
Chapter 826 Fighting Taiyuan

Chapter 826 Fighting Taiyuan

The carriage was driving slowly on the official road, and a curly-haired girl in the carriage looked out the window with her chin resting on her hands.There was something good in the girl's heart, and she suddenly beamed with joy, her eyes like crescent moons.In this state, I don't feel the wind and heat in early autumn, and I don't feel the loneliness of the long distance

Accompanied by Lao Huang and Lao Lu, Tan Qin'er took the military station all the way to leave the war-torn land. At this time, he had crossed the Yellow River and came to the road to Luoyang.The land of Gyeonggi is safe and peaceful, so I changed to a civilian car and drove slowly, and Lao Huang sang a long-lost mountain tune.

The King of Qin didn't say he wanted to marry Qin'er, and Qin'er didn't say he wanted to marry the King of Qin. The two of them kept their duty and nothing happened.But on the way back, Qin'er became happier.Because King Qin's words were inside and out, showing a desire that he didn't want Qin'er to marry.

King Qin didn't explain what this wish represented, but it already made Qin'er feel that the trip was worthwhile.

Not a day later, the carriage drove into Hui'an Gate.Upon returning to this noisy metropolis, Tan Qin'er remembered many things.She couldn't sit still anymore and wanted to settle accounts with that person.I thought to myself, if I don't take this revenge, I'm not a heroine.

Su Yu once specifically told her not to seek revenge, and when the king returns to the court, she will have her own calculations.At that time, Lao Huang and Lao Lu were also there, and Qin'er readily agreed.On the way back, Lao Huang and Lao Lu even made some probing words, asking Qin'er if he would take revenge?Qin'er also made a promise that she would not go.Seeing the happy and laughing faces of the old slaves, Qin'er thought she had tricked them.

Lao Huang and Lao Lu sent Tan Qin'er back to Honghei Temple, and then went home with a bag of gifts alone.One of the packets was for the princess and Zhao Tangsu, and the other was for the two side concubines.Obviously, the gift package given to the princess is the biggest.

On the way home, Lao Huang sighed: "Actually, there is something I've been wanting to say, but I held back all the way."

Lao Lu smiled and said, "Your mouth is like the waist of a cotton trousers, and I admire you for being able to hold it back for so long."

Lao Lu joked, but Lao Huang said deeply: "Whether she goes to take revenge depends on whether the young master can take her into the palace. If she still can't help but take revenge, it just means that her wildness has not retreated, and she can't control herself. The palace is afraid of causing trouble. After all, the young master is still protecting her."

Old Lu said: "Although the young lady is wild by nature, how old is she? Thinking back, when Suzaku first came to prominence, didn't she also have such a rebellious and vengeful temperament? But after these years, how did Suzaku become? I don't need to say it. I hope the young mistress will do the same. But think about it, it may be ten years later."

Lao Huang smiled and said: "Your king is a rock, and my concubine is a pu reed. The pu reed is as tough as silk, and the rock cannot be moved. Although ten years are long, if we can meet each other often, it doesn't feel like a long time. And the third princess promised to the young master by the Tang princess The concubine's term is also ten years."

Lao Lu said angrily: "Are you old and confused? How can I remember that it was 15 years?"

Lao Huang scolded: "You know a bird, the young lady said 15 years, but she knew in her heart that it was not easy to wait for ten years."

Lao Lu scolded: "Just because of your bad mouth and wild speculations, Lord Wan Long should have killed you back then."

The two old slaves cursed at each other and left, when Huang suddenly remembered something, he frowned and said, "It's strange, why didn't the young master prepare a gift for the young master?"

Lao Lu pretended to think deeply: "I think there must be a deep meaning here."

Lao Huang gave Lao Lu a blank look: "But the youngest lady cares about her son, if she sees that the young master didn't prepare a gift for the young one, she might be upset."

Lao Lu asked: "Then what do you say?"

Lao Huang stared at Lao Lu's purse: "I know you still have money in your pocket, so go buy it. It would be good to buy a rattle."

While talking, Lao Huang stretched out his hand to snatch the package from Lao Lu's shoulders. At this moment, Lao Lu remembered something and said, "I'm going to visit someone. Ask him how things are going."

Lao Huang didn't look back and said, "Quickly die and be buried."


The sun was scorching, and the wind and sand were rolling.

Enemies attacking Lucheng came from all directions.

The old general stood on the tower and saw the enemy soldiers climbing up the ladder like ants.They went forward one after another, and the city was already full of corpses.The stench was smoky, and a heat wave hit, making people sick and unable to open their eyes.

After holding on for eighteen days, the No.11 Division suffered heavy losses, with less than 500 people left.At this time, the defense of Lucheng was not as tight as it was at the beginning, and the enemy army could be seen rushing to the city from time to time.

Relying on the advantage of iron armor, Liang Jun was able to kill the enemy troops rushing to the top of the city time and again, and quickly made up for the gap.But in the past few days, the iron armor has been deformed.

Perhaps Zhang Zhiti had given such an order to let the soldiers rushing to the top of the city jump down to the city with Liang Jun's armored soldiers in their arms.

I don't know how Zhang Zhiti bewitched this group of rebels who were farmers, they seemed to be crazy.In doing so, the Eleventh Division had already lost three hundred sets of armor.The iron armor fell into the enemy's hands, which strengthened its strength even more, and a charge of the armored soldiers was brewing.

For this reason, the old general ran to Nancheng purposely, staring at the enemy with bloodshot eyes, and shouted hoarsely to the generals around him to prepare to meet the enemy's armored soldiers.

Relying on their large numbers, the enemy army attacked the city day and night, and at night three hundred armored soldiers charged collectively.

The old general selected the most elite soldiers, personally led the team to resist, took out the last rolling logs and rocks in the city, and rolled them down the river ladder.

Liang Jun prepared many long hooks to hook up those armored soldiers who were seriously injured or killed in battle, and took back the armor.

"Demolish the houses in the city! Saw off the beams and use them as logs! Demolish the towers!"

"Fire oil!"

"Give me everything under the city!"

For a while, black smoke billowed, and the blue brick city wall burned red.The battle scenes are brutal and bloody, so I won't repeat them here.

The king of Qin sent soldiers to observe the scene. After seeing this tragic scene, he sent the news to the king of Qin's account.King Qin was very anxious, but the fourth division was still marching towards Taiyuan.Resolutely implement the original plan.

In just one year, the Fourth Division has undergone earth-shaking changes.

When King Qin first took over, it was a battered Fourth Division.There are less than 3000 people in the whole division, no more than [-] horses, and less than [-] sets of armor.King Qin added that a group of recruits came here.Although the organizational system has been restored, it has never dared to say that it is a fighting team.

Hastily pulled to Yanyun, after the battle of Longshan, although he killed the Khitan emperor, but it has to be said that there is a lot of luck in it, and it still cannot be said that the fourth division is a strong division.

But when the fourth division came to the city of Taiyuan, it was already unbelievably strong.When Qiu Yao and Dian Feng led a team to join forces with King Qin, there were 8000 troops and [-] horses in the whole army.The soldiers are strong and the morale is high. They are the superheroes in the twenty divisions of the Xuanjia Army.

But it's disheartening that this scale won't last long.After the battle is over, those who are outnumbered will be let go.Otherwise, not only Kang Wang disagreed, but the clan would also not agree that a division in the Xuanjia Army suddenly became a giant.

And at this time, King Qin couldn't bear it anymore. The military rations provided by the imperial court were only enough for one division.Now that so many people have been messed with, the war must end quickly and they should be sent back to their original places.Otherwise, the king of Qin would have to use his old capital to sell grain, and he would have no money to honor his virtuous uncle in the future.

The old man is his own nobleman, and he should pay some respect.

In fact, Su Yu knew that the money would not stay in the hands of the old man at all, but would be invested in Zhao Qiang's four divisions.But such investment is also very necessary, after all, everyone is a faction and a community of interests.And now that King Xian is not dead, if he doesn't show some sincerity, King Xian will inevitably feel a little worried.

Came to the city of Taiyuan.

Although Zhang Zhiti took the Zhang family to migrate collectively, he did not completely abandon Taiyuan.Leaving a few ruthless horns, they forced to recruit strong men in Taiyuan and the north of Taiyuan, claiming to be 8.When King Qin's soldiers approached the city, he looked up and saw that the city was full of people.It is estimated that there are more than 3 people.

"so many people……"

Although there are many people, their morale is not high, they don't even have uniform uniforms, their weapons are messy, and dung forks are also used for fighting.

King Qin sighed softly: "If it wasn't for time, we should surround them and force them to surrender. But now we can only attack by force."

With an order, the siege began.Now is the time to fight for speed.The first batch of siege sent elite soldiers and strong generals, all armored soldiers charged on all sides.

The battle lasted all morning, and King Qin suddenly ordered other directions to stop attacking the city, leaving only the cavalry to block the city gate, and mobilized the iron armored soldiers to gather in the east city, concentrate on one side, and take turns to charge.

One day and one night passed, Liang Jun occupied Dongcheng, Zhang's rebel army saw that the situation was over, rushed out from the north gate, trying to break through Liang Jun's blockade.

A fierce encirclement and suppression battle broke out.

The cavalry of the Fourth Division mobilized rapidly, encircling the east and west, and the enemy was defeated, powerless to parry.The cavalrymen of the Fourth Division rushed forward with knives, hacks and axes, wishing they didn't have two legs and two hands, but still let thousands of people run away.

The King of Qin also summoned the passers-by to quickly deploy tactics:
"You take my words to the captains and supervisors of the regiments. The purpose of this battle is not only to take Taiyuan, but also to completely unroot the Zhang family. Therefore, it must be wiped out. Set an example for the northern states and counties of Taiyuan , we can no longer allow them to take chances. As long as there are any enemies who escape, they will be hunted down to the end.

...There is no strong enemy in the north of Taiyuan, and the first regiment of Dangmao is ordered to go to the left, take Lanzhou and then Shuozhou; the fifth regiment of Dianfeng to go to the right, take Xinzhou and replace Zhou.Drive the remnants of the Zhang family out of Yanmen Pass.Inform Yunzhou General Gongsun Xiong to block outside Yanmen Pass, but if you see any bandits, you will pay them all.

... I don't plan to go to the city, I tell Qiu Yao that the second regiment will go to the city, set up a list to calm the people, take care of the wounded, and organize tax reform.He ordered Qiu Yao to be the temporary observation envoy of Hedong Road, and set up a temporary Taoist team in Taiyuan.Tell him that the former Taoist officials are available, but only temporarily.They must be held accountable for their negligence in the future.

... Tell Han Jian to kill Xieke to rest for an hour, gather with me in the south of the city, kill Luzhou, and support Huyan He. "

(End of this chapter)

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