I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 130 Spending money like water!

Chapter 130 Spending money like water!

Since the normal means do not work, then only some special means can be adopted!

Although this is somewhat opportunistic, but in order to obtain Yujianshu, he really has no other way!
You can't spend three days here and wait for the mission to fail in the end, right?

That's not his style!

No chance, right?

Then I will create an opportunity!
Isn't that okay?
"Immediately! Wait a moment!"

Sensing the impatient aura of the Lord of Sword Spirits, Guan Ren was afraid that the latter would suddenly change his mind and cancel the hard-won task, so he quickly spoke to stabilize the former's mentality, and he secretly opened the backpack , looking at a scroll placed in it.

[Fairy Shop Scroll: After use, you can open any shop interface in Tianlin Continent for transactions, usage times: 3/3]

Fairy shop scroll!

With this scroll, no matter where you are in the Tianlin Continent, you can use it to summon any shop at will for trading operations!
For the current Guan Ren, it couldn't be more convenient!
Along the way during his trip to the Mobei Territory, Guan Ren has obtained a lot of amethyst coins, and now he just needs to buy something to deal with the immediate difficulties!

The control resistance of fairy-level bosses is extremely high!

Take the [Bone Crushing] special effect on Guan Ren's gold-quality giant axe as an example, it won't have any effect on the fairy boss at all!

Same goes for Sap!
Because the skill level is really too low!
Unless Guan Ren enhanced the skill of Sap to level ten or above!

But even so, the control effect that Sap can have on the fairy boss is still negligible!

To give a simple example, the skills of Sap and others are to a fairy boss like a ~ toy gun is to a fully armed soldier. No matter how expensive this ~ toy gun is and how well-made it is, its The upper limit is right there, trying to kill soldiers with the damage of a toy gun is a bit of a fantasy!

Since the equipment and weapons in my hands are all toy guns, and there is no way to cause damage to soldiers, how can I solve the problem?

The answer is simple, change equipment!
As long as the toy gun is replaced with a serious firearm, even if the operator is only a child, it is still feasible to kill an adult soldier with a gun, except that it is a little more difficult!
And now Guan Ren is going to use the fairy store to open the mysterious store, and use the amethyst coins he has accumulated on his body to buy some props that can cause some troubles to the fairy-level boss!

For example, some strong control skill scrolls, such as some props that add various negative states to the enemy...

All in all, as long as it is something that can help Guan Ren complete his mission, he will seriously consider buying it for a rainy day!

【Ding!Do you use the fairy shop scroll? 】

In the backpack space, a white light suddenly flashed from the fairy scroll, and immediately in front of Guan Ren, an operation interface appeared, with various store names recorded in detail.

Every time the fairy scroll is used, the player can switch back and forth between these stores at will, and the fairy scroll will not lose its use effect once until the operation interface is closed after shopping.

Of course, in order to prevent players from intentionally not closing the interface after opening the shopping operation interface so as to achieve the malicious operation of being able to purchase items remotely all the time, there is a time limit every time the fairy scroll is used to open the store interface!
And this upper limit is exactly half an hour.

In other words, if you want to use the remote shopping function of Fairy Scroll to shop, you must control the shopping time within half an hour, otherwise, if the time is up, if you have not completed the purchase operation, the store interface will be forcibly If it is closed, the transaction will also be forcibly terminated. In this way, a remote transaction opportunity will be wasted in vain!

You must know that the fairy store scrolls are very precious, and each scroll only has three trial opportunities, so once the transaction is forcibly terminated and a chance is wasted, it will undoubtedly be painful.

So Guan Ren took the time to search for the name of the item directly on the mall interface based on his experience in the previous life!

This way, he doesn't have to waste time looking for props, which greatly saves his shopping time!

Let's screen first, props below the obsidian level will not be considered!

Guan Ren's gaze sank slightly, because even if it was a one-time item, if it wanted to have an effect on a fairy-level boss, it needed to be at least obsidian-level quality!
If the quality of the item is too low, not to mention whether it can trigger the special effect [-]%, even if the trigger is successful, the power will be greatly reduced due to the difference in quality!
Things like amethyst coins can be saved in the future, but in this situation, everything is based on the immediate task!
Thunder stun scroll?The price is three thousand amethyst coins!

Make ten first!

This is a good obsidian-level scroll, which can cause a stun effect after hitting the enemy, which is just right for dealing with the master of sword spirits!
The [-] amethyst coins were spent, and the scroll was successfully obtained!

Frozen Potion?The price is ten thousand amethyst coins!

Come five bottles!
This is a potion of fairy quality. After applying it to the equipment, it can make the equipment obtain the fairy-level [Frozen] enchantment state for a short time. When the attack hits the enemy, it will reduce the enemy's attack speed and movement speed. If it hits the enemy continuously More than a certain number of times, the gathered icy breath will directly freeze the target, and during the freezing period, the target's defense will be greatly reduced, and no operations can be performed!
Buy and buy!
Now that you have used the fairy store scroll, you can't waste a shopping opportunity!
Other practical and cost-effective props and items, buy them all!
Now Guan Ren has more than 30 amethyst coins, which is a time when he is rich and powerful, so in his opinion, as long as it is something that can be used, he will not frown and buy it directly!

This time he must acquire the skill of Yujianshu!
For this skill, what is a mere 30 amethyst coins?
Guan Ren's heart was like a rock, and he turned a blind eye to the crazy reduction of Amethyst coins.

Now he has turned into a shopper with no emotions, buying all kinds of props frantically!

correct!The equipment on his body must also be dealt with!

Guan Ren suddenly remembered one thing. His current backpack space was almost full, so he had to deal with these equipments!

Thinking of this, Guan Ren directly entered the two keywords [Dragon Blood City] and [Panda and Beanbag] on the search interface of the mall!

Now that he is in Mobei Territory, he has no idea how long it will take to go back, so after comprehensive consideration, he plans to remotely transfer his equipment to his store by selling equipment in this way!
Silver level equipment?One piece of copper coin!Gold level equipment?One piece of copper coin!Amethyst grade equipment?Still a copper coin!Guan Ren's finger seemed to have an afterimage, and under the ten-fold acceleration of the system, he frantically clicked the sell button!

(End of this chapter)

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