
Chapter 382 Ginger is still old

Chapter 382 Ginger is still old
According to Ouyang Jing, Han Fei and Kong Han were killed by the firecracker.

It's not surprising to say that the two of them are happy together, and a thunderbolt explodes on the head of the bed. Who can bear it?

He also said that Han Fei was so frightened that his heart ached for a while, so that he would die before he could catch his breath.

Su Yu was curious and asked how Ouyang Jing knew?
Ouyang Jing said, Mr. Cao's eyes and ears are clear to the sky, and these trivial matters are not behind my back.

Hearing this, Su Yu felt that the cooperation between the Han chaebol and the princelings had deepened, but he didn't know what Cao Sheng needed the dock for.And he doesn't betray anyone.Could this be some kind of signal to the outside world?

Mr. Cao took care of this Han's Wharf?

In other words, this is what the queen wants to keep...

If Han Fei is almost 50 years old, he suffers from a heartache, Su Yu feels that this person's heart is not very good.He is well-clothed and well-fed, and he is used to eating and drinking.Fat body, potbellied.After being frightened, there was severe pain in the heart and mouth, and it was difficult to breathe, which was very similar to the precursor of coronary heart disease.In other words, he has already suffered from coronary heart disease, but it is not yet fatal.

It was precisely because of Han Fei's heartache that he didn't chase him out himself.And the eight masters who protected him also stayed by his side and did not leave.Almost at the same time, everyone thought of the idea of ​​"tuning the tiger away from the mountain".But in fact they thought too much, Su Yu didn't come to kill Han Fei at all.If Han Fei was really scared to death by a firecracker, Su Yu would be scratching his head.Many clues will be broken, and there may be no results at all.

Ouyang Jing frowned and asked, "I don't understand why you did this?"



Su Yudao: "Han Fei doesn't go out now, and there are always so many thugs around him. If I want to go to the pier to catch him, if Jin Yiwei can't make a move, I can't capture him alive. I used to think I could lure him out, but now it seems I'm not enough. I was about to say something, and I said that Kong Xiang was in Li's warehouse. I thought Kong Xiang could attract him. And last night, don't you think it's very similar to Kong Xiang's method?"

"Oh..." Ouyang Jing nodded: "That kid is really impulsive. But Han Fei is not so easy to deceive."

"Who said you were going to lie to him?"

"Are you really going to put Kong Xiang in the warehouse? Can he come?"

"Kong Xiang hates evil, and is as courageous as his father. As long as it is aimed at Han Fei, I believe he will definitely come."


Pingkangfang, a dilapidated tea house in the narrow lanes in the northeast corner.

The teahouse is no longer in business, only some men often come and go here, they seem to have nothing to do.But they have always had a good relationship with their neighbors.Everyone thought they were a caravan and had no business to do for the time being, so they stayed.This group of men often take care of the business of the surrounding small shops, and the prostitutes make money, so they don't make irresponsible remarks.They don't want to share the incoming money with their peers.

Yuan Kun was lying on the sickbed, with a maid waiting beside him.This maid is none other than Ouyang Xiaoqiao's former maid, Xiaohong.When she first came here, the little maid was tortured terribly, but now she has changed.Dress well, wear well, and look like a servant girl in brocade clothes.Serving Yuan Kun attentively, no one would worry that she would treat Yuan Kun badly.

There is also a young girl in the house, Yuan Ying, the adoptive daughter.

The girl with weird makeup was sitting on the threshold, holding two foxtails in her hands, fiddling with them from time to time, looking bored.It could be seen that the girl cared about her adoptive father, but for some reason, there was a trace of resentment on her face.

Maybe because the foster father didn't bring him with him this time, he complained.

The girl had already discovered that her adoptive father would always take care of her in some trivial matters, but once she met a master, he would not take her with her.Could it be that the foster father looked down on him from the bottom of his heart?Feel like a liability?
To kill Long Xiaotian that day, if the girl was there, with the nine-turn lotus concealed weapon in her hand, the seriously injured Long Xiaotian might not be able to escape.

Long Xiaotian was ruthless enough, but Gui Wuchou was also ruthless enough, his punch also made Long Xiaotian tumbling, and most of his strength was lost.

Both of them were seriously injured. At that time, Gui Wuchou was lying on the ground panting, convulsing, and spurting blood all over his body.Thought he was dead.But Gui Wuchou didn't die because Gui Wuchou's heart was on the right side.And this was said by the ghost-faced man with a lack of flesh on his face, and he also said that he could heal Gui Wuchou's meridians.

If Long Xiaotian knew the news, he would definitely regret why he didn't make up the sword at that time.

The girl with strange makeup didn't like the man with a lack of flesh on his face, that man was too arrogant, and he always looked at himself strangely.If it wasn't for the foster father not allowing him to be rude to him, he would have scolded that old ugly man a long time ago, why did he look at me like that?
"Although Master Yuan didn't succeed this time, he saved [-] million yuan. Does this count as a lost cause?" Xiaohong said with a smile.

But no one in the room paid any attention to her.

Yuan Ying ignored him, and Yuan Kun even ignored her.Yuan Kun had seven broken ribs, every breath was torture, and he didn't even want to talk.

Someone took back 800 million from Tang Jin just now and put it on the table in the house. The money was supposed to be given to the Gui brothers.Gui Jianchou and Ghost Eagle died a little unjustly. They put their lives in it, but they didn't get any money.They all said they had no relatives.But Gui Wuchou is crazy, he has no money in his eyes, only meat, but it is not the meat that normal people eat.

Yuan Kun glanced at Xiaohong, stretched out his left hand, and pointed to the chamber pot.

Xiaohong made it convenient for Yuan Kun, and then went to dump it.

Yuan Ying stared at Xiao Hong coldly, with killing intent in her eyes.

Let's talk about this unlucky girl, Xiaohong, who was tortured a lot after being caught here.Because she is young and pretty, she is often pulled out by the men here to play with her.If it were a normal woman, she would have been wronged to death long ago.But she is not.She seems to be enjoying it.It didn't take long to get familiar with them, and even produced some number plates to distribute to those men.Let them number to find.It is said that he learned from Su Yu to issue number plates.Now people who go to the government office to do business will get a number plate and line up.The maid felt that it was very regular.The maid will be coquettish, and those men become her slaves instead.He even gave her money to buy clothes.In Yuan Ying's words, a group of sluts, both men and women are sluts.

"Baby." Yuan Kun's weak voice came from the room.

"Father." Yuan Ying walked in quickly.

"If..., if foster father can't get up, remember to listen to that person..."

"Father will be fine."

"I'm talking about if..."

"Why did the adoptive father ask me to listen to him?" Yuan Ying showed a look of disgust: "The adoptive father's action this time, the baby thinks it is inappropriate. Just because Long Xiaotian's words offended him, we are going to kill him for him? As a result, the adoptive father He almost put his life on the line. He always calls himself the king, what kind of king is he? He’s just a useless person who is not even as good as an old man on the street!"

"Shut up!" Yuan Kun said urgently: "Everyone in the world can criticize him, but you can't."


"Because..." Yuan Kun's heart beat faster, and at the same time, the severe pain made his vision go dark.

At this time, someone ran in. It is said that he bought "Ma Po Soup" from the imperial doctor, which can relieve pain, and invited a famous bone-setting doctor.

It's not clear whether the soup can relieve the pain, but after Yuan Kun drank it, he really didn't feel so uncomfortable, and he seemed to have hallucinations.


Chang'an County Lord's Mansion.

Tang Ling'er heard that Su Yu took the risk to explore Han's Wharf last night, and even set off cannons to kill people, attracting Qingcheng faction masters to chase after them, and a great battle broke out.

Don't get angry.

This anger was not aimed at Su Yu, but at her own series of arrangements.Seeing that there is no effect, it is possible to get Su Yu involved.She thought that Su Yu really had no choice but to make such a bad move and take the risk himself.Obviously this is not what the princess wants to see.

"Kong Shuo died less than a hundred days ago, and the Kong family is still in the period of filial piety. It is a crime for Han Fei to live with women in the filial period." Tang Linger muttered: "It would be good if Shi Jinchong was at home."

Lin Wan was startled, and realized that the chief of the county was using thunderous means, so she persuaded: "Sima is not at home, so it is not appropriate to mobilize the guards."

"What's wrong?" Tang Linger said: "The Great Sima Guards are monitoring Shifeng. If Han Fei is innocent, of course I have no reason to send troops. But as long as I catch him guilty, I can take him. Go and call Zhen Badao. .Ask him if it can be done."

Lin Wan said: "That Zhen is overbearing and bloodthirsty, even the great Sima is unwilling to use him. The princess thinks twice. Besides, the second master will not agree."

"I'll talk to my second uncle."

Tang Linger may have lost her head, she actually went to talk to Tangning about this matter, but Tangning was shocked and said it was wrong.

Then Tangning asked about Su Yu, but Tang Linger didn't hide it from her second uncle.Tangning smiled, and only said that the children were playing around.But Tangning didn't complain about Tang Linger, and said that Tang Qiong and him had more trouble than you when they were this age.When they were young, the city of Luoyang was busier than it is now.The guards of the three major warlords rampaged through the city, much more arrogant than they are now.See who is upset, and send troops directly to get it.It wasn't until Emperor Xian came to the throne that this chaos was suppressed.Later, with a tacit understanding, everyone stopped making such a fuss.

Tangning was an old man, but he was not confused. He asked, "What kind of character is this Han Fei, worth all of your troubles?"

Tang Linger said: "There are my niece's selfishness and Su Yu's selfishness here. My niece wants to take advantage of Han Dafu through this matter, and fight for the interests of the Tang family in the Grain and Rice Merchant Association. But Su Yu wants to find out about the worms, and for the benefit of the Tang family. Kong Shuo takes revenge."

Tangning thought for a while, "You guys want to get a job."


Tangning smiled wryly, "This Han family really thinks too highly of me. Ever since the empress dowager passed away, what's so great about the Han family? He even bullied my Tang family. Who does Han Gui think he is?"

Tangning turned her head and pointed, "Mi Qing, go to Han's house and tell Han Gui to bring Han Fei to me."

About half an hour later, Mi Qing went back and forth, saying: "Han Gui is seriously ill and is dying, so he is no longer able to serve as a director. His parents said that Han Fei is sitting at the dock, and his business is very important, so he cannot come to the Tang residence."

Hearing this, Tangning stared.

(End of this chapter)

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