcheng, Su Yu drove to Daoguangfang.

At a glance, there was no Jin Yiwei near the princess mansion.Walking around again, I saw Mei Hongshan drinking tea in plain clothes in a small teahouse.Su Yu asked how she arranged it.Mei Hongshan said that the princess's mansion was heavily guarded, so they couldn't get in, and she didn't know where the trial marriage woman was.He pretended to be a peddler to inquire, but his family had a tight mouth, so they just didn't say anything.Just now we were going to grab our tongues and ask, but we felt reckless, so we didn't act.It would be great if it was Heitian, but there are some masters of nocturnal travel in the Shence camp, so it is not difficult to investigate this matter.

Su Yu couldn't wait until it was dark, so he took Zhang Xiaodao to the Yushi's room to write a memorial and wait for Zhang Yuda.The sacrificial activity ended after noon, and those who participated in the ceremony hadn't eaten breakfast, and they were hungry at this time.Su Yu ordered a table of meals and asked Xiao Huan to find Tong Yu.Soon after, Xiao Huan ran back in a panic and said that Tong Yu was discovered by the princess and was arrested and questioned. Tong Yu faltered and was scolded by the princess.

Su Yu felt a headache for a while.

Seeing Zhang Yuda and his group return at this time, Su Yu gave the table of food to others, and took Zhang Yuda to eat outside.At the same time, she told Xiao Huan that she pressed the carriage and stopped at the gate of the imperial censor's room to attract the princess to look for her.When the princess asks you, you just say that I have a secret for business, and it is inconvenient to disclose it.Grabbing a handful of money and stuffing it to Xiao Huan, Xiao Huan nodded courageously.

Zhang Yuda asked Su Yu why he was so eager and mysterious, and Su Yu only said that there was still important work to do.Handing the memorial to Zhang Yuda, Zhang Yuda read it briefly, and said, "Su Yushi is the supervisory censor of Jinyiwei. Jinyiwei Zhang Xiaodao discovered the case, and you should sue him. It's not appropriate for me to do it for you."

Su Yu told Zhang Yuda about his difficulties, Zhang Yuda smiled, and promised to go to the queen now.

Leaving Zhang Xiaodao in charge of contact, Su Yu didn't dare to take the car, and fled along the path.

Su Yu hid in the alley, and soon saw Princess Chang'an's four big lizards running over, rushing to the side of Su Yu's carriage.The car curtain was raised, and Tang Ling'er's big eyes could be seen from afar, and Xiao Huan flinched under her stare.I don't know what she said to Xiao Huan, but soon after, she saw her carriage taken away by the princess.

Su Yu said in his heart: "Hey, I'm in serious trouble this time. After returning to the mansion, I will definitely be tortured by the princess."

The more anxious you are, the more difficult things will be.

Normally Su Yu strolled around slowly, but things went smoothly.

Su Yu hid in the small teahouse, waiting for news, but saw Li Feng soon after.Su Yu didn't hide, but waved to Li Feng instead.Li Feng was also surprised when he saw Su Yu. He looked around and trotted over and said, "Jun Ma Ye, you have offended the princess this time. The princess sent me to look for it nearby. The princess said that once you find it, Just turn it back to the house."

Su Yu patted Li Feng on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, give me another hour, and the result will be almost there."

Li Fengwei: "What exactly does the county matriarch want to do? Tong Yu and Xiaohuan can't even tell. This is the root of the princess's anger. If the truth is told, maybe the princess will not be annoyed."

Su Yu told Li Feng what was in his heart, and Li Feng sighed and said: "Our princess has such a temper. It's not like the princes and wives who can accommodate many concubines. I think it's difficult for Feng Yu Do it. Even if she stays now, the princess will find a reason to throw her out in the future, and the princess will not be able to stop her. If she insists on stopping her, the princess will be unhappy."

Su Yu rolled his eyes: "Li Feng, tell me the truth, have you taken a fancy to Wang Xun?"

"Uh... why did Jun Ma Ye say that? I don't think so."

"Don't lie to me. Are you calling me blind?"

Li Feng scratched his head.

"At the beginning, the chief of the county asked Wang Xun to have a trial marriage. I didn't agree, because I considered your feelings." Su Yu said with a smile: "It's not possible now, and in a few days, when my wedding with Ling'er is over, then I'll make the decision for you again."

Li Feng blushed and scratched his head, looking a little excited. After sitting for a while, he stood up and said, "Zhang Guang is still nearby, I'll go and lure him away."

"Well, let's go. I'll give you two a good sword later."

Li Fengle zipped away.

That Zhang Yuda didn't know how he did it, and he didn't come out until evening.

Su Yu was a little anxious, staring at the gate of the imperial city with fixed eyebrows.

To say that there is no one around to run errands to listen to it, I am really not used to it.

At the end of dusk, Zhang Yuda finally came out, with a large group of eunuchs and ten golden armored warriors behind him.

Su Yu blinked, feeling happy in his heart. Seeing this posture, the queen was really angry.

Under the leadership of Zhang Yushi, this group of people broke into Daoguang Square and the Xuzhou County Lord's Mansion.Su Yu followed all the way, a little excited, and then hid on the second floor of the tavern opposite the princess's mansion and looked out.Mei Hongshan stood aside and chuckled.

Mei Hongshan said: "Our group of people came here to drink tea for a day, but in the end we were useless."

"Who said that?" Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "I don't worry if you stay here. If the test girl is killed during this period, she won't know when she is carried out of the house."

Mei Hongshan curled her lips in a daughter-like manner.

From a distance, the sound of violent drinking came from the palace of the princess, and it seemed that some disputes had occurred in the palace of the princess.But the princess's resistance didn't have much effect. Not long after, Zhang Yuda and the others came out, carrying out a stretcher.A woman was lying on the stretcher, looking miserable.

Zhang Xiaodao knew that Su Yu was hiding on the second floor of the tavern, and when he saw Su Yu downstairs, he gave Su Yu a "get it done" gesture.

Su Yu let out a long breath and told Shence Camp to retreat.Before leaving, he threw some money to Mei Hongshan and asked her to treat everyone to a drink.I specifically said that you must bring Zhang Mi and Wen Ren with you when drinking.

Su Yu was not in a hurry to leave, but stayed to watch the excitement.

Not long after, seeing the carriage of Prince Kang's mansion coming to the mansion of the Princess of Xuzhou, Princess Kang came to look for the princess.Seeing Wang Hao's angry look, she knew that the situation was urgent.The princess was still losing her temper at home, but was scolded by the princess.Later, the concubine hurried to the palace with her daughter, presumably she went to intercede with the queen, and she didn't want this matter to become a big one.

Before and after, I saw a horse-drawn carriage from the Ma family in the pre-selection county running towards the imperial city.It seems that the two families have already received the news, and they take it seriously.

Dealing with a trial marriage maid was very common in the past.But now the wind has turned sharply, and it is estimated that it will spread among the noble circles in the near future.It will definitely reach the ears of Princess Chang'an.This is more convincing than saying it yourself.

But Su Yu frowned suddenly, after returning home, how to explain to the princess?
Can't let her know that she is playing tricks.

Rubbing his nose, he thought: It's time to learn from Ouyang Jing, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.You talk about yourself, I only think you are singing.

It's time to light the lamps, and I'm strolling in the courtyard to go home.

Suddenly heard a gust of wind, the sound was not quite right, turned around and saw a figure flying across the alley.Then came another figure.The alley was dark, under the faint moonlight, the two of them seemed to be passing by.Can't see the situation clearly.But relying on the physical skills of the two people, it can be concluded that they are two masters.

"It's too fast. What are these two people doing?"

Originally, he was hesitant to go home, but driven by curiosity, Su Yu quickly walked into the alley.Dwarf accelerated and followed.See if you can keep up with these two.

Su Yu beat the child and was trained by Lao Lu to "stalk" and "counter-stalk", and he had a lot of experience.But these two people were too fast, and it was difficult for Su Yu to follow.Gritting his teeth, he followed Santiao Lane, Hao Xuan was discovered by Xuanjia Cavalry Guards.Jumping over the wall, I don't know which prince or general's house I jumped into to escape for a while.In the end, it was unlucky to step on someone when he jumped.

The man was trampled on by Su Yu's foot, lying on the ground unable to move.

is a woman.

Su Yu looked down, Zhao Linglong.

There was a ladder by the wall, it seemed that Zhao Linglong was going to climb over the wall and get out.But wasn't this woman just beaten?What is she doing out there?
Is this the Xunyang County Lord's Mansion?

No, why did she climb over the wall in her own home?

The Xunyang County Lord's Mansion should be behind the Feng family compound, but this is not the Feng family.

Oh, I see, maybe Zhao Linglong came here to steal someone, and wanted to run away after stealing.

Su Yu was sure that that kick would not cause serious injury to Zhao Linglong, but the woman lay on the ground and did not move.The lights are dark here, she can't see who is coming, she is probably frightened, so she pretends to be dead there.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Hearing the sound of horseshoes passing by outside the wall, Su Yu jumped over the wall and left.Before leaving, he pulled up the ladder and threw it over the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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