
Chapter 817 The King of Qin Divides His Troops 2 Legends of Shadows in the Valley

Chapter 817
It has been some time leading troops to fight, King Qin summed up some experience, for which he also proposed a formula: equipment + morale = combat effectiveness.

It's like the 10,000 Yongwei Battalion in the Ming Dynasty fought 400+ rebels, fought fiercely for many days, and killed several back and forth.Although the final tragic defeat, but the scene is not ugly, there is no one-sided situation.Therefore, it is not surprising that the [-] men of the Seventh Regiment wrapped in iron armor could carry Zhang Zhiti's [-] rebels for three hours.

Qin Wang said that equipment and morale can be further subdivided, for example: morale = food + money + spiritual education.

Each item can be subdivided, so I won’t go into details here.In short, King Qin paid special attention to equipment and morale.In order to achieve the goal, there are occasional unscrupulous means, such as stealing money from tax reform officials.Although he was scolded by the censor, King Qin still robbed him.The censor came to scold again, Wu Shajin beat the censor out, and then King Qin tied Wu Shajin up again, claiming to kill him.Repeatedly.

In this war period, we can't talk too much about human feelings.

Zhang Min, the leader of the rebel army, disabled the No.11 division of Yeting, and took away [-] horses and [-] iron armor.Zhang Min got so much good equipment, and before he could get enough of it, he was swallowed up by King Qin's fourth division.And when those equipments are in the hands of the fourth division, it will be difficult to spit them out again.

Veteran general Hu Yanhe and the king of Qin wanted equipment, but the king of Qin pretended to be deaf and dumb.

The old general refused to give up. At this time, Qiu Yao, the supervisor of the fourth division, said with a serious face: "Why should we give you the supplies we captured from the bandits?"
Hu Yanhe said, it belonged to our No.11 division before!

Qiu Yao said, when we seized it, it belonged to Zhang Min, not yours!
Hu Yanhe said, your daughter-in-law was robbed by bandits, and if I help you get her back, is that daughter-in-law not yours?
Qiu Yao said, whether your wife is yours or not is really not up to you, the key is whether your wife recognizes you or not.Your daughter-in-law doesn't recognize you, what kind of daughter-in-law do you want from me?Those war horses, you call it, will it agree?

Qiu Yao and Hu Yanhe quarreled fiercely, and then Qin Wang made a concession like a good man, and returned Huyanhe 500 horses and 300 sets of armor.And forget about the remaining 1500 horses and 700 sets of armor.

Hu Yanhe also admitted that he was defeated.

Although this kind of thing is a bit annoying, the old general has seen it a lot for most of his life.Not to mention looting equipment and military exploits, even looting friendly army rations has happened.As long as the battle is won in the end, the superiors often turn a blind eye.

Obviously, the King of Qin is becoming more and more aggressive now, and the old general has nothing to do in front of the King of Qin.

Now the fourth division is getting stronger and stronger, giving people a feeling of supporting war with war.Not only recovered the losses of the No.11 Division, but also captured many horses and equipment of the rebel army.Some short weapons were kept useless, so they were given to No.11 Division as favors.And with so many captives, some couldn't afford to support them, so they simply gave them to the [-]th Division to supplement the army.

After three days of rest and reorganization, the No. 11 Division resumed its scale of 1 people, and the individual soldiers also had weapons.Although it is a bit worse than before, at least it is restoring the institutional system.

So the King of Qin consulted with Hu Yanhe and divided his troops to go north.King Qin asked the veteran to choose the route first.

Hu Yanhe said that the western route is far away, and there are two bandits, and my No. 11 division has not yet recovered, so I want the eastern route.

This old thing is really rude.

Previously, King Qin took the Eastern Front and captured two states.However, based on the fact that he had just cheated the veteran once, and out of consideration for the form of the war, King Qin really agreed.So he led his troops westward to Jiangzhou, an area controlled by the enemy.

Hu Yanhe led his troops to Luzhou, claiming to wait for news from the King of Qin, and encircled Taiyuan with the King of Qin at that time.He also said that if possible, he would capture Qinzhou, Fenzhou, and Yizhou to clear the surrounding obstacles for the future encirclement of Taiyuan.

Su Yu thought to himself, the old man is also the one who can't afford to go early, if there are good things over there, he will definitely go for them, if not, he must be too lazy to move.

More than 8000 people from the Fourth Division marched westward in mighty force.Take Jiangxian in three days, continue westward, and prepare to attack Jiangzhou City.

Zhang Hao, the guard of Jiangzhou City, had few troops and dared not compete with the Fourth Division, so he led [-] rebels and fled.King Qin entered Jiangzhou without bloodshed and began tax reform.

In fact, there are two prefectures in the southwest corner of Hedong Road, Puzhou and Guozhou.

Guozhou is an enclave of Hedong Road, on the south side of the Yellow River, next to Gyeonggi Province, and has not been occupied by the rebel army, so King Qin did not send troops there.But Puzhou just sent the Ninth Regiment to bring the civil servants there.Ma Chuang, the supervisor of the Ninth Regiment, has summed up his experience and told himself to go to steal money.

Of course, we can't take them all away, otherwise the civil servants will drop their picks and quit.They belonged to the Empress Dowager, they worked hard, and finally brought an empty box back, the Empress Dowager must pick their black yarn.To be a human being always stay on the front line, this has always been the policy of King Qin.Of course, this is a policy for colleagues who can use each other, but it is another way to deal with enemies.

"Now we have sufficient food and equipment. So I decided to divide the troops into two groups. Han Jian was the vanguard on the right, attacking Jinzhou, and I was in the rear; Dian Feng was the vanguard on the left, attacking Cizhou, and the supervisor Qiu Yao is at the rear. Do the generals have any objections?"



None of the Eight Great King Kong is a normal person.

Some do not speak, not a word, making people think they are dumb; Fan Yu, he can't understand what other people say; some love women, and only love one in their life, and they love so much that they don't regret being insulted or humiliated;etc.

Why did Su Yu call Lao Huang an old urchin?
For Lao Huang of the eleventh level, killing these wolves was no different from killing a few rabbits.

Not to mention Lao Huang, even if Qin'er in the third realm was not injured, he would not be very afraid of a few wolves.

But Lao Huang insisted on pretending to be "I'm going to die here, the young lady is riding a donkey and run", which was very heroic.

In the past, Qin'er might have believed his lies, but now she doesn't.

Seeing that Qin'er was not fooled, Lao Huang stopped playing and killed two wolves.

The other wolves had never seen such a powerful human being, so they ran away in fright.

"Young Mistress, there is dog meat to eat!"

Lao Huang ran down the mountain with two wolves on his shoulders, cleaned them up for a while, and then roasted them over fire, so they had meat to eat.

Not a day later, he passed through Huguan and came to Shangdang City. He heard that the king of Qin had withdrawn, saying that he had gone to attack Zezhou.

The master and slave were discouraged for a while.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have stayed in Lingchuan back then, why bother to cross mountains and ridges.Now we have to go back.

But at this time Zhang Min had been eliminated, and the official path was smooth.

But at this time, Lao Huang found that Qin'er was getting weaker and weaker, and began to swell.

There are still five medicines given by Ma Lao, and Qin'er said that unless she can't move, she won't take it.Lao Huang felt uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do, so he didn't say much, just went to buy a donkey cart, hung it on the donkey, and headed south.

When I came to Changping Pass that day, Lao Huang said that it would be better to rest in the pass for one night before leaving, but Qin'er insisted on continuing.As a result, there was heavy rain on the way.Seeing several families and a small inn in the valley from a distance, Lao Huang Yixi drove there.

This is the official road, and I found the inn to be normal, and Lao Huang didn't care too much.According to the boundary monument, this is already under the jurisdiction of Gaoping County, and the valley here is called "Provincial Injustice Valley".

That small inn looked like it was run by a normal person. Since it was located in the official road, there was never a lack of business, so the shopkeeper and the waiter were lazy and had no good looks.

After serving a plate of side dishes, the waiter dropped it and left with a bang.

Old Huang stared and scolded: "Male Gobi is here, can I owe you money?"

The waiter scolded back: "Who are you scolding, you old man? Believe it or not if you scold me again?"

Lao Huang lifted the waiter from the shop and threw it into the counter, the shopkeeper came out to try to persuade the fight, and put the matter to rest.

The shop waiter cursed and walked to the backyard, looking very unconvinced.

After dinner, I settled down Qin'er.Lao Huang went to look for the little boy again, pressed his head into the cesspit, half an inch away from the dung water, and asked him if he would accept it?

The shop boy persuaded him, but as soon as Lao Huang let him go, he went to find an axe, but was pushed into the cesspit by Lao Huang.


In the middle of the night, a group of people smashed the door and broke into the inn, shouting and cursing loudly.It is said that some righteous man from Qinzhou, known as 36 Tiangang's subordinates, wants to overthrow the Liang Dynasty for Tian Xingdao, but he has no money in hand, and needs everyone to provide "righteous salary" as a subsidy.

Lao Huang thought to himself, are robbers so confident now?

Lao Huang didn't make a sound, first sent Qin'er out of the window, then prepared a few copper coins and returned to the corridor on the second floor.

The group of gangsters with knives searched the house one by one, and the screams of women and the screams of men came from time to time.Wherever they went, no one dared to resist, and they all gave money, and they "give everything away".

Suddenly, the waiter rushed in with an ax in his hand and fought with the bandits.

The corridor is narrow, and only the first two bandits can fight against the waiter, so even if there are many bandits, they don't have much advantage.

But Xiao Er's martial arts is really average, so he won't last long.

Lao Huang sighed, and a copper coin flew out with a snap of his fingers, and he knocked out the torch in the bandit's hand.

Then a ghostly shadow ran around in the inn, letting out the shopkeepers and the people, while a dozen bandits were unable to get out like hitting a wall.As soon as he ran to the door, he was either kicked back or thrown into the house by the neck.And at this time the torches lit the inn, and the flames rose everywhere.

As the saying goes, "an old house catches fire and is out of control." Although it rained heavily today, it still failed to save the inn, and a fire burned it to ashes.

Later, there was a legend in the Valley of Injustice. A white-haired old man took a sick daughter to an inn. That night, bandits came, but the bandits suffered retribution. A thunderbolt struck the inn, and the innocent people ran away. Get out, while the bandits are burned to death.

As a result, no one saw the white-haired old man and his daughter after the fire. Some people said that the old man was not a human being at all, but Lei Gong descended to earth.

 Hang a small whip to welcome the rudder master.

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(End of this chapter)

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