Chapter 146 Strange shadow!

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, another day passes.

【Ding!Successfully refining the Returning Dust Sword! 】

【Ding!You have completed the soul binding with Guichenjian! 】

【Ding!Congratulations on your Blessed Attribute!Attributes have been greatly improved! 】

"Congratulations! Officer! You have succeeded!"

Li Chen'er's joyful laughter resounded from Guan Ren's mind, and it became much clearer than before.

"Mr. Chen, don't make fun of me...I'm about to be boiled to death by you now!"

Guan Ren lay weakly on his back, his face pale.

He has not eaten for more than four days, and now he is about to faint from hunger.

And coupled with the destructive forces that have ravaged his body these past few days, he almost didn't confess to the past!

If he hadn't experienced hundreds of death baptisms from the sword energy of the Heavenly Spirit Sword Formation before, he might really not be able to hold on to death.

"It's not my fault... You said it yourself before, this power is not so easy to control! I've worked hard to suppress it..."

Li Chen'er's tone became a little aggrieved.

"I didn't mean to blame you, Mr. Chen, don't be angry!"

Guan Ren smiled wryly.

"Okay, now the two of us have been completely tied together. Mr. Chen or something is what you called me when you were my girl's younger brother. Now, we are on the same level, and this name can also be changed. .”

Li Chen'er said: "From now on, you can call me Chen'er."

"Why, isn't it good to be called Li'er?"

Guan Ren rubbed his nose. He simply felt that Li'er sounded better than Chen'er.

"Not good! I hate people calling me Li'er!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Guan Ren's words came out, Li Chen'er suddenly became extremely emotional, as if she had been poked in a sore spot in her heart.

"Fine, fine, then I'll call you Chen'er!"

Guan Ren smiled bitterly: "Well, I've been hungry for several days, let's get out of here quickly!"


Li Chen'er smiled happily and said, "I've been in this place where nothing shit happens for ten thousand years, and I'm almost depressed!"

"It's hard to say, wait for me to go out and take you for a ride!"

Guan Ren smiled, struggled to get up from the ground, and stepped out of the eye area of ​​the Tianling Sword Formation.


As Guan Ren stepped forward, the entire Heavenly Spirit Sword Array collapsed in an instant after losing the power of the Forbidden Sword, and the destructive sword energy that originally permeated the central area of ​​Tianjian Island dissipated!
The Heavenly Spirit Sword Formation is now shattered!
At the same time, the Endless Sword Domain covering tens of thousands of meters of Tianjian Island also disappeared!

In the sky of the ancient sword tomb, the thick dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the sun poured down, making the originally dark space of the ancient sword tomb brighter.

"This matter is finally over."

Guan Ren sighed, looking at the cloudless sky in the distance, a boulder in his heart finally fell down.

The matter has been settled, but... this is just the beginning, please troublesome things in the future, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with.

Now in order to get the Guichen Sword, his level has dropped to level 1, which is really horrible.

【Ding!You have unchecked notes for today! 】

Guan Ren was taken aback, and clicked on the memo.

Qi Tian?Vigorous?
There is still this thing to do, I almost forgot.

But there are a lot of things going on right now, and we still need to find out where this person is. For him now, the most important thing is to leave the Ancient Sword Tomb as soon as possible.

"Ling Xiao, let's go!"

Guan Ren passed by Guan Ren who hadn't recovered from his senses, and said flatly, "If you're still in a daze, then I don't care about you!"

"Wait...wait for me! I'm coming!"

Ling Xiao suddenly came back to his senses, watching Guan Ren, who was drifting away, turned into a ray of light and submerged into the seven-color glazed sword.

He hasn't fully digested what happened in the past few days. If he had to use one word to describe his experience in the past few days, only the word "fuck" can express his true inner thoughts.

It's not that he made too much fuss, it's that Guan Ren's performance these days is so shocking!
No matter which point it is, it is enough to call it a miracle alone, let alone...these miracles are connected together?
Now Ling Xiao feels like his ten thousand years have been spent in vain!
"How is it? How do you feel now?"

Guan Ren asked Li Chen'er in his heart, knowing that the time point of the latter's rebirth was different from his, 1 years was not something that could be easily survived!

"Put you here for 1 years, and you will know how you feel."

Li Chen'er said sadly.

"When I didn't ask."

Guan Ren shrugged his shoulders and quickened his pace. He was already starving, and if he didn't go offline to eat, he would be unable to support himself.

"Strange, why do I have a weird feeling?"

Li Chen'er said suddenly, with some doubts in her tone.

"What weird feeling?"

Guan Ren was puzzled.

"I always feel that during these 1 years, I seem to have not done anything..."

"Is it important?"


"...Forget it, just forget it, it shouldn't be a big deal."


Soon, Guan Ren came to the edge of Tianjian Island, looked at the vast void in front of him, and frowned tightly.

He just remembered now that he has fallen to level 1 now, and he can no longer use the silver sword Yujian to fly.

"Ling Xiao, do me a favor."


Ling Xiao hesitated a little, he is the existence of the ninth rank of the fairy spirit, is he going to be reduced to the point of being a flying sword?

"If you are told to go, go! Little Lingzi, has your guts grown fat after so long?"

Seeing Ling Xiao's reluctance, Li Chen'er suddenly became unhappy, and said angrily.

Because she has completed the soul binding with Guan Ren now, she can communicate with Ling Xiao directly through Guan Ren's soul!

This... this is! ! !
"What? It's been too long, don't you remember my voice?"

"No, no, no! Sister Li is right! I... I'll take everyone out of here right away!"

Ling Xiao was shocked when he heard the words, his heart was beating wildly, and he flew out in an instant, controlling the colorful Ling Xiao sword to become larger and horizontal in the air.

"I didn't expect your words to be better than mine!"

Guan Ren was amazed.

"It goes without saying that this kid is like this, he is so lazy! If there is nothing to do, he has to be tapped twice! Otherwise, it would not be the case that tens of thousands of years have passed, and he still stays in the realm of rubbish like Ninth Grade Fairy Spirit !"

Li Chen'er said disdainfully.

"Fairy Ninth Grade... Garbage?"

Well, you are a ban-level boss, so you have the final say.

Ninth grade of fairy spirit, this is only one level worse than the level of gods and demons!
In fact, logically speaking, it is already very strong!

It's just that compared to the Guichen Sword of the forbidden level, it seems that it is not impossible to call it garbage.

Guan Ren stepped on the seven-color glazed sword, flew with the sword, and quickly disappeared within the scope of Tianjian Island.

"Well... it seems that they have all left."

From the space gap in the center of Tianjian Island, a slightly hoarse and deep voice sounded.


A strange energy fluctuation suddenly came from the space crack, and a strange black viscous liquid slowly seeped out of it, and finally condensed into a figure.

"Finally let me come out, next... let's start with Tianjian Island."

 The third update!Want to see attributes without voting?Think beautifully!hum.

(End of this chapter)

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