I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 137 Only one step away!

Chapter 137 Only one step away!
Tianjian Island is located in the sky above the northwest corner of the space where the Ancient Sword Tomb is located.

Here, it has been surrounded by endless sword energy all year round, and ordinary people can't get close to it. It has been directly torn into countless pieces by the vertical and horizontal sword energy, and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"It's here."

Guan Ren Yujian is flying, and now his height has far exceeded the height of the clouds. Looking down, there are thick and thick dark clouds like a rushing black river. The dark clouds keep rolling, and the ancient sword mound below The space where it is located is completely enveloped.

Unlike the constant darkness of the space below, the sky above the clouds is now at dusk.

The setting sun gradually turned red, dyeing the distant sky blood red, and the sea of ​​clouds was also covered with a fiery red color.

Against the backdrop of the blood-red setting sun, Tianjian Island floating in the northwest sky highlights an indescribable sense of loneliness and vicissitudes.

For thousands of years, it stood here alone, as if isolated from the world, and no one could approach it.

Guan Ren couldn't help but be silently speechless when he saw the endless and powerful sword energy flying across his eyes.

With such a powerful sword energy, any one of them is enough to kill him on the spot!

But fortunately, he had made adequate preparations before this trip, and now, even if he was killed by these sword qi, he didn't have to worry too much!

【Ding!The stand-in doll is bound successfully! 】

"There are nearly forty stand-in dolls, which are enough to deal with the powerful sword energy that permeates around Tianjian Island!"

Guan Ren's eyes sank slightly, and he stared at Tianjian Island in the distant sky, which showed the feeling of a hero's twilight against the backdrop of the setting sun. He thought to himself, "Heavenly Sword Island, here I come!"

With a fixed gaze, Guan Ren squeezed the sword art in his hand, and his speed suddenly increased, like a shooting star piercing the sky, flying towards the direction of Tianjian Island at an extremely fast speed!

Sword Qi surged from all directions, blocking all Guan Ren's escape routes!
Once this step has been taken, there is no turning back!

Shadow Walk!
A cloud of purple-black shadow energy instantly enveloped Guan Ren, and the next moment, Guan Ren had already completed the space jump and successfully appeared [-] meters away!

But it is a pity that the range of sword energy around Tianjian Island has already exceeded [-] meters, so even if Guan Ren uses the shadow step to perform the longest space jump, he still cannot successfully land on the island!

And judging from his current position, the ultra-long-distance [-]-meter space jump just now only helped him cross the ordinary sword energy field!

The remaining distance is still more than [-] meters!

What is different from the boundary of the sword qi field is that as it gets closer to the location of Tianjian Island, the power of the sword qi permeating around it has become stronger and stronger!
Moreover, the intensity of these sword qi has increased by more than ten times compared to before!
In just the blink of an eye, there are hundreds of sword qis flying towards Guan Ren's position from different directions at the same time!

There is no way for Guan Ren to avoid it, he can only let his body be hit by the sword energy!
The tearing feeling of the body being smashed by the sword energy came from his mind, which almost made Guan Ren faint!

【Ding!The stand-in doll takes effect!Has resisted the fatal blow for you! 】

Guan Ren teleported a distance of [-] meters. At the same time, where he was before, a stand-in doll was smashed into countless pieces by hundreds of sword qi, and drifted away with the wind!
【Ding!The stand-in doll is bound successfully! 】

Guan Ren didn't dare to neglect, and took out the second stand-in doll that had been prepared in advance to complete the soul binding!
The sword energy field around Tianjian Island is too terrifying!
If there is a slight mistake, all previous efforts will be wasted!
So the current Guan Ren has already put up all his energy and tried his best to break through this field of sword energy!
Hundreds of sword qi converged again, and shuttled towards Guan Ren's position again!

Shadow Walk!
Guan Ren's eyes sank, and he released the shadow step that had cooled down again!

The distance of [-] meters was crossed by him again!

However, the moment he just completed the space jump, the endless sword energy suddenly appeared around him made him gasp!
Now he is only about a thousand meters away from the edge of Tianjian Island. If he wants to cross this distance, he only needs to wait another second and use the space jump of the shadow step to complete it smoothly!

But a system prompt sounded in his ears, which made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar!
【Ding!Affected by the dense sword energy, the surrounding space is extremely unstable, and it is temporarily impossible to use the shadow step to perform space jump operations! 】

This Nima!
Guan Ren cursed secretly in his heart, but it was too late now, and he saw that countless powerful sword energies had gathered overwhelmingly in all directions of his position!
With just a cursory glance, Guan Ren was sure that the amount of these sword qis was definitely at least a hundred times greater than the sword qi in the middle of the sword qi domain just now!
That is to say, there are more than ten thousand sword energies surrounding Guan Ren now!

No wonder the energy of sword energy will affect the stability of the surrounding space!

This is ten thousand sword qi!
And the power of each sword qi can easily kill him in seconds!

Now Guan Ren felt his body was crumbling just by feeling the coercion emanating from the sword energy around him!
It's not that he's joking, just with this ten thousand sword qi, even if Ling Xiao, who was in his prime, was called over, he would definitely not be able to withstand a round of attacks!
This is an attack of ten thousand sword qi!
And it was the sword energy attack from Tianjian Island!

Even if it is lowered, a sword energy can only cause one hundred thousand points of damage, and this wave of attacks is enough to cause one billion points of damage!

This amount of damage, let alone a Ling Xiao in his heyday, even 1.5 Ling Xiao in his heyday can kill it!
All swords are united!

Guan Ren's body was ruthlessly torn apart again!
A hundred times the pain from last time came, causing Guan Ren to lose consciousness in an instant!

【Ding!The stand-in doll has successfully taken effect!Has resisted fatal damage for you! 】

【Ding!The endless sword attack is traumatic to the spirit!You have entered a state of trance for 2 seconds! 】

Heart-piercing pain swept through every corner of the body!
But fortunately, there is a bonus of ten times the recovery speed. Guan Ren only took 0.2 seconds to fully recover from the one-second absent-minded state!
A close call!
When the sword energy was pouring down, Guan Ren avoided the next wave of attacks by using the teleportation after the stand-in doll took effect!
【Ding!The stand-in doll is bound successfully! 】

Guan Ren took a deep breath and looked in the direction of Tianjian Island. Now he is 900 meters away from landing!

Now for him, it has become extremely difficult to advance 100 meters!

Because the shadow step is no longer usable, the next distance is the real test for him!

If it fails, all previous efforts will be in vain!
So, try everything, he must succeed!

If it doesn't work, I can only use up the invincible lollipop I bought from the mysterious shop!
It doesn't matter if you lose or not, the most important thing for Guan Ren now is to land on Tianjian Island!
As for the consumption of props, he doesn't care at all!

The Forbidden Sword is his ultimate goal!
Landing on Tianjian Island is the third step of his plan!

Now there is only this distance between him and Tianjian Island, let him give up?Totally impossible!

He will never allow himself to fail!
Heavenly Sword Island, he is set!

 I originally thought that there would be more time to codewords during the National Day, but I didn’t expect things to happen one after another. Now I can only find time to codewords at night.

  In this way, let's do two updates in the last two days, and when the busy days are over, we will definitely add updates!
  I've been very busy recently, so the updates will definitely be at night. Of course, if I have time, I will update more. In short, I will write as much as I want, at least two chapters. Don't worry.

  It's a pity that the comments have not been seen recently, otherwise I could communicate and interact with everyone in real time.

  Okay, let's not talk, I'll go to code.

(End of this chapter)

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