
Chapter 801 Iron Thread Gu

Chapter 801 Iron Thread Gu

Knowing that they will leave tomorrow, the generals did not stay for long, and prepared to leave after a few bowls of wine.

Han Jian ran to King Qin and made a solemn oath that he would take the lead when he went to Hedong. Whenever there was a war, Han Jian would be the vanguard and charge forward!

Although Zhu Xieke had just poured cold water on Han Jian in front of Su Yu, Su Yu would not discourage Han Jian's enthusiasm.There is a courage to move forward in the lover, so Su Yu praised him a few words for this.

It has to be said that Han Jian's existence is a role model for military school disciples.They tried their best to maintain the authority of the principal, and this was the most determined faction in the Fourth Division.Su Yu thought about it, if there is an army in the future, he will also develop generals from this group of disciples.

After a group of generals dispersed, Han Yao, Minister of Rites, came to see King Qin.What's inside the words, I hope King Qin will take care of his son more.

Han Yao said that Han Jian was raised to learn literature from an early age, but he prefers martial arts.Han Yao really didn't want his son to join the army, so he sent him to the military academy, thinking that if he suffered a bit in that environment, he would be able to turn around.But what I didn't expect was that after sending my son there, I couldn't come back.

In Han Yao's words: It seems that this son was born for the military, and he can't be stopped. I only hope that King Qin will care.

Han's chaebol, a wealthy family, this time when Han Yao came to see the King of Qin, he offered 2000 million yuan, and only said that he would contribute to the country.

After all the officials dispersed, Su Yu planned to go back to Xiaofeng Pavilion to rest, when Lin Juan came over and said that Tan Qin'er was missing.

Su Yu frowned, and asked when the incident happened. Lin Juan said that someone had reported it an hour ago, but she felt that such trivial matters could not be compared with major national affairs, so she didn't say anything.

Su Yu was a little annoyed, but he didn't blame Lin Juan deeply, and only said that he should report it as soon as possible next time.

"Call Lao Huang and Lao Lu here."


Lin Juan could see that King Qin was very unhappy, but King Qin never yelled at his servants.Lin Juan knew that she made a mistake, and she felt quite guilty, her face flushed.Quickly walk through Donger to Xiaodongcang.

At that time, Lao Huang and Lao Lu were arranging for Chen Xun and Grandma Niu and Grandma Ma.The three of Chen Niu and Ma have been taken to Qin Wangfu. It is said that when Lao Huang went to pick them up, the old slave Chen Xun burst into tears and sat in the car sobbing all the way.

Although there is no separate mansion compound in Prince Qin's Mansion, Xiaodongcang is clean and tidy, and a second floor is still being added. It is said that a small observation pavilion will be added on the top of the building to relieve the boredom of Granny Niu and Granny Ma. use.Upon hearing this, the old slave cried for a while, and only said that our young master is so good, it is hard to find another one in the world.

"This is not over." Lao Huang pointed at Chen Xun: "The young master said, you are too old to walk, and you may kick your legs one day, so I will find you a little eunuch or Little servant girl, raised you since childhood, will be your filial son or daughter in the future, and will hold banners for your funeral."

Chen Xun scolded: "Go away, you are a big moon boasting. If your surname Huang dies, I, Chen Xun, will not die either."

Lao Huang said: Do you like it or not, anyway, I have conveyed what the young master said, if you are still alive after 90 years old, I will bury you alive!

Seeing Lao Huang scolding Chen Xun, mother-in-law Niu and mother-in-law Ma scolding Lao Huang together, Lao Lu helped Lao Huang scold them.

When Lin Juan came to Xiaodongcang, she saw five people pointing their noses and yelling at each other, the scolding was terrible.

Although the maidservant in brocade clothes was not from a wealthy family, she can be regarded as a noble family. Lin's family style is upright, and she has never seen such a battle.

Good guy, these five people scolded bloody, spit and swear, I dare not think that this is the Su family tradition.But for Su Yu, this was a common occurrence, so there was no need to make a fuss.

Of course, when Su Yu first came to this world, he still felt a little uncomfortable with their unscrupulous and bottomless cursing.I am always worried that they will pick up a hoe to dig each other's ancestral graves.

But they have been arguing for more than 20 years, and I have never heard of them fighting.They don't seem to be fighting, but enjoying it.Especially the insane mother-in-law Niu Ma, they would applaud Chen Xun's wonderful scolding.

Faced with such a fierce scolding battle, Lin Juan was very embarrassed, but knowing that King Qin was in a hurry, she didn't dare to delay, so she could only knock on the door bravely, calling Huang Chengcheng and Lu Youyou to see King Qin quickly, because there was something urgent.

The two old slaves slammed into the door one after the other and left, two shadows passed in front of the brocade-clothed maid, which stunned the brocade-clothed maid.

At this moment, the old slave Chen Xun came out leaning on a cane, looked up and down at the brocade-clothed servant girl, and said, "How old is Miss? Have you ever served the King of Qin?"


In Xiaoxilou, King Qin and Lao Huang and Lao Lu discussed important matters.

"Qin'er suddenly disappeared, I have a very bad premonition. But I will go to Taiyuan to fight soon, and I really can't do it separately. Now, I leave this important matter to you, I hope..."

Before Su Yu could finish speaking, Old Huang suddenly jumped up: "Young Master, you don't need to say anything!"

Before Lao Huang finished speaking, Lao Lu jumped out of the window, and Lao Huang also jumped out, not to be outdone.

Su Yu leaned on the window and looked out, the figure of the two old slaves had disappeared at the moon gate.

Like two bolts of lightning.

Su Yu sighed in his heart, there were these two people around Emperor Wan Long back then, no wonder he was able to have sex everywhere.

But these two impatient monkeys were too impatient, and Su Yu planned to leave some money for them, but they disappeared without a trace.

Later, Su Yu threw the money bag to Tong Yu, and asked Tong Yu to send it to them when he saw them.

Tong Yu hoped to go to Taiyuan with King Qin, but Su Yu said, you can't help with the war, you should stay at home and help me take care of the three old monsters in Xiaodongcang, I don't worry.

Su Yu reminded Tong Yu that those three old monsters have a characteristic, as long as you say hello to the young master, they will think you are their own.If he ran in front of them and made irresponsible remarks to his young master, he would be in bad luck and could chase and scold him all day.


When Su Yu returned to Xiaofeng Pavilion, it was Haizheng.

In the past, the princess had already gone to bed at this time, but today she didn't sleep, she waited upstairs, and kept Kong Ting and Feng Yu.

The princess was busy during the day and often dealt with the two children, so she was exhausted and lay on the couch with her eyes closed.

Feng Yu was still obedient and sat there.

Kong Ting hugged Zhao Tangsu, teasing and playing.

Zhao Tangsu also seems to like Kong Ting very much, and laughs whenever she sees Kong Ting.When Su Yu went upstairs, he heard crisp laughter.

Seeing that King Qin came back, the princess also sat up: "King Qin will get up early tomorrow, so to make a long story short." After finishing speaking, the princess got up and went back to the bedroom, leaving the study to the two side concubines.

For some reason, Su Yu suddenly felt a little heavy.I didn't talk too much with Kong Ting and Feng Yu, nothing more than some advice.Then the second concubine left sadly.

Originally, the farewell banquet prepared by the princess did not take place, but this kindness should be accepted.

When they came to the bedroom, before Su Yu could speak, Tang Linger said, "Tomorrow Jinfeng and brother will leave Luoyang. Originally, this year's Presbyterian meeting was postponed due to the tax reform of Chang'an Road. This time, brother will leave again. I don't know how long it will be before he comes back." , but I don’t want the Council of Elders to delay any longer.”

Su Yu was stunned: "Your brother is not at home, and you want to hold the elder meeting?"

Tang Linger said: "I have already talked to my brother, and my brother said that he can try it. If the fourth uncle is willing to give up, I can become an elder. If he refuses to give up, I decided to ask the fourth brother and the twelfth brother to persuade him. "

Su Yu thought for a while: "Do you need me to help you with anything?"

Tang Linger said: "The queen mother may be useful."

Su Yu nodded, understanding what Tang Linger meant.He only said that when he got up tomorrow, he would leave a letter to Tang Linger.When it is critical, you can show it to the Queen Mother.


Beishi, Tingfeng Pavilion.

A man in a cloak climbed up to the seventh floor, his head was deeply hidden in the hood so that Qin'er could not see his face clearly.

Ru Shangnong, the uncle of the sixth master who tricked Qin'er to drink tea, had been sitting there until he saw the man in the cloak go upstairs, so he got up to greet him.

The man in the cloak didn't say a few words, just listened to Ru Shangnong's whisper, and then sat aside.

Although she didn't see this person's face, Qin'er felt that this person's figure was somewhat familiar.Not very tall, but strong.

"Everyone go down, I have a few words to say to Qin'er alone."

Seven or eight thugs left the house, but they didn't go far, probably at the door.Only the cloaked man, Ru Shangnong, and Qin'er, who was poisoned and paralyzed, were left in the room.

Ru Shangnong sighed and said: "Qin'er, don't blame the uncle, the uncle is also following orders. The uncle will tell you frankly that I was the one who kidnapped the magpie and threatened Suzaku to assassinate the king of Qin. But I have no grudges against the king of Qin. Why did you want to kill him? Of course it was the person above the uncle who wanted to kill him.

...However, the purpose of killing King Qin was not to target King Qin, but to target the faction behind him.Master uncle said these words, I hope you can understand.It doesn't matter even if you don't understand, because now the person behind the uncle doesn't want to kill King Qin, but wants to cooperate with King Qin.

... I know that you have a good relationship with King Qin, so I hope you can help me and send some pills to King Qin.Of course, he won't swallow pills directly, we can make cakes for him to eat.As long as he eats it, we can talk about cooperation in the future.But don't worry, we will never kill King Qin.

...Moreover, as long as you help us, not only can you be innocent, but we can also help you enter the Qin Palace.future……"

"Bah! You've lost your heart!" Qin'er spat.

Ru Shangnong raised his hand and slapped Qin'er on the face, and said bitterly, "You don't have to drink a toast! Do you know what kind of poison you have? I still have the patience to chat with you now. If you don't Cooperate, then I will poison you."

Ru Shangnong said a few words harshly, and then slowed down: "Since the poison is irreversible once it is poisoned, I decided to find someone to feel it for you first. You can see for yourself what the poison looks like."

Ru Shangnong sneered: "I think you will agree to me. And let me assure you again, we don't want King Qin's life. Because...he can't be emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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