I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 107 Who Should I Ask For Reason? [Please recommend a ticket! 】

Chapter 107 Who Should I Ask For Reason? [Please recommend a ticket! 】

Guan Ren was so angry!
"My first obsidian boss kill!!!"

Watching helplessly as the middle-aged man in the swordsman group chose to blew himself up, there was nothing he could do!
I just want to take the first kill of an obsidian-level boss, is it really that difficult?

With his current strength, if it's just a one-on-one fight, he shouldn't have too much pressure to deal with some ordinary obsidian-level bosses.

But the problem is coming.

They didn't give him a chance at all!
Guan Ren had a mournful face, and the first kill of the obsidian-level boss passed him by again.

However, the self-destruction power of the obsidian-level boss is huge, it's no joke!

With Guan Ren's current body, it is impossible to resist!
Even with the bonus of the Night Demon bloodline, his current life value has exceeded 15, but such a little life value is not enough at all!

This is really killing people!
At the moment when the middle-aged man blew himself up, Guan Ren no longer hesitated, cast a spell with one hand, and instantly summoned nearly a hundred vampire bats, piled up into a wall of flesh, and blocked himself in front of him!

Of course, this is not the end!

Take a breath!

Guan Ren's eyes were fixed, and he released the brand new skill on Shen Xi's sword box!
[Chenxi: active skill, concentrate energy, instantly convert all basic attributes into a single basic attribute, duration 1 second, cooldown time: 10 seconds (1 second)]

Guan Ren converted all the attributes on his body into physical attributes!
In the blink of an eye, Guan Ren's health limit broke through 50 points in an instant!

At the same time, all his other attributes except constitution were reduced to 0 points!
Half Moon Sword and Shield!

Guan Ren focused his eyes, took out a sword from his backpack, and placed it in front of him, condensing the sword energy to form a half-moon-shaped shield of sword energy!
[Half-moon Sword Shield: Condenses a half-moon-shaped shield of sword energy in front of you, which can absorb damage amounting to 300% of the user's upper limit of health, and cannot move during casting. Cooldown time: 10 minutes (1 minute)]

In other words, the capacity of Banyue Sword and Shield released by Guan Ren has reached 150 million points!
Including his own 50 health points, the current Guan Ren is equivalent to having an upper limit of 200 million health points!
In addition, there are hundreds of vampire bats gathered in front of him to resist part of the damage.

But this is not enough!
After finishing all this, Guan Ren swallowed a Gu Yuan Pill by the way!

Brush brush!
As the middle-aged man, the leader of the swordsman group, blew himself up, countless sword energies began to spread freely in the entire space!

The first to bear the brunt was the vampire bat placed at the forefront by Guan Ren!

Under the attack of the terrifying sword energy formed by the self-explosion, hundreds of vampire bats were instantly killed!

However, correspondingly, the energy of the sword energy was consumed, and the light of the sword energy became slightly dimmed.

Next is the half-moon sword and shield! -

In the blink of an eye, the capacity of Banyue Sword and Shield was destroyed by 100 million!

The light of the sword energy dimmed again! -

With a click, the half-moon sword and shield shattered directly!


Guan Ren's health was instantly full!

The energy of the sword energy weakened again!

A cloud of gloom instantly enveloped Guan Ren's heart, causing his entire expression to change drastically!
According to this damage attenuation, the damage of the next blow can just reach 50 points!

50 points of damage is enough to kill him instantly!

If he hangs here, he will be forcibly dragged to the altar of the Sword Dynasty's Heavenly Sword City to be resurrected because of the sword soul curse imprinted in an area that cannot escape the rule of the Sword Dynasty!
That's the home of the Sword Dynasty!
At his current level, even a hundred lives would not be enough!
Leaving aside the old monsters of the Sword Dynasty royal family whose strength has reached the level of fairy-level bosses, the group of sword shadow guards with perverted strength alone is enough for him to drink a pot!

Oh shit!No matter what you say, you can't die here!

Guan Ren cursed secretly in his heart, and at the very moment, he saw an equipment skill - Fire Gold Shield!
This is an attached skill of the Huojin armor. After it is released, it can condense a shield around the body that can resist [-] points of damage!
This skill has almost been forgotten by Guan Ren now, but now, it has become Guan Ren's life-saving straw!
Fire gold shield!

In the blink of an eye, Guan Ren released his shield instantly! -


The Huojin shield was directly shattered, and Guan Ren's health dropped by 49 points!

Only a pitiful [-] points of life are left!At the same time, one second passed, the continuous state of deep breathing ended, and Guan Ren's upper limit of health returned to its original state!
Take a breath!Physical transformation!
+490000! -250000!

+250000! -100000!

+100000! -100000!

In the end, the sword qi's damage was maintained at [-] points, and at this time, Guan Ren was finally out of crisis.

The sword energy generated by the self-explosion lasted for about ten seconds before completely dissipating, and the mountainside space where Guan Ren was located had already collapsed under the impact of the sword energy. Under the attack of the vertical and horizontal sword energy, the entire hill turned into dust , drifting with the wind between heaven and earth.

"so close."

Guan Ren glanced around, and under the yellow sand all over the sky, he was even a little scared.

If he hadn't used the fire gold shield just now, he might have been resurrected at the altar of Tianjian City!

At that time, what awaits him will be the "careful hospitality" from the top combat power of the entire Sword Dynasty!
Tell me, it's been a busy morning, is it interesting?

Guan Ren was full of bitterness. Originally, there was a group of gold and amethyst bosses, plus an obsidian-level boss, but in the end they almost lost their lives. Except for the little rewards looted by the system, all other spoils were blew up by the leader of the swordsman group. Turned into dust in the process!

Didn't catch any oil or water!

If it's just equipment, it's fine, Guan Ren can laugh it off.

But the key is that the first kill of the obsidian-level boss and the amethyst coin!

All these things were lost because of the self-destruct of the leader of the swordsman group!
Who do I have to reason with?

Guan Ren sighed deeply, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Alas, let's hurry up.

As for the reward for the first kill, it would not be too late to think about it after getting the sword.

The most urgent thing is to get the forbidden sword in the depths of the endless abyss!


Galloping all the way, Guan Ren was getting closer and closer to the endless abyss.

In the surrounding air, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger.

It seems that he has entered the chaotic battlefield where the Sword Dynasty and the Sword Dynasty are fighting.

As long as there is less than half a day's journey, he can reach the endless abyss smoothly.

But at this moment, Guan Ren suddenly felt a slight movement in his backpack.

Frowning and looking at the backpack space, Guan Ren was stunned for a moment.

I saw that in the first space of the backpack space, a token engraved with mysterious runes was shaking non-stop, exuding a strong purple light!
Tianxuan Token?

It actually reacted?
A look of excitement flashed across Guan Ren's eyes after he came back to his senses!

Doesn't this mean... that there is aura of Profound Sky within a hundred miles around?

Is this a surprise?

 There have been two updates recently, everyone, wait for the release of the update.

(End of this chapter)

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