
Chapter 842 Seeking the Concubine

Chapter 842 Seeking the Concubine ([-])
In Su Yu's impression, the birthday of Emperor Seventh Sister Zhao Ting was in early winter.

The purpose of inquiring about Zhao Jing's birthday was to find a reason to walk around Daoguangfang, so as not to appear obtrusive.

In addition, Su Yu has another plan, hoping to find out something from Zhao Jing.

Several of Emperor Wanlong's sons died fighting for the throne, and his daughters were not living a stable life because several sons-in-law were involved in the battle for the throne and ended up "unfortunately dying".

Most of the few remaining princesses of the Liang Dynasty left Luoyang and stayed away from the political center.The reason why Zhao Jing didn't leave was because he married the careless Han Hao.

Even if Han Hao was killed, he would not leave the colorful world of Luoyang.Han Hao's ass is very strong, and he belongs to the kind of unconvinced.Annoyed him, he also hit the princess.Quarrels were even more commonplace, with a small quarrel in three days and a big quarrel in five days. Zhao Jing nicknamed him "Big Loud Donkey".

He won't be just as useless as Ma Tiangan of Nanyang County. After Tian Gan's father was sent to the frontier, the Tian family collapsed.Tian Gan was not implicated, it all depends on the Meng family.Han Hao is a son of a chaebol, and after the death of the empress dowager of the Han family, the Han family has never directly participated in political struggles.He just hugged Ximen's thigh and concentrated on business.

Han Hao's family is very rich, and he himself makes money through various channels of the Han chaebol.Although he himself seldom participates in the business, he has a group of people who can make money to help him, known as the Luoyang Twelve Taibao.Han Hao is actually a bit like Ouyang Jing. People around him are more or less taken care of by him.

Speaking of Han Hao, there is another fun here.

When Su Yu led troops to fight in Hedong, Ximen Wanting led two master swordsman Zhang Yong and Fan Chen from the Duke's Mansion to challenge Han Hao's group of "friends who should be thanked".As a result, Han Hao and his group were beaten badly, and they lost 200 million in the end.However, Han Hao has been refusing to give money, so this matter made the headlines of the newspaper. Ximen Wanting called Han Hao a rascal.He also said that my sister is not short of that little money, so you can save it to buy paper for your father to burn.

The struggle between the Shamat gang headed by Ximen Wanting and the entertainment circle headed by Han Hao intensified.Last time, Zhang Milue made a trick, but they didn't seem to learn a lesson.It is said that they are fighting each other again, and a gang fight outside Luoyang City is brewing.

It was initially agreed that the fight would start in September in the golden autumn under the Beacon Tower in the thirty miles of Luodong.But now it's October, and the gang fight didn't work out, and I don't know who suppressed it.Or maybe both sides lack fighting spirit and are just bickering.

Tomorrow is Zhao Jing's birthday. Seeing that Su Yu came early to celebrate her sister's birthday, Zhao Jing didn't show any fuss, and just entertained King Qin at the Princess Mansion.

At this time, Matthew has entered the small restaurant opposite the Princess Mansion, and sees Liu Danan and Liu Sandan.

"Do you have records of Concubine Feng's daily activities?"

Matthew entered the back kitchen of the small restaurant, opened a secret door, and there was a small room.The hut is dark and airtight, and there is only a small square table inside, with a stack of wire-bound ledgers on the table.

In fact, the ledger records the actions of some important people in Daoguangfang, as well as some strange things, in small print.

"I didn't pay much attention to her before, only sporadic records."

During the conversation, Liu Danan opened the "ledger" specially used to record Geng Wang's mansion, held up a small oil lamp, and asked Matthew to check it.

The names of people and places on the books are replaced by numbers. If you don't know the meaning of these numbers, reading this book is like reading a book from heaven.

The ledger shows that Concubine Feng will go to the Feng family's grave every year during the Qingming Festival.Matthew frowned.As the saying goes, "When a daughter goes to the grave, her mother's house is broken." People in the Liang Dynasty were very taboo about women's grave-sweeping. Why did Concubine Feng go?

Although I don't quite understand it, this seems to be the only rule of action for Concubine Feng.In the past two years, except for going to the grave, she hardly ever left home.It is said that when Master Fan Yu passed away last year, she went to Daxiangguo Temple once, and then there is no record of going out again.

Maybe it was because she really didn't go out, or maybe she was missed by Liu Danan.Matthew didn't care about it, but just told Liu Danan to be more careful in the future.If the situation is discovered, let Liu Sandan go to Beishi to sell cakes and spread the news to Honghei Temple.

At the same time, Su Yu also asked Concubine Feng at Zhao Jing's residence.

Zhao Jing is much smarter than her younger brother Zhao Chun, she soon understood the purpose of Su Yu's trip.

"I just said, why do you suddenly come to celebrate my birthday when you are so good? I thought you valued my sister so much that you made me happy for nothing." Zhao Jing looked dissatisfied: "You two governments are fighting openly and secretly, making the world Everyone knows. You must have no good intentions when you come to me to inquire about her. Are you not worried about getting me involved in this?"

Su Yu smiled: "I'm not here to inquire about the secrets, but I just want to know some daily life. If my sister refuses to tell me, then I'll go to my aunt to ask."

The reason why I came to find Zhao Jing was because Zhao Jing's mother, Concubine Gongsun, had some contacts with Concubine Feng, and Zhao Jing often went to Ji Wang's mansion to visit his old lady, so she must know more things than Princess Taichang.

Zhao Jing reprimanded Su Yu a few words, but did not ask Su Yubai to come, at least from her to confirm that Concubine Feng really did not go out.Concubine Gongsun and Concubine Feng met in Prince Yu's Mansion or Prince Geng's Mansion.Now that Prince Yu's Mansion is gone, we only go to Prince Geng's Mansion.

It is said that Concubine Feng lives very carefully, seems to have paranoia, and is always worried that someone will harm her.She once told Concubine Gongsun that she would be at ease only if all those who could harm her were dead.

When she was in the palace before, Empress Tang covered the sky with one hand and tortured the concubines in the palace until they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves.Later, Empress Tang ordered that crying was not allowed, so there was no crying at all.

At that time, Concubine Feng Gui did not dare to go out. If she wanted to go out, she must first find out where Empress Tang was and avoid her.If she was resting in the back garden, when she heard that Empress Tang was coming, she would just lift her legs and leave at a trot.

As a noble concubine, she has no temper at all in front of Empress Tang.In order to please Empress Tang, she also made friends with Chen Mei, the last of the nine concubines.Because Chen Mei was the beauty chosen by Empress Tang to serve Emperor Wanlong.This was the only beauty chosen by Empress Tang for Emperor Wanlong, and she wanted to use Chen Mei to compensate the court lady who was bestowed to death by her. Unfortunately, the number one beauty in Luoyang failed to keep Emperor Wanlong.

It was only later that I found out that Emperor Wanlong was not infatuated with the court lady at all, but simply fighting against Empress Tang.

But Su Yu felt strange. It stands to reason that Empress Tang could choose a beauty for Emperor Wanlong, which is considered an apology.This is a huge concession for Empress Tang, but why did Emperor Wanlong refuse to come back?
Could it be that someone among them was obstructing?

Zhao Jing didn't know these things either.In Zhao Jing's impression, Emperor Wanlong and Empress Tang often quarreled.

"It's strange to say that if you bother each other, it's fine if you don't meet each other? But they don't. They insist on meeting, insist on arguing, and then break up." Zhao Jing smiled helplessly, and pointed at Su Yu again: " Speaking of which, you and your father really look alike. And Tang Linger and Empress Tang look alike. The first time I saw you in Qinghuafang, you liked me. It feels like a pair of old friends are reborn, and it’s sinful One place."

Su Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Sister, why don't you say something nice and call it a good relationship?"

Zhao Jing said angrily: "What's wrong, can't my sister play a few jokes on you?"

After a few jokes, Su Yu asked Concubine Feng what her hobbies are?
Zhao Jing said that this girl doesn't seem to have any hobbies, or maybe her hobbies are hidden so deep that no one has ever discovered them.The old aides in Prince Geng's mansion always ran into her room and chattered for more than ten years, which made people feel weird.

Then Zhao Jing chatted some gossip, pointed at the gate and scolded Han Hao who didn't go home.

Don't worry about Zhao Ting suddenly running out of words, a woman in her 40s can chat with Su Yu until tomorrow morning if she opens up the chatterbox.

While chatting, Su Yu heard that Empress Tang also had a pair of maidservants who grew up with her.They followed Empress Tang into the palace.Coincidentally, one is surnamed Lin and the other is surnamed Wang.The one surnamed Lin has a good temper, while the one surnamed Wang is a well-known villain.Known as the executioner of Empress Tang, that court lady was also strangled to death by a servant girl surnamed Wang.

The eight generals of Qinghuafang were those who followed Tang Yu, the patriarch of the Tang family, to fight together. After the four families of Zhao, Tang and Mengximen signed the "Alliance of Peace", the Tang family obtained Qinghuafang.At that time, there were only a few hundred people in the Tang family, and it was not enough to live there, so they brought the generals of the eight great families into Qinghuafang.

Later, the eight major families besides the Tang family appeared in Qinghuafang, Kong, Dian, Lin, Zhang, Li, Wang, Zhen, and Shi.

Duke An of all dynasties chose his maids for his daughters from these eight families.Therefore, it is very likely that Empress Tang's maidservant and Tang Linger's maidservant have the same surname, so Su Yu didn't make a fuss about it.

Back home, Su Yu chatted with Tang Linger about it.

Tang Ling'er said that in the swordsmanship battle between Empress Tang and Concubine Meng Gui, the servant girl surnamed Wang protected Tang Empress to death, and that maidservant was Wang Xun's aunt.

"I'll go!" Su Yu raised his eyebrows: "Is it really a cycle?"

"What cycle?" Tang Ling'er turned her head slightly: "Why are you shocked, guilty?"

Tang Ling'er turned around and grabbed Su Yu's sleeve: "Tell me, is there something you're hiding from me?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." Su Yu ran away.

Su Yu felt that Suzaku's matter was a thunderstorm.How this mine can be detonated safely is a big problem.

Thinking about it, I was still not strong enough, which led to today's predicament.

Just saying that you can't engage in extramarital sex is not the right way, and Su Yu blamed himself deeply for this.

Later, Su Yu called Wang Xun out alone, even threatened him with education, and said to Wang Xun, if the princess asks you to kill someone in the future, don't kill me. If the princess blames you, I will protect you.Looking back, if your aunt hadn't strangled the court lady to death, she could have avoided a series of tragedies that followed.

Wang Xun stiffened his neck and said nothing, as if he had listened.

After teaching Wang Xun a lesson, Su Yu still had to criticize himself, so he went to Xiaoxilou to sit behind closed doors.

Tang Ling'er couldn't figure out what Su Yu was doing, she just thought he was practicing kung fu.

(End of this chapter)

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