
Chapter 357 Qinxiang Xiaozhu

Chapter 357 Qinxiang Xiaozhu
"Father, does the Tang family really have a piece of land at Luoxi Wharf?"

Kong Ting clasped her hands together, walked with her head down, and asked with her big eyes blinking.

Su Yu smiled: "If I don't say that, I don't know how long the Han family will hide."

"Thank you foster father for winning so much for Kong Ting."

"That's what you deserve."

Kong Ting shook her head: "If it weren't for the foster father, Han would have the final say today. She would definitely not make such a division. Especially when Han Fei is also present."

Su Yu smiled: "I think you should thank Shangguan."

"Why thank her?"

Su Yu smiled and said nothing.

Su Yu doesn't know exactly how much money the Han family has hidden, but it is certain that it will not be less than 50 billion.Coupled with assets such as Kong Jiacang, the eldest son Kong Xiang and the second son Kong Rui divided most of the property.And these two sons belong to the eldest lady's house.Su Yu was slightly dissatisfied with these allocations, but he did not raise any more objections.

Kong Shuo's power in the world continues to follow the young master Kong Xiang.Only the four of Kong Jiao were taken away by Kong Ting.The medium-sized tavern owned by Kong Ting was regarded as the private property given to Kong Ting by Kong Shuo before his death, and did not participate in this separation.The four of Kong Jiao continued to make a living there.

It is said that Kong Ting didn't pay much attention to that restaurant, and she seldom went there herself.

This girl has never been short of money since the day she was born.It's not like Kong Shuo's early sons and daughters, who suffered a lot with Kong Shuo.It is said that his family was slaughtered several times by his enemies.But with Kong Ting, Boss Kong's status in the arena has been unshakable.Enemies in the rivers and lakes were also wiped out.This was said by Kong Ting, and Su Yu remained skeptical about it.

Regarding the Luoxi Wharf, the Kong Han family did not really pay for it, but asked the Han family chaebol to pay for it.There are a total of six unloading ports at Luoxi Wharf. The Tang family took 20 billion and divided it into four of them; the Han family took [-] billion and divided it into two.As for the gap of one billion yuan, even if the Kong family is filial to the two families.

Both Su Yu and Han Fei were satisfied with this.Although Shangguan had some complaints about this, but what she said didn't count, and her words didn't resonate much.The other dozen or so rich women only want to quickly distribute the money and leave as soon as possible.I don't want to have side effects.I heard from Kong Ting that since everyone knew about the bug, they were all feeling uneasy.Everyone guessed that the lady did it, and was worried that the lady would poison everyone to death in order to monopolize the property.So hurry up and leave this home as they wish.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Shangguan stood up and said: I only need to share [-] million of the dock money, and share the rest with you.Someone was killed today, and this matter is also handled by you.

The life of a slave is only worth a few dollars, and the ladies agreed when they saw that there was something to be gained.

Shangguan took the money and brought his thugs to leave. Before he left, he dragged his son to kowtow to Su Yu: "Today, this concubine will survive, and I will rely on my adoptive father to save me. Although my concubine is incapable, if my adoptive father asks , I will help you with all my strength.”

Su Yu only thought that she was saying polite words, and didn't take it too seriously. After a few words of comfort, he watched her leave.

Su Yu also planned to leave, and went back to Qinghuafang to discuss matters with Tang Linger, but Kong Ting wanted to accompany Su Yu.On the way back in the same car, the girl asked Su Yu if she could buy a house in Qinghuafang.It doesn't need to be too big, just like Qingya Xiaozhu.And it must be near the princess mansion, not far away.

Su Yu said: "Qingya Xiaozhu is empty, why don't you live there?"

Kong Ting pouted and said, "I heard from Xiao Qiao that it's a haunted house."

Seeing the girl's coquettish look, Su Yu smiled: "That's because of Ouyang Jing, and you are not Ouyang Jing's daughter, so why worry?"

Kong Ting bowed her head and remained silent.

Seeing the girl like this, Su Yu said in a gentle tone: "Okay then, I'll talk to the princess. But the house in Qinghuafang is not for takeaway, it can only be regarded as rent. And you have to know, these nobles ask for a lot of money when they do business. Outrageous. You have to be prepared. As long as the princess asks for a price, you will be taken care of. If the price is high, you can’t be unhappy, and you have to thank the princess. Can you do it?”

"Yes." Kong Ting turned her face slightly, and said softly: "As long as you can live near the adoptive father's house,...the foster father will take more care of Ting'er in the future."

After the girl finished speaking, her pretty face flushed slightly.But after waiting for a long time, Su Yu didn't reply, and when he turned his head, Su Yu fell asleep.


Back at the princess mansion, the princess hasn't come home yet, it is said that she went to the palace.

Just after noon, Tang Ling'er came back, and behind her was Wang Xun holding an exquisite small box.

Kong Ting got up early and saluted the princess.Tang Linger only said to meet after changing clothes.

Every time the princess travels for more than half a day, she has to perform a series of operations such as "bathing and changing clothes" when she comes back, and she doesn't think it's troublesome.

Su Yu sat quietly downstairs and saw the little maids busily carrying buckets up and down the stairs.

It took three quarters of an hour to hear Wang Xun's call.

When I went upstairs, I saw Tang Linger combing her hair. Perhaps because of her head up, the princess looked very arrogant: "The box was given to you by the queen. The queen said that Su Yushi has worked hard for the country."


Su Yu opened the gift box and looked, they were all jewelry.But it's not something too high-end, and I don't even think it's worth as much as this gift box.

Su Yu picked up one at random and gave it to Kong Ting who was sitting beside her.

Kong Ting nodded with a smile on her face, counting it as a salute, and when she received the gift, she looked at the princess in search of it.

The princess continued to comb her hair, ignoring people.

Su Yu closed the gift box and handed it to Wang Xun, who asked Wang Xun to deliver the item to the small warehouse in the East House of the princess, and the right should be given to the princess, or it could be confiscated.The jewels piled up in the princess's east room are Tang Linger's private collection.It's likely that they won't be able to stay, and Tang Linger usually takes gifts from there.

Su Yu told the princess about the general situation of the Kong family's division, and finally talked about the Luoxi Wharf: "The Kong family needs 20 billion for the four unloading ports."

"Where are the ships and workers?"

"We have discussed it verbally, and we will share with the Han family, but we still need to assign it on the spot."

Tang Linger said: "The price is reasonable."

Su Yu said: "Can I give cash?"

Tang Linger flipped through the ledger: "Yes."

Although the princess had no expression on her face, and was even a little arrogant, Su Yucha felt that Tang Linger was in full bloom at this moment.

In fact, she knew better than anyone how much money the Tang family had in their books, so she insisted on flipping through the books and putting on a show.She even expressed dissatisfaction with losing Kong Jiacang's dividend.She said that it was wrong for Su Yu to make decisions without consulting her.The next is not an example.

Su Yu said that Kong Ting hoped to buy a small house on the street facing the princess mansion.

Tang Linger said to Kong Ting: The houses in Qinghuafang are all domestic production and are not sold to outsiders.Although Ouyang Jing lived in Qingya Xiaozhu, it was actually under Tang Qi's name.The Tang family can take it back at any time, and the Law of the Great Liang cannot be kept.Because what I took back was Tang Qi's property, not Ouyang Jing's.

Kong Ting said that she already knew this.

Later, in the name of Wang Xun, Tang Ling'er arranged for her to have an adjacent Qingya Xiaozhu, Qinxiang Xiaozhu.

It's just a small private courtyard, but the asking price is 500 million.

Kong Ting also had to smile and thank the princess for such a rip-off.Afterwards, Su Yu said to Kong Ting, this is the same price as Qingya Xiaozhu, and the princess is not targeting you alone.

In the afternoon, Su Yu went to Kong's house with 20 billion.Due to the huge amount, the Tang government sent cavalry guards.The huge momentum really surprised the people present.The Han family seemed to be more active than the Tang family, and had already sent the money one step ahead.Just waiting for Su Yu to come over, the two families took away the dock formalities together.

In order to divide the wharf, we have to go to the Ministry of Industry to go through the formalities again.The procedures are cumbersome, but it is not difficult for the two big chaebols.The procedures that ordinary people can complete in a month are completed in one afternoon thanks to the connections of the two chaebols.

Although there was a lot of trouble in the morning, after finishing all these things, Han Fei invited Su Yu to have a drink together.

Su Yu was worried that this kid had no good intentions, so he declined.

So far, the Kong family no longer needs Su Yu to take care of them, but the matter of Boss Kong is not over yet.Su Yu believes that Han Fei is a serious suspect.In the evening, he took Kong Ting to Honghei Temple to find Tang Lian.

It was a busy day, and I was really tired, so I sat down and had a rest.

The eldest girl Kong Ting looks a little disheveled.

Great Master Tang sat upright, looked at Su Yu and Kong Ting coldly, and examined her eyes, and it seemed that a strange smile could be seen on her face.

When Su Yu looked at her, she stiffened her neck and gave Su Yu a "gossip" look.

Why does she have this expression?

Consciously superior, arrogant?

In the morning, Xiao Nizi went to the Meiling Pavilion to be a bustard, and in the afternoon she wore a robe of precepts and sat in the Honghei Temple.This is treating himself as a leader, so majestic.

From this angle, she actually found some Tang Linger's temperament in her.Tang Lian's long eyebrows and broad eyes are also reflected in Tang Lian.Speaking of which, Tang Lian is still the daughter of Tang's eldest son, so it's really not surprising that she looks like her aunt.

Su Yu didn't speak, stood up, walked over, and knocked Tang Lian on the head.Come back and sit down.

The meteor finger knocked the chestnut, which is said to be very painful.

Tang Lian covered her head, wanting to cry but no tears.

Su Yu didn't look at Tang Lian, and said to himself: "Han Fei is suspected. Send at least ten people to investigate him. In addition, I will report to the Queen in the form of Jin Yiwei's official document. Apply for a public office. I have a hypothesis, the big snakehead Li Chengbiao They were killed by Zhu Kun, and Li Chengbiao and Zhu Kun used to belong to Han Fei. Although Han Fei withdrew later, he said that they had no contact at all. Go to please the old master. Then, shouldn't the 'good things' found at Li Chengbiao be given to Han Fei?"

Tang Lian said angrily: "Speak up if you have something to say, why bother hitting me!"

"You are disrespectful to senior brother, so I will punish you."

"Where is the disrespect?"

Su Yu imitated Tang Lian's appearance and said, "Why do you look at people like this?"

Tang Lian said angrily: "Sleep stiff neck!"

"...Then you didn't say it earlier. Come on, brother has good skills in massage and massage, and he specializes in treating this disease."

"Need not!"

Seeing the brothers and sisters laughing and cursing, Kong Ting snickered.

(End of this chapter)

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