
Chapter 821

Chapter 821
A group of cavalry rushed over like a black whirlwind, but they didn't plan to break through the circular formation, but collectively switched to bows and arrows, aiming at the king's chariot.

At this time, Bai Tang held the shield in one hand and the crossbow in the other, rushed out of the king's chariot and blocked the door.

His sudden appearance caused many people on the other side to point their arrows at him in response to stress. As a result, a burst of "bang bang bang bang" arrows threw him directly under the car.

At the same time, several arrows were shot at the king's chariot, and two of the four guards in the chariot immediately fell down.Two more arrows went through the curtain and into the car.

Su Yu was sitting in a hidden position, and it was difficult for an arrow to hit him, but unfortunately, an arrow was blocked by the curtain and refracted, hitting King Qin's leg.

At this time, Wu Shajin and Qin Bairen got rid of the enemy's entanglement and came back.

Chen Yue didn't fight, just laughed and fled on the horse.Looking at the direction, he went to seek refuge with Zhang Zhiti.

These things only happened during a charge. Wu Shajin quickly opened the curtain and asked King Qin how he was?

Su Yu was hit by an arrow in his left calf, slightly piercing through the armor boots, which meant that a layer of skin was broken, King Qin only said that he was not injured.

After Zhu Xieke burned down the southern city wall, the morale of the enemy army collapsed just like that city wall.Chen Yue took the lead and ran away, and the rest of the bandit army suffered.The three regiments of Liang Jun rushed into the city, hacked and killed, and the bandits surrendered one after another.The bandit army who escaped from the city was chased and killed by Qin Bairen for ten miles.

When King Qin entered the city, the people came to greet him in the street, but they looked very miserable.After inquiring, I learned that Chen Yue's bandit army did all kinds of evil, and some of their actions were unbelievable. Su Yu defined "36 Tiangang" as a group of demons.

They like to torture people, especially women, and their methods are cruel and heinous.

When I entered the city, I saw devastation everywhere, and the scene was too bloody, so I won't repeat it here.

More than 2000 captives were captured, and the king of Qin ordered to "report and review" the captives. One hundred typical ones must be picked out and executed in front of the people.Moreover, the people were allowed to execute with a knife, so that the bad breath in the hearts of the people could be vented.In addition, King Qin still has means, refer to Dong Zhuo's handling after his death.

Bai Tang was loyal to protect the lord, but died unfortunately, King Qin was very sad.Bury him generously and erect a monument for him.The inscription on the inscription is the inscription written by King Qin himself, and the craftsmen carved it according to the words of King Qin.

The Liang army also suffered a great loss in this battle, and although two thousand prisoners were captured, it was not enough to make up for it.Finding that the people in Jincheng had a strong willingness to join the army, King Qin took the opportunity to promote public opinion.When the people heard that they could be directly demobilized after the war ended, those who joined the army lined up and threatened to kill bandits to avenge their families.

"Isn't King Qin uninjured? Why did he have a high fever?"

The Fourth Division went to the city to appease the people and opened a porridge shop. During the day, the King of Qin went around to give condolences, but at night Qin Bairen heard that the King of Qin was ill, so he came to ask.

Wu Shajin frowned and said, "Actually, he was hit by an arrow. It was on the calf. At that time, King Qin didn't want to affect the morale of the army, so he said he was not injured."

The wound was not deep, but the arrowhead was poisonous, causing the wound to become inflamed, and the fever persisted.At this time, Su Yu suddenly thought of Tang Linger's third brother Tang Ding. It is said that he suffered some skin trauma, and then died of festering all over his body.

Thinking of this result, Su Yu was in a bad mood, and fell ill on the hospital bed, without any emotions.Only let the fourth division rest on the spot, and told Zhu Xieke to temporarily act as Zhonglang general, watching Han Jian's movements, and assessing the situation for support.

That night, Zhu Xieke dispatched a thousand light cavalrymen to Yueyang under the designation of "Temporary Ten Regiment".


Lao Lu ran all the way, returned to Luoyang, first went to the imperial hospital, the imperial doctors said that there was nothing they could do about iron thread Gu, so Lao Lu went to Nanshi to look for a Gu master.

In Nanshi, Ma Lao and Gui Lao are the most famous. Lao Lu went to find Ma Lao first, but Ma Lao went to Miaojiang to find his uncle to ask for medicine, but Lao Lu was in vain.Lao Lu was so anxious that he went to find Gui Lao again.Turtle smashed the golden elixir, added some medicine randomly, and said that it can cure it.

If Lao Lu could be deceived, he was also impatient and caused trouble.The profession of a Gu master is itself a kind of scammer's profession.The reason why Ma Lao didn't lie to Honghei Temple was because Ma Lao had a relationship with King Qin.And this turtle guy doesn't know Lao Lu Su. Seeing that Lao Lu was sick and rushed to the doctor, you were the one who lied.

Since ancient times, medical money is easy to earn, and conscience is the most important thing.

"Mr. Lu, let's start with the ugly words. Since the old man has never seen the poisoned woman, this medicine is not guaranteed to cure it. If it doesn't work, Mr. Lu is not allowed to come back to find something wrong." Turtle, speak with your eyes hanging.

Old Lu sighed: "A dead horse is treated like a living horse doctor, so what are you going to do with it!"

Old Lu Xin had worked so hard to come back, if he only brought back medicine that might not cure his illness, he always felt that this trip was too futile, so he ran to Tongtian Tower, wanting to find Old Daoist Su.

Su Maosheng rummaged through the medicines in Lao Lu's hands, and called Lao Lu an idiot, reckless.Su Maosheng asked Lao Lu, where is Tan Bufeng's grave?
Lao Lu asked, what are you going to do?

Su Maosheng said: Refining a few more.

The two rushed to the north bank of the Yellow River and did some manipulations, so I won't repeat them here.Later, Su Maosheng formulated some medicine, but he also said that it might not be cured.Lao Lu was so angry that he cursed, "You can't cure him, why are you pretending to understand, sir?"Fortunately, I didn't throw away the turtle man's medicine, otherwise this trip would have been in vain.

Su Maosheng scolded: My medicine may not be able to cure it, but my medicine will never kill people!Even I can't understand the pile of junk in your hand, what if you eat people up?

Lao Lu bowed his head a little bored, and suddenly raised his head and said: Su Maosheng, if you still have feelings for the young master, I beg you to do something.

Su Maosheng asked: What's the matter?
Lao Lu said: "This poison was planted by Confucianism Shangnong, you go to him."If you are forced to find out the antidote, go to Hedong to find the King of Qin. At this time, Qin'er must be beside the King of Qin; if there is really no antidote, you will kill him for me!If this is done, I, Lu Changxiao, owe you my life!how?

Women are afraid of swollen face, men are afraid of swollen legs.

King Qin's leg was swollen, his wound was ulcerated, and he had a persistent high fever.But when Tan Qin'er came to Jincheng after so much hard work, she was exhausted and her face was swollen like a ball.The skin is taut and even glistening.If I hadn't been familiar with her, I wouldn't have recognized her.

When Su Yu saw Tan Qin's child, many memories came into his mind.In the past, she was lively and mischievous, but now she is in such a miserable state, which makes Su Yuhao very sad.Leave her by the side of the sick bed and say something nice.Qin'er was so weak that she could barely speak, but she still tried her best to speak her heart intermittently.Soon he was exhausted and fell asleep.

Once she fell asleep, she didn't know if she would wake up.This period of time was the most painful period since Su Yu traveled.The double blow to the mind and body made the high-spirited King Qin quite haggard.The two lay on the same couch, staring at each other sadly.

When they were in Jukuishan, Wu Shajin and Qin Bairen watched Qin'er grow up day by day, and treated Qin'er like a niece.Seeing Qin'er's miserable state, the tough guy wiped away his tears.

At the same time, the generals cared about King Qin and asked the military doctor to find a way.The military doctor said that if he wanted to save his life, he had to amputate his leg.And even if it is sawed off, there is no guarantee that King Qin will live.Upon hearing this, Wu killed Jin Huo and wanted to kill the military doctor, but was stopped by Qin Bairen.

There was a lot of noise outside, waking Qin'er up...

Su Yu turned sideways, looked at Qin'er with a swollen face, brushed her curly hair, and said with a forced smile: "I told you before that your root carvings can be auctioned in auction houses, but why do you have to go to the street to buy them? Selling?"

On her red and swollen face, her big eyes were still watery, and Qin'er slurred her words: "You used to be a son-in-law, and it didn't matter if you talked about it at home, but every time you came to Honghei Temple, you always smiled, I just thought you were pretending. I know you and know that you will not give in, so you must be very bitter. But later I found out that I was wrong. You have feelings for Tang Linger, and you are not bitter at all. Then At that time, I felt that I was superfluous, and it was my wishful thinking. I still remember that you said a lot to me that day, and you taught me about Feng Yu. In fact, I know that you don’t like Feng Yu at all, you just feel sorry for her. You are Some like Kong Ting, right? I know you like her, tall and thin, with a beautiful skeleton. You often say that beauty lies in the bone."

Su Yu smiled and shook his head noncommittally.

Qin'er turned her head and didn't look at Su Yu, and said again: "After you became a prince, you didn't come to Honghei Temple very much. You have three daughters-in-law, all of whom are better than me, so I won't take the pole to annoy others. "

In fact, Qin'er still has a medicine, but she is not willing to take it.

She reached out to rummage in her pocket, but after rummaging for a long time, she couldn't find anything. Then, with a crash, a bunch of little things fell to the ground.

Su Yu poked his head to look, and all he saw were some gadgets that Su Yu gave her before, and she still kept them like treasures.In the chaos of war, at the last moment of life, you have to take it with you when you walk hundreds of miles.Su Yu suddenly felt sad, his eyes became hot and he couldn't help himself.

Tan Qin'er reached out to reach for it, but she was too weak to turn over. Looking at the direction of her finger, it was a golden Buddha.

In fact, the golden Buddha was a fake, it was given to him by the young master of the Su family in Huazhou four years ago.At that time, the young master of the Su family relied on borrowing money for meals, so there was no Golden Buddha to send her.It was a gilt bronze Buddha.The gilt has begun to fall off, revealing the true color of copper.

Su Yu climbed up weakly, and helped her fetch the gilt Buddha, and put it in her hand. She held up the Laughing Buddha and asked, "Why did the golden Buddha fade as promised?"

Su Yu took the Laughing Buddha back, smiled ashamedly and said, "I will do a trick for you, and it will become a real golden Buddha in no time."

Su Yu put the skinned bronze Buddha into his pocket, and after a flash, he took out another golden Buddha.

This Golden Buddha is obviously bigger, and the whole body is golden. Qin'er took a look, and a smile appeared on his face.

But her face was swollen, and that smile was so sad.

Just as Su Yu was doing tricks for Qin'er, he heard movement at the door, and Wu Shajin, Qin Bairen and others came in with a big saw.

Su Yu was taken aback.

Wu Shajin knelt down and said, "Your Highness! In order to save your life, you should saw it off! From now on, your humble position will be your leg!"

 Thanks to the book friend "Limit Chuchu" for donating Tang Linger's chicken legs;

  Thanks to the book friend "Book Chopper" for rewarding 100 money;
  Thanks to the book friend "Time is easy to be old and never hate to part" for donating Tang Linger's chicken legs;

  Thank you book friend "20200811123240768" for rewarding 200 coins;
  Thank you book friends for voting and leaving comments.

(End of this chapter)

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