
Chapter 400 Chapter 400 Weapon Factory

Chapter 400 Chapter [-] Weapon Factory
"Of course I didn't reach out, it was all done by the school lieutenants who touched gold. The queen mother's gold seal, phoenix crown, hairpin, gold necklace, jade Buddha beads, jade bracelet, gold inlaid jade finger ring, and a bead in the queen mother's mouth, * All the plugs in the eyes were removed by them. Later, because it was too smelly, we closed the coffin lid again. I also kowtowed to the Queen Mother a few times."

Su Yu wondered: "Why do you kowtow?"

Kong Xiang shrugged his shoulders: "It's not that I want to knock, it's that those Mojin captains said that this is the rule in their business. They say they take people's money and don't destroy people's corpses. They also need to give a big gift according to the status of the deceased. Thank you for the gift. If you don’t do this, be careful that the dead will come to you in dreams in the future. When the time comes, the ghost will linger and make you sick. Not to mention, they have a lot of rules. Follow along, I can’t even Write it all down. But... when I moved the queen mother's body, I found that the queen mother's neck was broken. Could it be that someone twisted her neck and died?"

Su Yu didn't care about those superstitions, but was curious about the cause of the Queen Mother's death, so he asked, "How do you determine that the Queen Mother's neck is broken?"

"Although the corpse rotted quickly, the corpse was still hard. But when the gang picked the beads in her mouth, the whole head was brought up. I also cut people, I'm sure, only the bones were broken, Only her head can be lifted so high." Kong Xiang made a movement of leaning his head forward violently.

Su Yu thought for a while, and didn't continue this topic, but changed the subject: "What are the names of those two Captain Mojin?"

"I don't know the names, they are all under the name of Jianghu, one is called Yang Chigu, and the other is called Shadiaodao. They come from the same school, two brothers and sisters."


Then Su Yu concentrated on reviewing the documents.

After these few days of observation, Tang Ling'er felt more at ease with Su Yu, although Su Yu still didn't distinguish between big and small when approving documents.

Kong Xiang was still talking about what he had seen and heard, and it seemed that he was quite interested in tomb robbery.Su Yu was even worried that this kid would add a hobby.What he said, Su Yu just gave a perfunctory "hmm" and did not delay reviewing the documents.But later Kong Xiang said something, which caught Su Yu's attention.

"Seeing the bones of Emperor Wanlong, why do I feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"I heard that Emperor Wanlong was a big man. Hey, he was as tall as your adoptive father. But I saw that the bone was seven feet six inches to the sky, and it was definitely less than seven feet nine inches."

Su Yu smiled bitterly: "Have you measured it with a ruler?"

Kong Xiang said solemnly: "My arms are seven feet seven inches wide, and I measured them with my arms."


The wedding of Princess Chang'an is approaching, and due to the grand scale, preparations are already underway.The Duke's Mansion is filled with a festive atmosphere, and all kinds of etiquette props have been displayed in the warehouse, just waiting to be used on the wedding day.

The wedding of the princess is not held in the palace of the princess, but in the mansion of the Duke.Su Yu had nothing to do, so he came over to have a look, just in time for Tang Zhen to return home.An Guogong was followed by a large group of people, and a series of footsteps could be heard from a long distance away.The footsteps of the armored guards were the heaviest, and among them was the figure of Shi Jinchong from the Da Sima Riding School.

I haven't seen him for a few months, General Shi San is still so big and strong, after sending Tang Zhen into the study, Shi Jin rushed to Su Yu, yelled all the way, and sent a congratulatory message.

When he approached, he suddenly whispered mysteriously: "Hey! Xiao Su, tell me, did you two sleep together early?"

"..., third brother was joking."

"Look, you and I are still hiding it? You tell me the truth, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Why does third brother feel uncomfortable?"

Shi Jinchong rubbed his heart and said painfully: "Whenever I hear that a girl has been raped, I feel uncomfortable. It's more uncomfortable than being stabbed."

There are quite a few monsters in Qinghuafang, Shi Jinchong is one of them, and he is still at the level of a small boss.He looks dumbfounded, but he has a lot of eyes.He said that what he hates the most is Su Yu's little boy, boy, if you don't follow your good intentions, you must have put the princess to sleep in advance.Give me [-] yuan quickly, and I will keep the secret for you.

Su Yu took out a few pieces of gold coins wrapped in cloth from his pocket, which could be worth seven or eight pieces, that is, [-] or [-].Before Su Yu could count them, Shi Jinchong snatched them away. He didn't ask why the gold coins were wrapped in cloth, but ran away with a smile on his face, and said that Su Yu had hit his trick.He also said that he would go to the Wanhua Building to find a clean man to break the melon, so as to calm his wounded heart.

At this time, several generals entered the Duke's Mansion, including Lin Chongyang.

Lin Chongyang asked Su Yu, why are you standing outside?

Su Yu said that he just came to take a look around, but was beaten by Shi Jinchong.Lin Chongyang asked Su Yu how much he was robbed by Shi San, and I will help you get it back.Su Yu said, just take it for fun, don't take it seriously.He asked Lin Chongyang again, why did he come to the Duke's mansion?Lin Chongyang said that several generals were transferred back by the Duke of the State, and one of them should be selected to replace the veteran Tang Xu to sit in Baishuiguan.

"do you want to go?"

"Of course!"

Su Yu thought for a while and asked, "If Da Sima asks you about the enemy's invasion, how will you respond?"

Lin Chongyang said: "Stick to Baishuiguan and wait for reinforcements."

"If the person who comes is equal to you, how do you deal with it?"

"If you can't get out of the pass, the enemy retreats and we chase after it."

"If there are not many visitors, what should you do?"

"Round up and capture alive!"

Su Yu shook his head: "I don't think you should go in. You have already been eliminated."

Lin Chongyang frowned: "Why did Jinfeng say that?"

"Your answer is quite satisfactory and has no characteristics. You are the youngest in this group of people and have no advantage."

"What does Jinfeng think I should say?"

"I don't know the specifics of military affairs, but I think your answer lacks aggressiveness. The reason why you were promoted before was because you led troops to fight against the enemy's rear grain road when you were 17 years old. You were full of energy and made people shine. But you The answer is too ordinary and lacks the characteristics you should have."

Lin Chongyang was silent.

Su Yu said again: "Only if your answer makes Da Sima refreshed, will you have a chance to win this position. Of course, my statement may also be self-defeating. How to do it is up to you to decide."

After all, Su Yu is leaving.

"Oh, Jinfeng, don't leave. Let's talk about it later."

Su Yu smiled: "If my method makes you lose this opportunity, I don't feel sorry. After all, your characteristics have been established, and in the future, Da Sima will be able to use him according to his aptitude, and then promote you in other aspects. But if this If you behave mediocrely at the first meeting, you will be buried."

Lin Chongyang said: "Okay, now let me ask you the three questions just now. If soldiers come to commit crimes, what should you do?"

Su Yudao: "Just now you said 'defend Baishui Pass and wait for reinforcements', you just need to add another sentence, 'I will be there when the city is in, and I will be destroyed when the city is broken. As long as you stay there, don't give up half an inch of the country'."

"If the person who comes is equal to you, how do you deal with it?"

"An ambush was set up in front of Baishui Pass, and the attackers were caught off guard."

"If there are not many visitors, what should you do?"

"The future comers will be rounded up and captured alive, and killed to Jianmen Pass!"

Lin Chongyang frowned: "Jin Feng, you are too aggressive. If the enemy uses tricks to lure the enemy..."

Su Yu smiled and remained silent.

Lin Chongyang threw his sleeves and said: "I understand what you mean. You are not discussing tactics with me, but let me show my characteristics. Well, wait for me to go in and see what Da Sima will ask."


Lin Chongyang went in and didn't come out for a long time, Su Yu didn't wait outside, but went back to the princess mansion.

Tang Linger asked, where did she go again?

Su Yudao, look at the wedding arrangements.

Tang Ling'er was putting on makeup again, her tall cloud bun was so ugly that it was indescribable.

Su Yu asked: "Where are you going?"

Tang Ling'er waved her hand and retreated the servants: "Brother wants to expand the military warehouse and add a weapon factory. In the past two days, the fourth brother and the twelfth brother brought me a few iron mine owners, but unfortunately those people dare not mine the mines. I'm going to see the queen and ask for a mine book."

"Why doesn't Eighteenth Brother do it himself?"

"This matter cannot be discussed above, otherwise there will be no results until next year."

"Then I think it's useless."

"What if we cooperate with the Queen?"

"You mean... the Tang family joined the princeling party, and they also want to serve as an armament warehouse for the queen?"

"As long as we don't say it, who knows that my family has bought a share for the queen? The queen will not brazenly prepare weapons when the emperor is alive. We are planning for the future. And the equipment of our Shence Army has not been enough Yes, our family’s increase in weapons will not arouse suspicion. After all, my family owes a lot of debt and can no longer borrow money. If we want to increase armaments, we can only produce them ourselves.”

"At that time, the Meng family and Ximen's family will definitely obstruct it."

"Yes, it will. My brother said that in order to prevent the two of them from making trouble, they are allowed to send people to supervise. As long as our armaments do not exceed theirs, they will not strongly object."

The room was quiet for a while, and Tang Linger said again: "I don't like to meet those mine owners, and I don't even want them to enter the princess mansion. You can go to see them for me in the future."

"Oh, no problem."

"I'm going to renovate the backyard and set up an office for you."


"What's the matter? Could it be in the front yard? If it blocks Zhengyang, Feng Shui will be bad."

"No, I didn't mean that. The backyard has always been where the kids play."

" are really different from normal people when you think about things. Why do you think about children? After I get married, I will send that little savage girl back."


"No reason."

Su Yu shrugged and stood up: "I'll go to the Fourth and Twelfth Brothers to get to know those mine owners."

"I don't think you're going anywhere, wait until I meet the queen."

"Oh." Su Yu sat down again.

Calling back the servants, Tang Ling'er continued to put on makeup, making it more and more ugly, Su Yu was not in the mood to see it.

Suddenly remembered those words of Kong Xiang.

Knowing that Tang Linger likes such scary topics the most, Su Yu smiled: "Linger, do you believe in the resurrection of the dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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