Chapter 7 Competing (Thanks to all the friends who are watching.)
Chapter 7 Discussion

"Grandpa, it's not easy for me to come here. You have to take me to eat something good." Zhao Zhen lay in the luxurious car of Mr. Wang, squinting his eyes comfortably.

After all, the Zhao family followed the military route, and it is not easy to be overly public in their daily life, so although they have a car, compared with the Wang family's, there is still a gap.

"Xiao Zhen, I really want to die for my grandpa. Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry to eat. Let's pick up your cousin first. Tonight, I'll hold a welcome banquet for you." Wang Ai sat aside with a smile on his face. There is less of the insidiousness of the past, and more care for his juniors.

Wang Ai has only one son and one daughter all his life.The Wang family can also be regarded as a foreigner family, and there is no small force. Wang Ai's father and the great-grandfather of the Zhao family are comrades-in-arms who participated in the war of resistance, and together they fought against the invading aliens.The relationship between the two families has always been good. Later, because of the skills, the Zhao family chose to fade out of the circle of strangers and take the military route, so the Zhao and Wang families moved less.

Later, Zhao Zhen's father met the little princess of the Wang family who was an intern at the Cultural and Propaganda Office in the army, and the two fell in love quickly. The Zhao Wang family naturally supported him, so Zhao Zhen, a brat, was soon born.

The car soon drove to an antique small courtyard. The Wang family has been operating continuously for these years. Not only has it become a top ten in the circle of strangers, it has also made a lot of achievements in the Jiangnan business circle. In the Jiangnan literary and art market, the Wang family can be regarded as a force that can influence the market by stomping their feet.

Today is the weekend, and Zhao Zhen's cousin Wang doesn't attend class. After this brat went to college, his bad personality became more prominent.In school, relying on the fact that there are a few dog legs around him relying on the power of the Wang family, and the fact that the Wang family is fairly well-to-do, this little devil king has gone crazy in college. I don't go home every day.

"Cousin, long time no see." As soon as the car stopped in the yard, I saw a young man with yellow hair and eyes full of arrogance.

"It's rare, Xiao Bing, do you want to have a discussion?" Zhao Zhen got out of the car, and if he wanted to say that Zhao Zhen's peers who impressed him the most in his childhood, it was none other than Wang.The two of them were at odds at first, and they had been fighting since they met since they were young. Every time they met, they were either fighting or on the way to fighting.

Zhao Zhen doesn't like Wang Bing, one is because Zhao Zhen, who has watched anime in his previous life, hates the disgusting characters in this plot.On the other hand, Wang Bing, who was spoiled by Mr. Wang in reality, has a really annoying personality.

However, this kid Wang Bing does have some talent in cultivation.The two had fought since they were young, and when they were a little older, they often sparred with each other.After a long time, the relationship has eased a lot, and the relationship can be regarded as the kind that can be met.It's just that Zhao Zhen respected Wang Bing's naturally proud and very selfish character. Therefore, after the two grew up, they walked around a lot less.

Counting it, the two haven't seen each other for a year or two. When they met, Wang Bing's superior attitude made Zhao Zhen's hands itch.

"Okay, I just learned something new from my grandpa recently, and I would like to ask my cousin to teach me." Wang Bin's tone was somewhat confident, and he really didn't pay much attention to this cousin who had a serious illness when he was young. .

"Tell me about the two of you. You are still the same as when you were young. When you meet, you will fight." Wang Ai leaned on a cane, stood aside, and watched with a smile.Both children are his heart and soul, one is his own grandson, needless to say.The other is his own grandson, who was also very precious since he was a child.However, the two children have been fighting since childhood. Fortunately, both of them have a sense of proportion, so Wang Ai let them go. It is not a bad thing for the two children to compete more. There is no problem.

On a lawn in the backyard, Zhao Zhen and Wang Bing stood still, and Mr. Wang Ai Wang, with the support of others, lifted a chair and sat aside.

Zhao Zhen looked at Wang Bing and narrowed his eyes.I have to admit that, as a descendant of the Wang family, Wang Bing does have some talent in cultivation. When we met last time, Wang Bing was still a little loose. This time, when we met again, the frame was obviously tightened, and there was also a trace of qi on his body. Yin Han, it is estimated that he has already started to practice the Juling general that the Wang family took from the Feng family.

"Cousin, be careful." Wang Bing's eyes turned cold, his body tensed, his legs were slightly narrower than his shoulders, his feet were slightly turned inward, his left hand was propped up in front of his palm, his right hand was lifted by his waist, Xiao Nian thought slightly After a fight, Yun Qi raised his steps, like a horse whipping his whip, and rushed to Zhao Zhen in a few steps, punching with one hand, and grabbed the center line.

Zhao Zhen didn't dare to be careless, knowing that Wang was not putting on airs.The movement of the body is not slow, the body sinks slightly, the right leg retreats half a step, the left arm lightly lifts the ear protection, the heart and the front frame, and the right hand immediately makes a fist, like an arrow leaving the string and collapsing half a step.

Wang Bing didn't panic either, he blocked Bengquan with one hand, took two steps on his hind legs, stabilized his body, and regained his shape.Xingyiquan is good at close combat, Wang Bing also understands its strength, and took two steps back to get out of the range of Zhao Zhen's urgent attack. Compared with it, Wing Chun is not strong enough, avoiding its strengths and attacking its weaknesses It is benevolent.

Zhao Zhen didn't want to let Wang go so easily and distanced himself. He stomped his hind foot lightly on the ground, and together with energy, his body was like an old bear hitting a tree. With his side shoulder as the tip of the spear, he rushed towards Wang Bing's chest. forward.Wang Bing hadn't stood still in two steps, and his energy hadn't stabilized yet. In a hurry, he could only fasten his steps. He breathed out heavily, and a force rose from the tailbone. With the shock of the breath, the muscles of his body tensed up. Stretched like a steel plate, he slammed into his body abruptly.

Back three or four steps in a row, while unloading his strength, while stabilizing the turbulent qi in his body, he took a slow step, and hastily raised his single palm to meet Zhao Zhen who was chasing after him.

The two hands touched and became entangled, their legs bent, and they took a stride, but their hands kept pushing and blocking, and pulling and tearing.In Xingyiquan, this is called rubbing hands. In Wing Chun, it is called hand-holding.

For a while, their hands were flying, and both of them were sweating.Don't think that fighting and fighting is easy. The scene in TV anime where you fight all day without sweating is mostly fake.Even in this world where there are really different people, it is a tiring thing to use qi to fight. Not only must the two sides of the wrestling be extremely concentrated, but they must also constantly use their energy to make moves and break each other's moves, like dancing with the tip of a knife. Whether it is psychological pressure or physical fatigue, it cannot be ignored.

After all, it was Zhao Zhenqi who was superior. Although his boxing and foot skills fell a lot when he was young and weak, Zhao Zhen was born in a military family, and even a foreigner in a military family. After his health improved, he also repaired a lot of foundations. Compared with Wang Bing, who has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, the salted fish that was pampered by Mr. Wang is still better.

I saw Zhao Zhen slashing from high to downward with one hand, and at the same time twisted his lower body, changing the horse stance into a lunge, as if holding a big knife, he slashed the king side by side and retreated one after another.

The two separated, gasping for each other's breath, and both felt the other's progress over the years.

"Cousin, the warm-up is over. Next, let's get serious." Relying on his body recovering faster than Zhao Zhen, who had a serious illness, Wang Bing spoke first.Then, he pinched his hands in front of his chest, and a cold breath followed. Then, three dark wraiths roared and flew out of Wang Bing's body, attacking Zhao Zhen.

"Damn it, you young man doesn't talk about martial arts, grandpa taught you this kung fu too, what's the point of doing this? Grandpa, save me quickly, Xiao Bing doesn't talk about martial arts and bullies me, a weak patient. "Zhao Zhen didn't dare to take it hard, and jumped up and down to avoid the black wraith.

"Hey, Xiao Zhen, it's just a sparring session. You don't need to hide it. Let grandpa see your progress over the past few years." Wang Ai was not in a hurry. One was that Wang didn't kill anyone, and it was just a normal sparring session. On the other hand, Wang Ai also wanted to see what his grandson had learned from traveling around these years.

After evading the attacks of the resentful spirits several times and being punched by Wang Bing a few times, seeing Wang Ai's indifference, Zhao Zhen was also helpless. It seems that today must use some real kung fu.

Borrowing Wang Bing's fist, he rolled backwards twice, and when he stood still on the ground, he didn't know when he had an extra leather drum and a white jade-colored drumstick.

"Cousin, then I won't be polite." Zhao Zhen grinned, and the qi all over his body suddenly became full of evil spirits. The qi rose up, and each of his wrists, ankles and neck bound Xiao Jin with a red string. Bell, at this moment, under Zhao Zhen's vigor, the bell made a crisp ringing sound following his movements.

Holding the drumstick in his right hand, he tapped lightly on the leather drum in his left hand, but saw the three wraiths attacking, and there was a pause, and then Zhao Zhen, who was chasing him, knocked them all away one by one.

Barbarian witch war dance and marching with drum beating.

After dispelling the three resentful spirits, Zhao Zhen jumped in front of Wang Bing who was about to arrest the spirit again. His body seemed to be performing some kind of weird dance, and he twisted an awkward but strangely beautiful posture. The drumstick slammed at Wang Bing with vigor full of blood.

"Xiao Bingzi, your skills are not well learned." Just as he was speaking, Zhao Zhen's drumstick was blocked by Wang Bingling.Indeed, he didn't stop stepping, his body twisted like a dance, one leg propped up on the ground, one leg raised up, and one kick kicked Wang Bing's waist.

That's not all, the bells on Zhao Zhen's body are all special magic tools, which can cover up the energy and nourish the body on weekdays. After being stimulated by the energy, the bells are engraved with special incantations. A special way of exercising qi can produce special witchcraft effects.

At this moment, the qi at the bell on Zhao Zhen's ankle seemed to have been stained with ink. Witchcraft and witchcraft have been handed down down the line since ancient times. If you are kicked by this kick, you will feel uncomfortable for a few minutes.

Wang Bing's subordinates were a little flustered, and they wrapped the spirit around their arms to block the kicking feet. The black qi energy, however, was like ink soaking in water, quickly soaking into the body.

Not good, stained with voodoo.

(End of this chapter)

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