I have infinite loot acceleration system

Chapter 140 How about you two swap?

Chapter 140 How about you two swap?

Hearing the system notification sound in his ear, Guan Ren was refreshed, and looked at the seven-colored Lingxiao sword in his hand.


Looking at the attributes of the weapon, Guan Ren was stunned, with mixed emotions in his heart.

[Colorful Lingxiao Sword: The sword used by the sword god in ancient times when he was young, is very powerful.Quality: Fairy Ninth Grade, Attack Power +30000, Defense Power +20000, HP +3600000, Energy Value +2000000, Skill: Unlocked, Level: 19]

This nima is exactly half of Ling Xiao's current attribute value!

As an equipment attribute of the Colorful Lingxiao Sword, it is directly attached to the body!

Not only that, but the level of the equipment has also become level 19!
Exactly the same as he is now!
The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Guan Ren managed to regain his composure.

Fortunately, the attribute is strong enough, otherwise, he might have exploded on the spot!

His gaze sank, and Guan Ren summoned Ling Xiao, the sword spirit, with a thought.

A ray of colorful divine light gathered a figure in front of Guan Ren, and Ling Xiao's figure appeared. At the same time, the attribute of the colorful Ling Xiao sword in Guan Ren's hand was instantly reduced by half!
"Isn't this too real?"

Guan Ren sighed secretly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Master, don't worry, this is just a temporary attribute of the Seven-color Lingxiao Sword. As your level increases, master, the attribute of the sword will also increase. When you reach level [-], the attribute of the sword will be raised to the extreme!"

Ling Xiao glanced at Guan Ren, and explained aloud: "And it's because you succeeded in refining and identifying the master, otherwise, the attributes of the sword would be even worse!"

"Worse? How bad can it be?"

Guan Ren asked with a frown.

He really wanted to know how low his attributes would be if he didn't refine the seven-color Lingxiao Sword of Recognizing the Lord!
"Only one-twentieth of the attributes of my heyday."


Guan Ren had black lines on his face. If he said that, it would be better not to refine and recognize the master.

After refining, the attribute of the colorful Lingxiao sword is only one-two-hundredth of that of Lingxiao's heyday after the fusion of sword spirit!

But if it is not refined, the attributes of the Colorful Lingxiao Sword can reach one-twentieth!

This is ten times as much as the former!

If I had known this was the case, I wouldn't be in a hurry to choose refining and accepting the master!
"Master, you may have misunderstood."

Ling Xiao saw that Guan Ren's expression was not right, and quickly explained: "Although the attribute of not refining and identifying the master is much higher than it is now, the equipment level will also be raised to level [-]. For you now, It can’t be worn at all! But refining and identifying the master is different, now the equipment level is comparable to yours, the master doesn’t have to worry about not being able to equip it at all!”

"Okay, I get it."

When Guan Ren heard this, he felt a little more balanced.

After all, no matter how high the attribute is, it's useless if you can't use it yourself.

In addition, as one's own level increases, the attributes of the Colorful Lingxiao Sword will also increase steadily, and finally reach the general attribute value of Lingxiao's heyday. Ten times as many as those!
Thinking of this, he immediately felt better.

After all, things like level, take your time, and you will be able to improve sooner or later, but things like the upper limit of attributes are not the same thing.

Seeing Guan Ren's expression softened slightly, Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Guan Ren would get in touch with him in a fit of refinement and recognition. In this way, he would be trapped on this Heavenly Sword Island forever , unable to leave!
As for waiting for someone like Guan Ren who can enter Tianjian Island?

Don't be kidding, if you continue like this, God knows how many thousands of years you will have to wait!

Therefore, it is king to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

After all, he has already obtained the body of his sword, and now he just needs to leave the ancient sword mound, so that he can see the light of day again!
"Master, when are we leaving here?"

Ling Xiao asked cautiously.

"No rush, I still have things to do, and I'll leave when everything is done."

Guan Ren waved his hand and said calmly.

"What else do you have to do? Could it be...to refine other swords?"

Ling Xiao was startled when he heard this, and asked in disbelief.

You know, there are thirteen swords in the entire Tianjian Island, each of which is a saber once used by the Sword God, and the lowest quality has reached the ninth rank or above of Obsidian!
In fact, it stands to reason that only swords that have reached the level of fairy spirits can give birth to sword spirits, but in the hands of the sword god, it is different. Although the lowest quality sword he has used is only obsidian [-]th grade, he still gave birth to a sword spirit!
Of course, compared to Ling Xiao, the strength of this sword spirit is much lower than that of Ling Xiao.

Therefore, if Guan Ren insisted on refining and identifying the master, he still suggested that the former should target the obsidian ninth-grade sword.

After all, compared to other sword spirits, the obsidian ninth-grade sword spirit is less difficult to refine and identify its master.

"That's right, I'm going to get another sword. After all, you can only come in here once. If you don't take the opportunity to get some more things out, it would be a bit of a loss."

Guan Ren smiled and spoke bluntly.

"That's right, I know there's a good sword here, why don't we just go there?"

Ling Xiao asked tentatively.

"Oh? What sword are you talking about?"

Guan Ren looked curious, but Ling Xiao took the initiative to recommend it. He would like to hear how good this guy's sword is.
"Black Water Sword, the sword spirit Black Water is my friend, how about..."

"Forget it, Obsidian Ninth Grade, I still don't like it."

Guan Ren frowned. He originally thought that Ling Xiao could say something different, but he didn't expect to ask him to refine the most trashy sword among the thirteen swords in Tianjian Island. This is too bad. !
Is there such a thing as cheating on your own master?

Guan Ren sighed and shook his head. If it was normal, he would definitely be interested in the Ninth Grade Obsidian and be able to breed sword spirits, and would like to go and have a try.

But don't forget, this is Heavenly Sword Island!

Any one person can only take out two swords from here at most!

Once this number is exceeded, it will trigger the super-strong restriction left by the Sword God, and be permanently sealed within the scope of Tianjian Island, and will never be able to leave!

But now that Guan Ren already possesses the Seven-Colored Lingxiao Sword, the next second position is naturally reserved for the Forbidden Sword in the center of Tianjian Island. As for the Black Water Sword of the ninth rank of Obsidian?Sorry, it's not in his consideration at all!

"You... how do you know...he is the ninth rank of obsidian? But he is not ordinary, he is the ninth rank of obsidian who can generate sword spirits! This kind of talent is rare in the world! If you miss it... "

Ling Xiao was taken aback, but soon came back to his senses and tried to continue persuading Guan Ren.

"Since you said it so well, why don't you two change? I will terminate the relationship between master and servant. In this way, I can leave here with the Black Water Sword. What do you think?"

Guan Ren smiled when he heard the words, raised his brows slightly, fixed his eyes on Ling Xiao, and said thoughtfully.

"Ah...don't don't! I'm just kidding, hahahaha...don't take it seriously, master, you can refine whatever you like. As for what I just said, you can treat it as fart, hahahaha..."

Ling Xiao said with a dry smile, his face was full of embarrassment.

However, he was still very curious about Guan Ren's choice. What he said was not wrong. As the ninth grade of Obsidian, the Black Water Sword was able to generate a sword spirit, which showed that its aptitude was very powerful!

From a comprehensive point of view, refining the Black Water Sword is very cost-effective!
But why, he didn't choose the Black Water Sword?

Could it be that he has a better choice?

It's so weird.

 The first update!The second is more likely to be a little later. Students who want to go to bed early don't wait, it will be the same tomorrow.

  Finally, please recommend!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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