
Chapter 813 King Qin's Advance and Retreat 2 Difficulties

Chapter 813
Zhao Yuduan, king of Qin, sat in the lobby of the county government office, and the civil and military officials stood in two rows.

When I first came to the county government, the gate was gone, the tables, chairs and benches were gone, the roof was half exposed, and only half of the windows were left hanging outside.

"It's cool in summer."


King Qin made a humorous remark, and the officials smiled bitterly.

The county government office was severely damaged by the mob, and at this time, just get some tables, chairs and benches to use.The county magistrate had one leg broken, but he still insisted on coming to see the King of Qin, telling the tragedy while claiming to work for the King of Qin.The king of Qin just said hard work and sent the county magistrate back to his house to recuperate.

Put up a list to calm the people, and at the same time ask the mob to voluntarily surrender.As long as you are willing to serve corvee, you will forget the past.

Few responders.

The king of Qin ordered that those who refused to surrender before the tenth day of the eighth month would be arrested for rioting and sent to the army as slaves.At this time, more people came to serve in corvee.But after some investigation, some people still didn't come.The king of Qin decided to take action and arrested more than a thousand people at once.

The Fourth Division marched into Hedong. In just one month, it had expanded to more than [-] people by capturing enemy troops, serving as corvees, recruiting righteous men, and arresting mobs.

These 6000 people are not a standing army, and they will be returned to their hometowns after the tax reform is over.

In fact, the fourth division can't do it even if it wants to overwrite, Kang Wang is watching.

If a division had more than 800 people, King Kang would not have a seizure.But if there are more than 6000 people, it cannot be tolerated.

After arresting the mob, the King of Qin publicized the tax reform policy in the local area, and released the civil servants of Cao Yuzan for a while.

During the tax reform period, Qin Wang naturally would not forget to make some benefits.As a result, the imperial censor accused him, and even uttered harsh words that he wanted to go to the Queen Mother to participate in the king of Qin's book.But King Qin didn't take Yushi's words seriously at all, but soon after, that Yushi was slapped out by Wu Shajin with a big slap.From the lobby of the county government office, fan all the way to the outside of the threshold.

It is wrong to beat the censor, and the crime is not small.

In the Liang Dynasty, Yushi was a transcendent existence. The "Daliang Law" stipulates that even the emperor cannot behead the official censor, and at most he will be beaten a few times for crimes such as inconsistency in his words.Except for the emperor, no one is allowed to beat and insult the censor for any reason. If the censor commits a crime, the emperor will personally punish him.

Of course, when Emperor Wanlong resigned from the court, Empress Dowager Chen set a precedent for beheading the censor.Since then, it is not uncommon for this gang of talkative censors to be beaten.But since Cao Yuzan came to power, he has never killed the imperial censor.This also made the censor more courageous, and dared to face the king of Qin who held the power of life and death.

If you say that this group of young Confucian students are just like newborn calves, they are not afraid of tigers, but they also have backbone.

Because Wu Shajin beat the censor, King Qin tied Wu Shajin up in a fake way, saying that he would kill him.But it's been three days since the news came out, and Wu Shajin is still alive and well.

Get the money, put it away, use part of it for war, and keep the part for the virtuous king.

"How to fight in the next step, everyone can speak freely."

On this day, in the dilapidated county government office, the King of Qin summoned civil and military officials to study the next battle plan.

Han Jian said: Take Taiyuan directly!

Kong Xiaochun, an aide, said: Although Zhang Zhiti was defeated, he still has at least [-] people under his command, which should not be underestimated.It was a long journey to Taiyuan, with Yizhou to the east and Fenzhou to the west. We made our way through the cracks.What if we can't take it quickly when we arrive in Taiyuan, but are cut off by the enemies of Yizhou and Fenzhou and cut off the grain road?
Han Jian said: I will lead five thousand soldiers and horses to attack Taiyuan, and the rest will save food and roads. One battle will win!
Kong Xiaochun asked: If Zhang Zhiti can't hold on, what should he do?If a battle fails, what should we do?What if the enemy divides and surrounds them?Let King Qin break out?

The ministers held their own opinions and argued endlessly, and the king of Qin was also a little undecided.

At this time, the horse came to report that there were more than ten thousand enemy troops in the rear, bypassing Jiangzhou and killing Zezhou.The Ninth Regiment couldn't resist, and retreated with civilian officials, preparing to retreat to Luzhou.

Hearing this, the generals were shocked, and Han Jian roared, wanting to fight back!

At the same time, a group of gangsters emerged in the Jinzhou area.They were not Zhang Zhiti's group, but they also raised the banner of overthrowing the Liang Dynasty.And this group of people were originally mountain bandits, who took advantage of the chaos to capture the city, robbed and plundered, killed wantonly, forced men to serve as soldiers, and captured women to serve as soldiers with the team.If there is no food, cook it.

The bandits in Jinzhou have two leaders, Chen Yue and Wu Dian.The two brought 36 brothers to worship, known as the 36 Tiangang, and they were extremely fierce.The team quickly expanded to 8000 people, and its power has spread to Qinzhou, Fenzhou, Cizhou, and Xi[xí]zhou.

It is said that when Zhang's rebel army passed by Xizhou, the two gangs met. Zhang Min, Zhang Zhiti's nephew, wanted to order Chen Yue to be safe, but Chen Yue refused.Chen Yue said, if you and the others can destroy the Fourth Division, we will join forces with Zhang Zhiti to conquer the world, and when we are done, we will divide the East and West.

The two sides had great differences, did not reach an agreement, and left separately.

At this time, Zhang Min led [-] troops to attack Zezhou. Zezhou had only one battalion of the Ninth Regiment and several hundred militia regiments.

Originally, Zhang Zhiti brought 2 people to Zhang Min. The reason why Zhang Zhiti lost [-] was because Zhang Zhiti was defeated, so he called back [-] to stick to Taiyuan.However, Zhang Min's troops continued to lead troops to harass the rear of the [-]th Division, cut off its food roads, captured the city, and restrained the [-]th Division from attacking Taiyuan.

Zhang Zhiti took the opportunity to blockade Taiyuan City, forcibly increased his troops, and expanded the number by [-] people.

For a while, the war situation became passive, and King Qin frowned.

At this time, Zhu Xieke suggested that the No. 11 Division of Yeting should be supported, let the No. 11 Division take back Zezhou, and then go to Jiangzhou, take the west road to the north, and then go hand in hand with the Fourth Division to encircle Taiyuan.

The King of Qin felt that the strategy of punishing evil was feasible, so he ordered scouts to break through the enemy-controlled area and send a letter to the Eleventh Division.


Tan Qin'er came to Jincheng under the protection of Huang Lu, but as soon as he entered the city, he heard that the bandit army had killed him.

Erlaonu was impatient, and rushed out of the east gate with Qin'er and the fleeing people.

The reason why I didn't go north with the officers and soldiers was because Lao Huang said that there are only a few hundred people in a battalion plus a militia group, and their existence is more likely to provoke the enemy. It is safer for us to go our separate ways.So the three of them hurried to Lingchuan County in the northeast instead of Gaoping County which is closer.

Lingchuan is located in the Taihang Mountains, the road is rugged, and the donkey cart is difficult to travel. Thanks to the amazing physical strength of the two old slaves, when encountering ditches, the two slaves acted like cows and horses, pulled the donkey cart out, and after three days of hard work, they finally sent Qin'er to the county.

How long can an old man over the age of sixty last with only internal strength?

When we came to Lingchuan, in the words of Lao Huang, we were exhausted like dogs.

Qin'er felt sorry for the second slave and felt sad, and wanted to leave the second slave and walk alone to find King Qin.But these two old gentlemen are really not easy to get rid of.Moreover, Lao Huang also said that Qin'er should not be too desperate when he got a relic from that golden branch. He heard that this thing can cure diseases.

Tan Qin'er said, it was the bone marrow of a mad slave, and he couldn't bear to swallow it.

Old Huang Dao, I didn't tell you to swallow it directly. Good medicine is complemented by "jun, minister, assistant and envoy", and this Golden Elixir must be the monarch's medicine, and it needs the assistance of other medicines.

Lao Lu said: "Then we might as well go back and find the imperial physician to dispense the medicine."

But Qin'er refused, saying that the chance was slim, and if he missed it, he would never see King Qin again before he died.

"This is not an ordinary poison, but an iron thread Gu. I'm hopeless, so don't try to persuade me." Qin'er said stubbornly.

Lao Lu scolded: "Damn Lao Huang, why didn't you say it earlier. If you said it earlier, you should go back to Luoyang and find the imperial doctor to dispense the medicine!"

Old Huang scolded: "You know a bird, this is a poisonous Gu, and the old man has no antidote formula, what can the imperial doctor do?"

Old Lu said: "It's not entirely true. They didn't have this golden core relic before, of course they couldn't do anything about it. Now that they have it, maybe there is a way. Besides, there is more than one Gu master in Nanshi, why don't you ask others?"

The two old slaves couldn't stop arguing, and Lao Huang was also worried that he would miss the opportunity for treatment, so the two slaves guessed.As a result, Lao Lu won, and returned to Luoyang with the relic to seek treatment; while Lao Huang continued to accompany Qin'er to find King Qin.

Hearing that the king of Qin had taken Luzhou, the two of them wanted to find it by taking a small path between the mountains, so as to avoid the bandit army.But the donkey cart couldn't go through the sheep intestines mountain road, so he simply abandoned the cart and let Qin'er ride the donkey.

The mountain roads are difficult to travel, and with a few days of dry food, it will be exhausted soon.During the war, it was not easy to get dry food.Lao Huang has some experience, and he can barely maintain it when he goes to the mountains to pick fruits and hunt.

On this day, the two of them walked to the top of the mountain with a donkey and looked at Huguan in the distance. It is estimated that there is still more than half a day's journey to Huguan.After passing Huguan, there is a road leading to Shangdang.There are many inns on the official road, so you don't have to work so hard in the future.

"Grit your teeth and walk to Huguan in one breath, the road will be easy."

Lao Huang said something happily, so he quickened his pace and walked down the mountain, and soon saw a small river.

People have spiritual support, but the donkey is tired and hungry, so he refuses to leave.And old Huang Qin'er was also hungry, so he asked Qin'er to sit down and rest, and Lao Huang went to the mountains to find some food.

Qin'er was weak and her lips were chapped.There was not much medicine left, so he was reluctant to take it, and only waited to see King Qin before taking it.So I lay powerless on the pebble beach on the river bank.

The donkey is tied to a tree, and the rope is long enough so that the donkey can eat grass and drink water. When it is full, it will lie down on the ground and rest.Suddenly a pack of wolves rushed out of the woods and pounced on the donkey.Qin'er was startled and sat up, hearing the bad wind behind her, turned her head and two wolves stared at her viciously, bared their teeth and growled.

There are no people in the poor mountains and rivers, the sound of wolves and the shouting of Qin'er sounded, and Lao Huang heard it from a long distance. He was startled, dropped the wild fruit in his arms, and ran back to the river.

I saw a pack of wolves holding down the donkey and biting it, and saw Qin'er being dragged into the river by two wolves, about to drown.

Lao Huang dodges a few times and runs down the mountain when a roar of dragons roars over. The pack of wolves startled, give up their prey and rush towards Lao Huang.

Seeing the wolf coming, Lao Huang roared: "Qin'er ride the donkey and go! Leave me alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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