
Chapter 791

Chapter 791
Xiaopingjin, on the bank of the Yellow River, King Kang Zhao Di with his hands behind his back, watching the river flow.

The angry dragon of the Yellow River will break through the embankment and gallop recklessly if it doesn't go well.Water control has always been a difficult problem, and governing a dynasty has something in common with water control.

The No. 13 Division stationed in Xiaopingjin, the Zhonglang general Liang Qin, and the supervisor Zhao Guan are all Kang Wang's confidantes.

Especially Zhao Guan, who has been hiding for King Kang for ten years, is not easy.He was originally from the royal family, and he recognized King Kang as his father.Now besides Kang Wang, the sharpshooter Zhang Kang who never leaves, only Zhao Stork came to see Kang Wang the most.Even Kang Wang's giant mastiff is already familiar.

"Father, now people from King Xian's side are framing you, saying that you are behind the assassination of Zhao Yu." Zhao Guan stood beside King Kang, quite angry.

Hearing this, Zhao Di gave a wry smile, and raised his hand to press the short beard on his lips: "Isn't it normal for them to suspect me? From the very beginning when I heard the news, I thought I was Can’t run away. I can tell you this, even if they catch the real culprit, they will put this hat on my head and destroy my reputation. It’s called a sexual struggle.”

Zhao Di half-turned around and stared at Zhao Guan: "Things are created out of nothing, it's a common thing, why should my son make such a fuss?"

Zhao Guan said anxiously: "Father has always been an upright man. He is a gentleman in the dynasty. Why was he slandered by them? My son feels wronged!"

Kang Wang laughed loudly: "A gentleman is self-cleaning, so he is noble."

After saying a word, King Kang raised his legs and left, returning to the army tent to rest, at this time Zhang Kang came over and said to Zhao Guan: "If Zhao Qiang died at this juncture, do you think King Xian will still be so united? "

Zhao Guan was stunned: "Is this what you mean, or what the father means?"

Zhang Kang smiled mysteriously: "Is it important who means it? I only know that such a result is good for King Kang."

Zhang Kang's face turned cold, his eyes seemed to have King Kang's arrogance: "Do you think a gentleman can win?"


A king's chariot passed by Yiqueguan, the tall horse galloped all the way, sand and stones flew randomly, and fell into the car from time to time.

The road from Baguan to Luoyang is allocated special funds every year to maintain it, and it should be as flat and straight as possible.Because Baguan is the gateway to Luoyang, it is necessary to ensure the convenience of marching.

But no matter how smooth Liang Chao's road is, it is only relatively speaking.As for Liang Chao's car, the shock absorption is also difficult to compliment. Even the king's car produced by the Huangcheng Manufacturing Office will feel bumpy.

If it wasn't for finding the two old evil slaves back, His Highness King Qin wouldn't have worked so hard, and even took risks.

Although the two of them argued repeatedly that they would not attack Zhao Qiang.He also said that he was so smart that he would not do such a stupid thing.and so on.

"Oh, the young master is really a gentian!"

Lao Huang gave a thumbs up and said in an unusually loud voice.

Lao Lu agreed and said: "That's right, when I saw the young master's car driving into the barracks, I was shocked, and Lao Huang was already frightened dumbfounded."

Lao Huang sighed: "With our young master's courage, the throne of the Liang Dynasty should belong to our young master. At the beginning, I said that the young master is good in front of the master, but the master didn't believe it, and let the old bald monk Wu Liang chase me out and scold me." It's a pity that the master is no longer here, otherwise he should really know."

Lao Lu frowned: "Oh, Lao Huang. Obviously I said it first in front of the master, but hearing you say it like that, why does it seem like you said it first?"

Lao Huang stared: "Obviously I said it first!"

Lao Lu stood up, patted his heart and said, "It's me!"

Lao Huang also stood up: "It's me!"

"Okay, you two sit down." Su Yu had had enough, pulled the two of them to sit down, and said: "You two are basically one person in my heart. What he said first, he said later. The two of you Going to find him together shows the attitude of the two of you."

The two elders ignored each other and sat down angrily.

Bai Zhan felt very embarrassed sitting in the car, he pointed to the car curtain, and signaled himself to go out, but Su Yu waved his hand.

The carriage was very noisy, and people talking in the carriage should not be heard outside, but Su Yu still didn't plan to say some things in the carriage.

When they got home, Su Yu called Lao Huang and Lu to Xiaoxilou, and wanted to hold a meeting for them, and they agreed in three chapters.

After closing the door on the second floor, Su Yu said as soon as the three of them sat down, "You saw King Qin's car entering the camp, but in fact, not only me, but also King Xian was sitting in the car."

Lao Huang and Lao Lu looked at each other.

Su Yu smiled wryly: "The Xian Wang definitely thinks that Zhao Qiang did not do this, that's why he made this move. When Zhao Qiang heard that I came uninvited, he went out of his tent to pick him up. But the Xian Wang didn't let me open the car curtain , deliberately tested Zhao Qiang. After testing Zhao Qiang a little anxiously, he opened the door curtain. Through this process, I can see that Zhao Qiang is wary of me, but he has no intention of killing."

Lao Lu said: "I don't know one thing."


"Why didn't the virtuous king hand over all the troops to Zhao Qiang?"

Su Yu thought for a while, and said: "Sima Qian's "Historical Records Huaiyin Marquis Biography" says: There are differences between the generals who taste calmness and trustworthiness. Your Majesty is only able to command one hundred thousand.'Shang said:'How about you?'Xin said:'The more ministers, the better the ear.'Shang laughed and said:'The more the better, why is my bird?'The letter said:'Your Majesty can't send soldiers , And good generals, this is the reason why Xin is your majesty. And what your majesty calls heaven, is not human.'”

After all, Su Yu raised his eyes and looked at the two old men: "Han Xin leads troops, the more the better. Because Han Xin has that ability. And some people are just right to lead 1000 people, and he will not be able to play any more. There are even more people, Even the few people around him don't understand, why let him command a hundred thousand soldiers?

... 10 people were handed over to him, and he was also a loser in the end.It's better to cultivate two masters, form an alliance of interests, and bind each other, so that they can survive together.

... The wise king spent half his life as a soldier, and half his life seeking power.Nearly [-] years old, although my body is broken, my heart is not confused.He knew that Zhao Qiang couldn't do it, so he couldn't give him all the military power.This is like some big companies, where the father will leave some of the shares to his son, but the successors who manage the huge industry are not the sons, but some backbones of the company who are allocated the shares.Because he knows that his son is not that material, and those backbones can maintain the industry after they get the shares.

... There are many examples of virtue not worthy, talents not worthy, and tragic endings abound.But if one of the eldest son of Xian Wang and the third son is still there, it is not Zhao Qiang's turn to sit in the manor, let alone Zhang Yunlong and I to share a share of the pie. "

Hearing these words, Lao Lu remained silent for a while.

Su Yu said again: "This time the virtuous king entered the barracks to test and appease, and it can be regarded as an explanation for the funeral. The virtuous king said that after his death, Zhao Qiang will be divided into four divisions, Zhang Yunlong will have three, and I will have two divisions plus half a division. Jin Wuwei."

Old Huang asked anxiously: "Why do you let our young master do the most tiring work, but assign the least soldiers?"

Lao Lu pressed Lao Huang, and rushed to say: "The young master said so much, is it the meaning of the virtuous king? If so, but Zhao Qiang himself doesn't think so, he thinks he can do it. He is rushing to be the boss and let our family The young master will be his subordinate. But our young master is a prince, why should he serve as the county king's subordinate?"

Su Yu got a little annoyed, knocked on the table and said, "From being a son-in-law to today, I am already very satisfied. Please don't provoke me to do some risky things. I can understand your feelings. You hope that I will be like Wan Long. Also be the emperor, but you have never asked me if I would like to be an emperor!

... Is it easy to be the emperor of the Liang Dynasty?Is it something I can become if I want to?I don't have soldiers in my hands, do you want me to be a puppet emperor?That's right, Tang Zhen supported me before, but because he wanted me to be emperor too much, I couldn't be.Because as much as he thought about it, the other two families didn't want to.

...For me, do you know how much Tang family's debts have been forgiven by Meng and Ximen?Tang Zhen planned to support me in the past, but now he supports me with words, but actually has no action.The reason why he is still stubborn is because he wants to save face!

...Since then, I have absolutely no hope of becoming emperor.King Xian, King Kang, and Cao Yuzan also saw this clearly.That's why I dared to go to the apse to meet the Queen Mother. "

Old Lu said: "The young master said that he didn't want to be the emperor, but the young master stepped forward step by step and chose to be the emperor. When the civil post is regent, he has military power. If you really don't want to be, what are you fighting for?"

"Human nature is to be strong." Su Yu said: "I also hope that I will become stronger and stronger, and what I want is to be strong with virtue and virtue. I don't want to be a puppet at any time."

Old Lu said: "How can the young master win the trust? You can't be a puppet, but you can bear the anger of your son-in-law?"

Su Yu stared: "Then you should ask Su Maosheng why you owe so much money! Am I willing to come to the Tang Manor as a son-in-law? If I didn't come, the Su family would have been brought to the court long ago, and the family would be ruined!"

During the debate, Su Yu suddenly thought that maybe Su Maosheng owed so much money on purpose.

"Okay, youngest Su..."

All this is the result of his calculation?But how did he know that he would definitely get married?Tang Zhen discussed with him in advance?Or, was this originally arranged by Emperor Wanlong? "

Seeing that the young master was suddenly distracted by Lu Maosheng, Lao Huang and Lao Lu scolded Su Maosheng together.

Amidst the sound of cursing, Su Yu withdrew his mind and agreed to three chapters.

"There is no rule without rules. I believe that when you served the emperor in the past, you could not be so unruly as you are now. I don't force you to suddenly become good children, but I have three basic principles that cannot be violated. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel. Severe wrist!"

(End of this chapter)

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