
Chapter 885 Basics

Chapter 885 Basics
Ximen Wanting left with her heart squad, saying she was going to buy a tree.As a result, she went to Zhan's house in Daoguangfang to dig up the tree of Zhan Youni's house.Mrs. Zhan's family was at a loss and asked why?Ximen Wanting said, your daughter is going to marry King Qin, but now the jujube tree in Prince Qin's mansion is dead, which is very unlucky. If your daughter marries, she will definitely not have children.

Ximen Wanting gave an illogical reason, and then like a robber, she dug away the old jujube tree that Zhan's family had raised for decades.

Before leaving, the little eunuch Wang Dang went to Zhan Youni's room to threaten her.

There was no one around, the little eunuch showed the true nature of a villain, pointed at Zhan Youni, and said in a stern voice: "You are the best to propose to divorce the engagement. Don't think that you are safe with the support of the Taichang Princess. Tang Linger will not accept this, my miss Don't eat it either. If you don't know what to do and you must marry King Qin, then you just wait. When you arrive at King Qin's mansion, Tang Linger will definitely treat you severely and put poison in your food so that you won't have children. She will give you If you wear small shoes, I will give you a hat, ruin your reputation, make King Qin hate you, and make your life worse than death. Tang Linger only gives you one meal every day, and starves you to death; I will go to your room in the middle of the night and stab you with needles..." and so on.

The Zhan family girl covered her face and cried loudly, and went to find her mother.

In the shadow of a famous tree, Tang Linger's reputation is not good, and Ximen Wanting and Wang Dang's troubles make Zhan's mother feel that her daughter marrying into the Qin Palace is equivalent to going to hell.

"He bullied you at home before passing the door. If you pass the door, what's the deal? Forget it, we can't afford this door. You Nier, don't cry, mother will write a letter to your father right away."

There is no mother who does not feel sorry for her children, so she wrote a letter to Zhan Youni's father.And Zhan Youni's father is Zhan Yugang, a general of the sixth division of Xuanjia, who is directly descended from Zhang Yunlong and guards Zhengzhou.

The eldest princess Zhao Ying arranged Zhan Youni to King Qin, probably out of caring for her husband's family, but Zhan Yugang felt that something was wrong about this matter.

Zhan Yugang believes that although both Zhang Yunlong and King Qin belong to the Xianwang faction, there are still branches under the big faction.The relationship between branches is subtle.If it was Zhang Yunlong who asked Zhan Youni to marry the King of Qin, there would be nothing to say, but now the clan sister-in-law Zhao Ying asked to marry, if Zhan Yugang agreed, it seemed that he intended to get closer to the King of Qin.

So Zhan Youni's marriage, until now Zhan Yugang has not let go of his promise, and the family has not even prepared a dowry.Now he received a letter from his family, saying that Ximen Wanting came to threaten him, and Zhan Yugang resolutely decided to withdraw the engagement, and asked Princess Taichang to choose someone else.

In other words, even if Ximen Wanting doesn't come to make trouble, this political marriage will be impossible.And Ximen Wanting made such a fuss, which happened to allow Zhan Yugang to find an excuse, so that he would not offend Princess Taichang and King Qin.So on the surface, it seems that Ximen Wanting made a fuss about her.

And Tang Linger's reputation was basically ruined like this. Tang Linger would never say something like "poison the food", and she would never do it.In fact, Ximen Wanting can't either, this text is all from the little eunuch Wang Dang.

Speaking of which, if Zhan Youni really married into Prince Qin's mansion, Wang Dang wouldn't dare to decide on his own to ruin the side concubine's reputation, nor would he use a needle to prick her. He was purely intimidating.But judging from the results, it really works.

Now with the support of the second concubine of Prince Qin, the little eunuch Wang is the vanguard, and the next step is to target Meng Can, the daughter of the Meng family.

In fact, none of Tang Linger and Ximen Wanting's small actions could escape Su Yu.And Su Yu knew very well in his heart that Zhan Youni's marriage would be very difficult.So when Ximen Wanting went to make trouble, Su Yu didn't take it to heart at all.If Ximen Wanting can successfully dissuade Zhan Youni, she and Tang Linger will be happy because of it.At the same time, this will also make the concubine alliance stronger, which is more beneficial to family harmony.

But Meng Can's situation was the opposite of Zhan Youni's. It was a hard bone, and Su Yu felt that Ximen Wanting and Tang Ling'er would not be able to chew through it even if they joined forces.Because there is no basis for "gnawing" on this matter.

The Tang family and the Ximen family are tough enough, but the Meng family is not soft.

Let the two of them work together to find a way, the more they work together, the closer the relationship will be.


His Royal Highness the King of Qin never looked directly at the so-called "army of hearts", but Ximen Wanting thought her army was very powerful, especially after she had adopted son A Liang.

A Liang did not have the habit of worshiping his adoptive mother. He resisted very much at first, but the 15-year-old poor boy finally couldn't bear the three axes of the wealthy concubine. Ximen Wanting was impressed by layer after layer of noble status and bold character.

A Niang is a top aristocrat and a hero.

If you are good at learning, you will be an official, you can cultivate a whole body of literature and martial arts, and you can sell your goods to the emperor's family.Our Ah Liang has A Niang, so it can be regarded as taking a shortcut and stepping into the Prince Regent's Palace in one step, which can be regarded as reaching the sky.

What is spending money like water, A Niang is spending money like water.A Niang said that she will find a noble wife for A Liang in the future.A Niang is a person who keeps her word.

However, when the word "daughter-in-law" is mentioned, A Liang feels sad.Because he cannot marry a wife.Perhaps because of this, he was abandoned by his parents on the side of the road.It was his teacher Hong Chengdu who picked him up and took him to Zhong Shan to raise him.

A Liang regards Hong Chengdu as his father, and Hong Chengdu's children are also A Liang's brothers and sisters.The little girl fell off the cliff, but the body was nowhere to be found. Ah Liang thought it was Mu'er who did it, so he chased her all the way to this point.

When Ah Liang got up this morning, he felt that there was a lot of pain, but at the same time he felt refreshed and breathed smoothly.After getting lucky, I realized that my pulse became more transparent, short and precise, which greatly increased the speed of luck.

He didn't understand what happened, but he didn't make too much fuss, because his thing didn't work well, but he was happy because the veins were more unobstructed.

"Forget it, let's tell Mother, Ah Liang doesn't want a wife."

A Liang summoned up his courage and told A Niang about his flaws.He also told his mother about his history, which made Ximen Wanting cry.Ximen Wanting said, Ah Liang is really a hard-working child, he will hang out with his mother in the future, eat sweets and drink spicy food, and serve slaves.

When Wang Dang heard this, he rolled his eyes angrily, so he couldn't hold back his anger.


King Qin is very busy, but no matter how busy he is, he still has to find time to sit in the backyard every day.Look at Kong Ting, who is pregnant, and Feng Yu, who lives in Xiaoguanli.Hate to see them left out.

In fact, no one drove Feng Yu to Xiaoguan, but she insisted on living there.

To say that Feng Yu is also a very twisted person, she said that she is a slave, how can she live next to the noble concubine, even if she doesn't dislike her, she doesn't feel honored, so she should leave quickly to avoid being annoying.

Strange to say, King Qin took care of Feng Yu a lot, but this thin girl just couldn't get pregnant.On the other hand, Kong Ting has a tendency to gain weight after pregnancy.Su Yu came to the Peacock Tower to sit quietly and watch Kong Ting from time to time.But he didn't say anything, he wouldn't force Kong Ting to lose weight during pregnancy.

Later, Su Yu invited a painter to draw a picture of Kong Ting and mounted it on the wall.

"Report to the King of Qin, Princess Taichang is here." Lin Juan, the life secretary, went to the Peacock Tower to report.

"What's the matter?"

"The slave does not know."

Su Yu raised her eyebrows, not knowing why Huang Gu came here, so she rushed to Xiaofeng Pavilion.Before entering the Xiaofeng Pavilion, Princess Taichang reprimanded her loudly.Inside and outside the words, it was said that Tang Linger and Ximen Wanting were not virtuous, and they worked together to prevent the new concubine from entering.Today, I must tell my nephew King Qin to govern you.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing to have an aunt like Princess Taichang?

Different people have different opinions.

If Ouyang Jing was the King of Qin, he would definitely run to the gate of the mansion, kneel down and kowtow to welcome his aunt, and quickly enter the house to take care of these two unworthy daughters-in-law; but if Xu Luochen was the King of Qin, he would have a different attitude .Maybe the old face sank, and he disliked her aunt for meddling in her own business.

Ouyang Jing treats women like Han Xin's soldiers, the more the better.If he can get it but doesn't get it, his eyes will pop out of anger, and he will feel that he has suffered a great loss, and he wants to bite off a piece of his own flesh.

Xu fighters have always been advocates and practitioners of "monogamy".What he pursues is pure love that is not disturbed by everything in the outside world.He only loved one person in his life and married only one person.If the marriage fails, he would rather not marry.If the wife passes away, he will guard the grave for her.And this lucky woman is Ximen Luoxue, the Ninth Miss of Ximen's eldest son's family.

Su Yu is different from Ouyang Jing and Xu Luochen, he is in the middle of Ouyang Jing and Xu Luochen, he neither asks the princess to meddle in his business, nor does he show embarrassment to his warm-hearted aunt.

Unless Feng Yu and Kong Ting are affectionate women, in terms of marriage, Su Yu will be happy with the situation.Let the royal family, etiquette, secularism, and princesses toss about, and Su Yu can accept whatever situation is formed in the end.

If there really is a big girl to start, she will accept it; if not, she will not force her.

Seeing that the family is harmonious now, King Qin feels very comfortable.If a few more women appeared to break the balance, Su Yu would have to bother to re-create the balance.

Really tired.

If it is said that Su Yu's only thought now is that there is another woman, but she is not a nobleman and has no money.Her situation is different from Feng Yu, Kong Ting, Ximen Wanting, and Suzaku.

If you want to accept her, maybe you really have to wait ten years later.

(End of this chapter)

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