
Chapter 390 Chapter 390

Chapter 390 Chapter [-]
On the east side of Li’s warehouse, the yard of “Kong Ting” has piled up grain like a mountain, and bought a lot of padding sheets to prevent rain and snow.Of course, these grains cannot always be placed outside, otherwise they will be ruined.We are waiting for the seven stores to be repaired before moving the food there.

There are too many mice here.Li Xun took the cats from the original warehouse there, but even the lame kitten ate his belly full.The cat is too full to lie on the eaves to bask in the sun, and the mice are running all over the ground and don't bother to care.

In order to cure the rat infestation, Su Yu got a few more cats.To prevent the two groups of cats from fighting, I also spent the whole morning training the cats.One of the big raccoons has a bad temper and is really hard to tame.It always bullies other cats and wants to be the king here and occupy the territory for itself.This definitely won't work, and was sent away by Su Yu later.

Kong Ting wandered here with her adoptive father, watching Su Yu training the cat, the eldest girl laughed from time to time.

The eldest sister of the Kong family is really good-looking and has a cheerful personality. Everyone likes it.But Tang Ling'er didn't seem to be wary of Kong Ting, and she was quite caring.Today's breakfast, I also called Kong Ting to eat with me.This is really the sun coming out from the west.

Based on Su Yu's understanding of Tang Ling'er, he felt that the princess had already made arrangements in his heart.Action is expected to be taken shortly.Su Yu thought that Tang Ling'er might have introduced Kong Ting to the young master of a certain marquis's family in the Tang residence.Miss Kong is rich, if Tang Linger introduces her to any family, that family will be rich.It can be regarded as making a fortune for the Tang Corporation.Only by thinking this way can it be understood why Tang Linger took such good care of Kong Ting.

The 19-year-old president of the Tang Corporation is full of money and money, and he really lacks a little human touch.But it's not easy for her. The Tang Corporation owes too much debt. Last month, Tang Ling'er implemented the repayment plan, but several billions were thrown in, and even the interest money from the five major banks in Luoyang was not paid off.Not to mention the principal, it's an astronomical figure.

After returning from the warehouse, Xiao Huan said that she was going to the orchard to grab fruit, and she would take Lao Huang and Tong Xi with her.

Hearing about this, little princess Wan Yanqing also followed.

How could the Princess Guobin follow a group of slaves to grab fruit? Su Yu didn't agree.The little princess was upset, she sat on the ground and burst into tears, saying that Brother Su didn't like Xiaoqing anymore.Su Yu didn't know what to do, he took the child to watch the slaves pick up fallen fruit in the orchard.In fact, it is to pull weeds and pick up some fallen fruits by the way.

I don't know who is responsible for picking the fruit, even the top of the tree is picked.

Wan Yanqing asked, how to pick the top fruit?

Su Yu said: Hire monkeys to pick them.

Wan Yanqing wanted to see the monkey.

Su Yu said, when you are on vacation next time, I will take you to see monkeys in Beishi.


Since Luo Yifan went to the Meiling Hall, the business of the Meiling Hall has improved.

After being arranged by Tang Lian, they went to Pingkangfang to train a group of beautiful young men.Now that he has become an apprentice, he has officially come to the Meiling Hall to make his debut, attracting a steady stream of guests.

Not only Tang Qiu, Yuan Juan and other bigwigs in the entertainment industry frequented here, but also Tang Dian and Han Hao and a group of old ruffians with broken sleeves spent money like water here.If it weren't for the existence of this group of people, the face-to-face business would not have taken off.

Han Hao is also a son-in-law, but he is different from ordinary son-in-law.He is the son of the Han family chaebol, with a high status, and he has endless money in his pocket.The Princess of Xingze, Zhao Jing, is a fierce person, but Han Hao is like a wild horse that has run wild, it is really hard to control, and he often makes the princess half dead with anger.In the past three years alone, there have been two reports of the princess being pissed off.

The situation in the Meiling Hall is already the norm in Luoyang City, so it is not worth making a fuss about.But what is surprising is that there are actually poor families lining up to sell their sons.Just to let his son, like Luo Yifan, have a day when he will stand out.

Su Yu sighed: What a simple person, don't they really understand what this business is for?

Now Tang Lian is a ruthless person who takes both black and white in Beishi.It is said that the attack is more ruthless than the old bustard in Pingkangfang.A while ago, there was a handsome young man who wanted to run away, but Tang Lian caught him and gave him a good beating.It is said that the young man lay down for three days before he could stand up, and was asked to serve the rich woman as soon as he stood up.Tang Lian said, if you run again, your legs will be amputated, making your life worse than death!
When Su Yu heard about this, he felt that he was too immoral, and he should talk to his junior sister.Money is a good thing, but making money should not go against your conscience.

But Tang Lian retorted: "Why, senior brother thinks this money is too hot to spend? You think this business is immoral, but it's like this everywhere in the Liang Dynasty, and the court doesn't care. What are you worrying about? One wish makes one wish. It's because their parents or themselves are willing to come and sign the contract of sale with me, and I didn't snatch it. If he wants to run away, he violates the contract. What's wrong with me beating him? Even if this matter is reported to the government, the government will all face me. Besides What else can this group of people do after leaving the restaurant? I said that I have saved many poor children. Why don’t you see my good deeds?”

Tang Lian was holding a square scarf, sitting in a chair, her little mouth was crackling like beans, chattering endlessly.

Su Yula's face darkened: "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Of course I know." Tang Lian tilted his head and smiled, his eyes teasing: "Brother, I don't think you should worry about the matter of the Meiling Hall. From now on, this will be my business. I have made some more money and plan to continue to expand , these three floors are definitely not enough, I want to increase the height."

This little girl's heart is really too wild, Su Yu knocked on the table: "Stop it. I handed over the Meiling Hall to you in order to let you earn money to support the Honghei Temple. I didn't expect you to interfere The entire entertainment industry. When you do too much and hurt the interests of traditional big restaurants, they will not let you go. At that time, they will definitely come to trouble you. What are the backgrounds of the four major restaurants in Pingkangfang? Warlords, chaebols , Prince! Which one can you fight?"

Tang Lian rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Su Yu stretched out his hand and beat Tang Lian on the head: "You little thing, don't cause trouble for me. I'll accept you when you're good."

Tang Li pouted.

Su Yu said with a cold face: "Let me ask you, what happened to that luxury store? When I passed by just now, I saw someone operating there, but it was not ours."


"My fixed property, I didn't sign it, how did you sell it?"

"Everyone knows the relationship between the two of us. If I say sell it, they will believe it." Tang Lian covered his head and said, "Anyway, I have already collected the money, and I will wait for you to go to the Fangguan Office to make up the signing procedures."

Su Yu was speechless for a while, and sighed, "How much did you sell?"

"500 million."

"Oh?" Su Yu became happy in his heart: "I made a lot of money. It was only [-] when I bought it, but now it's [-]?"

"The war in the north is over, and the price of land has risen dramatically. Especially in Beishi, every inch of land is worth every penny."

Su Yu left some money for Tang Lian and said, if the money is for you to spend, you can spend it as you like, but it cannot be used for investment.In this entertainment industry, we can't wade too deep, just keep the current scale.This unhealthy trend will anger the Queen one day.With one order, all will be eradicated for you.Beishi is not Pingkangfang, where there are forces that the queen is afraid of, but Beishi does not.Without that soil, don’t expect to bear that fruit. How many peach trees can you grow in the lotus pond?

After leaving the Meiling Pavilion, he went to the Kong family as a guest.

Although Han Fei was sent to prison, the result of the trial has never been released.It is said that Kong Xiang went out of his way to punish Han Fei for death, but with the support of the Han family, the death penalty cannot be settled no matter what.

Su Yu persuaded Kong Xiang, don't waste the money, even though your family is rich, you can't beat the chaebol, and even the biggest rat can't beat the cat, let alone the big cat is a tiger.

In addition to looking for troubles with Han Fei, Kong Xiang also looked for his mother and second brother everywhere, but the two disappeared without a word, as if they had disappeared from the world.This Kong Xiang hated and worried about his mother, which made people feel tangled.

"The Tang Corporation only cares about their own affairs. As for Han Fei, they just stop at nothing, and they don't want to tear themselves apart with the Han clan's chaebol. The rest of the matter is our business. Now I am also a common man, If you can't get away in the officialdom, you have no way to ask the queen. Even if you find the queen, it will be useless for the sake of the Han family.

Perhaps it was precisely because he was the queen that Han Fei was able to hide until today.Otherwise, so many people died in that fierce battle, and he, the perpetrator, would have been beheaded long ago.But now Dali Temple's interrogation of those servants is superficial, and no one has confessed to Han Fei.There was no torture at all during the whole process.

Heh, at this moment they became more gentle in handling cases, and they could no longer lift the famous 'seven sticks'. Two of the "seven sticks" died, and there were five left. The queen knew that they were upright, so she sent them to other places to monitor the public servants.And the person who tried this case was actually a member of the Fan family's chaebol, Dali Temple Shaoqing Fan Wei, or a cousin of the Han family. "

Kong Xiang asked, "What's the plan of foster father?"

Su Yudao: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. We can't kill him in one breath, so take it slowly. As long as you are still on the road of revenge, don't let yourself be too depressed. Don't be reckless, there are many opportunities, let's choose the best one." Good opportunity to start. Tell me, what have you arranged recently?"

Su Yu followed Kong Xiang's words.

Kong Xiang felt a little sorry, and said, "Han Fei is in the prison. I wanted to send someone in to kill him, but I found that they couldn't even get in the door. It must have been done by the Han family. Except for the Han family and the officials, no one could get in." I met Han Fei. Later, I used money to bribe those government officials, but there is no movement now. I only eat money and do nothing."

Su Yu said: "Then ask for the money back."

"Want... to come back?" Kong Xiang was puzzled: "Is it still possible to do things like this?"

"It's reasonable to bribe officials." Su Yu smiled: "It seems that Boss Kong didn't tell you when he was alive."

Kong Xiang sighed: "Daddy always said that I'm useless, and he never expected me to take over the family business. But he didn't expect that he would die so soon. He was in a hurry. Then the adoptive father said, what's the point here? .”

"Let me give you an example..."

(End of this chapter)

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