
Chapter 840 The King of Qin misses

Chapter 840 The King of Qin misses
I don't know what happened, King Qin was busy in the Palace of the King when he returned home today, and never came to Xiaofeng Pavilion.In the evening, the king of Qin sent Tong Yu to ask the concubine for her opinion, saying that she would cut the ribbon and name Kong Ting's big garden, and hoped to spend the night with Kong Ting there.

The husband and wife have "Three Chapters of the Covenant", and the king of Qin can only go to the side concubine when the concubine is menstruating.Today is not the concubine's menstruation, so King Qin made a request, which is obviously a violation of the rules.

Tang Ling'er felt depressed.

But she thought about it, Kong Ting was married to the palace for a few months, but in fact she only spent two nights alone with King Qin.

"If you answer back, just say that I agree, but this is not an example." Tang Linger said in a low mood.

"No! The Princess cannot agree!" Wang Xun suddenly stood up and said excitedly.

Tang Linger was startled by Wang Xun's sudden surprise, and stared at Wang Xun and said, "What's the reason for the blow? So anxious?"

Wang Xun burst into tears, knelt down on the floor, extremely wronged: "If there is a first time, there will be a second time. Once the rules are broken, there will be no end."

Wang Xun's aggressive performance is actually a reflection of Tang Linger's psychology.But Tang Ling'er cared about her status and endured it in her heart.At this time, Wang Xun made a fuss, and she couldn't suppress the anger in her heart.

At this time, Tong Yu thought of something and said: "Oh, yes, the prince also said that if the princess thinks that the prince broke the rules, then use this time to replace the one next month. In other words, don't go to Kong Fang next month." The concubine is there."

In fact, Su Yu never said this sentence at all, it was Tong Yu's impromptu addition.

This time King Qin returned to Luoyang, bringing Tong Yu with him for several activities.The reason why he took him with him was because Su Yu found that Bai Zhan was too honest to lie.

Isn't "honesty" a very good quality?

of course.So Su Yu trusted Bai Zhan and made him his personal swordsman.

How many princes' personal swordsmen were there in the Liang Dynasty?
So honesty is a very good quality, but honest people also have shortcomings.For example, honest people can't meet good masters, and it is very likely that they will not get along well with hypocritical and cunning people.Especially when dealing with some personal matters, Bai Zhan was at a disadvantage when dealing with affairs, which was a bit worse than Tong Yu.So Su Yu brought Tong Yu with him again, especially when dealing with women.

Why did Su Yu call Lao Huang and Lao Lu an evil slave?It's because they have their own ideas, and sometimes they don't listen to the master's orders, and they start to act.

Tong Yu also has this quality, but he doesn't have as much energy as Lao Huang and Lao Lu.

However, Tong Yu also has areas where he is better at. First of all, he is a little eunuch, who spends all day being mean and taunting with a group of maids. Everyone does not treat him as an outsider, and can get more information if they can get along with him.Secondly, he is more delicate than Lao Huang and Lao Lu.

Those two old evil slaves were warriors after all, and the first thing they thought of when solving a problem was to use force.But with Tong Yu's small frame, he couldn't even beat a stronger maid, so the first method he thought of must be soft and shady.If you have good intentions, it is called Huairou; if you have bad intentions, it is called insidious.

Tong Yu's words made the Princess's heart suddenly brighten up.Tang Ling'er felt that King Qin still attached great importance to the "Three Chapters of the Covenant", and King Qin's attitude satisfied her.Seeing that the princess was not angry anymore, Wang Xun stopped crying, although he was still a little awkward.

Tong Yu ran to Qinxiang Xiaozhu and told Su Yu and Kong Ting these words. Su Yu praised Tong Yu for his ability to handle affairs and rewarded him with two silver coins.

So why did Su Yu choose to cut the ribbon today?Why not wait until the days of the concubine's menstrual event?

Because when Su Yu was in Caiyun Pavilion, Ximen Wanting bit her on the neck, leaving two bright red teeth marks.

Su Yu couldn't explain clearly about this matter, so after returning home, he went directly to Qinwang Palace to work at his desk.Take care of the messy things that you don't usually care about, pretend to be busy, but don't go back to Xiaofeng Pavilion to see the princess.

Stay at Kong Ting's place for one night, and tomorrow the princess will see these two tooth marks again, and she will say that Kong Ting bit her because of her uncontrollable love, so she just fooled it.

Hearing that Tong Yu got things done, Su Yu was in a good mood, cut the ribbon with drums and gongs, and named the small building in the big garden Peacock Tower.Then he carried the model-like concubine into the house and had some fun.

But unfortunately, I don't know who came up with the bad idea, saying that the princess should also come over for a stroll, calling it a joy of collecting wind.He also said that every inch of the land in Prince Qin's mansion belongs to our princess, and the first day the garden opened, of course we had to let the princess go and have a look.The bed sheets should be used by our princess before they can be used.

But Tang Ling'er didn't really come over to sit on the sheets, she just sat quietly in the waterside kiosk for a while, and then went back.

Wang Xun walked with his neck stuck, and when he passed the Peacock Tower, he rolled his eyes fiercely, babbled and cursed something.


Concubine Kong Aifei's body is the most beautiful, with a standard skeleton like a plane model, standing, sitting, lying down, everything is a scenery.

Feng Yu's face is beautiful, and the face of the little vixen has never been surpassed.

And Suzaku is a bodybuilder, with a special taste in it.

Although there is a beautiful woman, King Qin can't always run to the backyard, let alone Wanhualou. He can only live in Xiaofeng Pavilion with his fat wife.

Although Tang Ling'er was also trying to lose weight, it seemed to have no effect.

Every morning when she gets up, she will step on the floor scale, and she basically doesn't smile.Because her weight has been fluctuating around 150 catties.Of course, this is the unit of weight in Su Yu's mind, and the "jin" in his mind is somewhat different from the "jin" in Liang Chao.

Su Yu had a bad feeling that Tang Linger might not be able to lose weight.

Judging from Tang Linger's aunts and sisters, girls from the Tang family generally showed signs of gaining weight after giving birth.For example, Tang Qiu, trapped in a nunnery, is still a very rich person.Su Yu passed by there a few days ago, and even went to offer incense and leave charitable money to take care of Qiu Gu's life.

The tooth marks on the neck can be regarded as fooling around, but Tang Linger expressed that she couldn't understand it, she was very dissatisfied, and even called Kong Ting to reprimand her.

It seems that the noble, proud, and elegant princess lacks knowledge in this area. The key is that she has no friends to talk about this kind of topic.

And Su Yu didn't quite understand the explanation with her.It can't be said that I have read countless women for my husband, so I know.If you say that, it will make the big fat daughter-in-law tremble with anger.

Later, Su Yu said that it was Ouyang Jing who said it. In the past, Ouyang Jing was often bitten, which was not unusual.Tang Ling'er was dubious.

If you want to say that there should be a few cronies around you, and you can put a shit bowl on their heads from time to time, which can relieve your life pressure.

Ouyang Jing's life has been very bad recently, all the money in his hands has been lost, and now he is looking for someone to take over.In fact, he was lying, claiming that Zuiyuhuang made a lot of money, and he was just anxious to repay the loan, otherwise he would not have sold the shares.It is specially designed to deceive those outsiders, especially those who have flooded into Luoyang because of this tax reform, because those people are eager to settle in Luoyang City.

Su Yu said, when luck is present, if you die, you will lose some money or parts at most; now that your luck is gone, if you still die, you will really die.But Ouyang Jing didn't take Su Yu's advice to heart, and continued to cheat.He tricked those people into buying shares, and he cashed out of it.

Some people said that Ouyang Jing was too bad, too despicable, and too wretched.But look at future generations, is this kind of thing rare?

And they all do it openly, the only difference is another way of saying it.But even so, some people still call them dad, godfather, and male god.Try to create myths for the rich and blame them, but find all kinds of problems for the honest poor that they can't get rich.To be honest, people don't work hard enough, lack emotional intelligence, have no structure, and don't have all kinds of high quality.

At this time there was nothing serious in the court, Su Yu was only worried about some "little things".

A few days ago, Su Yu surrounded the villa area of ​​the Three Great Art Museums in order to arrest a few people in Chunxiao Pavilion.As a result, the Jinwu Guard ran into nothing there.Ru Shangnong and Cheng Kun couldn't find it, and they still haven't figured out who the other Southern Jin master is.

The real purpose of Su Yu's move was also passed on to Prince Geng's Mansion by the Ximen family. He thought that Prince Geng's Mansion would send an aide to discuss it, but two days passed without any movement.

Zhao Zhun, is this a showdown?Do you have to tear yourself apart from the King of Qin?
Just when Su Yu was preparing a ruthless move at home, Tang Xu, an important staff member of Prince Geng's residence, came to visit King Qin.

Su Yu entertained the old staff in the hall of Xiaofeng Pavilion, chatted for a quarter of an hour, and then got to the point.

Tang Xu said that the Geng Palace hired experts from the Southern Jin Dynasty for safety reasons.At the beginning, they failed to negotiate terms with the masters, so they were allowed to live in Caiyun Pavilion.During the Caiyun Pavilion, Lu Changxiao, a master of the Qin family, visited to compete with the masters of the Southern Jin Dynasty.It's a pity that Lu Changxiao underestimated the enemy, so he was defeated.

Tang Xu said with a smile: "Mr. Lu is old and strong. With one enemy against two, he is worthy of the title of master. And those two Southern Jin masters have already negotiated terms with Prince Geng's mansion, and they are in the mansion at this time. Please don't misunderstand the king of Qin." Don't believe the rumors, that day after Mr. Lu competed with the two masters from Prince Geng's residence, he left, and he is not in Prince Geng's residence."

Where did Lao Lu go? It really gave Su Yu a headache.

You can't think about Lao Lu with a normal person's thinking, Su Yu even thought that he might have bragged about something with Lao Huang, but he couldn't do it, so he went home without face.

Isn't he waiting for King Qin to find him?Starting to play hide and seek with the young master again?

A normal person would never do such a thing, but the Eight Great King Kongs are not normal people.But this time the scope is too big, where can I find him?
If Lao Lu is not brought back, Su Yu will not be in the mood to continue with the next steps.Just to remind Honghei Temple to strengthen its vigilance and ask several important people not to leave easily.

After sending Tang Xu away, King Qin came to Xiaoxilou with his hands behind his back, and saw Lao Huang sitting on a small bench, humming a little tune and polishing jade.

Su Yu looked at him coldly.

When Lao Huang found out that Su Yu was coming, he stopped humming and muttered pretending to be sad: "Oh, Lao Lu is doomed this time. I don't know where he died in the deep mountains and old forests. Now it's all balls of dung."

Su Yu remained silent, and continued to curse Lao Lu for his early death.

Su Yu squinted his eyes, and snatched the jade cat from Lao Huang's hand. The big-headed cat was carved very funny, and it covered its mouth with a smile.

Su Yu sat down and stared at Lao Huang: "Tell me the truth, where is Lao Lu?"

Lao Huang said that Lao Lu went to find his old friend and would not come back in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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