
Chapter 387

Chapter 387

The big silent event happened.

Perhaps it was because Su Yu didn't come to see the princess in the first place, which made the princess feel ashamed, so she set up a problem for Su Yu.She said that she proposed to the Queen about the annulment of the marriage, and it was done three times in a row.Now that the queen has just agreed, it is impossible for her to go to the queen to express her remorse, otherwise she will be suspected of playing the queen.not beautiful.

In other words, Tang Linger wanted Su Yu to find a way to save the situation.To put it bluntly, this play has to go on, and the world can't let the world see the flaws.It is only said that the abolished "candidate" pursued Princess Chang'an again, and after winning the princess' forgiveness, they re-discussed the marriage.

Su Yu was speechless for a long while.

There are two maidservants in the room who heard these words, if they play their temper and don't pursue, where will the Princess lose face?The slap in the face was too loud, and it was necessary to slap revenge.

Tang Linger also said that acting belongs to acting, but you can't relax your requirements on yourself.You can't live in the princess mansion, but you can't live too far away, otherwise it will appear that you are not sincere enough.Isn't Ouyang Jing's "Qingya Xiaozhu" empty, you can live there.I believe that based on your relationship with Ouyang Jing, he will not refuse.If he does not agree, you can tell him that I will take back the house.

Su Yu said that Ouyang Jing would definitely agree.

Tang Ling'er also said: Our family recovered Ouyang Jing's losses, and the Tang family has made a lot of contributions.The Han family compensated ten times the amount of grain and rice, that is to say, they paid 5000 million yuan in grain.With so many benefits, I think Ouyang Jing is too embarrassed to take it all to himself, right?

Su Yu said: Of course.

Tang Ling'er said: Give Ouyang Jing twice as much, and the remaining 4000 million rice will go into my Tang family's warehouse.

Su Yu thought: It's dark enough!
But after thinking about it, Su Yu was still happy.The 500 million rice is not Ouyang Jing's at all, but his own.After this incident, I made a net profit of 500 million.How not happy.Besides, without the influence of the Tang family, I would not be able to complete this reversal.Take it when you see it, and only those who know how to be satisfied can be happy.Otherwise, I will piss myself off every day.

With the arrival of autumn, grain prices not only failed to decrease, but also tended to rise due to panic in the market.Su Yu predicted that the price might double by the end of the year.At that time, the 1000 million meters can be sold for 2000 million.I can make up the money I owe Ouyang Jing.How happy it will be to be debt-free and light-weight.

Without goingssip, Su Yu was "thrown out" of the princess mansion.Let others think that Su Yu came to beg the princess, but the princess didn't agree.They also sent the news to "Tang Xianshe" and asked for a large-scale report tomorrow.

Su Yu was worried that Xu Luochen would be too angry and write something random, so he went to find Xu Luochen to explain the matter clearly.When Xu Luochen knew it was acting, he said he could write it.Su Yu thought about it, and felt that Xu Luochen should be fine.So leave.

Go to the East Palace to find Ouyang Jing and ask for the key of Qingya Xiaozhu.At the same time, he entrusted Ouyang Jing to help with one thing.It is said to be related to Zhao Linglong.

It was already late at night to get the keys.Su Yu went to the gate of the palace again to inquire about Tong Yu's news.It is said that Tong Yu was beaten and imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Su Yu went to the dungeon to get money to deal with the guards, and sent Tong Yu a basket of food.Su Yu felt very guilty and felt sorry for Tong Yu.It is said that Tong Yu has suffered, and she will definitely make up for it in the future.

Tong Yu cried in the dungeon, only saying that Su Guiren is kind to her family, and it's okay to suffer a little bit.I miss the past very much, and hope that Su Guiren can get forgiveness from the princess sooner, and then I will choose Su Bei as a slave.In front of Tong Yu, give the jailer another [-] yuan, so that the jailer can treat Tong Yu well.The jailer was overjoyed and agreed again and again.

Walking back, there were only old Huang Xiaohuan and Xiaohuan beside her, and Xiaohuan seemed quite satisfied and said, "It's so easy for me to do things without the title of vassal."

Su Yu didn't speak, but just patted the whitebait bag on his waist.These five-grade whitebait bags, bestowed by the emperor, are quite holy.Therefore, it is easy to come here to do business.Otherwise, he would have been arrested by the Jinwu Guards long ago if he wandered the streets during the night ban.

Arriving at Qingya Xiaozhu, this place has been converted into a women's boudoir by Ouyang Xiaoqiao, Su Yu couldn't bear to dirty the bed, so he set up another bed to rest.Just lay down, but heard Kong Ting's voice from next door.

There is only a low wall between Qingya Xiaozhu and Qinxiang Xiaozhu. The wall is short and tall, and the whole shoulder can be exposed.

Seeing Xiao Huan carrying the bedding, Kong Ting leaned against the wall laughing and said, "The adoptive father came to live, and we will be neighbors from now on."

Xiao Huan said: "It's so late, why is the girl still not sleeping?"

Kong Ting said: "Second Aunt brought my younger brother to look for him, and they had barbecue and wine, so it's late. Is foster father asleep, come over and have some food together."

The second aunt she said was Kong Shuo's second wife Shangguan.


In the early morning of the next day, Su Yu's heart beat violently when he saw the Tang family's books and newspapers.

Xu Luochen swore last night that he could write, but after seeing it today, the writing was really disgusting.Write Su Yu as humble as a dog.Begged the Princess like a dog, and was kicked out like a dog.

"Damn! Xu Luochen, do you have any grudge against me?"

Annoyed, she went to find Xu Luochen, grabbed Xu Luochen's head and pressed it on the table: "Can you stop being so disgusting?"

Xu Luochen was dissatisfied and said: "What do you know? The princess made it difficult for you, she just wanted to save some face. Only by giving up my face can she let you come back sooner? You know, during the time you left, I helped you How much have you passed?"

Xu Luochen broke free, stood up, blushed and shouted: "Do you know how many princes and counties have come to propose marriage recently? My God, those are the emperor's brothers. They can ask the Tang government for advice, or they can go directly to the emperor and queen to propose marriage. If the emperor moves his finger, nothing will happen to you."

"Don't give me any trouble. Start tomorrow, don't write so disgustingly!"

"I don't! I think today is just the beginning, tomorrow I will write harder!"

"You're not done yet!"

Su Yu grabbed Xu Luochen's neck and swung Xu Luochen twice like a mop, making him dizzy.Later Xu Luochen accepted it, saying that he must write well tomorrow.


In the morning, I went to Jingxingfang to have a look. Li's warehouse is under construction.According to Li Xun, it was Kong Xiang who contracted the labor, and the seven stores were demolished and rebuilt.It is also necessary to reinforce the big warehouse.All in all, it is estimated to be no less than ten million.Su Yu was very satisfied.

Then Su Yu went to Beishi, found Tang Lian in the Meiling Hall, and asked Tang Lian to create some scandals.

Tang Lian asked Su Yu, why are you making scandals?
Su Yu said: "Essentially, you girls don't like men that no one loves, let alone humble men. The more women like your men, the more proud you are in your heart. And that damn Xu Luochen almost threw me It was ruined, I should get back some... 'face' through public opinion."

"You call this face?"

"I think it is."

"Okay, how to do it?"

"Let's say that Zhao Linglong, the lord of Xunyang County, met me here from the afternoon to the time when the lanterns were held."

"You think this will work?"

"I still have a backup."

"Okay then, I'll do it for sure."

"Well, I believe you can."

Afterwards, Su Yu went to Kong's house again, and told Kong Xiang to keep a few trusted thugs by his side at all times, to live in seclusion, and not to act rashly.As for Han Fei, don't worry, he is now in the dungeon, and the Han family must take care of him.Wait for my operation to see if I can exile him.If you can be exiled, you will be killed halfway.Avenge Boss Kong.If there is a chance, ask him about the bug again.

Kong Xiang said that everything was arranged by his adoptive father.

After finishing these things, Su Yu returned to Qingya Xiaozhu at noon to prepare lunch, but Kong Ting from the next door called: "Second aunt ordered food from Zuixianlou for foster father, and asked old Huang Xiaohuan to come and eat some."

Su Yu thought for a while, and hesitated a little. At this time, a child came to Qingya Xiaozhu.

"Brother Su is here! Hahahaha!"

It was Wan Yanqing, the young princess Jia, the little guy standing at the door and laughing, surrounded by ten swordsmen and servants, and the little girl Tong Xi who accompanied him.

It just so happened that I took the little guy with me.In full view, no one will gossip.Su Yu paid for Xiao Huan to go to Zuixian Tower and send some food to the ten followers.

A large group of people crowded in the small courtyard will not make the princess suspicious.As Tang Linger said, the wives of Kong Shuo's family are all coquettish.The same is true for the second wife, Shangguan.

The second wife didn't know the inside story, but thought that Su Yu was pursuing the princess, so she said: "The righteous father wants to reconcile with the princess, so he can't be so humble. I think the reason why the slave family was willing to marry Boss Kong was because of him. Heroic. Now that the Princess is high above the others, the adoptive father should stand upright. However, it’s not okay to play sideways at such a time. There is no woman who doesn’t like sweet words. As long as the sweet words are delivered to the heart, the Princess will like."

He was "educated" by the second wife.

However, Su Yu could understand the kindness of the second lady, so she treated her with a smile.

To be honest, the Shangguan family is more tolerant of a wife than the Han family.This woman has a very rigid heart, but she hits it off with Kong Ting.

In the future, the little princess has to go to the old gentleman's house for class, and she is reluctant to part with it.Before leaving, he discussed with Su Yu about the little cat.The princess said that the little cat brought a grasshopper for her yesterday, and asked Su Yu if she and the little cat had become friends?Su Yu said, yes, you are very good friends.The little princess happily went to class.

Ever since the cat got to know Su Yu, it has grown into a ball. It is said that it has lost some weight recently. It climbs walls and trees with agility.

Back to Qingya Xiaozhu to rest, Lin Wan came to look for her.

Sister Lin Wan told her not to associate with the widow next door.You can see your eyebrows from the second floor of the princess. If the princess sees this, it will be out of anger.

"How can there be flirting? The second lady looks a bit more charming, but she is a decent person." Su Yu smiled: "Me too."

Lin Wan pretended to be indignant: "You said no, I've seen it all. If the eyeballs of the two of you were bigger, they could fly out."

Su Yu waved his hand: "Okay, I know my sister is doing it for my own good, but you don't need to make up stories like this to scare me."

"It's good to know in your heart." Lin Wan said with a smile: "I don't think you have anything to do, why don't you go and sit in the princess's room."

"Coincidentally, that's exactly what I mean."

Instead of going to the second floor, I slept soundly in the hall on the first floor until it was time to light the lamp.

Lin Wan felt that it was going too far, so she went downstairs to persuade her, but Su Yu didn't leave and continued to sleep soundly.

When food was delivered, Xiao Huan woke up Su Yu and said in a low voice, "This food was delivered by the princess, but I don't want to tell you, just say that I ordered it."


Su Yu felt that he was stuffy in sleep, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the raccoon cat was pressing on his heart.

Seeing Su Yu wake up, the cat meowed twice, it seemed that the boss was unhappy, and seemed to be complaining about something.

Su Yu reached out and took the cat into his arms.

Xiao Huan said, this cat is getting more and more outrageous, if I am not watching here, it would still try to hit people.

Su Yu said: This cat is worried that I will die, so it beats me to see if I can wake up.

Xiao Huan asked Su Yu, why did she have to go to the princess to sleep for such a long time?

Su Yudao, see the effect in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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