
Chapter 360 Chapter 360 One Block

Chapter 360 Chapter Thirty Sixty 100 Yuan
In the early morning, a group of ceremonial officials and eunuchs and a group of golden-armored feather guards came to the gate of Chang'an County Lord's Mansion surrounded by a luxurious carriage.Looking at this posture, I thought it was some prince who came to the princess mansion.But when the curtain of the car was opened, what I saw was Cao Xiaobao, the queen's personal eunuch, and a little girl with many braids on her head.

Although the little girl was wearing silk and satin, she still had a strong alien atmosphere.No need to introduce, this must be the little barbarian girl, Wan Yanqing, the older sister of the current male Jia Wang.

Cao Xiaobao was very indifferent to the little man girl, and urged her to get out of the car impatiently.It seems that after he was promoted to the imperial horse supervisor, he was a little ecstatic.In addition, the existence of his elder brother Qing Chuuxue seemed to have given him a layer of gold.Although Qing Chuuxue still failed to eliminate Long Xiaotian so far, due to Qing Chuuxue's appearance, the ink bandits in Luoyang City have calmed down a lot.Ye Wuhao seemed to disappear out of thin air.The remnants of other sects will no longer come out to cause trouble.Qing Chuuxue's name really had an effect.

But Su Yu thought Cao Xiaobao was a little crazy.Youth madness is not a good thing.His big car is comparable to the third-rank Marquis, and it looks more luxurious than Cao Sheng's car, and it is about to catch up with the second-rank Princess Dacheng's car.This move is enough to sue him for the crime of usurpation.

It is undeniable that he is a popular person around the queen, but the prince's party is eyeing him, doesn't he care?

Although the prince's party seems to be quiet recently, it may be that a combination of punches is brewing, and Cao Xiaobao will not escape by then.Su Yu saw some problems, but he didn't go to persuade people when he saw them.Persuading people is really a science. Unless it is a family member or a friend you care about, otherwise, persuading others when they are crazy will often lead to no good results, and may even be hated.

"Your Majesty said that the Duke is not at home. Even if he is at home, he has so much to do with his daily affairs, how can he have time to educate the children. It is better to send it to Chang'an Princess Palace, where Princess Linger will take care of it. Our queen can rest assured. Hehe."

Tang Ling'er said: "Please Eunuch Cao to report back to Madam, Princess Chang'an gladly accepts, and will definitely fulfill the mission."

"Well, our family has written down what the princess said, and we will tell the empress later."

Cao Xiaobao was about to leave, Su Yu hurried over and stuffed a bag of money into his sleeve: "Elder-in-law, you have worked hard all the way."

"Yo! Su Yiren, look, why are you so polite?" Cao Xiaobao weighed the money bag, listened to the sound to identify the object, and knew it was a gold coin, happily accepted it, and said in a strange voice: "Huh? Your house Where is the little bastard, why don't you come here to see me? Did you get scared by me last time?"

He was talking about Tong Yu, Su Yu turned his head and looked, Tong Yu was hiding at the moon gate.Hearing Cao Xiaobao swearing, Tong Yuhao was speechless, and trotted over to salute.

Cao Xiaobao raised his hand, and slapped Tong Yu affectionately: "You little heartless, you didn't come to see me when I came to your house? Hey, where's your women's clothing? Why don't you wear it? I can't see it. It looks good, and the empress also said it looks good. I see, you can wear it from now on, don’t change it back. Suddenly seeing you change it back, I’m not used to it. Hee hee.”

When Cao Xiaobao came to the princess mansion, he only spoke a few words with the princess, and spent most of his time flirting with Tong Yu.After a while of laughing and joking, he swaggered away.

When he walked away, Tong Yu's eyes were complicated.There is a taste of grievance, resentment, and occasionally a sense of honor.I really don't know what he was thinking in his heart, but I saw Xiao Huan talking sarcasticly aside with her mouth curled up.


In the princess house.

The princess sits upright, majestic and majestic.

The little man girl stood below, staring intently at the princess, as if she was waiting for the princess to speak.

It can be seen that this is a very precocious child, who is already very well behaved at the age of five.She looks like a little adult, but she just squeezes her little hands from time to time, making people aware that she is nervous.

Tang Ling'er didn't like children, not at all. Judging by her expression, she seemed to want to kick the child out.Of course, this is just Xiao Huan's conjecture.In fact, Princess Chang'an did not do that.

At that time Su Yu was not in the house, but Xiao Huan and Tong Yu were there, they listened to the princess explain some rules to Wan Yanqing.At the same time let the next people hear.From now on, Wan Yanqing is not allowed to leave the princess mansion for half a step.Notify the front and back doors to strictly prevent Wan Yanqing from going out. If anyone is slack and causes bad consequences, he will be executed immediately.

"This time the princess is so fierce, she made the little savage girl tremble with fright." Xiao Huan returned to the ear room and said quietly.

Su Yu was watching the Gu technique, and said indifferently: "Although the princess is small, she is also a state guest, so of course we should pay attention to it."

Xiao Huan said mysteriously: "Now people outside are rumored that the empress does not want Wanyan Qing to marry the crown prince."

Su Yu shook his head: "That's not the case. The queen's original words were that she didn't want the prince to marry a foreigner for the first time. After all, the Southern Dynasty often criticized the Liang Dynasty's royal blood. It’s better to refuse directly. So I said that the queen will marry the second son after the queen gives birth to a son. I think the queen’s consideration is also well-founded.”

Xiao Huan asked curiously, "Can the queen's words be taken seriously?"

"You are not joking, Queen Regent, of course you have to count on what you say."

Xiao Huan tilted her head and asked, "But what if the queen gives birth to a princess?"

Xiao Huan's words triggered Su Yu's chatterbox: "The empress did not agree to send Wanyanqing to the East Palace. At first the emperor objected, but then the emperor kept silent. Now the empress is sending Wanyanqing to Daxiangguo Temple... "

Xiao Huan blinked: "And then?"

"Then I sent it here. I think the Queen's move is a little inappropriate..."

"Which is inappropriate?"

Su Yu didn't answer, but was moved by Cao Yuhan and worried for a while.Cao Yuzan's move seems to be expressing an attitude.If she gave birth to a dragon son, then the crown prince should be replaced.This is a temptation to the emperor, but what if the emperor thinks it is a provocation?

What would Cao Sheng say about this?

The princess works in the study, and besides facing major economic issues, she also often approves payment slips to her family.Although her reputation has always been bad, there are always some things that can't get around her.People who come to her to pay money every day are also trembling.The fifteenth miss of the Tang family strictly abides by the rules, saying that she will not give money if she does not give money, she is really ruthless.

The princess's study is very big, Wan Yanqing is sitting in a corner of the study reading and practicing calligraphy.The little guy was very tired and dozed off from time to time.When I couldn't bear it anymore, I fell asleep on the table.

Shi Yao, the maid on duty in the princess's house, was in charge of looking after the male little princess Jia. Shi Yao was tall and strong, but she looked sleepier than Wan Yanqing, and the two of them fell asleep facing each other.After Wan Yanqing fell asleep, Shi Yao also languished there.Later, Wang Xun slapped him awake.Shi Yao's exclamation made Wan Yanqing sit up in shock.

The little girl is afraid of the princess, and also afraid of Wang Xun.I think this master-slave duo is really scary.The princess said just now that if someone lets her go out, she will be executed.And this man named Wang Xun must be the one who executed the slaves.

The little princess was young, and she couldn't describe her feelings at this time.

Missing her mother suddenly, the little girl had tears in her eyes, and her mouth was full of old Gao.She originally had two personal maids, but they were taken away by the queen.The queen said that from now on, you are not allowed to speak the gulu language, but you must speak elegant words.In order to create a pure and elegant environment for her, Princess Chang'an's Mansion is one of the first choices.The queen also said that Princess Chang'an spoke pure official language.

The atmosphere in the room was oppressive, and the people here felt impersonal, and the little girl who had been enlightened early was suffering.

At this time, a person came up from downstairs. This person actually had no expression on his face, but when he saw him, he always felt that he was smiling and full of kindness.

At this time, the voice of the princess sounded: "Jinfeng, what's the matter?"

Su Yu was watching Yan Qing, turned around and said: "Boss Kong put [-] million in us at the beginning. Now that the Kong family is separated, there should be an explanation for the money. At that time, I promised to give Kong Ting [-] million. "

Tang Ling'er was collecting today's account books, grabbed a thick stack, and handed it to Wang Xun: "Didn't you say you could keep 2000 million? You have already allocated more than [-] million to several concubines before, and then take out [-] million. It’s not enough for [-] million.”

Su Yu smiled and said nothing.

Tang Linger sat up straight and said, "Since you have agreed to go out, let's do this."

Su Yu nodded and said, "Then I'll call her to fetch it."

After speaking, Su Yu didn't move.

Tang Linger's eyebrows slanted: "Is there anything else?"

Su Yu smiled and said, "Ling'er, what do you think should be done with the remaining 7000 million yuan? Should it be mine?"

"Yes, it's yours."

Su Yu's smile deepened.

"But what's yours is also mine." Tang Linger raised her head slightly: "Unless you..."

Tang Linger wanted to say, "Unless you ask to regret the marriage, then I will give you everything." But she couldn't say that.I still remember that when Su Yu first came to the princess mansion, he often confronted her tit for tat, and even lost his temper with her, leaving her with a lot of shadows.

The smile on Su Yu's face disappeared, replaced by a trace of helplessness.He knew that the money was not that good, and even thought that she would accept it calmly.

But this time Tang Ling'er did not confiscate the money, but stayed in the princess mansion.She also asked a rhetorical question: The princess mansion will have a lot of expenses in the future, isn't it your duty to save money for the princess mansion?
In other words, the 7000 million yuan was confiscated by the "future daughter-in-law", not by "President Tang".Su Yu felt better.I always wanted to give Tang Linger some decent gifts. She didn't accept 700 million horses before, but this time I received 7000 million...

Su Yu smiled: "Give me a hundred first, is it okay?"

"What do you want the money for?"

"There are distinguished guests living in the house, let me entertain them."

"Which distinguished guest?"

Su Yu pointed to a corner of the study: "Princess Wanyan."

Then Tang Linger made a joke with Su Yu, she really asked Wang Xun to fetch one hundred for Su Yu.

When Su Yu saw the 100 yuan copper plate, the helplessness on his face made the princess laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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