
Chapter 857 Maintenance

Chapter 857 Maintenance
There were tinkling sounds from the backyard of Honghei Temple.

Tan Qin'er pinched the small hammer with her fingers, brushed the curly hair on her forehead with her little finger, stuffed it behind her ears, and continued to carve tree roots.A group of children lapped their knees and played around her.Soon a cold-faced woman came out of the door and took the children away.Master Yan never seemed to smile, and the unworldly children called her Aunt Marble in private.

A gust of wind blew, but it didn't attract Tan Qin'er's attention. She was still concentrating on sculpting, but she didn't know that a tall and straight swordsman in white robe appeared behind him.

The swordsman approached and smiled: "Qin'er."

Tan Qin'er turned her head abruptly: "Uncle Fifth!"

"Don't come here." Li Mobai waved his hand, and the black energy diffused from the wave of his hand. He was gradually demonized and did not completely lose his mind, but he already felt unwell, and sometimes felt that he was not himself.

Li Mobai looked at Tan Qin'er who was in astonishment, and sighed: "I came today to inform everyone. The Lu Xiao, Hua Tingfeng, and Li Mobai you see in the future may no longer be people you are familiar with."


"It may be related to the exercises we practice. I am worried that I will become mercenary and ruthless like Ru Shangnong, or I will never treat you as human beings like Feng Zhenqing. I will live in seclusion for a while and try to find a way to crack this exercise." Famen."

Li Mobai smiled wryly, and snapped his fingers at Qin'er: "If we meet again in a few years and I still look like this, then I will still be your fifth uncle. If I can't snap my fingers at you, then it's not me It’s gone. Tell everyone to come to me together, don’t show mercy, and kill me directly. Otherwise, you will be the ones who will die.”

Li Mobai said something that confused Tan Qin'er, and then left in a flash.

For a moment, Tan Qin'er felt that Li Mobai had become very strange.After being stunned for a while, Tan Qin'er told Yan Beiming the news, Yan Beiming sighed and cursed a few words.In her mind, Li Mo Baihua Tingfeng is still a disobedient brat.Don't know what the hell they're up to.

Tan Qin'er understood Yan Beiming, Yan Beiming's heart was never as cold as she showed.

Including the killing of Confucianism and Shangnong this time, why Suzaku must be brought along, maybe only she knows in her heart.She was worried that she wouldn't be able to do it ruthlessly.

The same is true, the fatal blow came from Suzaku.Ru Shangnong's spine was broken, and it was Yan's mournful cry that broke his neck.By doing this, she seemed to be trying to cover up something, and also seemed to show something on purpose, so as to maintain her ruthless teacher setting.

As the leader, she must clean up the door, otherwise she is not qualified to be the leader.It was as if Suzaku thought that she couldn't even avenge her niece, so what qualifications did she have to be the chief bustard.

"Do you want to tell everyone this news?" Tan Qin'er clasped her fingers and asked.

Yan mourned and said in a low mood: "Only the little flag leader and above know."


With a promise, Tan Qin'er ran out and told Tu Biao and the others.

She was going to tell Tang Lian, Li Xun and others that Tu Biao asked Dai He to go out with her.

The two young ladies first ran to the Meiling Pavilion, and then drove to Jingxingfang in a donkey cart, and they could always see Jin Wuwei along the way.The girl felt annoyed when she saw Jin Wuwei before.But now she will take a look at the banner first, and there is a half chance of seeing the Jinwu Guard to which King Qin belongs, which makes the girl feel kind.

Occasionally meet acquaintances, but also shouted hello.For example, Li Dao, the commander of the Sheshengwei who came to Beishi to suppress the bandits last time.

The two young ladies went to meet Li Xun at the Li Family Warehouse, and now Li Xun not only manages the warehouse, but also manages the ten properties privately owned by the King of Qin.

The king of Qin always said that the three caves of the cunning rabbit, he did not plan to sell these ten properties, and just managed them tepidly.The money he earned was used to support his brothers, and Li Xun only went to the princess' mansion to pay his account every two months.And Su Yu rarely came to him to check the accounts, but only occasionally sent Tong Yu over to have a look.

People are approaching middle age and tend to gain weight easily, but now Li Xun is fatter than anyone else.Compared with the proprietor of the tavern three years ago, he is now a typical nouveau riche boss.Brocade clothes and a round belly, attracted Qin'er to raise his hand and tap.The girl's eyes suddenly turned into two crescent moons, saying that Li Xun was nine months pregnant and was about to give birth.

The disciples of the divine sect had all been notified that they had to go to Qinghuafang in the end, and the two young ladies kicked away in a donkey cart.


King Qin spent the night at Qingya Xiaozhu last night.Tossing and turning this night, it was really hard work.

Speaking of which, Miss Wanting is tall and has long legs, with a slim figure.

She has a thin face and long eyes. Although she is not considered beautiful, she is also somewhat delicate.

A 21-year-old girl full of energy.

The only downside is that this girl is too energetic, and she can't stand her.

This night, catching up with the princess for ten nights, Su Yu was so tired that his eye circles turned black.

When it was time to Mao, Su Yu sat up sleepily.

Ximen Wanting lay sprawled on the couch, Su Yu raised his hand and slapped her on the buttocks, calling her to get up.She can't afford it.Suddenly opened his eyes, coming again.

Later, she was forcibly picked up by Su Yu, dressed neatly, and asked her to go to the concubine's room to perform the morning and evening ceremony.

"I won't go!" Ximen Wanting sat on the couch angrily: "She is not an elder, what morning and evening ceremony should I give her?"

Su Yu said solemnly: "In my house, you must abide by the rules I set. You must respect the concubine Zheng. Otherwise, I will not come to your house in the future."

Ximen Wanting towered over Su Yu's neck, frowning, and begged: "Then when will I not go? I don't want to salute her."

Su Yu smiled: "Give me a salute, you won't lose a piece of meat, just make her happy."

Ximen Wanting was stunned and remained silent.

Su Yu's tone was calm: "Actually, Tang Linger is not as bad as you imagined. Most of your knowledge about her comes from rumors about how strict and domineering she is. But you have to know that people only like to spread bad things, but not good things. Her words are terrifying. In fact, if you get along with Tang Linger for a long time, you will find that she has many good qualities. She looks strict, but as long as you follow the rules, she will not deliberately find fault with you. And her way of punishing people Very single. I have been with her for three years, and she has given the most severe punishment to the maids in the family. Guess what it is?"

Ximen Wanting felt that Su Yu was forcibly washing Tang Linger's reputation, so she seemed dismissive.

Su Yu said solemnly: "It's just a palm game."

Ximen Wanting curled her lips and squinted her eyes, half-raised her finger and pointed at Su Yu: "You are lying."

Su Yu smiled bitterly: "It takes time to see people's hearts. After a long time, you will know it is true."

Su Yu turned around and stared at Ximen Wanting: "You just say that she is not good, do you think you have a good reputation?"

Su Yu found the piece of Luohong and white silk on the couch, and handed it to Ximen Wanting: "I am very pleased that you can still have Luohong. According to the rumors outside, I think you may not be able to see it when you are twelve or thirteen years old." It's getting red."

"It must be Han Hao who ruined me!" Ximen Wanting said excitedly.

"Don't just scold Han Hao, your reputation is almost equal to his. Do you think Tang Linger can like you?" Su Yu stood up and was about to leave: "So you need to calm down for a while and get to know each other better. Take Give your own kindness in exchange for the kindness of others. In the end, let yourself live comfortably."

After asking Ximen Wanting a few words, Su Yu rushed to Xiaofeng Pavilion and came to appease Tang Linger.Let's just say I felt bad last night.Tang Ling'er wanted to see Luo Hong, so Su Yu threw the white silk on the couch like trash, Tang Ling'er asked Wang Xun to lift it up to have a look.

With a look of disgust on his face, Wang Xun pinched it with his nails, lifted a corner, saw the red color, and decided to throw away the white silk.Su Yu was worried that this girl was not good enough to cause trouble, so she gave Tong Yu a wink, and Tong Yu followed.

At about right time, a servant girl came up to report to the door, saying that Ximen side concubine and two beauties had come to greet the princess.

Su Yu guessed that Ximen Wanting came here with Feng Yu and Kong Ting in order to avoid embarrassment.This may be the little eunuch Wang Dang giving her advice.The little eunuch surnamed Wang looks like a shrewd person, with a flat mole the size of a sesame seed growing between his eyebrows, which doesn't look ugly, but rather energetic.

King Qin and Princess Qin sat upright on the couch, first receiving the concubine's salute, followed by the beauties.

After this set of ceremonies is over, there is also time for the King of Qin and Princess Qin to speak, and the table will be served only after the lecture is over.

In the so-called state of etiquette, there are rules everywhere.Of course, Su Yu doesn't think too much etiquette is a good thing.

For Ximen Wanting, she is no stranger to this kind of environment.She herself is a child of a top noble family.Some rules have become habits on her body.So in some details, she did better than Kong Ting and Feng Yu.Su Yu's only worry was that she refused to salute Tang Ling'er.

Why must Tang Linger be protected?
At this time, he is no longer a son-in-law, so is it necessary to do that?

You can understand these problems by looking at the attitude of the chairman of the board of directors towards the effective CEO.To be more intuitive, let's see how Liu Bei treats Zhuge Liang.

Visiting the thatched cottage three times, invited Wolong to come out of the mountain, but the two core generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were not convinced.If Liu Bei doesn't support Zhuge Liang at this time, how can Zhuge Liang, who has little qualifications, manage two outstanding core department managers?

At this time, the situation Tang Linger faced was similar, and Ximen Wanting refused to accept it.If Su Yu didn't care about it, but left the problem directly to Tang Linger, it would make her very hard, and it would be easy for her to have conflicts, and the family would be in chaos.The chaos caused by Ximen Wanting will also affect Meng Can and Zhan Youni in the future.It was even more difficult for Tang Linger.

Once Tang Ling'er can't suppress these evildoers, Su Yu will suffer.

After the concubine and the beauties finished their ceremony, Tang Ling'er began to lecture and took out a thick "Family Rules".Just about to send it out, Su Yu held it down.

Su Yu said sternly: "My family does not need written family rules. Everyone is an adult and should know what is right and what is wrong. There is no need to have a family rule to restrict it. From now on, there is only one rule in my family. If the princess thinks it is right, it is right; if the princess thinks it is wrong, it is wrong. There is no dispute."

When Tang Linger's authority was absolutely maintained, she didn't have to fight ruthlessly.

The hand holding "Family Rules" tightly, gradually relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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