Chapter 127 Love
The year of Jiji was exactly the age of the young girl Mu Ai.

And Xiao Yue, just at this age, met Liu Xi who looked at her differently from those around her who wore colored glasses.

Although the contact time with Liu Xi was only three or two days, but these three or two days brought her emotional ups and downs, no less than the sum of the past three or two years.

From the initial hesitation when I learned that I was assigned to serve the rumored scumbag, to after the first communication, my impression of Liu Xi changed, and I gradually felt relieved.

Then when Liu Xi considered her situation and let her go back on her own when the sky was gloomy, she felt grateful to Liu Xi and encouraged her not to give up cultivation with her words later. Gratitude grew deeper and deeper.

But it was also yesterday that when she went back early, she was seen by the neighbors, and rumors about her and Liu Xi suddenly arose around her, which made her angry and angry!
The one who is angry is the neighbors who talk about her behind her back, the content is filthy, filthy, filthy, she is innocent, and the angry one is that those people are used to gossiping, saying that she is just fine, why do they have to make a fuss out of thin air? Splashing dirty water on Master Liu Xi?
Because of some past events, people around her have rarely treated her kindly and kindly since she was a child, which made her cherish those who showed kindness to her.

In her eyes, Liu Xi treated her very well, and sometimes even thought about her when she went out, and asked her to go back earlier. These details warmed her heart, and even every bit of warmth in her past memories Remember firmly.

Dare not, and don't want to forget, whenever she receives supercilious glances and cynicism, she always recalls the warmth hidden deep in her heart, thinking that there are still people who treat her well in this world, she Is there any reason not to stick with it?

In fact, gossip like filth, filth, and anger agents is fine for her, but what she fears most is the distrust of her only relative in the world.

At night, when her mother called her to the bed, the hesitant inquiry really hurt her, and it was like a knife pierced into her chest.

She is extremely wronged!
It feels like the last relative in the world has abandoned her!
He rushed out the door, kept running and sobbing in the building complex, and finally calmed down a little, and met the patrol team coming back from the outside.

When those people saw her, they picked up some past events again, accused her father, cursed, treated her as nothing, and finally walked away swaggeringly ignoring her.

At that time, she really felt that she couldn't bear it anymore, and the negative emotions exploded like a blowout, occupying her brain thinking.

She is ready to fall!
Even when he came to Liu Xi's other courtyard, driven by negative emotions, he was ready to dedicate himself to Liu Xi!

But when the courtyard door opened and she met Liu Xi's eyes, she calmed down unexpectedly. At that time, she thought it was the "similarity" between Liu Xi and herself and the words that encouraged her during the day. Stop at the edge of the cliff.

However, when she fell asleep in the room on the east side of the other courtyard, in the second half of the night, she finally wanted to understand.

What is the "similarity" of fate made up by oneself?
What verbal motivation?
These are not the reasons for her to stop at the edge of depravity!
Why rein in the precipice?

Why do you know your way back?
It's just because of Liu Xi!
The root of everything lies in the man in front of me.

She didn't want to let Liu Xi underestimate her because of this!

She didn't want her to look at herself when she was standing in front of her, but she was only looking at a young, tender female body!
neither want nor want to...

At some point, she began to cherish this man, and cherish the affection for him that had sprouted in her heart.

In fact, even now, she herself has not been able to distinguish clearly. Is she grateful for this man, or is she in love?
Or is it both, intertwined with each other?

In the courtyard.

The afterglow of the setting sun shot straight obliquely from the west side of the skyline, as if covering a man and a woman, one big and one small in the open-air yard, with a layer of fiery red gauze.

So, did this man just want to take me in as his apprentice?
Xiao Yue blinked her eyes lightly, and with this blink, it seemed as if a mist of mist in her eyes was covered up.

As long as she can satisfy this man's needs, she will be willing to do anything...

I almost dedicated myself last night, so what's so difficult about being one of his students?

At least, there is no need to show that great courage again...

At this moment in front of him, as Liu Xi, who is about to usher in the first student in the real sense, he naturally didn't know that in such a short moment, the psychological activities of the girl in front of him became extremely complicated!
A woman's mind is the most unpredictable, invisible and intangible!

When you think you have figured it out, it may just be someone deliberately put it in front of you, trying to get you out of it.

It may also be one of the thousands of thoughts born in the moment when other people's thoughts flow.

"Are you really willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Facing the words that came out of Liu Xi's mouth just a moment ago.

The girl's head was pressed heavily, and her two little hands had already loosened the corners of her clothes. She responded:
"Xiao Yue, I would like to be Master Liu Xi's student!"

"Hahaha, good! Good! Good!"

Hearing the sound and seeing this, Liu Xi clapped his palms and smiled, but the joy on his brow lingered for a long time, and he said hello three times in a row, which showed that he was not at peace.

Convergence of joy.

Liu Xi took a step back, rectified his face, stood with his hands behind his back, looked solemn, looked at Xiao Yue and said:
"You, let's learn from you!"

There is no incense table here, so we only do the simplest ceremony of worshiping the teacher, that is, the disciple bows down to the teacher and kowtows. Of course, if there is something in his stomach, he can also say some prayers of witnessing from heaven and earth.

In the eyes, Xiao Yue moved lightly, taking three steps forward in total, one step at a time.

After three steps, Xiao Yue's delicate body bowed slowly.

Knees bent down, her knees touched the ground, she spread her hands flat, one up and one down, overlapping together.

In the end, she bent down, put her forehead on the back of her hand, and bowed slowly towards Liu Xi. At the same time, she muttered something:

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang is above, my disciple Xiao Yue has a strange fate, a lot of troubles, and the people of the clan despise him. Now, thanks to my master who never gave up, taught me carefully, and accepted me as a disciple.

The disciples must be upright, worthy of heaven and earth, worthy of Xuanhuang, and worthy of their master.

In the future, life will be respected by life, and death will be honored by death.

Never disobey half a sentence of the teacher's order.

The world is the proof! "

After saying that, she kowtowed to the ground.

Unlike the little fairy doctor who was born in a small mountain village far away from the town, although Xiao Yue's life is not very good, but after all, she is a member of the Xiao family with a glorious history. The "words" that can be said.

Therefore, as soon as she uttered this set of words, the scene instantly became solemn. Although there were no incense cases, crowds, or ostentation, it also looked solemn and formal.

In front of him, Xiao Yue's voice came into his ears, facing his bow, Liu Xi's expression was in a daze.

He didn't expect that Xiao Yue's apprentice ceremony was so formal.

This made him... somewhat passive!

Because he doesn't have much ink on this topic in his stomach, and he can't say such compelling words...


(End of this chapter)

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