
Chapter 844 Retreat

Chapter 844 Retreat
In the middle of the night, Concubine Feng possessed herself to see the dead with all her concentration.

The dead man suddenly opened his eyes, and the dilated pupils were filled with breath from the underworld.This weird scene made the concubine gasp in fright, her body trembled suddenly, and her whole body convulsed.Seeing her fingers pinching together stiffly like chicken feet with pickled peppers, she heard a "crack" sound from below.Loosen the contraction and pull out two catties.Even soup and water, a stench.

Everyone saw that the old concubine straightened up and fell backwards, Ru Shangnong quickly supported her with sharp eyes and hands.

Her body was stiff, her eyes were wide open, her mouth was wide open, and she couldn't raise her breath.Seeing that he was about to go into shock, Cheng Kun raised his hand and pointed at the Baihui acupoint on the old concubine's head, injecting a burst of true energy into it.The old concubine shivered again, and pulled another half catty.

Her fate was picked up, but her mouth became crooked and her eyes slanted, unable to speak.Everyone hurriedly went to the palace to invite the imperial physician, so I won't repeat them here.



After some lingering, Tang Linger fell asleep contentedly.

Even if she fell asleep, she still held Su Yu's hand tightly, as if she was afraid of being snatched away.She hasn't been sleeping well.Just now, her hand tightened for a moment, and it quickly became cold. She probably dreamed of something that made her angry again.

Su Yu was lying on the bed, listening to the sound of rain outside the window, thinking about how to kill Concubine Feng as soon as possible.

Su Yu has never been a vicious person, but he can't be soft when facing Concubine Feng.

If you are soft-handed, it is equivalent to sending your relatives and friends to the underworld, which is absolutely unbearable.

Su Yu closed the gate of the Honghei Temple tightly, and no one was allowed to go out, but Yan Yan still left with a mournful voice.

Su Yu understands Senior Sister Yan's temper, if she wants to kill someone alone, she can't wait a day.Presumably at this time she went to look for Ru Shangnong again, and if she had the chance, she would definitely fight.

But Su Yu weighed in his mind that if Senior Sister Yan and Ru Shangnong fought alone, the winning rate would only be [-]%.

Hearing Lao Huang's voice at this time, he ran to the door of Xiaofeng Pavilion and asked the little maid to report to the door.He must have drank a lot of wine and was so drunk that he couldn't say a word of importance for a long time.

The maid who was on duty at the gate of Xiaofeng Pavilion tonight was Tang Zhuer. The timid little maid was very timid. She was afraid that calling the door at this time would annoy the master, so she refused to report to Huang Huang.The key is that Lao Huang hesitated for a long time and never gave a suitable reason.

Hearing Lao Huang's voice, Su Yu thought of Lao Lu.The old evil slave was disobedient and ran out by himself.You don't need to guess, you must know that you must seek revenge from Ru Shangnong.To say that this old monster is enough to irritate people, if you have to go by yourself, what if you fall into the enemy's trap? People in their 60s still think of themselves as Flying King Kong more than 20 years ago?

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, Su Yu sat up.

"She must be killed."

At this time, an idea flashed in Su Yu's mind, to send Cao Renfeng and his troops to break into Prince Geng's mansion and directly kill Concubine Feng.In this way, Zhao Zhun should also be killed together.But this idea was quickly thrown out of mind.Doing so will cause Kang Wang's faction to counterattack, and it may be another swordsmanship war, which will easily get out of control.

My heart was in turmoil, and I couldn't sleep.Su Yu got up softly, walked out of the bedroom, and came to the princess's study.Open the window to let in the air, a gust of cool wind blows in, I squinted my eyes, and found a strange light flickering over the small west building.

Su Yu turned his head abruptly and looked towards the second floor of Xiaoxi Building.I saw red light flashing on the windows for a while, and turned into golden light for a while, and I could hear the banging sound from the window lattice from time to time, as if several people pushed the windows of Xiaoxilou at the same time.

"Old Huang is breaking through?"

Looking at this vision, Lao Huang has entered the shock stage.Su Yu had never seen such a violent impact, and couldn't help feeling a little worried for Lao Huang.

Looking away, I saw Lao Diaosi standing in front of Xiaoxilou with a lantern.There was rain at the door, and Lao Diaosi put the umbrella aside, with a serious expression on his face, motionless like a statue.

With him around, Su Yu felt relieved.

But at this moment, I saw a thin figure sneaking out of the main house in the backyard. She hid behind the moon gate and took out a slingshot...


Su Yu was stunned for a moment, feeling something was wrong, he hid behind the window and stared at Mu Xin to see what the little thing was up to.

The little maid drew the slingshot and aimed at Xiaoxilou.

Su Yu was startled, and before he had time to think about it, he grabbed a pen from the princess's case, and used the "meteor finger" to trigger it to bounce towards the little maid.The pen hit Mu Xin's feet, and Mu Xin was startled. She turned her head and looked up to Xiaofeng's loft, and found King Qin was standing at the window staring at her.

After all, he is a child, he is too focused on things, and it is easy to ignore the details.

Seeing Su Yuning glaring at her, she dropped the slingshot and ran away.

This little beggar picked up from the street has a very wild temper. Even if Lao Diao Si personally taught her, she still couldn't get her into the habit of the rules.Or maybe he was frightened and only wanted to escape back to the house, but he didn't want to kowtow to admit his mistake.

Lao Diao Si heard a strange noise, but he didn't leave the entrance of Xiaoxilou. Seeing that Mu Xin was scared away by the prince, Lao Diao Si silently took a marble back in his hand.

Lao Diaosi was in a complicated mood, thinking that he must punish this unruly little thing.But after thinking about it, she held a grudge because Lao Huang scolded Hu Rong.After all, she wanted to vent her anger for Hu Rong, and she didn't allow others to scold her Grandpa Hu.

It can't be said that she is a bad child, it's just that she lacks education, and she doesn't know what the consequences of destroying the twelve realms are.

Soon, the vision in Xiaoxilou disappeared, and the room was very quiet. It seemed that Huang had failed.Otherwise, with Lao Huang's personality, he would definitely sing twice at the top of his voice.

According to him, if you fail, it's like being beaten up, and your whole body hurts.Su Yu turned around and went downstairs, intending to see Lao Huang.Lao Diao Temple was already holding an umbrella and walked quickly to Xiaofeng Pavilion, ready to welcome King Qin.

It was drizzling, Su Yu didn't intend to open an umbrella, but seeing the old Diao Si trotting all the way, who was nearly ninety years old, Su Yu smiled, took the umbrella, and took Hu Rong along with him.Lao Diao Si had very strict rules and refused to share the same umbrella with the King of Qin, so Su Yu held him and would not let go, Lao Diao Si was quite moved.

Seeing Lao Huang, Su Yu was amazed.

Lao Huang's state really looked like he had been beaten up by someone fat, so it was nothing to mention.

Bruised, like I've been kicked in circles for 10 minutes by a bunch of people in boots.He was hunched over, holding his head, and lay on his side shaking on the floor.

"I've seen miserable ones, but I've never seen you so miserable." Su Yu stretched out his hand to help Lao Huang.

Lao Huang quickly waved his hand: "Young Master, don't touch it!"

Lao Diao Si stopped Su Yu's hand almost at the same time, smiled and said, "Touching him now is no different from beating him again."

Su Yu took his hand back and said with a wry smile: "We can't let him lie on the floor overnight."

Lao Diaosi immediately said: "Old servant, go and burn a brazier and bring it here."

Lao Diaosi left and asked Mu Xin to light the brazier.I don't know what Lao Diaosi said, but Mu Xin was crying when he came to Xiaoxilou.


Last night, I spent the night as if it were for old Huang Shouling.

Because King Qin couldn't bear to leave when he saw Lao Huang suffering.By the way, educate the little virgin and reward her again.The King of Qin has a good way of educating children, and then Mu Xin walked away happily.Walking to the door, he gave Lao Huang an apologetic look.

Lao Diaosi didn't leave, and accompanied King Qin to "watch the spirit", and at this time they talked about Concubine Feng.Hu Rong suggested to King Qin that it would be better to kill King Geng than to kill the concubine.Once King Geng died, it was all over.But Su Yu felt that because of Concubine Feng's viciousness, even if King Geng died, she would take revenge.Her revenge will be the entire royal family.

"She endured it for so many years, and finally started to make a move. Unfortunately, the first target was me."

After saying a word, Su Yu looked up at the sky, and it was Maoshi.Lao Huang had already transformed his kung fu and fell asleep on the floor.Handing Lao Huang to Hu Rong, Su Yu put on court clothes and went to court.

There is nothing important in the early court, and it will end soon.At this time, Su Yu heard that Concubine Feng was frightened by something last night, and it is said that she was quite frightened.After the next court, many officials discussed going to Prince Geng's mansion to visit the concubine, but Zhao Zhun declined.

Zhao Zhun didn't leave in a hurry, but went to the apse to talk to Cao Yuzan first.Su Yu also wanted to see Cao Yuzan, but he was a step late and waited outside the gate of the apse.Seeing Zhao Zhun leave soon, Su Yucai entered the apse, and saw Cao Yuzan half-lying on the couch in an unseemly way, with one hand propping his cheek, smiling like a villain.

"I don't know what happy event the Empress Dowager has, would you tell me about it?" Su Yu sat on the crescent stool.

Cao Yuzan smiled wickedly and said, "Recently, Prince Qin's mansion has suffered a lot, right?"

Su Yu didn't know what Cao Yuhan was talking about.

Cao Yuzan sneered and sat up: "What do you think Zhao Zhun came to see me for?"

She started playing again, Su Yu was not in a hurry, and looked at her while holding Erlang's legs.

She also looked at Su Yu, and the two remained silent for a while.

If you are not afraid of being tired, just sit like this and see who can survive the other.

Cao Yuzan fell back again, lying down and looking at Su Yu.

Su Yu had enough: "Is it related to me?"

Cao Yuzan snorted softly: "That's right, it's about you. He wants me to tell you, give him some time."

"What time do I give him?"

"Zhao Zhun came to me today because he wanted me to send some people to help him."


"Deal with his mother."

Cao Yuzan said this sentence as if she had expected it, and fell lazily on the couch, with her legs crossed casually.The two feet in white socks were still shaking, looking very comfortable.

Su Yu couldn't figure out why she suddenly became in such a good mood, he just concentrated on thinking about Zhao Zhun.

Su Yu had a grudge against Concubine Feng, but not Zhao Zhun.Zhao Zhun never played dirty tricks, including when discussing business with Tang Kuan, he always said ugly things directly.

Zhao Zhun has limited talent and is a bit arrogant, but Su Yu doesn't dislike him.

"What does he want to do?" Su Yu asked in a low mood.

"He has stopped the funding for the inner house." Cao Yuzan had a serious look on his face: "I don't know what happened in Prince Geng's Mansion last night. It is said that Concubine Feng was frightened, but I think she might be I got angry with Zhao Zhun. Concubine Feng always liked Zhao Yulong, but not Zhao Zhun. Because she thought that Zhao Zhun was strong but not a big deal. Unlike Zhao Yulong, he was bold and wild. Concubine Feng thought Zhao Yulong was worth cultivating. Now Zhao Yulong After she died, she began to train Zhao Zhun. Seeing that Zhao Zhun refused to fight, she helped Zhao Zhun fight. But I don't think she will succeed. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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