Full Time Master: Extrasensory Prodigy

Chapter 69 Rote memorization is not the best method, but it is the most practical

Chapter 69 Rote memorization is not the best method, but it is the most practical
Ouyang Xuanqing had a midnight snack outside, and returned to the hotel after Ye Xiu and the others came out together.

The main content of the first day of the All-Star Weekend is basically over.The rest is basically some lottery and other activities.

Back at the hotel, the three of them except Ouyang Xuanqing were tired and hungry.Fortunately, Ouyang Xuanqing came out early so that the three Glory fanatics would not starve to death by the roadside, and had brought them a supper long ago.

Then came the most exciting moment. The following is the interview time of the All-Star press conference tonight.

Ouyang Xuanqing was fiddling with his mobile phone while watching the press conference. Chen Guo and Tang Rou followed him to watch and had a late-night snack. As for Ye Xiu, he was sitting in front of the computer and having a late-night snack. What.

As the organizer, Samsara is probably the most depressing today. The limelight has been taken away by other teams, but they can't say anything.

However, as a player participating in the Rookie Challenge, he must be interviewed, especially Wang Jiexi, who lost in the second round with a shock, was the key interview target of the reporters.

All the reporters quickly gathered around, throwing a lot of questions to Wang Jiexi, naturally focusing on the match he lost to Gao Yingjie.

Wang Jiexin has also experienced great storms, so the questions to these reporters are naturally a set of official rhetoric.Moreover, the match with Gao Yingjie was originally his own idea, and the current situation was also in his expectation.

Facing the reporters' questions, Wang Jiexi took his time and answered each one clearly.

"Today's upset, he lost to his proud disciple Gao Yingjie. How would you comment on this, Wang Jiexi?"

"Yingjie played normally today and fully demonstrated his ability."

"Then do you feel that your condition has slipped?"

"Gao Yingjie represents the future of our Tiny Herb, the future of Glory. I am very happy to see his growth."

A very official set of rhetoric.

But when it comes to Zhou Zekai, what should I say?

Really hard to describe.

As the player that reporters least wanted to interview, but Samsara officials pushed him out, those reporters had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Captain Zhou Zekai, you can be said to be a player of the Mesozoic generation who is in your prime. Do you feel that this is a kind of disrespect for the veteran in the face of the rookie challenge in this rookie challenge?" A reporter asked.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Zhou Zekai seemed to be thinking, and then said slowly, "Are you okay?"

Then, it's gone.

"Eh~" The reporter was also speechless, Zhou Zekai could be said to have answered the reporter's question, but he couldn't write these three words in the newspaper tomorrow!
"Then Tang Hao defeated Lin Jingyan, do you think he can be called the number one rogue player in the league?" Another reporter asked.

"Hmm~" Zhou Zekai thought for another ten seconds, and then said, "Everyone is outstanding."

"Everyone? Who do you mean?"

"Well... everyone."

"Don't you think your level is about the same as Yu Nian's?" Yu Nian is the rookie that Samsara will play against Zhou Zekai this time.

"He worked very hard!" Zhou Zekai said.

"Working hard doesn't mean good level, right?" the reporter asked just now.

"Just try your best." Zhou Zekai said after a while.

Hearing Zhou Zekai's interview, Chen Guo almost coughed out the supper, Tang Rou was also embarrassed, and Ouyang Xuanqing also stopped work and looked at the person who was playing with the reporter on the TV.

Chen Guo laughed loudly: "I like watching his interviews."

"Is he answering what he just said?" Tang Rou was also puzzled.

"Hmm." Ye Xiu, who was looking at the computer, responded immediately.

"Is this person really like this, or is he just playing with the reporters?" Tang Rou couldn't stop laughing, but she continued to ask.

"Trust me, he's really like this." Ye Xiu said without turning his head.

"Then it's a blessing that this person didn't piss off the reporter." Ouyang Xuanqing also said speechlessly.

The reincarnation official is also really capable of making troubles, sending out the least able to speak.

On the TV, all the reporters interviewing Zhou Zekai were wiped out.

But when the camera turned to Wang Jiexi again, Ye Xiu turned his head to look at the TV, his expression showed respect.

The broadcast of the press conference also ended, Tang Rou and Chen Guo returned to their room, and Ouyang Xuanqing started the work at hand again, but in order to hurry up, he also turned on Zhou Zekai's heads-up video in the game, and watched it while watching it. Work.

"I said, what are you doing?" After taking a shower, Ye Xiu looked at Ouyang Xuanqing who kept typing on the keyboard. He has been typing on the keyboard since he got off the plane. Knock it bad?
"You will know tomorrow." Ouyang Xuanqing said with a mysterious smile.

After Ye Xiu listened to you, you didn't continue to ask questions, but seeing Ouyang Xuanqing watching Zhou Zekai's operation video on split screen, Ye Xiu began to wonder again: "This is you." After speaking, he pointed to the screen.

Ouyang Xuanqing said: "You said what should I do if I beat someone else?"

Ye Xiu didn't understand what Ouyang Xuanqing said, but subconsciously replied: "Then learn, keep learning, and continue next time."

"So, I'm just learning now." Ouyang Xuan said lightly.

"You're not going to fight Zhou Zekai tomorrow, right? It's useless to cram now." Ye Xiu said, "Besides, you just entered the Glory Circle not long ago, and you don't even know how to use skills above level 35."

"So sometimes rote memorization is not the best method, but it is the most practical. Although other people's styles are difficult to control, they are ready-made." Ouyang Xuanqing still said with a mysterious smile, "Okay, don't look, Come and help me see how Zhou Zekai's character skills are added this week."

Ye Xiu knew that he couldn't speak to Ouyang Xuanqing, so he could only come over to help him take a look.

Early the next morning.

As soon as Ouyang Xuanqing woke up, he heard the crackling sound of the keyboard, and when he looked up, he saw that Ye Xiu was in glory again.

After a while, Chen Guo knocked on the door of the room.

"Who is it!" Ye Xiu shouted from inside.

"Still sleeping! Wake up!" Chen Guo shouted.

As a result, the door opened quickly, and Ye Xiu and Ouyang Xuanqing inside were already fully dressed.

"It's quite early!" Chen Guo was taken aback. Why is Ye Xiu also playing? The 1500-a-night luxury suite was given away by the few of you like this?

"Stop playing, eat breakfast!" Chen Guo said.

"Both?" Ye Xiu struggled with her choice of words.

Ouyang Xuanqing also heard it, and said: "Old sister, I haven't played, I just got up not long ago."

"Xiao Tang was completely spoiled by you!" Chen Guo scolded Ye Xiu.

Ouyang Xuanqing also understands that "all" does not refer to him, but to Tang Rou.

"She will be promising." Ye Xiu just smiled.

"Oh?" Chen Guo suddenly became interested, "How far do you think she can go?"

"As long as she doesn't lose her enthusiasm, it won't be difficult for her to enter the professional circle. How high she wants to reach depends on how hard she works," Ye Xiu said.

"Work hard? Tell Xiao Tang to work hard?" Chen Guo laughed.

"As long as she is interested, she is indeed working hard. But what if one day she loses interest in this game?" Ye Xiu said.

Chen Guo was stunned, and then said with a smile, "That's why I said it! You have to play games in moderation! If you play for so long every day, won't you get bored soon? Keep it fresh, understand?"

"I don't need it." Ye Xiu smiled, "Glory, I won't get tired of playing for another ten years." Then he looked at Ouyang Xuanqing.

Ouyang Xuanqing was also taken aback, and said, "What are you looking at me for? I'm busy, okay?"

In the evening, the all-star weekend reincarnation venue.

Tonight's event was basically the interaction between professional players and the audience, nothing more than some games and the like. Of course, the games were still played in Glory.

So tonight is also a day with more interactions between the contestants and the audience.Such as these interesting small competitions, each game will randomly select some spectators to come up and compete with the registered players.

In the first round, the one who came to pick the number was Zhou Zekai, the ace player of the organizer Samsara.

(End of this chapter)

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