
Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Hearing that Su Yu's wedding is coming soon, Lin Chongyang came galloping from Chang'an, and the [-]-mile journey could not stop the enthusiasm of his friends.

Su Yu entertained his friends in Zuixian Tower, and even invited Ouyang Jing and Xu Luochen to have a drink together.Spend a lot of money to invite high-end kabuki, and the four of them clapped their hands and applauded when they watched the six-year-old dancers.Ouyang Jing couldn't bear it any longer, and ran forward to dance with the woman, rubbing a pair of dishonest hands on the woman's waist.But after rubbing for a long time, he couldn't accomplish anything, and it was a pity that it ended.

At a young age, Lin Chongyang is already in the brigade school of the Tenth Division of Shence, with 3000 people under his command.It is said that the next step is to enter the division headquarters and become a general of the tenth division.The person who promoted Lin Chongyang was none other than An Guogong Tang Zhen.

Last month, during Shence Army's internal sand table deduction and on-the-spot training, Lin Chongyang fought against Hu's famous general Dian to pledge his allegiance, which was impressive.

This Lin Chongyang is not a man who talks about war on paper.As early as the Anti-Hu War, he joined the team at the age of 17, starting as a temporary captain.Leading three hundred cavalry to attack the enemy's food roads repeatedly succeeded.At that time, Qi Dongyang, God of Magic, praised him, saying that he would be a pillar of talent in the future, and strongly recommended him to Tang Zhen.

"Grandpa Guo has transferred the third, ninth, tenth, and third divisions to Hanzhong. Because the Shu Han has been a little restless recently. The enemy at Jianmen Pass always comes near Baishui to harass. Facing the enemy's provocation, Grandpa Guo said We should give them some color, otherwise they will get sick and make them more rampant and worse."

Su Yu frowned: "Isn't Hanzhong the territory of the Meng family?"

Lin Chongyang waved his hand: "The Meng family has withdrawn."


"Although there are several roads between Hanzhong and Jingzhou, the situation in Jingzhou is complicated, and the Southern Jin Dynasty faces each other across the river. The puppet emperor of Han wanted to form an alliance with the puppet emperor of Jin, but the Jin Dynasty was not interested in this at all, and even threatened that if the Han Dynasty dared to Attacking the Liang Dynasty, the Southern Jin Dynasty will not sit idly by. In this case, even if the Shu Han wants to attack the Liang Dynasty, they will not go east, but will go north along the path and go straight to Chang'an."

Ouyang Jing asked, "Wouldn't it be a big loss for the Meng family to lose Hanzhong?"

Lin Chongyang said: "Otherwise, the eastern part of Shannan West Road and the entire Shannan East Road are still owned by the Meng family. The Tang family only gained ten states in Shannan West Road and one state in the north of Jiannan Road, but they had to garrison [-] troops. The consumption and The income is almost equal, and the Tang family didn't get any benefits."

Su Yu asked: "Since there is no benefit, why do you have to do this? Isn't it a loss to increase the defense area and increase the contact area with the enemy?"

"It's just because of poverty." Lin Chongyang sighed: "These three divisions are transferred away, so they don't need Chang'an to provide money and food, which can be regarded as saving Chang'an a lot of money. And the Meng family can fully cope with Jiangnan without taking care of the west. Southern Jin Dynasty It is said to have a million soldiers, and there are 50 Chen soldiers on the front line from Yuezhou to Ezhou. However, my Jingzhou defense area only has 12 men from the Meng family, which is indeed a bit thin. It is imperative for the Meng family to withdraw [-] from Hanzhong."

It's not just the Tang family who feel poor. Compared with the Southern Jin Dynasty, the entire Liang Dynasty is very poor.

Su Yu estimated that the GDP of the Southern Jin Dynasty was ten times that of the Liang Dynasty.

The Southern Jin Dynasty was so rich, why didn't they dare to fight?
It's not that the Southern Jin emperor didn't want to fight, but that the Jin Dynasty was rotten to the bone.Both civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty are representatives of the chaebols, which have seriously affected the national policy.

At its root, the chaebols of the Southern Jin Dynasty could not master the military industry, so they were unwilling to fight.

Not to give up the military industry to the chaebol, this is the last straw in the hands of the Southern Jin emperor.If this straw is gone, the emperor of the Southern Jin Dynasty may have to change his surname.On the contrary, the three major warlords of the Liang Dynasty had military industry rights, and if there were expeditions, they could still make money.For example, if the Tang family sent troops to the Western Regions, the money would not be taken by the Tang family themselves.The whole country must tax and subsidize the Shence Army to expand the territory of the Liang Dynasty.This is like a certain capital in the later generations is huge, the country pays for the war, and the military industry giants make money wildly, so they are warlike.In the Southern Jin Dynasty, it was just the opposite. The richer you were, the less you fought. This is also similar to the Southern Song Dynasty. The civil servants and military generals quarreled every day, and in the end capital had the final say.

Although the war can make money for the powerful, the ten-year war against Hu cannot.The war took place in the country, and it was a full-scale war of attrition. The foundation was shaken, capital was pouring out, and everyone lost blood.The Southern Jin Dynasty knew that it could not fight, and was afraid that the Northern Dynasty would be defeated. Therefore, when the Northern Dynasty was most in danger, the Southern Jin Dynasty sent food and money.The troops along the river retreated across the board for more than a thousand li, just to reassure Liang Chao and go northward with all his strength.

When he heard the news of the victory of the Liang Dynasty, Emperor Sima of the Southern Jin Dynasty also beat gongs and drums in Jinling, and he seemed even happier than the emperor of the Liang Dynasty.He also said that our race is proud to stick to China!

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about women. Hahaha, Jin Feng can finally sleep with the princess, and I, Ouyang Jing, are also honored!"

"Wait, we brothers can share everything, but the daughter-in-law can't."

"Look, he's serious."

Through this conversation, Su Yu smelled the smell of gunpowder smoke from Hanzhong.

Looking at the map of Shenzhou at this time, it is very similar to the Three Kingdoms period.However, the Liang Dynasty has not been very worried about the Shu Han, because the Shu Han has to face the intrusion of the southern barbarians.At this time, the Shu Han suddenly provoked the Liang Dynasty, which is really confusing.

Da Sima Tang Zhen has always been very tough in the face of provocations, and asked the Hanzhong garrison to surround and capture the enemy if they found the enemy approaching.If you still come to provoke, send troops to bring Jianmen Pass into the territory of Liang Dynasty.

The [-]st Brigade of the [-]th Division is currently stationed at Baishuiguan, with veteran Tang Xu in charge.Tang Xu is too old, Tang Zhenzheng intends to change generals.


In the middle of the night, Su Yu returned home drunk, with his sleeves fluttering all the way, very uninhibited.

Ouyang Jing drank the most, and had to take care of the prince when he returned to the East Palace by car.

Xu Luochen had the smallest capacity for alcohol, vomited more than he drank, his face was pale, and he was carried home.

Su Yu stayed in Lin Chongyang to spend the night at the princess's mansion, but was rejected by Lin Wan.Lin Wandao: Brother-in-law is reckless, yelling loudly after drinking, for fear of disturbing the princess.

Su Yudao: "I think Zhongtian is the most measured."

But Lin Wan still refused.

Lin Wan is Lin Chongyang's biological elder sister, she did not agree to stay, and neither did Su Yu.Usually I only feel that Lin Wan is gentle, but when facing her younger brother, she is strict.But when she heard that Lin Chongyang was promoted, she wept with joy.Hearing that there might be a war in Hanzhong, she became worried again.Various expressions alternated on her face, all because of Su Yu talking nonsense after drinking.

Not to mention Lin Wan, even if Su Yu meets Wang Xun after drinking, he still has to tease him.

Lao Huang said, our young master has the demeanor of a dragon, and a man should have this kind of aura that all women in the world belong to me.

Xiao Huan scolded Lao Huang: You are the one who ruined your young master's reputation!

Old Huang Dao: The little yellow-haired girl knows what a fart!


Wufeng swordsman Dou Yuan had three ribs broken by Lao Huangzhao, and his movements are still limited.

I still remember the situation at that time, the old servant stretched out his hand to dig under his ribs, and felt that the entire rib fan was lifted.

At that moment, Dou Yuan raised his foot and kicked Lao Huang down.Dou Yuan still wondered why the old man was so vulnerable, but found that Lao Huang jumped to the chicken coop, flew up to the eaves, and went straight to Han Fei.Immediately, there was a loud noise from Han Fei's side, a terrifying sound of bones breaking.

When the Tang family's cavalry rushed over, Dou Yuan reluctantly ran away. He collapsed on the ground just after he escaped from Jingxingfang. It was his junior sister Duguhuang who carried him to the hiding place.

If it is said that Duguhuang is the daughter of the sword god Dugulang, the world will not believe it. Calculated by age, Dugulang is 70 years older than Duguhuang.Compared with Tang Kuan being a grandfather at the age of 38, this is almost four generations behind.

"Ziyan, where did you go?" Duguhuang reprimanded her face, "I didn't say anything when I ran out, which made everyone worry about you."

Long Ziyan was slapped three times by Lao Huang, and then slammed on the ground like a pheasant, the girl felt her joints were loose.In order to hide the severe pain in her leg, the girl deliberately slowed down and dawdled.

Long Ziyan lowered her head and muttered: "There's nothing to worry about, I'm already 16 years old. I'm not a child."

"What's there to worry about?" Dugu Huang hated iron and steel: "In just two months, how many times have you been hijacked, don't you know?"

"So what? They dare touch me?"

"That's for your uncle's sake. What if something happens to your uncle?"

"No way! My uncle stands upright and number one in the world, how can there be any ups and downs?"

Seeing that Long Yuyan refused to accept discipline, Dugu Huang became angry, and was about to get angry and reprimanded, but heard senior brother Dou Yuan's voice: "Okay, okay, since Zi Yan is back, she's fine. Let's clean up and go to senior brother and ask Is there any other arrangement?"

Duguhuang was not in a good mood: "Our Dugumen already had few people, but this time we lost two more when we entered Beijing."

Knowing that the junior sister felt sorry for the disciples, Dou Yuan sighed and said nothing.

At this time Long Yuyan said: "If you want to go, you go, I won't go with you."

Duguhuang stared and said: "Why!"

"Don't ask me why, I don't want to go with you anyway." The girl sat on the threshold with her head bowed.

Duguhuang suddenly felt that her mood was broken, she had something to say, but suddenly it felt like a stick in her throat.

Dou Yuan tugged on Junior Sister's sleeve, signaling her not to be angry with the child, but Duguhuang couldn't hold back, and tears fell down.In her mind, Dugumen is her home, and now this home is broken, and seeing the grown-up children become more and more disobedient, she feels her heart is broken on the ground.

Before convincing Long Yuyan, Dou Yuan decided not to leave. He only said that his ribs still hurt and he would rest for a day.

When the moon was hanging on the branch, she saw Dugu Huang sitting under the tree alone, Dou Yuan walked over gently, and sat next to Junior Sister Sheng.

He knew that his junior sister only had Long Xiaotian in her heart, so he sat a little further away.

But he really wanted to sit closer to his junior sister.

"Huang, you will be 23 this year, right?" Dou Yuan made a mistake on purpose.

"Oh, the second senior brother can't remember my age." Dugu Huang said in a coquettish tone, "I'll be 25 during Chinese New Year."

"If..." Dou Yuan seemed hesitant, "If senior brother wants to go all the way to the end,...will you follow him?"

"Will do."


"Why, second senior brother is not willing?"

"Me?" Dou Yuan smiled wryly, "If I don't want to, I won't accompany you to the capital."

(End of this chapter)

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