
Chapter 855 Sudden Arrival

Chapter 855 Sudden Arrival
Ouyang Jing babbled a lot, but Su Yu didn't say anything more.

Ouyang Jing drooped his head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head: "I don't think it's safe to put Xiao Qiao here with Jinfeng."

Su Yu's eyes moved sideways, staring at Ouyang Jing, cursing in his heart: "Good old boy, you are really good at tricking people around."You brought all three daughters to my house, what do you take me for?Your nanny?Besides, what's the matter with you putting Tang Zhen's wife in my house?

"You are blatantly provoking Concubine Fan." Su Yu said bluntly, "If I agree, it will not be good for me, nor for Tang Ling'er. It will make the two families of the Tang family confront each other. Why are you so happy? "

Ouyang Jing said flatteringly: "Where does Jin Feng say that, you can't cheat Jinfeng even if you pit the sky and the earth. Now Jinfeng is the backer of my Ouyang family, and I look forward to Jinfeng's success in my dreams. You Why don't you become the emperor, if you become the emperor, we will go to the palace to be the chief of the palace, kneeling and serving every day."

Su Yu grinned: "Stop talking about those nasty things, and talk about serious things."

Ouyang Jing said that he would go to Daxiangguo Temple to find Master Mingde.Give the Archmage money and let him think of a mysterious reason to take Xiao Qiao away from the Duke's mansion for a while.Prince Qin's Mansion is just opposite the Duke's Mansion, the distance is short, and it's the Duke's sister's house, so it couldn't be more suitable.

Su Yu said, you ask me to handle this matter, so it's awkward.You'd better go to Tang Zhen and Tang Ling'er, it's the right thing to do between them as brothers and sisters.All I can do is not object to Xiao Qiao coming to live in the princess' mansion.If the girl really came, it would be no problem to eat and drink.

Ouyang Jing said, this is enough.

Having said this, Ouyang Jing left gratefully, took two swordsmen on donkeys, and carried money bags to find the highly respected Master Mingde.

In fact, Ouyang Jing has a mule certificate, but he likes to ride a donkey.Perhaps it is because running horses is not allowed in Luoyang City, but running donkeys is acquiesced.

The little donkey can't run very fast with a person on its back. It's rare to hear that someone was hit to death by a donkey.

With his hands behind his back, the King of Qin watched Ouyang Jing run away as he ran away. With a wry smile, he came to the princess mansion. When he saw Lao Diao Temple, he asked Master Mingde who he was?
Daxiangguo Temple is Liang Chaoguo Temple. The Grand Master is awarded the title by the Empress Dowager and enjoys the national salary. The Honglu Temple Association of the Ministry of Rites organizes a grand promotion ceremony for him.From then on, the great mage wore a red robe with gold thread cassock, held a tin staff with a ball cage with eight treasures, guarded the national temple, and prayed for the royal family.

Originally, the prince would definitely be notified of such things, but at that time Su Yu was fighting in Hedong.It is said that during the ceremony, only Zhao Zhun, Zhao Chun, several princesses, and Princess Dacheng accompanied the Queen Mother to Daxiangguo Temple.But Tang Ling'er didn't know where this great mage came from, she just said that this man had a hideous appearance and was annoying just by looking at him.

It is worth mentioning that there are not many men who are pleasing to Tang Linger's eyes, and there is not even a bald man who is pleasing to the eye.

Su Yu asked Hu Rong, and Hu Rong said he had never heard of this person.Su Yu lamented that from the emperor to the courtiers, through the Empress Dowager Chen, the Emperor Tianci, and then the Emperor Daxing, in the past ten years, people changed one after another, and Lao Diao Temple knew fewer and fewer people.

"Your Highness, the money is not enough. It is estimated that the difference is thirty thousand."

As soon as Su Yu walked out of the old Diao Temple room, she saw Lin Juan, a maidservant in brocade clothes with long legs and round legs, walking towards her.

Hearing that the money was not enough, Su Yu said indifferently: "Go to Wang Lin to ask for it, and if Wang Lin can't afford the money, come to me again. I will hand over the project money to you as soon as the other hospital's project is done. Exercise yourself and get familiar with the project. Do more Take notes and review them frequently. After a long time, there will naturally be ways.”

"Here." The maidservant in brocade clothes bowed obediently, and left in a gust of wind.

Qin Wang smiled and looked at the back of the maidservant in brocade clothes. The girl became more and more like Tian Jing, with fuller curves on her body, which was very seductive.Suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes at the front door, and then a little maid came running in, Su Yu stopped the maid and asked what was the matter, the maid said, Ximen Wanting brought the dowry here, dozens of carts.

"What are you doing?"

Su Yu raised her eyebrows, not knowing what Ximen Wanting was going to do.

The wedding date hasn't been confirmed yet, why did Sha Matt come to the door early?
"Stop her!"

Su Yu didn't let the little maid go to Xiaofeng Pavilion to report to Tang Linger, but went directly to the door, intending to drive Ximen Wanting away.

As soon as she stepped over the threshold, she saw Ximen Wanting, a brocade-clothed white fur with a snow-white nest rabbit on her head, directing the unloading of the truck with gesticulations.Judging by her posture, she didn't intend to leave.

Seeing Su Yu coming out, the slender and narrow-eyed girl was all smiles, she rushed forward with her long skirt in both hands, jumped high, hugged Su Yu's neck, opened her mouth and gnawed and bit.

"Hey!" Su Yu pushed her away, stared at her and said, "You, do you still have some courtesy?"

Ximen Wanting was not annoyed, but her face was sullen, showing a winner's smile, and raised her fist to hit Su Yu's chest: "From now on, you are my man."

While speaking, she raised her hand and pointed to a dozen cars behind her: "See, I have moved all the things in the house. In addition to these antique coral agate jade screens, I also brought [-] million yuan."

Su Yu looked at the convoy and felt a headache.

She brought all the boxes and wardrobes, and there were only three carts for clothes, and three carts for money.What was in the other cars couldn't be seen clearly, and a large group of people unloaded the cars in a hurry.With so many things, it is more than enough to equip another Xiaofeng Pavilion.

But the problem is that the residence Tang Linger prepared for the three noble concubines was just a small building for each person.

With so many things, not to mention one small building, even if the yards of three small buildings are full, it may not be possible to put them down.

Su Yu frowned.

I don't know when Lao Huang came out from behind the door, looked at Su Yu, then at Ximen Wanting, Lao Huang smiled happily, and said happily: "Oh, that's great, I can count on looking forward to the dawn."

Lao Huang walked up to Ximen Wanting in small steps, and bowed to salute: "Old slave Huang Chengcheng, welcome young lady Ximen."

Ximen Wanting looked up and down at Huang with her hands behind her back: "Sixth Uncle said that there are three masters in the Qin Palace, one of whom is surnamed Huang."

Lao Huang suddenly stood up straight and gave a thumbs up: "Old Hou Ye has eyesight."

Ximen Zaipei, the sixth master of the Ximen family, the father of Ximen Hao, the general staff of Huben, and Prince Rui are good friends.Just before the Three Kings' Rebellion broke out, Ximen Zaipei went out of the city in Prince Rui's car, intending to go hunting at Luqiaoyi Forest Farm, but he couldn't make it because Zhao Ting suddenly raised his troops.

Ximen Wanting had nothing to do that day, and she went out of the city in Ximen Zaipei's car. She was also going hunting, so she sent the car to Uncle Liu by the way.As a result, I ran into Su Yu who was going out of the city by chance on the road. First, they had a quarrel and broke up unhappy. Later, they met when they were queuing at the gate of the city.She didn't go to deliver the car anymore, she rolled into Su Yu's car and lingered, she insisted on accompanying Su Yu to Shou'an Paper Mill.

At that time, Zhao Ting ambushed King Kang at Luqiaoyi.

What is the meaning of Ximen Zaipei inviting Prince Rui to Luqiao Station?Is it a coincidence, or intentional?

If it was intentional, people can't help guessing that Ximen knew the news in advance.And Ximen Zaipei took Prince Rui to Luqiao Station, did he want to protect Prince Rui?

But Simon's clearly supported Kang Wang on the surface, so how could he make such an arrangement?
What role Ximen played during the Three Kings Rebellion is somewhat unclear.

Or, there were differences within their family, Ximen Zhensen bet on King Kang, and Ximenhao and his son bet on King Rui.

There is also a possibility that Ximen's pretended to split and bet on King Rui and King Kang at the same time.

There is also a more insidious possibility, Zhao Ting wants to kill both King Rui and King Kang at Luqiao Station.

As for Ximen Wanting pestering Su Yu, whether it was arranged by the upper management of the Ximen family, Su Yu is not sure about this matter.Judging by Ximen Wanting's Erha's character and Sha Matt's appearance, she doesn't look like a person with too many eyes.It would be more appropriate to say that she is short-hearted.

Anyway, Ximen Wanting is here, and it seems that she can't send her back.

The ceremonial officers of the Ximen family came with drums and gongs, and soon Cao Yuzan sent the palace supervisor.They worked together to hold a wedding that came as soon as they said it, without giving King Qin and Princess Qin time to react.

"I think you are very pleasing to the eyes of this old slave." Ximen Wanting grabbed a handful of gold coins from her pocket and handed them to Lao Huang: "Reward!"

Su Yu never studied Ximen Wanting carefully before, but now he has to take a closer look at her.

As soon as she met Lao Huang, she won people's hearts. From this, it can be seen that the Ximen family has done their homework and has a basic understanding of the people in Prince Qin's mansion.

And Ximen's also attaches great importance to this marriage.Ximen Zhensen went to Huainan Road tax reform and was not at home. The old patriarch of the family, Ximen Zaipei, personally presided over the matter. While teaching Ximen Wanting, he organized this rather farce-like wedding.

The incident happened suddenly, Su Yu didn't ask Ximen Wanting why the dowry changed from [-] billion to [-] million; he also didn't ask Ximen Wanting, didn't Ximen Zaipei know that Lao Lu was gone?Now that Lao Lu is gone, how can there be three masters in the Qin Palace?
Su Yu knew that Chen Xun, Granny Niu, and Granny Ma had skills.By this stage, they had confessed their strength to Su Yu.Chen Xun is indeed not weak, but compared with Lao Huang and Hu Rong, he is not considered a top player.He used to be a cook in the Su family, and he also knew some medical skills, bruises, clearing away heat and detoxification, and cooking medicinal food.Apart from these, there is nothing special about it.

The news quickly spread to Chang'an County Lord's Mansion, Tang Ling'er stood up abruptly and came to the window.

The gate of Prince Qin's mansion is tall, so Tang Ling'er's heart heaved violently, and her face changed rapidly.

Wang Xun stomped his feet anxiously, and couldn't help shouting: "Are there any rules?! Do you know how to be courteous, righteous and shameful?! Too much bullying! If the princess says a word, the servant will drive them away!"

Tang Ling'er clasped her hands in front of her heart, just stared at the door without saying a word.

Wang Xun said angrily: "You should tell the Duke, they have bullied you to the door!"

While speaking, Wang Xun turned around and left.

"Stop." Tang Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief, squinting her eyes bitterly: "Sooner or later, the one who should come will come. It may not be a bad thing for her to go in alone. Tell King Qin not to stop her, and let her come in. I will teach her the rules myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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