
Chapter 819 Attacking Jinzhou

Chapter 819 Attacking Jinzhou

King Qin usually walked slowly, but his carriage was not slow at all, and the speed of the fourth division was the same as that of Wang's chariot, and it entered the border of Jinzhou in just three days.

At this time, the Chen Yue bandits known as the "Tiangang Army" were entrenched here. At the same time, they stationed troops in Jinzhou City and Xiangling City, forming a momentum of horns, claiming to destroy the fourth division here, cut off the head of King Qin, and give it to Wu Dian Wait for Brother Tiangang to take revenge.

Chen Yue seemed to put Zhang Zhiti's warning words behind him. He believed that with 9000 warriors under his command, it was enough to resist King Qin's [-] troops.He also said that the officers of the Fourth Division all grew up eating soft buns and never saw hard stubble.

The arrogance of the enemy army is beyond words.

The king of Qin arranged the tactics of "siege the city and fight for aid", and ordered the first regiment of Dangmao, the third regiment of Shi Gandang, and the fourth regiment of Zhuxiek to surround the east, west, south and south sides of Jinzhou City, leaving only the north gate.Han Jian's seventh regiment did not participate in the siege, but set up an array, waiting for the bandit troops in Xiangling City to support Jinzhou.

At this time, Han Jian's seventh regiment was really strong and strong. One regiment had 700 armored cavalry, [-] light cavalry, [-] armored infantry, and [-] light infantry.A total of [-] people, each equipped with a bow and crossbow.The configuration of a regiment is richer than a standard brigade.

The king of Qin sat in the command tent, and sometimes went up to the watchtower to look far away, but he didn't see Chen Yue's reinforcements a few times.Later I heard that the bandit army in Xiangling had fled.

They didn't come to support Chen Yue, but ran towards Yueyang, killing and looting along the way.At this time, Chen Yue was taught a lesson by his good brothers, telling him what it means to refuse to save.

"This group of gangsters are too rampant, I would rather postpone the attack on Taiyuan, but eliminate them first."

The bandit army ran halfway, which was a good thing, but King Qin showed displeasure.

Everyone was silent, staring at King Qin.

Su Yu stood up and turned his back to everyone: "Order Han Jian to chase down the fleeing bandits and try to eliminate them all before they reach Yueyang, unless they flee to Taiyuan. Then order Zhu Xieke to attack the city."

After a short pause, he said again as if he had made up his mind: "The division headquarters moved to the north of the city, blocking their only way of life."

If one of the four gates is left, deliberately leave a way for them to survive, which will reduce the determination of the bandits in the city to defend the city.Once they found that the Liang army was attacking fiercely, they would flee in fear of the battle.On the contrary, if all four doors are blocked, they will only have the trapped beast to fight to the death.

Seeing King Qin's emotions, Kong Xiaochun reminded: "Since His Highness has already considered the possibility of driving those bandits who fled to Yueyang to Taiyuan, why does His Highness insist on chasing them?"

"If it's just for money, there's no need for me to come here in person." Su Yu turned around, stared at Kong Xiaochun and said, "What I want is the hearts of the people."

Kong Xiaochun was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said: "The humble officer understands, now pass the order down."

In Kong Xiaochun's view, the higher the level one pursues, the greater one's ambition.This is the same as "Wang Jian asked Yingzheng for rewards before he set off for the expedition" and "After Liu Bang became emperor, Xiao He asked Cao Shen to expose Xiao He's corruption".It shows that the level of pursuit is low, so the ambition is small.Only in this way will Yingzheng Liu Bang be at ease, and Wang Xiaoyue will be more greedy, and Ying Liu will be more at ease.

The group of bandits that King Qin is now facing is too rampant. If they are allowed to kill under the nose, but King Qin's army turns a blind eye, it will lose the hearts of the people.Especially when this kind of public opinion war is also being fought very fiercely, it will definitely be used to make a big fuss.

Su Yu believed that as long as he spared the bandits in Yueyang, this matter would be infinitely magnified by Zhang Zhiti.Then this is equivalent to pushing people's hearts to Zhang Zhiti.

Su Yu even hoped that the bandits would go to Taiyuan to join Zhang Zhiti.In this way, although Zhang Zhiti has many people, he will join forces with the bandits. Under the attack of public opinion by King Qin, Zhang Zhiti will become a bandit and completely lose the support of the people.

King Qin was not a fierce general who charged into battle, but he was indeed a veritable commander.He thinks about the big picture and takes the long view.Kong Xiaochun saw this clearly, so he stopped talking and immediately carried out the order.

But the siege battle is not so easy to fight. At this time, there are [-] bandit troops in Jinzhou City, while the siege troops are less than [-].This is the time to use the experience of Zhuxieke war.But when Zhu Xieke received the order, he hesitated a little.Soon, Zhu Xieke returned from the front line to meet King Qin.

"His Royal Highness, I think that it cannot be attacked."

"tell me the story."

What Zhu Xieke said was nothing more than a calculation.He thought that a strong attack would cause a lot of losses to the Fourth Division, so it was better to besiege them, and when they ran out of rations, they would surely break through.As long as they come out, the fourth division has the advantage.

"But in this way, the people in the city who haven't had time to escape will suffer, and they will be used as military rations by these bandits." Su Yu made up his mind and said, "Attack, and the three gates in the south, east and west will attack together."

In the second year of Daxing, on August [-], King Qin led the first regiment, third regiment, and fourth regiment of the fourth division to launch a general attack on Jincheng.

At this time, almost every regiment of the Fourth Division was severely overstaffed. Su Yu ordered three regiments to attack the city, while he himself took half of the division headquarters to Beicheng to line up.

If the enemy troops come out from the north gate, charge them with cavalry.The reason for doing this is to give full play to the advantages of cavalry.Otherwise, it would be a waste to let the cavalry give up their horses and climb the ladder like the infantry.Moreover, if the attack could not be defeated for a long time, the enemy suddenly came out without cavalry to take care of them, and the siege infantry would suffer.Su Yu didn't want to repeat Ye Ting's mistakes.

Although the purpose of Qin Wang's move is to win the hearts of the people, the battle still needs to be fought carefully, and people can't be filled at the beginning.So the catapult and super crossbow were used to bomb the city wall.Although this will destroy the buildings in the city, and even lead to the death of the people in the city.But for the sake of the overall situation, it can only be so.

The cannon was also taken out, but after smashing the city gate, it was seen that the city gate hole had been sealed by the enemy with rubbish.

Then continue to bombard the city wall with catapults. It lasted for an hour. Zhu Xieke hadn't started to send ladders to attack the city, but to move the wood, and let the soldiers hold the shields, break into the city and burn the wood.Pick the place where the enemy can't splash it with water and burn it.Zhu Xieke said: "Looking at the city of Jinzhou, which has been in disrepair for a long time, if it is burned like this, it may burn down the city wall."

But when it got dark, the city wall failed to burn down, and hundreds of lives were lost because of it.

In the end, it is the enemy's geographical advantage, condescending, and the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, which objectively increases the bow force.Although the soldiers held up their shields, they still couldn't achieve complete protection.

Zhu Xieke didn't attack the city all the time, he just burned the city wall over there, but at this time, the first and third regiments didn't have so many tricks, they directly set up a ladder under the city, and the soldiers took turns charging against the arrows.They fought until dawn the next day, but still failed to capture the city wall, but paid a heavy price.

Kong Xiaochun went to the east gate to have a look, picked up some arrows shot by the enemy, and showed them to King Qin.

"It looks like the arrows of the regular army." Kong Xiaochun frowned: "Could it be given to them by Zhang Zhiti?"

Su Yu thought for a while: "If that's the case, what does Zhang Zhiti want to do?"

In Wang's car, Su Yu held the map and looked at it for a while: "Could it be that he wants Chen Yue to hold us back, and then he goes to fight Luzhou?"

Kong Xiaochun said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Su Yu smiled: "That's good, I'm still a little worried that he will kill here suddenly. If he is going to Luzhou, I will feel relieved."

Kong Xiaochun smiled wryly: "Isn't the King of Qin worried that the Eleventh Division will not be able to withstand it?"

Su Yu pointed to Jinzhou City and said: "Jinzhou City is not very high, and there is no moat, and there are no armored soldiers at the top of the city. Such a city is so difficult to attack, not to mention Lucheng City is tall and thick, with a moat and two thousand armored soldiers. .I think the Eleventh Division should be fine."

Kong Xiaochun nodded, but did not speak.

Suddenly news came that Zhu Xieke had burned down the southern city wall.

Qin Wang humorously praised: "This is called professional!"

He thought that the balance of the battle had been broken and victory was in sight, but before King Qin could say a word, the North City Gate opened.A large group of enemy soldiers rushed out suddenly, and the leading generals and officers galloped fast.They didn't intend to bypass half of King Qin's division, but charged forward.

Su Yu stood on the king's chariot and watched, and said with a wry smile, "This time it's for me."

Su Yu turned around and pointed at Zhong Lang's guards: "Qin Bairen, this time it's up to you!"

Qin Bairen led four hundred Zhonglang generals to charge out with a group of bandits.The two groups collided, and the infantrymen were sent flying.The armored horse is like a small boat, breaking through the waves of people, and the shining sword is flying up and down. With just one charge, a large number of enemy troops fall down.

Although Zhonglang's guards were small in number, they were well equipped, even worse than Han Jian's.In one charge, each cavalry killed two bandits on average, and the enemy army lost 800 people.The devastating offensive quickly killed the enemy into chaos, and the weakness of the bandits was fully exposed at this time.Even those who were forced to join the bandit army have begun to disperse.

But at this moment, dozens of horses suddenly separated from the formation, and they galloped straight to the king's chariot.The first person is like a black iron tower, with a big "Chen" on the tooth flag behind him.It seems that this person is the bandit leader Chen Yue.

At this time, there were only the prince's cavalry guards and more than a hundred infantry around the king's chariot. The infantry formed a circular formation around the king's chariot, guarded by a shield wall, and protruded with spears and spears.

Seeing Chen Yue rushing up, Wu Shajin led Prince Wei to bump into them head-on, and the two groups killed one place.

The prince's guard only had thirty cavalry, which was not enough to completely stop Chen Yue's dozens of cavalry bandits. A group of people headed by Chen Yue broke through the line of defense and rushed towards Wang's chariot with bows.

When the distance is close, draw your strong bow and aim at the king's chariot.

That Chen Yue stretched out his ape arms, his muscles were as jagged as strange rocks, and he managed to break three stones.

At this time, a man suddenly appeared from the king's chariot, holding a crossbow in his hand, aimed at Chen Yue, and the two shot arrows almost at the same time.

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(End of this chapter)

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